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人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教案全册三年级下册英语Unit 1 Part A Words Learning aims1. I can read and understand the words of Unit 1 skillfully. (能熟读并理解第一单元的单词。)2. I can recite the words of Unit 1 skillfully. (能熟练背诵第一单元的单词。)Teaching proceduresStep 1 Show the learning aims (1)T: Now lets look at the learning aims. Are you ready? Ss: Yes.Step 2 Show Guide 1(10) Listen carefully. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. . T: Listen to the tape carefully. Ss: OK. . Listen again and read after the tape in a low voice. (学生再次听录音,并小声跟读。). T: Please read the words aloud by yourself in 3 minutes. If you have any questions, please put your hands up. (学生大声朗读单词,如有不会的可举手示意。). Teacher writes down the difficult words. (教师板书学生不会读的单词,先让会的学生领读,如果发音不准的教师纠正并且进行范读、领读。)The words:UK 英国 Canada 加拿大 USA 美国 USA 美国 China 中国 she 她student 学生 pupil 小学生 he 他teacher 教师 Step 3 Show Guide 2Please recite the words skillfully in 3 minutes. Then lets see who is the best one.(10). T: Look at the words and read them. In three minutes, lets see who can read them skillfully.(学生在3分钟内自背单词,教师巡视,及时解决学生的读音问题。). T: Now please check in pairs.(同桌互查单词。). Have a match. (教师手持单词卡片,一面英语,一面汉语,教师出示汉语时,学生要快速说出英语;教师出示英语时,学生要快速说出汉语。抽查学生,要重点抽查后进生,如后进生发音有问题,就让优生帮助纠正。)Step 4 点拨。(对于难以记忆的单词,教师引导学生根据字母组合、发音要领寻找规律,进行记忆。)(9).UK (u-k). student(s-t-u-d-e-n-t)Step 5 Do Exercises.(10) . 教师用白板出示汉意,让学生快速说出单词。. 限时书写训练(要求: 1. 独立完成,不得抄袭。 2. 2分钟完成。)Class Exercises 班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一英汉对对碰。 1.英国 2.美国 3.加拿大 4.中国 5.小学生 A.China B.Canada C. pupil D.USA E.UK二找不同。( )1.A.China B.Canada C.student( )2.A.UK B.pupil C.USA( )3.A.new B.boy C.girl( )4.A.he B.she C.teacher( )5.A.teacher B.student C.UK教学反思:Unit 1 Welcome back to school!Part A Lets talkLearning aims1、I can read and translate the text. (我会读并翻译课文。) 2、I can use “Hi,Im. Im from.” to introduce.(会用“Hi,Im. Im from. ”介绍。) Learning procedureStep 1 Warm up(2)I*2 pa* from*2 pa*2 I pa from pa I from pa*2(学生跟着老师一起做)Step 2 Show Learning aims (1)T: Boys and girls, today were going to learn Unit 1 Lets talk. Please look at the Learning aims.Step 3 Look at the picture and answer the questionsT: First , please look at a picture(T point the picture ) , do you know who they are? Ss: Amy and Zhang Peng. T: Amy is from the UK. Zhang Peng is from Shandong.Ss:Welcome! Step 4 Show Guide 1 Listen and point!(4)T: Are you ready?T: Listen to the tape carefully for the first timeS: OK. T: Then listen again and read in low voice. (听录音,学生认真听,仔细听。师环视,注意学生坐姿,表扬*,加一分。)Step 5 Show Guide 2 (8)Please read and translate the text by yourself within 3 minutes.大声朗读并翻译课文。(若有疑难,请 用笔 标注出来。)1. Teacher writes down the difficult words and sentences. T: OK! Please look at the blackboard, who can read these words?Ss:(生回答)2.Read after the tape! 跟录音,读课文。(尤其注意刚才你所标注出的单词。)T: Are you ready? Who can be a little teacher? (老师可以找优生领读课文,帮助后进生解决自己不会读的单词或句子)3 .Please read in pairs in 3 minutes. Then lets see who is the best one !Step 6 Please recite(背会) the sentences within 3 minutes. Then Lets have a match who is best!(7)A: Hi, Im Amy.Im from the UK.B: Hi,Im ZhangPeng.Im from Shandong. (3分钟后,同桌互查)Step 7 Show Guide 3 (10)Please use “Hi,Im. Im from.” to introduce. ( 用“Hi,Im. Im from.” 介绍。) ( 5分钟同桌练习) 1.Show some pictures and make a new conversation.Then act it out and lets see which group is the best one!(5分钟之后比一比哪组同学读得好。)Step 8 Do Exercises.(8)Class Exercises 班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一.找朋友。( ) 1.Hi,Im Amy. Im from the UK. A.你好,我来自英国。 B.你好,我是艾米。我来自英国。( ) 2. Hi,Im Zhanngpeng. Im from Shandong. A.你好,我是张鹏。我来自山东。 B.你好,我来自山东。二.单项选择。( ) 1. Im_Shandong. A.in B.on C.from( ) 2. Hi,Im Amy.Im from_UK. A.a B.the C.( ) 3.Hi,Im Zhanngpeng. Im from_ Shandong. A.a B.the C. 三.情景交际。( )1. 当你想说你来自英国,你可以说:_. A.Hi,Im from UK. B.Hi,Im from the UK. C.Hi,Im UK.( )2. 当你想说你好我是张鹏,我来自中国时,他可以说:_. A.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im from the China. B.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im China. C.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im from China.( )3. 当你想说你好我是艾米,我来自加拿大时,她可以说:_. A.Hi,Im Amy,Im from Canada. B.Hi,Im Amy,Im from the Canada. C.Hi,Im Amy,Im Canada.教学反思:Unit 1 Welcome back to school.Part A Lets learnLearning aims1.I can read and recite the text. (熟读并背会本节课的课文。)2.I can use “Hi,Im. Im from.” to introduce.(会用“Hi,Im. Im from. ”介绍。) Learning procedureStep1 Warm up (1)I*2 pa* from*2 pa*2 I pa from pa I from pa*2(学生跟着老师一起做)Step2 Show Learning aims (1)T: Boys and girls, today were going to learn Unit 1 Lets learn.Please look at the learning aims.Step 3 Look at the picture and answer the questionsT: First , please look at a picture(T point the picture ) , do you know where it is? Ss: UK. T: Amy is from the UK. Where are you from? Step4 Show Guide 1(4)T: Listen and point! Are you ready?T:Listen to the tape carefully for the first time.S:OK. T:Then listen again and read in low voice. (听录音,学生认真听,仔细听。师环视,注意学生坐姿,表扬*,加一分。)Step5 Show Guide 2(8)Please read and translate the text by yourself within 4 minutes.大声朗读并翻译课文。(若有疑难,请 用笔 标注出来。)2. Teacher write down the difficult words and sentences.T: OK! Please look at the blackboard,who can read these words?Ss:(生回答)2.Read after the tape!跟录音,读课文。(尤其注意刚才你所标注出的单词。)T :Are you ready? Who can be a little teacher? (老师可以找优生领读课文,帮助后进生解决自己不会读的单词或句子)3. Read the text in pairs within 3 minutes, then lets have a match.Step6 Please recite(背会) the sentences within 3 minutes.(7)Canada China UK USAA: Hi,Im Amy.Im from the UK.(3分钟后,同桌互查)Step7 Show Guide 3 (9)Please use “Hi,Im. Im from.” to introduce.(会用“Hi,Im. Im from. ”介绍。) ( 3分钟同桌练习)1.Show some pictures and make a new conversation.Then act it out and lets see which group is the best one!(3分钟之后比一比哪组同学读得好。)Step8 Do Exercises. (10)Class Exercises班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一、 火眼金睛。找出单词的正确汉语意思。( )1. USA A.加拿大( )2. China B.英国( )3. UK C.中国( )4. Canada D.美国( )5.pupil E.小学生二、单项选择。(30分)( ) 1. Im_Shan dong. A.in B.on C.from( ) 2. Hi,Im Amy.Im from_UK. A.a B.the C.( ) 3.Hi,Im Zhangpeng. Im from_ Shandong. A.a B.the C. 三、情景交际。(20分)( )1. 当你想说你来自英国,你可以说:_. A.Hi,Im from UK. B.Hi,Im from the UK. C.Hi,Im UK.( )2. 当你想说你好我是张鹏,我来自中国时,他可以说:_. A.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im from the China. B.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im China. C.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im from China.( )3. 当你想说你好我是艾米,我来自加拿大时,她可以说:_. A.Hi,Im Amy,Im from Canada. B.Hi,Im Amy,Im from the Canada. C.Hi,Im Amy,Im Canada.教学反思:Unit 1 Part B WordsLearning aims1. I can read and understand the words of Unit 1 skillfully. (能熟读并理解第一单元的单词。)2. I can recite the words of Unit 1 skillfully. (能熟练背诵第一单元的单词。)Teaching procedureStep 1 Show the learning aims(1)T: Now lets look at the learning aims. Are you ready? Ss: Yes.Step 2 Show Guide 1(10) Listen carefully. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. . T: Listen to the tape carefully. Ss: OK. . Listen again and read after the tape in a low voice. (学生再次听录音,并小声跟读。). T: Please read the words aloud by yourself in 3 minutes. If you have any questions, please put your hands up. (学生大声朗读单词,如有不会的可举手示意。). Teacher writes down the difficult words. (教师板书学生不会读的单词,先让会的学生领读,如果发音不准的教师纠正并且进行范读、领读。)The words:boy 男孩 and 和;与 girl 女孩 new 新的 friend 朋友 today 今天Step 3 Show Guide 2Please recite the words skillfully in 3 minutes. Then lets see who is the best one.(10). T: Look at the words and read them. In three minutes, lets see who can read them skillfully.(学生在3分钟内自背单词,教师巡视,及时解决学生的读音问题。). T: Now please check in pairs.(同桌互查单词。). Have a match. (教师手持单词卡片,一面英语,一面汉语,教师出示汉语时,学生要快速说出英语;教师出示英语时,学生要快速说出汉语。抽查学生,要重点抽查后进生,如后进生发音有问题,就让优生帮助纠正。)Step 4 点拨。(对于难以记忆的单词,教师引导学生根据字母组合、发音要领寻找规律,进行记忆。)(9)Step 5 Do Exercises.(10). 教师用白板出示汉意,让学生快速说出单词。. 限时书写训练(要求: 1. 独立完成,不得抄袭。 2. 2分钟完成。)Class Exercises 班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一英汉对对碰。 1. 男孩 2.女孩 3.朋友 4.新的 5.今天 A.girl B.friend C. new D.today E.boy二找不同。( )1.A.China B.Canada C.student( )2.A.UK B.pupil C.USA( )3.A.new B.boy C.girl( )4.A.he B.she C.teacher( )5.A.teacher B.student C.UK教学反思:Unit 1 Welcome back to school!Part B Lets talkLearning aims1、I can read and translate the text. (我会读并翻译课文。) 2、I can use “-Where are you from?- Im from.” to ask and answer.(会用“-Where are you from?- Im from. ”问答。) Learning procedureStep 1 Warm up(2)I*2 pa* from*2 pa*2 I pa from pa I from pa*2(学生跟着老师一起做) Step 2 Show Learning aims. (1)Step 3 Show Guide 1 (3)Look at the picture and answer the questionsT: First , please look at a picture(T point the picture ) , do you know who she is? Ss: Amy. T: Where is she from?Step 4 Show Guide 2(3) Listen and point!T: Are you ready?T: Listen to the tape carefully for the first timeS: OK. T: Then listen again and read in low voice. (听录音,学生认真听,仔细听。师环视,注意学生坐姿,表扬*,加一分。)Step 5 Show Guide 3 (5)Please read and translate the text by yourself within 3 minutes.大声朗读并翻译课文。(若有疑难,请 用笔 标注出来。)4. Teacher writes down the difficult words and sentences. T: OK! Please look at the blackboard, who can read these words?Ss:(生回答)2.Read after the tape! 跟录音,读课文。(尤其注意刚才你所标注出的单词。)T: Are you ready? Who can be a little teacher? (老师可以找优生领读课文,帮助后进生解决自己不会读的单词或句子)3 .Please read in pairs in 3 minutes. Then lets see who is the best one !(3)Step 6 Please recite(背会) the sentences within 3 minutes. Then Lets have a match who is best!(6)A: Where are you from? B: Im from the UK.(3分钟后,同桌互查)Step 7 Show Guide 4 (6)Please use “-Where are you from?-Im from.” to ask and answer. ( 用“-Where are you from?-Im from.”问答 。) ( 5分钟同桌练习) 1.Show some pictures and make a new conversation.Then act it out and lets see which group is the best one!(5分钟之后比一比哪组同学读得好。)Step 8 Do Exercises.(10)Class Exercises班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一、情景交际。( )1.当你想把你的新朋友Amy 介绍给你的其他朋友时,应说: A. Wu Yifan, this is A. B. Wu Yifan , this is Amy.( )2.当你想给别人说你来自加拿大时,应说: A. Im from China. B. Im from Canada.( )3.当别人给你说:Nice to see you . 时, 你该回答: A. Nice to see you , too. B. Nice to see you.( )4.你想问别人来自哪里时,用英语问: A. Where are you from? B. Welcome back!( )5.新学期开学了,老师看见你返校很高兴,老师应说: A. Welcome back! B. Where are you from?二、单项选择。( )1._ back! A. Welcome B. Where ( )2. Im _ the UK. A. and B. from( )3. This _ Amy. A. is B. are ( )4._ are you from? A. Where B. Welcome教学反思:Unit 1 Welcome back to school.Part B Lets learnLearning aims1.I can read and recite the text. (熟读并背会本节课的课文。)2.I can use “This is. Hes/Shes.” to introduce.(会用“This is. Hes/Shes.” 介绍。) Learning procedureStep1 Warm up (1)I*2 pa* from*2 pa*2 I pa from pa I from pa*2(学生跟着老师一起做)Step2 Show Learning aims. (1)Step 3 Show Guide 1 (3)Look at the picture and answer the questionsT: First , please look at a picture(T point the picture ) , do you know who is she? Ss: Amy. T: Where is she from?Step3 Show Guide 1(4)T: Listen and point! Are you ready?T:Listen to the tape carefully for the first time.S:OK. T:Then listen again and read in low voice. (听录音,学生认真听,仔细听。师环视,注意学生坐姿,表扬*,加一分。)Step4 Show Guide 2(8)Please read and translate the text by yourself within 4 minutes.大声朗读并翻译课文。(若有疑难,请 用笔 标注出来。)5. Teacher write down the difficult words and sentences.T: OK! Please look at the blackboard,who can read these words?Ss:(生回答)2.Read after the tape!跟录音,读课文。(尤其注意刚才你所标注出的单词。)T :Are you ready? Who can be a little teacher? (老师可以找优生领读课文,帮助后进生解决自己不会读的单词或句子)6. Read the text in pairs within 3 minutes, then lets have a match.Step5 Please recite(背会) the sentences within 3 minutes.(7)she he student teacher pupilA: This is Mr Jones.Hes a teacher.B: This is Amy.Shes a student.(3分钟后,同桌互查)Step6 Show Guide 3 (9)Please use “This is. Hes/Shes.” to introduce.(会用“This is. Hes/Shes.” 介绍。) ( 3分钟同桌练习)1.Show some pictures and make a new conversation.Then act it out and lets see which group is the best one!(3分钟之后比一比哪组同学读得好。)Step7 Do Exercises. (10)Class Exercises班级_ 姓名_ 得分_二、 火眼金睛。找出单词的正确汉语意思。( )1. she A.教师( )2. he B.学生( )3. student C.她( )4. teacher D.他( )5.pupil E.小学生二、单项选择。(30分)( ) 1. Im_Shandong. A.in B.on C.from( ) 2. Hi,Im Amy.Im from_UK. A.a B.the C.( ) 3.Hi,Im Zhanngpeng. Im from_ Shandong. A.a B.the C. 三、情景交际。(20分)( )1. 当你想说你来自英国,你可以说:_. A.Hi,Im from UK. B.Hi,Im from the UK. C.Hi,Im UK.( )2. 当你想说你好我是张鹏,我来自中国时,他可以说:_. A.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im from the China. B.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im China. C.Hi,Im Zhangpeng,Im from China.( )3. 当你想说你好我是艾米,我来自加拿大时,她可以说:_. A.Hi,Im Amy,Im from Canada. B.Hi,Im Amy,Im from the Canada. C.Hi,Im Amy,Im Canada.教学反思:Unit 1 Welcome back to school!TextLearning aims1、I can read and translate the text. (我会读并翻译课文。) 2、I can use “-Where are you from?- Im from.” to ask and answer.(会用“-Where are you from?- Im from. ”问答。) Learning procedureStep 1 Warm up(2)I*2 pa* from*2 pa*2 I pa from pa I from pa*2(学生跟着老师一起做) Step 2 Show Learning aims. (1)T: Boys and girls, today were going to learn Unit 1 Lets talk. Please look at the Learning aims.Step 3 Show Guide 1 Listen and point!(4)T: Are you ready?T: Listen to the tape carefully for the first timeS: OK. T: Then listen again and read in low voice. (听录音,学生认真听,仔细听。师环视,注意学生坐姿,表扬*,加一分。)Step 4 Show Guide 2 (8)Please read and translate the text by yourself within 3 minutes.大声朗读并翻译课文。(若有疑难,请 用笔 标注出来。)7. Teacher writes down the difficult words and sentences. T: OK! Please look at the blackboard, who can read these words?Ss:(生回答)2.Read after the tape! 跟录音,读课文。(尤其注意刚才你所标注出的单词。)T: Are you ready? Who can be a little teacher? (老师可以找优生领读课文,帮助后进生解决自己不会读的单词或句子)3 .Please read in pairs in 3 minutes. Then lets see who is the best one !Step 5 Please recite(背会) the sentences within 3 minutes. Then Lets have a match who is best!(7)A: Where are you from?B: Im from the UK.(3分钟后,同桌互查)Step 6 Show Guide 3 (10)Please use “-Where are you from?-Im from.” to ask and answer. ( 用“-Where are you from?-Im from.”问答 。) ( 5分钟同桌练习) 1.Show some pictures and make a new conversation.Then act it out and lets see which group is the best one!(5分钟之后比一比哪组同学读得好。)Step 7 Do Exercises.(8)Class Exercises班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一.找朋友。( ) 1.Hi,Im Amy. Im from the UK. A.你好,我来自英国。 B.你好,我是艾米。我来自英国。( ) 2. Hi,Im Zhanngpeng. Im from Shandong. A.你好,我是张鹏。我来自山东。 B.你好,我来自山东。二、情景交际。( )1.当你想把你的新朋友Amy 介绍给你的其他朋友时,应说: A. Wu Yifan, this is A. B. Wu Yifan , this is Amy.( )2.当你想给别人说你来自加拿大时,应说: A. Im from China. B. Im from Canada.( )3.当别人给你说:Nice to see you . 时, 你该回答: A. Nice to see you , too. B. Nice to see you.( )4.你想问别人来自哪里时,用英语问: A. Where are you from? B. Welcome back!( )5.新学期开学了,老师看见你返校很高兴,老师应说: A. Welcome back! B. Where are you from?三、单项选择。( )1._ back! A. Welcome B. Where ( )2. Im _ the UK. A. and B. from( )3. This _ Amy. A. is B. are ( )4._ are you from? A. Where B. Welcome教学反思:Unit 1 Review 一、Reviewing aims1. I can recite the words and the key sentences.(熟背本课的单词和重点句子。)2. I can read the texts of Unit1.(熟读第一单元课文。)3. I can do the exercises.(会做本课练习题。)二、Teaching procedureStep 1 Show the subject and the Reviewing aims. (1)Step 2 PresentationShow Guide 1(3) Please recite the words within 4 minutes by yourself. In 4 minutes, well have a match.(4分钟内自己背单词。4分钟之后,我们比一比谁记得既快又准确。)a. Recite the words by themselves.b. Detection: Show the slide of the words, ask students to read English and say the meaning of them.Guide 2(4) Please read the texts of Unit 1 by yourself within 4 minutes. In 4 minutes, well have a match.(自己在4分钟内读第七模块的两篇课文。4分钟后比一比谁读得既流利又准确。)a. Read the texts by themselves.b. Have a match: Ask the students who less advanced to read the text.(点后进生读课文,优生纠音。)Guide 3(4) Please recite the key sentences by yourself within 4 minutes. (自己在4分钟内背记重点句子。)Step3 Detection. Show PPT of the key sentences, then ask students to fill the blanks. (出示重点句子的幻灯片,点名填背,重点点差生,优等生纠错。)Step 4 Do exercises.(10)(要求:十分钟完成、三姿正确、比比谁能得满分。 明确做练习的时间与要求,培养良好的练习习惯。 把竞争机制引入课堂。)Class Exercises班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一、 选出下列单词的正确汉语意思。( )1.new A.男孩( )2.friend B.和,与( )3.today C.今天( )4.and D.朋友( )5.boy E.新的二、 选出下列句子的正确汉语意思。( )1.Im from the UK. A.我来自英国。 B.我来自美国。( )2.We have two new friends today. A.今天我们有两个新朋友。 B.今天我们有三个新朋友。( )3.What about you? A.他呢? B.你呢?( )4.你想对新来的朋友们表示欢迎时,用英语说:A. Whats your name? B. Welcome!( )5.你想对别人介绍自己的名字,用英语说: A. Hi, Im Sarah. B. Hi, Im from the UK.三、火眼金睛。把下列的图片和相应的国家连起来。括号前记得写序号。( ) 1. A. USA ( )2. B. China ( )3. C. UK四、选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. Canada B.USA C. girl ( )2. A.UK B. China C. boy( )3. A. boy B. girl C. Canada五、情景交际。 A. Welcome! B. Im from Wuhan. C. We have two new friends today.( )1.新学期开始了,班上来了两位新老朋友,老师会告诉同学们说:_.( ) 2.其中一位新朋友介绍自己是武汉人,他会说:_.( )3.对新朋友的到来表示欢迎,你会说:_.教学反思:Unit 2 Part A WordsLearning aims1. I can read and understand the words of Unit 2 skillfully. (能熟读并理解第二单元的

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