【同步练习】外研版版 英语 必修5《Module 6 Animals in Danger》SectionⅢ速效提能演练

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【同步练习】外研版版 英语 必修5《Module 6 Animals in Danger》SectionⅢ速效提能演练_第1页
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【同步练习】外研版版 英语 必修5《Module 6 Animals in Danger》SectionⅢ速效提能演练_第2页
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111.词汇知识1a_ (n.)the purpose of doing sth.2i_ (vt.)to contain as a part;to connect closely3l_ (adj.)living;not dead4w_ (n.)something that makes you feel surprised with admiration5b_ (n.)the edge of a steep place6e_ (n.)the fact of being extinct7b_ (n.)one of the offices or groups that form part of a large business organization8w_ (vt.)to use,consume,or spend thoughtlessly or carelessly答案:1.aim2.involve3.live4.wonder5.brink6extinction7.branch8.waste.重点短语1be concerned _关心某事,担心某事2_ an eye on 照看,注意3go _ 袭击,适用于4_ on (动物)以为食5on the _ of. 在的边缘6stand _ 代表7have an effect _ 对有影响8set _ 建立;设立答案:1.about2.keep3.for4.feed5.brink6for7.on8.up.必背句型1. Its aim was _ wild animals _extinction.它的目标是保护濒临灭绝的野生动物的自然栖息地。答案:to protect the natural habitats of,in danger of2It has thousands of volunteers and more than five million supporters _.它有成千上万的志愿者和超过五百万通过募捐来帮助的支持者。答案:who help by giving money3The WWF believes that our world has a future _.世界自然保护基金组织相信,只有我们学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才会有未来。答案:only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy4Today there are more than thirty staff _ all over the country.目前全国有30多个该组织的成员正从事着20个项目的工作。答案:working on twenty projects111

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