内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Earthquake》Period 1(新人教版必修1)

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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Earthquake》Period 1(新人教版必修1)_第1页
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内蒙古乌拉特中旗一中高一英语导学案《Unit 4 Earthquake》Period 1(新人教版必修1)_第2页
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111Unit 4 Earthquake导学案教学流程设计及探究设计点拨教学目标:1.Know basic knowledge of earthquakes. 2. Grasp the important words and expressions; (复制学生用导学案内容)学习目标:1.Know basic knowledge of earthquakes. 2. Grasp the important words and expressions; 重点、难点:Teach the students how to appreciate an article. 学习过程:一 课前预习:默写单词:1. vt相信 2. vt.想象 3. n.地震 4. vi.发生 5. vt.讨论 6. vt.摇动、震动、颤抖7. vi.爆裂、爆发 8. _ n.百万 9._ n.事件,大事10._ n.污垢,泥土 11. _ n.援救,营救 12. _ n.苦难,痛苦 13._ adj.极度的 14. _ vt.损害,伤害15. _ vt.破坏,毁坏 16. _ vt.,vi.(使)震惊,震动 17. _ n.电,电流 18._ n.标题,题目 二自主学习:浏览reading部分完成短语:1. _ 立刻,马上 2. _有时间做3 结束,总结 4. 严重受损,破败不堪 5. 好像 6._掘出,发现7. _代替,而不是 8. _从出来 9. _不重视,不在乎 10. _像平常一样,照常,照例 三课内探究:1. Fast reading and choose the best answers according to the text:(1)How many people were killed or injured during the earthquake? _A. More than 400,000. B. About one-third of the city citizens.C. About 150,000. D. More than 10,000.(2)How long did the first quake last? _ A. Fifteen seconds B. Fifty seconds C. About half a day D. About one day.(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? _ A. Tangshan earthquake was the greatest earthquake of the 20th century in China.B. 75% of the factories and buildings and 60% of the homes in Tangshan were gone.C. The railway tracks were destroyed completely.D. Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again.2. Fill in the blanks according to the text:A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep Before the earthquake.The water in the wells _and fell and well walls has deep _.Chickens and pigs were _ . Mice ran out of the fields and fish jumped out of the ponds. People saw bright _ in the sky and heard the sound of planes and the water pipes in some buildings cracked and _.During the earthquakeAt 3:42 am everything began to _. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan. The large city lay in _. Two-thirds of the people were killed or _. Some of the _ workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.After the earthquakeThe army sent soldiers to help the rescue workers.Workers built _ for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Fresh _ was taken to the city by train, truck and plane. Water, food and electricity were hard to get.3. Carefully reading and answer: (1)Read paragraph 1and answer: What happened before the earthquake?(2)Read paragraph 2and answer:How far is it from Tangshan to Beijing ?How many people felt the earthquake?Describe the things happened during the earthquake.(3)Read paragraph 3and answer:What happened to the hospitals, factories and buildings?What about the animals?What happened later that afternoon?(4)Read paragraph 1and answer:Did all the people lose their hope?Who came to help?What did they do ?四能力提升: 听录音并大声朗读课文。五课堂检测:检查并校正发音。六Homework:(导语及教学流程步骤,学法指导)教 学 反 思111

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