高中英语 Module4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》教案1 外研版必修1

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高中英语 Module4《A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》教案1 外研版必修1_第1页
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111 教师指导教师学 科英语授课日期 班级环节教 学 内 容教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图Step3 Step 4 Step 5Step 6 Read and answer 1 Why are some villages disappearing nowadays?2 Why do people move to the cities to find work ?3 Who cannot afford to buy a house there?Discussion What problems does the village have in your area?Language points Such as /disappear/a number of /remain/go up/ make money HomeworkWrite a passage about the village in your area .Teacher assigns some questions for ss and give them time to read the text in detailTeacher gives the discussion question to ssTeacher explains the language points to ss Ss read the text carefully with the questions ,and get key and detailed informationSs discuss the question in groups or pairs .Ss try to keep the usages in mind By reading the text, ss get more information about text and improve acknowledg-ement level .Discussion helps ss to consolidate the study result and raise sslove for homeland.Learning language points is helpful for ss future study . 课题A SOCIAL SURVEY教学目标Train Ssintegrating skills and grasp information about villages in western EuropeListen to tape and read text :teachers guide and sscoopetationRaise sscooperation awareness ;let ss love their own homeland 重点Learn more about villages in western Europe and grasp key words and phrases 难点Lead ss to learn actively ;To study by themselves 关键Analyze and solve problems in English手段CAI tape blackboard 教 学 过 程环节教 学 内 容教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图Step1 Step2Greetings and Lead in First lets look at the screen and tell me which one is the city and which is the village ? Give me your description of city and village in your mind .A city is usually ( rich modern)A village is usually (small poor)What about your idea of Europe?(Ss: busy developed rich .)What about villages in western Europe ?so this lesson we will learn about it .Listen and answer 1 How many countries are mentioned in the first passage?2 Is life difficult or easy for villages?3 Who have bought a “second home ” in the village?Show some pictures to the students on the screen . Meanwhile, put forward some related questions. Teacher designs some easy questions about text and play the tape Look at pictures carefully and think about the questions asked by teacher. Ss listen to the tape and finish the task given by teacher To lead in the new lesson by showing some picturesand arouse students interest.Let ss get general informatin about text and improve listening skills 板书设计 Culture corner Such as go up disappear a number of remain make money 111

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