2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit2《English around the World》完形填空全方位训练9 新人教版必修1

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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit2《English around the World》完形填空全方位训练9 新人教版必修1_第1页
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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit2《English around the World》完形填空全方位训练9 新人教版必修1_第2页
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1112014届高考英语一轮复习全方位配套训练人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the World完形填空9Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their teacher doesnt correct them too often or because other students can 1 them.Pronunciation is the area which is 2 the least attention to in language learning.Most teachers 3 just let their students speak.The teachers stop them 4 the students say something completely wrong.Working on each students pronunciation in class is just 5 .Also,the students who are 6 at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their classmates if they help 7 their mistakes.Although you believe your pronunciation is good enough to 8 , you may be 9 when you actually go to a foreign country.One of my friends was the best student in his 10 class in Poland.However,when he went to America,he found Americans didnt understand 11 of what he said.Your pronunciation may still be quite 12 that of a native speaker.If this is the 13 , other people will find it 14 to understand what youre saying and will not be comfortable with you. 15 , dont think you can communicate in a foreign language 16 youve tested your skills on real native speakers. 17 for native or near-native pronunciation so that people you talk to can communicate with you 18 .In order to achieve this goal,theres no 19 that you will need to start thinking about pronunciation and 20 time on it.1.A.mistakeB.watchC.surroundD.understand2.A.madeB.foundC.paidD.called3.A.neverB.everC.evenD.usually4.A.only ifB.as ifC.even ifD.so that5.A.fantasticB.impossibleC.necessaryD.important6.A.poorB.wellC.goodD.strict7.A.put outB.work outC.try outD.point out8.A.communicateB.travelC.pronounceD.exchange9.A.happyB.sadC.surprisedD.excited10.A.PolishB.FrenchC.GermanD.English11.A.noneB.halfC.restD.lot12.A.near toB.near fromC.far fromD.next to13.A.sameB.matterC.caseD.fact14.A.easyB.beneficialC.convenientD.hard15.A.In conclusionB.In other wordsC.In totalD.On the contrary16.A.whenB.untilC.afterD.while17.A.StandB.LookC.AimD.Search18.A.smoothlyB.difficultlyC.trulyD.practically19.A.wayB.needC.doubtD.wonder20.A.takeB.costC.spendD.kill【语篇解读】语言学习中,你应该关注读音。1.D 许多语言学习者认为他们的读音很好,因为他们的老师不会经常纠正他们的读音,或者因为他们的同学能“听懂”他们的话。understand“理解,明白”;mistake“误会”;watch“观察”;surround“包围”。2.C 在语言学习中,读音是最不被“关注”的领域。pay attention to“注意,关注”。3.D 大多数老师“通常”只是让学生讲英语(而不关注他们的读音)。4.A “只有”当学生彻底错了的时候,老师们才会阻止学生。only if“只有”;as if“好像”;even if“即使,尽管”;so that“以便,为的是”。5.B 对班里所有学生的读音进行纠正是“不可能的”。fantastic“极好的,异想天开的”;impossible“不可能的”;necessary“必要的”;important“重要的”。6.C 同样地,读音“好”的学生可能担心如果帮助“指出”同学读音的错误会让同学感到尴尬。be good at“擅长”。7.D point out“指出”;put out“扑灭”;work out“计算出”;try out“实验”。8.A 尽管你认为你的读音可能足以“交流”,但是当你真的到了国外的时候,你会很“吃惊”。communicate“交流”;travel“旅游”;pronounce“发音”;exchange“交流,交换”。9.C surprised“吃惊的,震惊的”;happy“高兴的”;sad“悲伤的”;excited“激动的”。10.D 此处指在波兰和美国的共同语言,应该是“英语”。11.B 只有A、B两项语法正确;再由语境可知,选half。12.C 你的读音可能仍与以英语为本族语的人“相去甚远”。far from“离远”。13.C “如果这是事实”,其他人可能觉得听懂你的话很“难”If this is the case“如果这是事实”。14.D hard“困难的”;easy“容易的”;beneficial“有益的”;convenient“方便的”。15.A “总之”,“直到”你与真正的说本族语的人交流测试过你才能用外语交流。in conclusion“总之”;in other words“换句话说”;in total“总共”;on the contrary“相反地”。16.B not.until.“直到才”。17.C “瞄准”说本族语或者接近本族语的人的读音,这样你才能和与你交谈的人们“顺利地”交流。aim for“瞄准,针对”;stand for“代表”;look for“寻找”;search for“寻找”。18.A smoothly“顺利地”;difficultly“困难地”;truly“真诚地”;practically“实用地”。19.C 为了实现这一目标,“毫无疑问”你需要开始考虑读音并“花时间”关注读音。there is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”。20.C spend time on.“花时间在”。其他三项搭配不对。111

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