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Unit 3 Travel journal,1,Travelling widens our view, increases our knowledge, and builds our bodies.,旅游可使我们开阔视野, 增长知识, 锻炼体魄。,2,Discussion,Do you like travelling?,Have you ever been to these places?,3,Tiananmen Square,4,The Forbidden City,5,Temple of Heaven,The Summer Palace,6,The Great Wall,He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.,7,Birds Nest (Beijing National Stadium),Water Cube,8,the Terracotta Warriors,9,The Yellow Mountain,10,Guilin,in southern China, provides one of Chinas most extraordinary views.,11,This river is called our mother river.,The Yellow River 黄河,12,This river is the longest one in China.,The Changjiang River 长江,13,This is the famous river in Guangdong Province.,The Pearl River,14,This river begins in Qinghai Province and flows through several countries.,The Mekong River,15,The countries the Mekong River flows through:,China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam,16,China,Laos,Thailand,Cambodia,Vietnam,South China Sea,Myanmar,17,Journey down the Mekong,Reading,Part 1 The dream and the plan,18,*Skimming Match the main idea with each paragraph,Para.1 Para.2 Para.3,A. The preparation before the trip and details about Mekong river B. Different attitudes between wang kun and wang wei C. Deciding to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river,19,Scan the text and then choose the best answer. 1When did they get the chance to take a bike trip? _ A. During middle school B. After graduating from middle school C. During college time D. After graduating from college,*Scanning Match the main idea with each paragraph,20,2What does Wang Kun think of her sister? AFoolish and stubborn. BFoolish but determined. CStubborn but determined. DUnkind and stubborn.,3What did they do before the trip? AThey had a very good rest. BThey talked with their parents about it. CThey were full of fear. DThey had prepared well for it.,21,4. Why is it difficult to breathe in Qinghai Province? Because of the cold weather B.Because of the low attitude C. Because of the high altitude D. Because fo the rivers 5. From the text, we know that _. A.Their trip was successful because of their preparations B.They knew very well about te Mekong River before C.Their trip would be very difficult but interesting D.They enjoyed themselves very much,22,Who and What,Wang Kun and _ _ Wang Wei are dreaming about _.,his sister,taking a great bike trip,Paragraph 1: Dream,Careful reading,23,Where and How,They have the idea to _ _ the Mekong River from _ it _ to _ it _.,cycle along,where,begins,where,ends,Careful reading,24,Paragraph 2: A stubborn sister,She the source of the river and begin their journey there. she has , nothing can change it.,insisted that they find,Once,made up her mind,Careful reading,25,It begins in a _ on_ _.,glacier(冰川),a mountain,Paragraph 3: Preparation,Careful reading,in Qinghai Province,26,Then, it _ quickly. It becomes _ as it passes through deep _.,moves,rapids,valleys,Careful reading,27,Sometimes, the river becomes a _ and enters _ _.,wide valleys,waterfall,Careful reading,28,After, It travels slowly through _ to _.,low valleys,plains(平原),Careful reading,29,At last, the river _ enters the South China Sea.,delta,Careful reading,30,A Summary,Wang Kun and Wang Wei have _ about taking a great bike trip. when they _ from college. They _ to _ along the Mekong River with their _. Wang Wei is very _. Once she is _ to do something she will never _ her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she _ that they find the _ of the river and begin their journey there.,dreamed,graduated,decided,cycle,cousins,stubborn,determined,change,insisted,source,31,*Discussion,32,Homework,Write a short passage about trips you have been on. You should include: where you went, why you went there, how you got there, what you did there and what you saw. Share your experience with your classmates.,33,Moon river, wider than a mile; Im crossing you in style some day; Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker; Wherever youre goin, Im goin your way;,Moon River,Enjoy a song!,34,Two drifters, off to see the world; Theres such a lot of world to see; Were after the same rainbows; Waitin, round the bend my huckleberry friend; Moon river, and me,35,

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