Module 1《Small Talk》Cultural Corner学案4(外研版选修6)

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111选修6模块1 Module 1Small TalkPeriod 4:Reading Practice, Cultural Corner 三维学习目标:知识与能力:提升阅读能力,获取有效信息并掌握重点单词,短语和句型。过程与方法:学科自习上自主学习,小组内合作学习和探究学习。情感态度与价值观:通过阅读培养学习英语的兴趣。重难点:重点单词,短语和主要句式。知识链接:练习册Section IV ( page11page12 )学法指导:分析,识记学习过程:Reading part .1.先读page11的文章再完成课本上page12 的activity4&5 并查出文章中除单词表之外的生词。 (A级)2. 先读page13的文章再完成课本上的两个问题。并查出文章中除单词表之外的生词。 (A级) Language Points part 1) imagine v. 想象 n. _(A级)固定结构: imagine sth _ imagine(sbs) doing_ imagine that_ imagine sb. to be_ 配套练习:翻译句子(B级) 设想一所带大花园的房子。_我想不出谁会关心我做什么。_根据所给单词填空:(A级)1.Can you imagine _ on the moon? (live)2.I cant imagine _ telling a lie. (he)2) purpose n. 意图 目的搭配:with /for the purpose of _ on purpose _(A级)He came here _ to discuss it with you . (A级)A. on purpose B by chance C for purpose D on design3) circumstance n. _(A级)决不 _ = on no condition =in no way=by no means/in no case /on no account (注意该短语位于句首句子要_)翻译句子 1.你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。(B级)_4) It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.据估计80% 的英语会话是聊天。 It is estimated that据估计 it为( ) , 真正的主语是( ) (B级)句型:It is + V-ed + that. 类似的结构还有:It is said / hoped / thought / reported / known /suggested / believed that.。【边学边练】It is said that he has come back from abroad. (同义句转换)(B级)_6). Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room. 设想一下两个陌生人都认识的人离开房间之后他们互相交谈的情景。分析句子:where引导的( ), situation是( )situation, case, point, occasion, conditon,state等表示抽象地点的词作先行词时,如果定语从句不缺少主要成分,一般要用关系词where来引导.翻译下列句子。(B级)1.I can think of many cases where students knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. _ 2.The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point where he can walk correctly and safely. _【当堂检测】一.翻译短语1.据估计 2.建立关系3.避免(做)某事 4.尴尬的沉默5.用这种方法 6.社交技巧7.有共同点 8.最后9.知道,意识到 10.在。上成功 二用本模块所学词组的适当形式完成下列句子。1. 他因明天的考试而紧张不安。 He is _ _ tomorrows examination. 2专家对我们的实验结果表现出极大的兴趣。 The experts _ _ the result of our experiment.3开始时,他们有点紧张。但当他们找到共同的话题时,谈话就变得轻松起来。 At first, they were a little nervous. But when they found something that they _ _, the conversation became easier. 4这次要仔细点!别像上次一样漏掉内容。 Be careful this time! Dont _ _ anything like last time. 5除了地震外,还有水灾。 There was a bad earthquake, and _ _, there were floods. 三翻译句子。1.我无法想象他单独一人住在那里。_2.他们俩是兄弟,但是彼此之间似乎并无多少共同之处。(havein common)_3.虽然我来这里没有多长时间,可我已经交了不少朋友了。(make friends) _ 4.据估计,这项工程将耗资2000美元。(estimate)_学习反思:Imagine a house with a big garden.他想想自己走进办公室,对每个人都说出她对他们的想法。I cannot imagine that anyone cares about what I do.为了; 带着的目的 故意的In no circumstances should you lend Bob any money.Dont open the door, in any circumstances. She leave out the date on the cheque.把 留给前往. 中断It is said that 据说It is known that 众所周知It is thought that人们认为It is believed that人们相信It is hoped that人们希望据报道人们建议我能说出许多例子,(在这些例子中)学生掌握了很多英语词汇和短语,却写不出好文章。治疗要一直坚持到病人能够正常且安全地行走为止。3. expect 【课文原句】 Some hosts expect flowers or a small gift. (P3) 【用法讲解】 expect 期待;希望得到;预料(1)expect + n. / pron. 期待某事或某物。如:He is expecting a letter. 他在期待一封信。(2)expect + 宾语从句。如:I expect that they would stay here with us. 我期待他们会留下来和我们在一起。(3)expect (sb.) to do sth. 期待(某人)做某事。如:He expects to have a holiday soon. 他期待很快就休假。Her parents expect her to be a pianist in the future. 她父母期待她将来成为一个钢琴家。【边学边练】We never expected _ he would say such things to us. A. that B. why C. how D. whetherKey: AKey: It is said that he has come back from abroad.111

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