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111课时作业6Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero.短语填空1Obama won the election and _ in 2009.2We _ a club for the old in our community.3When I _,I often sing to music.4Most westerners _ God.5I _ doing research on this plant and I cant spare any time to have a holiday.6Dont _ learning English.Its important in your life.7Faced with the terrible earthquake,the people in Yushu didnt _.8The villagers _ the bridge to stop the enemy entering their village.9He said he was honest._,he was lying.10The Chinese people _ natural disasters bravely.答案1.came to power2.set up3.feel good4.believe in5.am devoted to6.give up7.lose heart8.blew up9.As a matter of fact10.fight against.单词拼写1We should improve what is called the _(质量)of living.2The murderer was _(判决) to death.3The soldier _(逃脱) from the enemys prison.4How did you _(投票) at the last election?5He developed a complete _(法律的)system.6I take it seriously.Its a matter of _(原则)7It is reported that the disease _(攻击) the central nervous system.8Im not _(胜任的) to the task.9Its a nice _(报酬) for all my thanks to you.10We appreciated his _(奉献) of time and money to the project.答案1.quality2.sentenced3.escaped4.vote5.legal6.principle7.attacks8.equal9.reward10.devotion.单项填空1What do you think of the capital of Netherland, Amsterdam?_!A. Wonderful B. What a pityC. Congratulations D. Look out解析题意:“你认为荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹怎么样?”“太棒了!”Wonderful“太棒了”,符合语境。What a pity“真遗憾”;Congratulations“祝贺你”;Look out“小心,当心”。答案A2The _of our life has been improved greatly since the partys policy was carried out.A. outline B. qualityC. insurance D. attitude解析题意:自从执行党的政策以来,我们的生活质量大大提高。quality“质量;品质”,符合题意。outline“要点;大纲;轮廓”;insurance“保险”;attitude“态度;看法”。答案B3The reason _the young man was in prison is that he had killed a tiger.A. why B. which C. who D. where解析题意:这个年轻人坐牢的原因是杀了一只老虎。先行词是reason,且连接词在从句中作状语,所以用why引导定语从句。答案A4Wang Boxiang who is from Shandong province has been _to serving the farmers.A. frightened B. concernedC. devoted D. interested解析题意:山东的王伯祥一直致力于为农民服务。be devoted to“致力于;专心于”,符合题意。frightened“受惊的;受恐吓的”;be concerned about“关心;挂念”;be interested in“对感兴趣”。 答案C5Another new factory has been set up where 2,000 workers, who were_for a year, have been employed again.A. at work B. out of workC. on business D. in power解析题意:新建的第一个工厂安排了2,000名失业一年的工人就业。out of work“失业”,符合题意。at work“在工作”;on business“出差”;in power“执政”。答案B6Johannesburg is the place_ my grandfather worked twenty years ago.A. that B. which C. where D. whom解析题意:约翰内斯堡是我祖父二十年前工作的地方。where引导定语从句,修饰名词place,where在从句中作地点状语。答案C7If you are willing to support Mr Lee, you can _for him at the meeting tomorrow.A. vote B. go C. wait D. care解析题意:如果你想支持李先生,明天可以在会上投他一票。vote for“投票;选举某人”,符合题意。go for“喜爱;支持,拥护”;wait for“等待,等候”;care for“照料,照顾”。答案A8When the policeman was_ by the thieves, the lookerson came up to help him at once.A. ignored B. sufferedC. packed D. attacked解析题意:当警察遭到盗贼团伙围攻时,旁观者立即前来帮忙。attack“进攻,攻击”,符合题意。ignore“不理睬,忽视”;suffer“遭受;患病”;pack“捆扎,包装”。答案D9All the people should be kept_, though they are from different countries and arent in the same colours.A. straight B. equal C. loose D. reliable解析题意:虽然人们来自不同的国家,肤色不同,但应受到平等对待。equal“平等的”,符合题意。straight“直接;挺直”;loose“松的;松开的”;reliable“可信赖的,可靠的”。答案B10Our teacher often tells us that once in_, we can call 110 to turn to the police for help.A. future B. line C. trouble D. agreement解析题意:老师经常告诉我们,一旦遇到麻烦,可以打110向警察求助。in trouble“处于麻烦中”,符合题意。in future“在将来,在未来”;in line“排队”;in agreement“意见一致”。答案C11Tom, dont _ when you fail in the exam.I wont.A. lose heart B. blow upC. lose your heart D. care about解析题意:“汤姆,考试失败时别灰心。”“我不会的。”lose heart“丧失勇气或信心”,符合题意。blow up“使充气;爆炸”;lose ones heart“倾心于,爱上”;care about“关心;忧虑”。答案A12The robber, who had come home last month after his release, robbed again, but couldnt _ being caught by the policemen half an hour later.A. choose B. protect C. escape D. consider解析题意:上个月刚被释放回家的抢劫犯又抢劫了,但半个小时后就被警察抓住了。escape“逃脱,逃走”,后接动名词,表示“逃避了”,符合题意。choose“选择,挑选”;protect“保护”;consider“考虑,思考”。答案C13Youd better take the medicine under the_ of the doctors or you will get poisoned by taking too much of it.A. survey B. usage C. guidance D. detail解析题意:你最好按照医生的指导服药,否则吃多了会造成药物中毒。guidance“指导;领导”,符合题意。survey“调查;测验”;usage“使用;用法”;detail“细节;详情”。答案C14Li Cuifeng is brave, active and_ in the games, who is popular with every one of the school.A. selfish B. unhappy C. frequent D. generous解析题意:在运动会上,李翠凤勇敢、活泼、大方,受到全校师生的欢迎。generous“大方的,慷慨的”,符合题意。selfish“自私的”;unhappy“不快乐的”;frequent“频繁的,常见的”。答案D15You look fine.The climate here must _you.Aagree with Bagree toCagree on Dagree about解析agree with适宜,符合句意。agree to同意某人的计划,观点。agree on达成一致意见。答案A.完形填空(2010北京卷)I met Mrs Neidl in the ninth grade on a stagedesign team for a play and she was one of the directors.Almost instantly I loved her.She had an unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking,_1_ she was encouraging and inspiring.For some reason,she was impressed with my work and me.Mrs.Neidl would ask me for my _2_.She wanted to know how I thought we should _3_ things.At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew _4_ about stagedesign!But I slowly began to respond to her _5_.It was cause and effect:She believed I had opinions,so I began to _6_ them.She trusted me to complete things,so I completed them perfectly.She loved how _7_ I was,so I began to show up to paint more and more.She believed in me,so I began to believe in myself.Mrs.Neidls _8_ that year was,“Try it.We can always paint over it _9_!”I began to take _10_.I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failingonly things to be _11_ upon.I learned to dip my brush into the paint and _12_ create something.The shy,quiet freshman achieved success that year.I was _13_ in the program as“Student Art Assistant”because of the time and effort Id put in.It was that year that I _14_ I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.Being on that stagedesign team _15_ Mrs.Neidl changed me completely.Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought,but I also _16_ a strong interest and a world I hadnt known existed.She taught me not to _17_ what people think I should do.She taught me to take chance and not be _18_.Mrs.Neidl was my comforter when I was upset.Her _19_ in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined _20_.1A.and Byet Cso Dfor解析我上九年级时参加了一个舞台设计小组,遇上了一个指导老师,这个老师语言尖刻,说话直爽,但是她说的话却是鼓舞和激励人心的。此空表转折,故用yet。答案B2A.opinion Bimpression Cinformation Dintention解析由第二段中的“She believed I had opinions”中的“opinions”提示可填出。B项意为“印象”;C项意为“信息”;D项意为“打算,意图”。答案A3A.make Bkeep Chandle Dchange解析她想知道我是怎么考虑去处理我们的事情的。handle,“处理,应付”。答案C4A.anything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing解析开始我不知道怎样回答,因为我对舞台设计一点也不懂。答案D5A.questions Bcomments Cexplanations Dremarks解析但是慢慢地我就知道怎么回答她的问题了。答案A6A.hold Bfollow Cevaluate Dform解析她相信我是有自己的观点和想法的,所以我就开始形成自己的观点和想法了。答案D7A.happy Blively Creliable Dpunctual解析她是知道我是多么值得信赖的。答案C8A.message Bmotto Csaying Dsuggestion解析 motto,“格言”;saying,“俗语,谚语”;message,“信息”;suggestion,“建议”。老师常说的一句话也就是她的“格言”。根据语境B项正确。答案B9A.again Bmore Cinstead Dlater解析试试。画得不好,以后再在上面重画。答案D10A.steps Bcontrol Ccharge Drisks解析该空后的一句话意思为“我很怕画坏了”,由此提示该空应该是“我就开始冒险画起来”。take a risk/take risks,“冒险(做某事)”。答案D11A.improved Bacted Clooked Dreflected解析我害怕画坏了,但是每次都画得很好,画艺大大提高。答案A12A.easily Bcarefully Cconfidently Dproudly解析我学会了将画笔蘸到颜料中信心十足地画。答案C13A.introduced Brecognized Cidentified Dconsidered解析 be recognized as表示“被公认为”。因为我投入的时间和努力,所以我被公认为“学生艺术助手”。答案B14A.confirmed Bdecided Crealized Dacknowledged解析就是在这一年我意识到我要将余生献于舞台设计。答案C15A.with Bbelow Cof Dby解析跟老师一起参与舞台艺术设计彻底改变了我。答案A16A.developed Bdiscovered Ctook Dfostered解析我不仅变得比我想的要坚强且更有能力,而且我还发现我有浓厚的绘画兴趣。答案B17A.accept Bcare Cjudge Dwonder解析她教会了我不要在意别人对自己所做事情的看法。答案B18A.bored Blazy Csad Dafraid解析她教会了我要抓住机会,不要害怕失败。答案D19A.trust Bpatience Ccuriosity Dinterest解析她对我的信任极大地激励着我。答案A20A.accessible Benjoyable Cpossible Dfavorable解析她对我的信任鼓舞着我去做我从来都不认为是可能的事情。possible,“可能的”;accessible,“可到达的;可靠近的;可进入的”;enjoyable,“愉快的”;favorable,“顺利的;赞成的”。答案C.阅读理解(2010福州毕业班质检)Today most Chinese teenagers are happy to be favored by twoparents and four grandparents in their families. But have you everthought about how to take care of four to twelve old people when you grow up and get married? This could be a problem for most Chinese youths as China is entering a new stage of an aging society.An aging society refers to one where 10 percent or more of its population is over 60. By the end of 2007, Chinese over 60 years old have made up 11.7 percent of the nations total population.“China is getting old before becoming rich,” said Cai Chuang, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The population increase that has powered Chinese growth for three decades will give way over the next ten years to a rapid aging of the society. This will lead to weaker economic growth, because of a lack of labor resources.As a result of the family planning policy, it is expected that the countrys total working population will decrease after 2015.China is not the only country getting old. More than 60 countries have become aging societies and one in three people in the European Union is a senior citizen.However, experts said that China doesnt have a highly developed social security network to support the old. Social security is an insurance program protecting those in need, including the old, the disabled and others.文章大意本文主要讲述中国人口老龄化问题。老龄化会使劳动力缺乏,会影响经济的发展,并且中国目前的社会保障制度还不健全。1An aging society is a society that_.A. less than 10% of its population is over 60B. 10% or more of its population is over 60C. there are four old people in a familyD. most of its population is over 60解析细节理解题。由文章第二段第一句话“An aging society refers to one where 10 percent or more of its population is over 60.”可知B项正确。答案B2If China enters an aging society, _.A. there will not be enough labor resourcesB. the family planning policy will be endedC. everyone needs to take care of four to twelve old peopleD. China will have a highly developed social security network解析细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句活“This will lead to weaker economic growth,because of a lack of labor resources.”可知A项正确。答案A3What does Cai Chuang mean by saying “China is getting old before becoming rich.”?A. China will be an aging society, then be a developed country.B. China will be a rich country before being an aging society.C. An aging society will affect Chinese economy development.D. China will stop developing because of its aging problem.解析推理判断题。老龄化会使劳动力缺乏,因此影响到中国经济的发展,可知C项正确。答案C4The passage mainly talks about_.A. an aging societyB. Chinese social problemC. family planning policyD. aging problem in China解析主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述中国人口老龄化问题,故D项正确。 答案D111

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