山东省郯城县第三中学高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 2 English around the world》教案3

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山东省郯城县第三中学高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 2 English around the world》教案3_第1页
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山东省郯城县第三中学高一英语人教版必修1《Unit 2 English around the world》教案3_第3页
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111郯城三中个人备课第 周 第 课时 总第 课时 主备人课时 年 月 日分管领导验收结果教学目标1)Ss can master the vocabulary of the unit.2)Ss can use the important words and expressions to make sentences and describe the usage of the English.重点、难点The vocabulary: elevator, petrol, gas, official, because of, native, apartment, actually, be based on, at present, gradually, Danish, vocabulary, make use of, spelling, fluent, fluently, Singapore, Malaysia, such as, frequent, frequently, usage, African, Spanish, play a part, recognize, accent 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动Step1 RevisionHave a dictiation.Step2 Warm up(1) Can you recognize the differences between AE and BE in vocabulary spelling? Make alist. (2) Can you recognize the differences between AE and BE in vocabulary usage? Make alist.(3) Do you think it is important whether youlearn AE or BE? Why?(4) Can you recognize which accent is AE andwhich is BE? Give an example. Differences in vocabulary usage B.EA.Ego to the pictures go to the movies underground subwayliftelevatorin a team on a teamrubber eraserflat apartmentlorry truckpetrol gasDifferences in vocabulary spelling B.EA.Etheatre, centre theater, centercolour, honourcolor, honortravellertravelerrealise, analyse, apologiserealize, analyze, apologizedefencedefenseprogrammeprogramStep3 Make conversations.Make dialogues according to this example.British Betty: Would you like to see my flat?American Amy: Yes. Id like to come up to your apartment.Step4 Make sentences.1. because & because of 因为你的关心,我发现生活充满了希望。1)Because you are concerned about me, I findthat life is full of hope.2)Because of your concern, I find that life is full of hope.因为雨下得很大,那个男孩穿过树林回家了。1)Because it rained heavily, the boy went back home through the woods.2)Because of the heavy rain, the boy went back home through the woods.2. such as: for example1) My doctor told me not to eat fatty foods such as bacon or hamburgers. 我的医生叫我不要吃油腻的食物,如咸肉或汉堡包。2) The differences in pronunciation between AE and BE are greater. For example, Americans say dance daens, and in Southern Englandthey say da:ns. 英国英语和美国英语在发音上区别更大。例如,美国人发daens, 而英国人发da:ns。 “such as” is used to list similar things. “for example” is used to illustrate thespeakers argument.3. a number of & the number ofa number of 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数) There are a number of students in the picture. 照片上有很多学生。 the number of 的数目(其后谓语动词用单数) The number of people has reached 50.人数已经达到了50人4. at present: now; at this time, at this moment 1)Shes busy at present and cant speak to you. 她现在很忙, 不能跟你谈活。2) At present he is a professor of mathematicsat Cambridge. 目前他是剑桥大学的数学教授。5. play a part / role (in sth):play a part: to be involved in an activity 1)His parents played a part in his success. 他的成功有他父母的因素在内。2)Her suggestions play a very important part in our decision-making. 她的建议在我们的决定中起了很重要的作用。3)He has played all kinds of roles in his life. 他一生中扮演了各种各样的角色Step5 Exercises.It is not easy for Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a native English speaker.One reason is that English has a large vocabulary. It also has different usage in different English speaking countries. If you use “flat” instead of “apartment”, people in American will know you have learned British English. If you use the word “elevator” instead of “lift” in Britain, people will know you have studied American English. Then check them.Step6 Word puzzleTeacher says: AIts used to take people upstairs and downstairs in the high buildings. What is it?BIts a kind of liquid and very necessary for the car. Car cant move without it. What is it?C.The form of this word is very similar to “nave”, but it has one letter more than “nave”. Whats more, they have different pronunciation. Which word is it?D. It is often used as an adjective and matches with “language, position, duty, permission” and so on. Its root is office. Which word is it? Step7 Summary & Homework1. Do the Exercise 1 and Exercise 4 in Learning about Language of SB.2. Do the Exercise 1, 2 and 3 in Using Words and Expressions of WB.Tow of them come to the front and write down, others write on the paper.Then check with each other.Discussion in pairs Ss discuss in pairs and answer the questions.Ss should pay more attention to this part and write down.Ss make conversations in pairs.Ss should pay more attention the important vocabulary and make their own sentences.Ss set down the points.Ss do the exercise 2. &3. on page 11.Ss should listen to the teacher carefully and guess.Ss sum up this class and do the homework after class.小结板书设计 111


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