高一英语学案:Module6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(外研必修4)

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高一英语学案:Module6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》(外研必修4)_第1页
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111Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World导学学案I教学内容分析本模块以Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World为话题,介绍了天池怪物,中西文化中的龙,尼斯水怪,喜玛拉雅山雪人,恐龙的灭绝等内容,旨在通过模块教学使学生进一步认识我们所处的世界,培养他们不断探索自然奥秘的精神。同时通过学习本模块内容,学习搜集和区分信息等能力,利用所学词汇,可以表达描述自然现象。Introduction 部分通过四则小短文描述四种神秘的怪物,并且结合短文学习词汇,引起学生对本模块学习的兴趣。Reading and Vocabulary 部分通过课文天池怪物的学习,学会根据起始段落预测文章出处。学会提取文章主要信息,归纳文章的主旨大意。根据上下文正确理解生词含义。Speaking 部分所给的信息,要求学生能学会采访中的发问和应答。Function 部分通过四个活动,练习“可能”、“不可能”这一交际功能的表达。Listening and Vocabulary 部分同过听“自然之谜恐龙”的文章,训练学生判断信息正确与否的能力,培养学生热爱自然生物的兴趣。Grammar部分复习并归纳may have done 或might have done的意义和用法,要求学生熟练应用这一结构。Writing 部分要求学生能够模仿课文“天池怪物”撰写一篇描述想象中的一种怪物的短文,开发学生想象力,进一步熟练使用本模块词汇。 Pronunciation 部分通过听力的训练,让学生掌握语音中的失去爆破现象。Everyday English 部分主要通过选择题的形式使学生掌握back in the news, throw light on something等几个日常英语的运用。Cultural Corner部分是一篇学生很感兴趣的文章,介绍了龙在不同文化中的象征及其缘由,通过阅读了解外国文化,拓展学生的文化背景知识,提高学生文化底蕴和对外国文化的感悟能力。并让学生对比中外文化,发现两者之间的差异。Task部分是结合本模块学习内容,要求学生小组活动,讨论某种大自然的神秘生物或神秘现象,然后以向游客介绍的方式进行描写,训练学生描写自然的能力。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。II教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握一些和自然及动植物有关的词汇。(2) 学习情态动词表猜测的用法。(3) 学习提取文章有用信息,猜测词义的方法。2. 教学难点(1) 听懂描述陌生事物并能做出正误判断,正确理解新学词汇的含义。 (2) 正确使用情态动词来表示猜测,特别是对过去的猜测。(3) 学会利用已知词汇来描写介绍自然现象,动植物生活等自己感兴趣的话题。III教学计划本单元分五个课时:第一课时:Introduction, Speaking,第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary, Writing第三课时:Vocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday English第四课时:Grammar, Function第五课时:Cultural Corner, task, Module FileIV教学步骤:Period 1 Introduction, SpeakingTeaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about mysterious things.2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe mysteries of the nature.3. To get Ss to know and describe some mysterious things in nature.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. IntroductionPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about mysteries of the nature.1. Pair work(1) Ask Ss to look at the four pictures on page 51 and give some descriptions in their own words. For your reference: A large foot which looks like a giants. It is similar to our human beings but much bigger than it. Strangely it has only four toes. A huge monster like a gorilla, but looks taller and stronger than a gorilla. You may find the same creature in the film King Kong. A kind of animal like a huge dragon in ancient Chinese legend. It lives in the water. A terrible creature with long grey hair and face. It has long claws instead of hands.(2) Let Ss read the four paragraphs and match them with the pictures.Suggested Answers: b a d c2. Individual workAsk Ss to do Activity 2 on page 51 individually. Suggested Answers:(1) creature (2) monster (3) hairy (4) footprint (5) tail (6) dinosaur (7) spirit (8) claw (9) attackStep 2. SpeakingPurpose: To enable Ss to practice reporting mysteries of the nature.1. Pair workAsk Ss to suppose they are interviewed by a journalist to describe something about the monsters they saw. Ask them to do the role-play in pairs. One acts the interviewer and the other acts the interviewee. Ask them to describe the four creatures in Activity 1 of Introduction one by one according the information showed in the introduction. Show Ss two examples to guide them.Example (1): Student A: Where and when you saw the Bigfoot? Student B: I was cutting the firewood in the mountainous forests that evening. About 6 oclock, when I wanted to go home, it appeared in the woods 20 yards from me.Student A: What is it like?Student B: It looks like a very large monkeytall and hairy with big arms and legs.Student A: Did you feel frightened then? Student B: Yes, very. I thought it would attack me. I was frightened to death.Example (2)Student A: Can you describe the scene when you met the monster like The Yeti?Student B: yeah. Its about two meters tall and has powerful arms and legs. Its head is very big and its eyes opened wide. It approached me slowly as if it wanted to attack me. I was very frightened but I didnt dare to cry for helpStudent A: Its really exciting and risky. But what happened last?Student B: .2. Individual workAsk Ss to say the imaginary creatures and scene in details according the dialogue they made. Then report in individuals.Step 3. Homework1. Ask Ss to revise the passages in the Introduction.2. Ask Ss to practise making dialogue to say the monsters.3. Ask Ss to preview Reading and Vocabulary in the module.Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary, WritingTeaching Goals:1. To let Ss master how to get useful information from a passage.2. To let Ss master some words and phrases.3. To get Ss to talk something about a monster.4. To help Ss write a story about another monster.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision: Purpose: To check whether Ss master what theyve learnt in the last period or not.Ask Ss to answer the following questions.(1) What will the Yeti do when it gets angry?(2) What does the Bigfoot look like?(3) Where does the Grey man live?(4) Whats the Loch Ness Monster like?Suggested Answers:(1) It will attack anyone who goes close to it.(2) It looks like a very large monkey tall and hairy with big arms and legs.(3) The Grey man lives on mountains in Scotland.(4) It has a small head and a long tail and some people believe it is a dinosaur.Step 2. Leading-inPurpose: To let Ss have a discussion about the Monster of Lake Tianchi.1. Group workShow four pictures and ask Ss to say something about the Lake Tianchi and the monster. 2. Group workLet Ss reported their discussions to the class and collect them. Then give a simple introduction to lead in the reading. For your reference:Lake Tianchi is located in the north-eastern Jilin province near the border of North Korea, in China. The lake is 1,243 feet deep and has had some volcanic activity in the last 300 years. Tianchi is honoured as the deepest mountain lake and the largest crater lake in China.There have been more than 30 reported sightings by tourists from home and abroad over the past 20 years. They said that they saw the great monster in the lake. There are quite a few pictures and videos of this creature, but none is clear enough to give a good appearance of it. Some persons made the picture with computer images of it based on interviews. Someone drew a picture to show its shape, but it remains unconfirmed.Step 3. ReadingPurpose: To improve Ss reading skills.1. Skimming Ask Ss to read the beginning of the passage and finish Activity 1 on page 52.Suggested Answers: A newspaper.2. Scanning (1) Ask Ss to read the first paragraph quickly and answer the two questions. According to the text, what did the monster look like? How many people saw it?Suggested Answers: Black in color; jumped like a seal; its head looked like a horse. About 200(2) Ask Ss to read the second paragraph and answer the questions: Who else saw the animal? What were they doing? What did it look like?Suggested Answers: A group of soldiers They were walking along the side of the lake. It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10cm horns.(3) Ask Ss to read the third and fourth paragraph and answer the questions. What did Li Xiaohe see? Why could they see the animal clearly? How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi? What do many people think? What do the scientists think?Suggested Answers: A round black creature moving quickly through the water. After 300 or 400 meters it dived into the water. The weather was fine and the lake was calm. Since the beginning of the last century. The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world. The low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.(4) Ask Ss to read the last paragraph and give the following information about Lake Tianchi:Height: Area: Depth: Suggested Answers: 2189 m 10 km2 370 m deep in some places4. Post-reading Ask Ss to do Activity 4 on page 53. Then check their answers.Suggested Answers: (1) a (2) a (3) a (4) b (5) c (6)a (7) a (8) c (9) c (10) bStep 4. Language PointsPurpose: To let Ss understand the passage well.1.Group workAsk Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points in groups.(1) It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it. (Page 51) 它经常生气,会袭击靠近它的任何人.attack vt & vi 袭击Eg A girl was attacked and robbed by two strong men. The enemy attacked during the night.【拓展】 attack vt 抨击attack sb / sth for sth 为某事抨击某人 Eg He was attacked for his corruption. attack nlaunch / make an attack (on sb / sth) 攻击某人或者某物 Eg They launched an attack on racism.(2) He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. (Page 52)他说他看见一个圆形黑色的东西在湖面快速游过。claim vt宣称,声称(后可跟that从句或动词不定式) Eg I dont claim to be an expert. He claimed he should be given a fairer opportunity. 【拓展】 claim的意思还有: vt 要求,认领Eg Has anyone claimed this watch? vt索赔,索取Eg Did you claim the insurance after your car accident? vt 注意,思考Eg The matter claims our attention.(3) It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometers. (Page 52)天池海拔2189米,面积有10平方公里cover an area of意为“占有空间”,也可以只用cover表示此意。Eg The town covers (an area of) 5 square miles. 【拓展】 cover 的其他意思还有: vt 覆盖Eg The mountain is covered with snow all the year round. vt包含,涉及Eg The lecture covers many aspects of business. vt走完(一段路程)Eg I can cover the distance on foot in two hours. vt报道Eg The reporters are covering the fire for a newspaper. (4) They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. (Page 52)他们说,温度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。 be (un)likely to do (不)可能做Eg Youre likely to catch a cold if you go out now.【拓展】Its likely that 有可能Eg Its likely that he will be late. = He is likely to be late.2. Individual workAsk Ss to fill the blanks of the summary according to the passage.The “Monster” of Lake Tianchi, the highest _(1)_ lake in the world, is _(2)_ after several recent sightings. But no one has ever got a clear look at the _(3)_ creature. In one sighting, as is _(4)_ by the director of a local tourist office, it is black and _(5)_ the water like a seal. In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers watched it _(6)_ for about 2 minutes. A third report came from a family who _(7)_ to _(8)_ a round black creature _(9)_ quickly through the water and then _(10)_the water. Many people think the monster may be a _(11)_cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. Scientists, however, are _(12)_, because the low-temperature lake is _(13)_ to be able to _(14)_ such a large _(15)_ creature.Suggested Answers:(1) volcanic (2) back in the news (3) mysterious (4) claimed(5) jumped out of(6) swimming (7) claimed (8) have seen (9) moving(10) diving into(11) distant(12) sceptical (13) unlikely (14) support (15) livingStep 5. WritingPurpose: To enable Ss to learn how to write a passage to say about another monster.1. Group work Ask Ss to read the passage on page 52 and answer the questions in Activity 1 on page 57.Suggested Answers:(1) Several groups of people saw a kind of “ monster”.(2) In Lake Tianchi in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province(3) It lived in the water, was black or greenish-black, and some people said it had a roundhead and body with 10-cm horns on the head, while others said it had a horses head.(4) The weather or large food supply to the monster.2. Group workAsk Ss to write a passage using the words and sentences in Activity1.Step 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to finish Reading exercises in the Workbook on pages 99101.2. Ask Ss to prepare for the Listening class.Period 3 Vocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday English Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know some skills of listening.2. To study some daily expressions.3. To learn the intonation in exclamations.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook.Step 2. Vocabulary studyPurpose: To get Ss to learn some new words.1. Group work Ask Ss to match the words with their definitions. (1) dinosaur(a) A bowl-shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser (2) carnivore (b) a large extinct reptile living on earth ever. (3) meteorite (c) a stony or metallic mass that has fallen to the earths surface from outer space (4) mammal(d) the act or process of radiating (5) radiation(e) A flesh-eating animal (6) galaxy(f) a warm-blooded milk-producing animal like human being (7) crater(g) A sudden, often violent outburst (8) eruption (h) numerous stars, gas, and dustcontaining large amount of solar massesSuggested Answers:(1) b(2) e(3) c(4) f (5) d (6) h (7) a (8) g2. Individual work Let Ss do Activity 1 on page 55 and check the answers. Suggested Answers:(1) climate(2) extinct(3) disappear(4) survive (5) adapt (6) evolveStep 3. ListeningPurpose: To get the main information in the listening part; To develop Ss listening ability.1. Pre-listening Let Ss do Activity 2 on page 56 to know something about dinosaurs.2. While-listening(1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the answers to Activity 2 on page 56Suggested Answers: c c c a(2) Ask Ss to listen again and fill the missing words in the listening passageGood afternoon, and welcome to this weeks of Mysteries of Nature. Todays topic is a one- its , those strange creatures which the earth for no less than two hundred million years, some of them were eaters, others were like the infamous Tyrannosaurus Rex, carnivores who lived off meat and who the more peaceful plant dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs were big - some were the of chickens, and in fact the things to dinosaurs living today are actually birds. But the we are going to talk about today is why the dinosaurs suddenly _(11)_ exactly 66 million year ago, and to _(12)_ light on the subject weve invited one of the worlds foremost _(13)_ on the subject, from the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, Dr Roger Binfield.Suggested Answers: edition big dinosaurs ruled plant attacked eating size closest mystery (11) disappeared (12) throw (13) experts(3) Listen to the second part and do Activity 4 and 5 on page 56.Suggested Answers to Activity 4: A meteorite hit the earth. They stopped evolving. They killed each other A volcanic eruption Cancer caused by radiation Suggested Answers to Activity 5: (4) Listen to the second part again and do Activity 6 on page 56.Suggested Answers: F T F F T F F T 3. Post-listeningAsk Ss to work in pairs and discuss which theory they think is most likely and why.Step 4. Pronunciation Consonants disappearingPurpose: To enable Ss to know the words which consonants disappear.1. Pair workShow the sentences in the Pronunciation Activity 1 on the screen and ask Ss to read them out. (1) Ill come straight to the point. (2) The most widely accepted theory. (3) I think its the most likely explanation. 2. Individual workAsk Ss to listen to the tape. Let them pay attention to the elides. Give them the right pronunciation.Suggested Answers:(1) straight to = / / (2) most widely=/ / (3) most likely=/ / 3. Pair workAsk Ss to listen to the sentences in Activity 2 and repeat the elides. Then ask them to practise more.Suggested Answers:(1) went to= / / (2) most fantastic= / / (3) didnt take= / /Step 5. Everyday EnglishAsk Ss to choose the correct answers to Everyday English exercises and try to grasp the meaning of these expressions on page 58.Suggested Answers:(1) a (2) b(3) a (4) a (5) b (6) a (7) bStep 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to finish Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on pages 9899.2. Ask Ss to preview Grammar and Function.Period 4 Function, GrammarTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know about the way to express possibility and improbability.2. To enable Ss to master the usage of “may”, “might”, and “likely”.3. To help Ss learn how to use modal verbs “may” and “might” to express conjecture.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision Check the answers to the Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook.Step 2. FunctionPurpose: To let Ss know how to talk about possibility and improbability.1. Pair workAsk Ss to do Activity 1 on page 54 and then call back the answers.Suggested Answers:(1) a, b(2) c (3) unlikely2. Group workAsk Ss to identify the creatures in the pictures in Activity 4 on page 55, by using “may” or “might”. Arouse their interest in talking about possibility.3. Individual workAsk Ss to do Activity 2 on page 54 individually. Then check their answers.Suggested Answers:(1) There might still be dinosaurs somewhere.(2) Dont go near the water. It may be very deep.(3) We are unlikely to see the monster.(4) There may be an underground river from Loch Ness to the sea.(5) We must help him he may not be able to swim.(6) There are likely to be lots of strange creatures in that lake.Step 3. Grammar Purpose: To enable Ss to know how to use modal verbs “may” and “might” to express conjecture.1.Group workAsk Ss to discuss the two sentences in Activity 1 of Grammar on page 57, and then ask them to choose the best answer.Suggested Answers: We use may have or might have (with the past participle) to talk about something which happened in the pastperhaps. 2. Explanation Explain how to use modal verbs to talk about something which happened in the pastperhaps.(1) 对过去的事情进行猜测,但把握较小时,肯定形式一般用may have done,否定形式一般用may not have done。如:He may have gone back home, because he didnt say he would take part in her birthday party.He may not have paid for the bill, because he had lost his job.(2) 对过去的事情进行猜测,但把握更小时,肯定形式一般用might have done,否定形式用might not have done。如:They helped send her bat to the hospital; otherwise, she thought, the baby might have died.She might not have left home when I got to school. (3) 对过去的事情进行猜测,并且可能性较大时,肯定形式一般用must have done,否定形式一般用cant have done。如:Your score is the highest; you must have studied very hard.You cant have seen her in her office last Friday; shes been out of town for two weeks.3. PracticeAsk Ss to do Activity 2 on page 57. Then call back the answers and correct them.Suggested Answers:(1) might have caused(2) may have cut off(3) may have survived(4) might have been killed4. Supplements Explain how to use modal verbs to talk about something which happened at presentperhaps.用来表猜测的情态动词有:must, can, may等,但它们所表示可能性是不同的。(1) 对现在的事情进行猜测,并且可能性较大时,肯定形式一般用must加动词原形,此时,must不再表示“必须”,而是表示“肯定”;否定形式一般用cant加动词原形,此时,can不再表示“能够”,而是表示“肯定不”。如:I saw him go out just now. He cant be in his own room. It must be Linda in the classroom, because she is on duty today. (2) 对现在的事情进行猜测,但把握较小时,肯定形式一般用may加动词原形,此时,may不再表示“可以”,而是表示“可能”;否定形式一般用may not加动词原形。如:He may tell the truth to his father.She may not angry because she is good-tempered.(3) 对现在的事情进行猜测,但把握更小时,肯定形式一般用might加动词原形;否定形式一般用might not加动词原形。如:She might not be angry because she usually is very patient.He might be at home now, but Im not sure.(4) 情态动词+动词现在进行时,表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况进行推测。如:At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers. Doctor Wang isnt here. He might be giving a lecture in the hall.(5) 情态动词+动词的现在完成进行时,表示对过去正在发生事情的推测。如:Your mother must have been looking for you.

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