2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 2《Healthy eating》(新人教版必修3浙江专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 2《Healthy eating》(新人教版必修3浙江专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 2《Healthy eating》(新人教版必修3浙江专用)_第2页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业12:Unit 2《Healthy eating》(新人教版必修3浙江专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(十二)必修3Unit 2 Healthy eating限时:30分钟.单项填空1I suggest you_ your doctor_your stomachache.Aconsulting; about Bconsult; withCconsulting; with Dconsult; about2Our Chinese athletes achieved great success in Beijing Olympics.Yes. In Asia,no one could perform _, I think.Awell BbetterCbest Dthe best3Bruce,I really appreciate your handwriting._.AI practise every dayBThank you very muchCNo, I dont think soDWell, its not good enough4There is a limit_ the amount of pain we can bear.Afor Bwith Cto Dat5The boy _ on the ground _ that he had seen a cock _ an egg.Alaying; lay; lay Blying; lie; lieClying; lied; lay Dlay; lying; lay6Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period.Aimproved BimprovingCto improve Dimprove7May I open the window to let in some fresh air?_ACome on! BTake care!CGo ahead! DHold on!8It _ be really cold in November in Hefei though we usually have warm and sunny days.Ashould Bwill Cmust Dcan9Im planning to open a restaurant in my hometown._It might be a good idea to provide the best local dishes.ACould you give me some advice?BWould you please come for dinner?CYoure most welcome.DPlease pay attention to it.10Jack had_feeling of excitement when hearing his article had been published in_school magazine.Athe; a Ba; theC/; the Dthe; /11What do you think we should do for our aged parents?I think the most important thing we _ do is try to stay with them for more time.Ahave to Bought toCwill Dwould12There is a 10minute parking _ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly.Afreedom BlimitCpermission Dability13Do you think a person _is more clever than one_?Awith debt; without debtBunder debt; up debtCin debt; out of debtDon debt; over debt14As you know,although there are no classes on weekends now, no students _ go out of school without the headteachers permission.Awill Bmust Cmay Dshall15Why dont we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our players?_ABecause we havent got enough preparations.BGood idea!CIts all because of the terrible weather.DNot all would like to attend it.阅读理解What would you think if I told you I could eat 40 percent more food than other peopleeating boxes of ice cream, bowls of noodles and plates of meatall while losing weight?You might hate me, thinking I have one of those annoyingly good metabolisms(新陈代谢)that just burn up fat the instant it enters my body.You might wonder if I have an intestinal(肠的)worm, or perhaps an eating disorder.Or maybe youd just shrug your shoulders and figure I have a rich fantasy life.Youd be wrong.For my body to finish such a surprising task, I would have to be a mouse.Not just any mouse, but one lucky enough to be involved in a new study at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.After identifying an enzyme(酶)that allows fat to be stored in the body, scientists fed mice without those enzymes, and found those mice were able to consume far more food than other miceand still weigh 10 to 15 percent less.Best of all, the mice that had no enzymes were in very good health, producing baby mice with no problem and generally acting like any other mouse.Thats great news for obesity researchers, who think that scientists may figure out a way to prevent the fatmetabolizing(脂肪代谢)enzyme in humans and control weight gain.And such a pill would be very exciting for many people who are struggling to get rid of dangerous extra pounds.But dont start planning any big dinner just yet. At this point, of course, any pill for humans is but a twinkle(闪烁) in the eye of every medicine companys CEO.More tests are to be made, and eventually humans will be introduced in the test.But for now,unfortunately,control in diet is still the key.16What does “such a surprising task” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AEating a lot of food while losing weight.BBurning up fat very quickly.CControlling the diet.DHaving a rich fantasy life.17Why did the author say he/she had to be a mouse in Paragraph 4?ABecause a mouse can lose weight no matter how much it eats.BBecause the weight losing tests were made on the mouse.CBecause the mouse has a very good metabolism.DBecause the author wants to try the food without the enzyme.18In the experiment, the mice without those enzymes_.Awere in good condition Bput on weightCbecame weak Dcould not have baby mice19What does the author want to show through the last two paragraphs?AYou can be free of guilt when having big dinners.BScientists cannot find the key to identifying the enzyme.CDont overeat before the test is made on humans.DIt is unnecessary to control weight at present.任务型阅读阅读下列电影的补充介绍与它们所对应的电影名称,根据它们各自的信息,从AF六则内容中找出适合它们的最佳选项,其中有一项是多余的。20Deeply moving and extremely romantic, it is a film about the moments in life that define us, and the timeless love that binds mothers and daughters, sisters and friends.21He decides to cure her both in body and in spirit. He uses unusual waystying her to the radiator (电暖炉). And by saving her, the man might just save himself.22Now in limbo (中间过渡状态), he is not quite dead but invisible to the living, and his spirit can only be watched as his mother and the police search for him, not knowing that he is only hours away from death.23Fearing that Hogwarts venerable(值得尊敬的) headmaster, Albus Dumbledore is lying about Voldemorts return in order to weaken his power and take his job, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new teacher to keep watch over Hogwarts students.24Now, threeandahalf years on, theyve found there will be some hope that they will be allowed to compete again: if they can put aside their differences, they can skate together in pairs figure skating.ABlack Snake MoanRae has been left for dead on the roadside when Lazarus discovers her. The Godfearing, middleaged black man quickly learns that the young white woman whom hes nursing back to health is none other than the town tramp from the small Tennessee town where they live. Worse, she has an anxiety disorder.BBlades of Glory When two figure skaters Chazz and Jimmy brawl(打架) for the gold medal at the World Championships, they are stripped (剥夺) of their gold medals and banned from the sport for life.CMr. Brooks Consider Mr. Brooks, a successful businessman, a generous philanthropist (慈善家), a loving father and devoted husband. Seemingly, hes perfect. But Mr. Brooks has a secrethe is a cruel serial killer and no one knows ituntil now.DEveningThe film explores the romantic past and emotional present of Ann Grant and her daughters. As Ann lays dying, she reflects on the time in her youth when she met the love of her life, a man she has never forgotten. Her daughters learn that decisions made on impulse (冲动) can affect a lifetime, and how important it is to know true love when it finds you.EHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizard community has been denied the truth about the teenagers recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort, preferring to turn a blind eye to the news that Voldemort has returned. FThe Invisible Nick is a high school senior with a bright future until, in a tragic case of mistaken identity, he is wildly attacked by a troubled girl Annie, and his body is left for dead.答案课时作业(十二).1.Dsuggest后跟从句时需用虚拟语气,所以排除A、C两项;consult sb. about sth.意为“关于某事请教某人”,所以D项正确。2B考查比较级的用法。句意为:“我们的运动员在北京奥运会上取得了巨大的成功。”“是的,我认为在亚洲没有人表现得比他(她)们好。”否定词和比较级连用表达的是最高级的意思。3B句意为:“布鲁斯,我真的很欣赏你的书法。”“非常感谢。”根据英语习惯,如果对方表扬你,你应该表示谢意。故答案为B。A、C、D三项不符合英语表达习惯。4C考查常用搭配。a limit to sth. “对某物的限制”,其中to不能换成of。5C考查动词辨析。lie on the ground 意为“躺在地上”, lie(躺)的进行式为lying; lie(说谎)的过去式为lied; lay an egg意为“下了一个蛋”。句意为:躺在地上的那个男孩撒谎说他见过一只公鸡下了个蛋。6Ahave sth. done “让某事被;经受”; have her written English improved意为“使她的书面英语有提高”。句意为:詹妮希望史密斯先生能给她提出在短期内快速提高书面英语的方法。7CGo ahead用于回答别人的请求,意为“去吧,好吧,说吧,干吧”。8D考查情态动词的用法。句意为:十一月的合肥通常是温暖而阳光灿烂的,但今年可能会很冷。can表示可能性,其他三项没有这个用法。9A说话人提出自己想在自己的家乡开个餐馆的计划,答话人说“也许提供当地最好的菜肴是个好主意”,由此可推测第一个人是征求对方的意见,故选A。10B考查冠词。句意为:当杰克听说他的文章在学校的杂志上发表的时候,他有一种兴奋的感觉。第一空为泛指;第二空为特指。11B考查情态动词。别人征求意见,答话人说“我认为我们应该做的最重要的是尽量和他们多待些时间”,而不是“不得不”,故排除A而选B。12B考查名词。limit “限制,限度”。parking limit指“停车限制”。句意为:这里有10分钟的停车限制,因此我们必须赶快去取车。13C考查debt短语的用法。 in debt “有债务”;out of debt “没有债务”。句意为:你认为负债的人要比没有债务的人聪明吗?14D考查情态动词的特殊用法,本句是一条禁令。而shall用于肯定句,主语是第一、三人称时,表允许、警告、命令等语气,故选D。句意为:尽管现在周末不上课了,但有些学校的学生没有老师的许可是不允许外出的。15B考查交际用语。Why dont you/we do sth?表示给某人提建议,选项B表示同意别人的提议。.想品尝美味又害怕体重增加?休斯敦贝勒医学院的一项实验将会帮你消除这个顾虑。16A信息指代题。此处所说的任务是指第一段中作者指出的大量进食体重还不增加,故选A。17B细节理解题。作者在第四段指出要想多吃还不胖,除非变成休斯敦贝勒医学院减肥实验中所用的那只老鼠,故选B。 18A细节判断题。根据第六段第一句话可知,没有酶的老鼠的身体仍然健康如故,能繁育后代,行为与其他老鼠并无两样,故选A。19C推理判断题。文章最后两段说明此类药物仍在开发过程中,还未在人类身上进行实验,目前要想保持体重,关键还是在于不要过量饮食,故选C。.20.D21.A22.F23.E24.B111

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