高一英语外研版必修4同步学案:Module 1《Life in the Future》

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高一英语外研版必修4同步学案:Module 1《Life in the Future》_第1页
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111Book FourModule OneLife in the Future一. 知识归纳1.重点词组1) for sure/for certain2) sth. run out/ sb. run out of /use up sth3) rely on/ depend on4)get rid of5)place an order for sth. with sb.6)free of charge/for free7)look out/be careful 8)for a start9)be on the way out10)in the future/in future11)loadwith.12)instead of 13)at birth14)no matter 15)carry out16) go to university/ college17)work as 18) find out 19) make necessary changes 20) at the flick of a switch2. 重点句型1) with 的复合结构做状语2) “no matter +特殊疑问词”引导状语从句。3. 语法项目1) The future continuous tense2) Talking about the future二、随堂训练1. 单词拼写1) _(罪行) have increased sharply in the last few years. 1)_2) The hurricane is _(预测) to reach our city tomorrow morning. 2) _3) Im _ (依靠) on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow. 3)_4) Have you _(确定) decided to go to America? 4)_5) Is there a _ (收费)for children or do they go free? 5)_6) The police _(逮捕) her for drinking and driving . 6)_7) Britains natural _(资源) include oil, coal and gas deposits. 7)_ 8) Because of such a climate, much of daily life happens _(在户外). 8)_9) _(最终), he succeeded in crossing the river. 9)_10) There is a _(限度) to ones life. 10)_ 2. 句型转换(根据A句完成B句):1) A: They have run out of their money in the past five days.B: The money has _ _ in the past five days.2)A: I believe traveling in space will be easy then. B: I believe _ _ _ _ in space then.3) A: When she was young, her dream was to become a doctor one day. B: She _ _ _ a doctor one day when she was still a little girl.4)A: Are you sure what you are going to buy? B: Are you sure _ _ _?5)A: No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. B: People will not _ _ within a future citys limits.3. 根据汉语意思完成句子1)我想订购100台电脑。I would like to _ _ _ _ 100 computers.2)我在申请表贴上了张照片。I _ a photo _ my application form.3)地球的资源正以惊人的速度被耗尽。The earths resources _ _ _ _ at an alarming rate.4)请不要让我对明天的会议作任何预测。Please dont ask me to _ _ _ _ tomorrows meeting.5)我的重感冒两个星期后才好了。It took me two weeks to _ _ _ my bad cold.4. 单句改错1) They are going to get bigger before get smaller.2) Hes placed order for some books with the bookshop.3) Education there is provided free from charge by the government.4) Students arent allowed smoking.5) The city will send waste materials towards the sun prevent landfill and environmental problems.5. 词汇与语法1) Whats the _ for using the library, madam?No, this is a public library. You dont have to pay for using it.A. priceB. chargeC. moneyD. cost2) They _ themselves, which is very important.A. relyB. rely onC. rely inD. rely at3)_, Peter! There is a car coming. Come this way.A. Look outB. Look upC. Look downD. Look carefully4)Bob was _ by four policemen the moment he stepped down from the planehe was a criminal for selling drugs from one country to another.A. killedB. arrestedC. wantedD. watched5)We have _ of time, and so we must end the meeting as soon as possible today. Well choose other time to continue our discussion.A. taken upB. come outC. given upD. run out6)He said he would give us his decision _ by Friday.A. be sureB. for sureC. sureD. with sure7)_ that things will change sooner or later.A. It makes sureB. Its certainlyC. Its certainD. Its sure8)They _ for 25 years and tomorrow is their silver wedding.A. having marriedB. have been marriedC. have got marriedD. got married9) May you have a bright future. _.A. Of courseB. MaybeC. Ill have a try D. Thank you 10)The girl even wont have her lunch before she _ her homework.A. will finishB. finishesC. had finished D. finished11)By the time you get back, great changes _ in this area.A. will take placeB. will be taken placeC. are going to take placeD. will have taken place12)Sorry, I _ to post the letter for you.Never mind. _ it myself after school.A. forget; Id rather postB. forgot; I am going to postC. forgot; Ill postD. forget; Id better post13)Jim has been in hospital.Oh, really? I _. _ visit her.A. didnt know; Ill go andB. dont know; I have meant toC. dont know; I meant toD. havent known; I was going to14)The train _ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten oclock tonight.A. would goB. wentC. will be goingD. goes15)There _ any meeting next week.A. are not going to haveB. will not be going to beC. is not going to beD. wont be going to have6. 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从自短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to_1_ evening. My husband_2_ back until late and I had _3_ to sit down in a comfortable armchair in the living room and read a book. I _4_ the children to bed early and _5_ a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a plate _6_ with food before me and a book at my side. I was just beginning to eat _7_ the telephone rang. I put down my knife and fork and hurried to answer _8_ . By the time I got back to the living room,my coffee _9_ cold. After I finished my _10_ I began to drink my coffee _11_ my book open at page one. Suddenly there was a _12_ at the door. It gave me _13_ surprise that I spilt the _14_ and made an ugly stain(污迹)on my skirt. Some stranger had got _15_ and wanted me to show him the way. It _16_ ages to get rid of him. At last I _17_ to sit down again _18_ actually read a whole page without _19_ more interruption until the baby woke up. He began crying loudly and I rushed up- stairs. The baby was _20_ awake at eleven oclock when my husband came home. I should have cried myself when he asked me if I had a pleasant evening!1. A. a quiet B. an exciting C. a lovely D. a lonely2. A. would come B. had not come C. came D. would not come3. A. decided B. started C. come D. hurried4. A. put B. made C. threw D. allowed5. A. boiled B. heated C. cooked D. prepared6. A. full B. filled C. filling D. to be filled7. A. as B. then C. when D. while8. A. him B. her C. it D. them9. A. was getting B. had got C. would get D. got10. A. supper B. drinking C. reading D. coffee11. A. while B. when C. as D. with12. A. stranger B. loud knock C. dog D. man13. A. such great B. a so great C. such a great D. so great14. A. food B. supper C. plate D. coffee15. A. gone B. lost C. missing D. away16. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took17. A. tried B. hoped C. decided D. managed18. A. before B. after C. but D. and19. A. some B. any C. much D. no20. A. already B. still C. possibly D. almostModule One随堂训练1.单词拼写:1. Crimes 2. predicted 3. relying/depending 4. definitely 5. charge6.arrested 7.resources 8.outdoors 9.eventually 10.limit2句型转换1. run out 2.it easy to travel 3.dreamed of being 4.what to buy 5.allow smoking3.根据汉语意思完成句子1. place an order for 2. attached to 3. are being used up 4.make any prediction 5.get rid of4.单句改错1. get-getting 2. order-an order /orders 3. from-of 4. smoking-to smoke 5. prevent-to prevent 5.词汇与语法1-5 BBABD 6-10 BCBDB 11-15 DCACC6.完型填空1-5 ADAAD 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 DBCDB 16-20 DDDBB111

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