高一英语:Unit3 Travel journal-Reading and Speaking学案(新人教版必修1)

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111Using language - Reading and SpeakingStep 1. Greeting and RevisionStep 2. Fast readingTimeAutumnPlace On the Tibetan mountain (make camp)People mentioned Four peopleWang Kun, Wang Wei, Dao Wei, Yu HangMain idea of the textOne night in the Tibetan moutain during Wang Kun and Wang Weis journeyStep 3. Careful-readingFinish Exercise 1 on P.22.Step 4. Language points.Step 5. Homework.Language points:1. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycle?see sb. do 看到某人做某事,强调动作全过程;see sb. doing 看到某人正在做某事,强调动作正在进行。e.g. I saw him go into the classroom. 我看见他走进教室 I saw him going into the classroom. 我看见他正走进教室类似用法的感官动词还有:see, look at, hear, listen to, watch, notice, feel, have, make, let, help 以上动词用于被动结构时: 不定式不能省略,只有HELP可留可省。e.g. He was seen to go into the classroom.2. Wang Wei was in front of me, as usual.1) in front of 在前面(范围外)in the front of 在前部(范围内)at the front 在前线2) as usual像通常一样e.g. He came early as usual. 他像通常一样来得早3. To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.1) 不定式作主语,谓语用单数,也可以用形式主语IT,将其改为:It was hard work to climb the mountain road but it was great fun to go down the mountain.2) fun, 不可数名词,玩笑;乐事;有趣的人事;前面一般不加冠词 e.g. What fun we had! 我们玩得多开心啊!It s not much fun going to a party alone. 独自一个人去参加聚会没什么意思 fun (un) 的常见搭配:have fun = enjoy oneselfbe full of fun好玩 make fun of 取笑 funny (adj.) 有趣的,可笑的4. We had to change from our caps, coats, gloves and trousers into T-shirts and shorts. change v. 更换;换衣;成为;改变change (sth./ sb.) frominto 把某人物从转变成 change into 换上衣服 e.g. Students have to change into their uniforms when they go to school. 5. We stop to make camp.camp n. 野营;宿营make camp 扎营;宿营be in a camp 在露营中 go camping去野营6. put up 举起;安装;修建;贴出;留宿e.g. Put up your hands! Well have telephones put up in the students dormitory.我们将在学生宿舍安装电话。The building was put up last year.He put up a photo on the wall.Tony just put up a friend for the night. TONY刚刚留宿一位朋友过夜。7. stay awake1) 以a-开头的形容词,如asleep, afraid, awake, alone, aware, alive, alike等,一般只作表语.e.g. He was so tired that he soon fell asleep.2) 这类形容词有时可放名词后作后置定语.e.g. He is one of the persons alive after the flood. 他是洪水过后的幸存者之一。8. We have already traveled so far.so far1) 表距离, 那/这么远e.g. They have gone so far in tow hours. 2) 表时间, 迄今为止 ( 常与完成时连用) e.g. I have never been to Beijing so far. 9. We can hardly wait to see them! 我们迫不及待地想见到他们!hardly 有否定意义 ( scarcely/ seldom ).e.g. He can hardly understand it, did he? Language points of Reading and writing1. for one thing, for another一方面;另一方面(两方面一致)e.g. She is fit for the job. For one thing, she can dance. For another, she is fond of singing.类似结构: on the one hand, on the other hand (常用于指矛盾的两方面)2. experience n.& v.1) n. 经历( 可数N.); 经验( 不可数N.);e.g. Please tell us your experiences in America.2) V. 经历3. record1) 记录;录音e.g. He recorded some language points written on the blackboard.2) 记录;记载3) record的相关搭配break/beat/cut the (a) record 打破记录 set a record创记录keep a record of 记下来4. while conj. 1) 虽然;尽管(表让步),相当于Although/ thoughe.g. While I admire you, I dont agree with what you said.2) 而;却( 表对比)e.g. You like singing while your sister likes dancing.3) 当的时候(表时间)e.g. Please listen carefully while I explaining the text for you.4) 只要(表条件)e.g. While there is water, there is life.5. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉(主语是物)be familiar with sb./ sth.熟悉某人物(主语是人)e.g. The city is familiar to us.这城市为我们所熟悉。We are familiar with the city, as we have lived here since our childhood. 111

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