2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业25:Unit 5《First aid》(人教版必修5湖北专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业25:Unit 5《First aid》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业25:Unit 5《First aid》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业25:Unit 5《First aid》(人教版必修5湖北专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十五)必修5Unit 5 First aid限时:40分钟.多项选择1Why are the housing prices in big cities going up all the time?One reason is that people are_ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.Abreaking BfillingCpouring Dhurrying2I think it _that she should be knowledgeable about computers for her present job.Aurgent BnormalCessential Dgifted3The boy made the same mistakes _,which,of course,made his parents very angry.Aover and over again Bmore or lessCsooner or later Dhere and there4They have earned lots of money,so I _ believe that the business is a success.Amildly BfirmlyCactively Dtightly5In that situation, a wage freeze, whether voluntary or imposed by the government, deals with a _ of inflation rather than with inflation itself.Asymbol BsignCsignal Dsymptom6Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication_.Atragedy BvacuumCquestion Dbarrier7She knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put _on her to work hard.Aforce BpressureCburden Dweight8The famous actress became_,and couldnt say a word when asked about her father,who passed away only last month.Achoked BfrightenedCswelled Dsqueezed9Excuse me,may I use your car?Im sorry.Im afraid I cant _ the car key just at the moment.Arely on Bbreak away fromCput my hands on Dkeep my hands off10I have been out of job for half a year,so I want to_a job in the company.Aprepare for Bapply forCanswer for Dcare for.阅读理解Preparing for a medical emergency involving your pet is always best accomplished before the event takes place. This series is designed to help guide you through the important decisions about first aid, as well as how and when to transport your pet quickly and safely to a veterinary hospital or emergency ability. VeterinaryPartner.com has provided this complete reference book online for you to skim through, expanding your knowledge of dog and cat first aid.However, we encourage you to buy the book to keep in your home or car as a quick reference during an emergency. This book is an emergency preparedness readyreference for dogs and cats. Wise preventive measures, intelligent use of first aid principles, coupled with recognition of abnormal symptoms and treatment of disorders, diseases, and problems, lead to effective health care. A working knowledge of this information will help you get rid of some potentially dangerous circumstances and help you prepare for emergency situations. It includes information on what to do and what not to do in specific emergency situations. The authors encourage careful reading and occasional rereading. We have tried to make this book easy to understand, avoiding technical terms as often as possible, but defining them in context when they are necessary. 11Whats the purpose of this passage?ATo introduce a book, a reference about first aid for dogs and cats. BTo introduce a website.CTo introduce a working knowledge.DTo encourage careful reading.12Why are we advised to buy the book?ABecause its very cheap.BBecause it contains a working knowledge of information about dogs and cats.CBecause it contains information on specific emergency situations.DBecause you can keep it at hand and find knowledge of dog or cat first aid in case of an emergency. 13Which is NOT true about the book?AIt can enlarge the readers knowledge of dog and cat first aid. BIt contains the knowledge of recognition of abnormal symptoms of dogs and cats. CAlthough it contains possible technical terms, it is easy to understand.DYou can read it on VeterinaryPartner.com.14What does the underlined word “veterinary” mean in Paragraph 1?A应急的 B兽医的 C紧急的 D资助的.完成句子阅读下列各小题,根据每句后的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。15Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times_quickly can save lives.(aid)一般情况下,疾病或者伤情不是很严重,但是也有一些时候快速地实施急救能够救命。16Burns are called first, second or third degree burns,_which layers of skin are burned.(depend)烫伤分一级、二级和三级,这取决于被烫伤的是哪一层皮肤。17Second degree burns are serious and_.(take; heal)二级烫伤较严重,需要几周康复。18_clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?(think)你认为为什么要把烫伤部位附近的衣服和首饰除去呢?19I am proud of what I did but I was just doing_.(teach)我为自己所做的事感到自豪,但是我只是在做教给我的东西。20There is a new problem involved in the popularity of the Internet_.(need)随着网络的普及,一个新的问题出现了隐私需要保护。21You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _. (disagree)你说人人平等,这就是我不同意的地方。22Last nights TV news said that by then the death of the missing people_yet.(prove)昨晚的电视新闻上说到那时为止失踪的人当中的死亡人数还未被证实。23I didnt hear what you said; I _the picture.(look)我没听到你说的话,我在看那张照片。24The song has never been heard _since 1945.(sing)从1945年起就再也没有听过有人唱起这首歌了。.书面表达假设你和李明参加了一次野外生存训练。以下5幅图画表现了野外训练活动的过程,请根据图示写一篇英文日记。注意:1.词数120左右;2日记的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。生词:指南针:compass n手电筒:flashlight n.急救包:firstaid kit 宿营地:campsite n.Monday, May 4, 2012SunnyLi Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday, and it has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school._答案课时作业(二十五).1.C考查动词词义辨析。pour into涌入。句意:“为什么大城市的房价一直在上升?”“原因是人们大量地涌向过度拥挤的城市。”break into闯入,破门而入;fill into填充;hurry into急于(做某事)。2C考查形容词词义辨析。根据后面宾语从句的结构可以判断出所填的词必须具有能使其后的从句是虚拟语气的功能,四个词中只有essential“必不可少的”有此用法。3A考查副词词组辨析。over and over again意为“反复,多次”。句意:那个男孩一次次犯同样的错误,这当然令他的父母很生气。more or less或多或少,大体上;sooner or later迟早,早晚;here and there到处。4B考查副词词义辨析。从They have earned lots of money可知,“我”坚信(firmly believe)生意是成功的。mildly温和地,轻微地;actively积极地,活跃地;tightly紧紧地。5D考查名词词义辨析。symptom症状。句意: 那种情况下,工资冻结,无论是自动还是国家强制进行的,是对付通货膨胀的症状,而不是通货膨胀本身。symbol象征;sign符号,记号; signal信号。6D考查名词词义辨析。句意:眼神的交流很重要,因为错误的眼神会产生交流障碍。前两项分别表示“悲剧”、“真空”,不符合语境;C项表示“问题”,语意不恰当。7B考查名词词义辨析。句意:她知道如何充分利用自己的时间,因此父母从不对她施加压力让她努力学习。put pressure on sb (to do sth)给某人施压,强迫、促使或劝说某人(做某事)。8A考查动词词义辨析。句意:谈起她上个月刚去世的父亲时,这位著名演员哽咽得(choked)说不出话来。9C考查动词短语辨析。句意:“打扰一下,我可以用一下你的车吗?”“对不起,恐怕我不能马上找到车钥匙。” put ones hands on意为“找到”,符合句意。rely on依靠;break away from挣脱;keep ones hands off不管,不碰。10B考查动词短语辨析。句意:我已失业半年了,因此我想在这家公司找一份工作。apply for申请。.11.A推理判断题。纵观全文可以看出,文章向我们介绍了一本(可以在网上浏览,也可以购买的)关于宠物狗、猫疾病诊断及急救的参考书。12D细节理解题。由第二段的最后一句话可知,如果买下这本书放到家里或者车里,就可以在狗或猫遇到紧急情况的时候,在书中查阅到有关知识,以便实施急救。13C细节理解题。由最后一段可知,该书通俗易懂,因为它尽可能地避免了使用专业术语(technical terms),由此判断C项错误。14B词义猜测题。由前文的transport your pet(将你的宠物送到)可知动物病了,肯定是送到宠物医院。所以该单词的意思是“兽医的”。.15.when giving/doing first aid定语从句中v.ing形式作主语。16depending onving形式作方式状语。17take several/a few weeks to healtake的基本用法:take一段时间to do。18Why do you think不要说成do you think why。19what I had been taught20that privacy needs protecting/to be protected含有problem的同位语从句。21what I disagree with/where I disagree考查名词性从句。22hadnt been proved考查过去完成时的被动语态。23was looking at24sung.One possible version:Monday, May 4, 2012SunnyLi Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday, and it has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school.Early in the morning, we set out. Li Ming was carrying a compass and a tent in his backpack, and in mine there was a flashlight, a map, a knife, a firstaid kit, some matches, candles, food and clothing.On the way to the campsite, we climbed a hill, and then we swam across a river, pushing the backpack on a large piece of wood we had found by the river.As we got into a forest, we lost our way. Luckily, we found the right direction with the compass.By the time we arrived at the campsite, it had already been dark. Li Ming then put up the tent, and I made a fire and started cooking.The two of us spent the night in the forest.We learnt to use knowledge gained in the classroom training to solve problems. It was quite an experience for us both, which Ill never forget for the rest of my life.111

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