2013-2014学年高一英语 Unit 3《Travel journal》 随堂练习 新人教版必修1

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2013-2014学年高一英语 Unit 3《Travel journal》 随堂练习 新人教版必修1_第1页
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2013-2014学年高一英语 Unit 3《Travel journal》 随堂练习 新人教版必修1_第3页
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111【名师原创】2013-2014学年高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal 随堂练习 新人教版必修1Part One: Warming Up ComprehendingI. 单词拼写(每空一分,共10分)。1.Think about the advantages and d_ of each form of transport and find which kind you p_.2.After_ from college,we got the chance to take a bike trip.3.She soon got them interested in_(骑车)too and now she is planning the_(计划表)for the trip.4.My sisters d_ look suggested that she was_(固执的).5.Ive_(说服)her out of her foolish plan of_(组织)a long_(旅行).6.She_(弯腰)forward to pick up the newspaper.7.An a_ is what a person thinks about something.8.I want to walk to the station,but he i_ on driving me there.II. 词汇运用(10分)。1._(n.)运送;运输(vt.)运输;运送2._(n.)不利条件;不便之处_(反义词)优点,有利条件3._(vt.)说服;劝说4._(vi.)毕业(n.)大学毕业生_(n.)毕业5._(adv.)最后;终于_(adj.)最终的;最后的6._(adj.)喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的7._(adj.)顽固的;固执的8._(vt.)组织;成立_(n.)组织;团体_(n.)组织者9._(vt.)决定;确定;下定决心_(adj.)坚决的;有决心的_(n.)决心,决定10._(vi.)缓慢而行;踱步(n.)一步;速度;步调III. 短语搜索(10分) 1.be fond _ 喜爱;喜欢2.ever _ 从那以后3.dream _ 梦想,梦见4. persuade sb._ sth. 说服某人做某事5. after graduating _ college 大学毕业之后6. change ones _ 改变主意7. care _ 关心;忧虑;惦念8. make _ ones mind 下定决心;决定9. _ an altitude of. 在海拔的高度10. give _ 投降;让步IV.用适当的介、副词填空(10分)1.Ever _ middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed _ taking a great bike trip.2.Last year,she visited our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang _ their college _ Kunming.3.They are Dai and grew _ in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River.4.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle _ the entire Mekong River _ where it begins _ where it ends.5.Now she is planning our schedule _ the trip.6.I am fond _ my sister but she has one serious shortcoming.7.When I told her that our journey would begin _ an altitude _ more than 5,000 metres,she seemed to be excited _ it.8.Several months _ our trip,Wang Wei and I went to the library.9.We found a large atlas _ good maps that showed details _ world geography.10.It becomes rapids as it passes _ deep valleys,travelling across western Yunnan Province.V. 根据括号中的提示将下列句子译成英语(10分)。1.自从我们上学时相见,我们就一直是好朋友(ever since) 。_2.我让他们准备吃晚饭(get sb. adj.)。_3.他们坚持要求我出席会议(insist that )。_4.当我告诉他这个老板很难相处时,他说这会是一次挑战(be hard to get along with) 。_5.收到这样一封信,我感到惊奇(be surprised to )。_Part Two: Learning about LanguageI.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)。1.We _ (leave) soon,Mr.Lee.2.She thinks he _ (die).3.They _ (go) to Shanghai this Friday.4.Tom _ (come) here next week.5.The train _ (arrive) in three hours.6.I _ (fly) to Hong Kong tomorrow.7.Suppose its till _ (rain) tomorrow,shall we go?8.I _ (meet) John tonight .He _ (take) me to the theatre.9.When _ your program _ (start)?I want to know the exact time.10.We _ (go out) in an hour. Please make sure that everything is ready.II.完成句子(10分)。1. 我妈妈本周末要从美国回来。My mother _ from the United States this weekend.(return)2. 他们要几点钟到那儿?What time _ they _ there?(arrive)3. 我们明天就要动身去北京。We _ Beijing tomorrow.(leave)4. 我并不真的在这儿工作。我只是在这儿帮忙,一直到新秘书来。I dont really work here. I _ until the new secretary arrives.(help)5. 飞机十点十分起飞,也就是说,将在十分钟后离开。The plane _ at 10:10. That is to say,it is leaving in ten minutes.(take)III.句型转换(10分)。1.Who came to our school to give us a talk?Who _ _ to our school to give us a talk tomorrow afternoon?2.Did they come here yesterday?_ they _ here tomorrow?3.They walked to meet us at the railway station.They _ _ to meet us at the railway station this afternoon.4.I returned the book to you after I had finished it.I _ _ the book to you next week.5.They left to Beijing for practice.They _ _ for Beijing for practice tonight.Part Three: Using Language.词汇知识(5分)。1.p_(n.)a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put your head on when you are sleeping2.w_(n.)the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body3.f_(n.)hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire4.c_(n.)a large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hill,or under the ground5.r _(adj.)someone or something can be trusted or depended onII.重点短语(10分)。1._相反,代替2._放弃;停止3._感觉像4._穿着5. _照常III.必背句型(5分)。1.A determined person always tries to finish the job,_.不管困难有多大,一个有决心的人总是尽力完成工作。2. _was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised by the view.上山很艰难,但是当环顾四周,我们惊讶于眼前的景色。3.At one point we were _we found ourselves cycling through clouds.到了某一点我们的位置太高了,我们发现我们正在云里骑车。4.There was almost no windonly the flames of our fire _.(晚上)几乎没有风,只有篝火的火焰与我们做伴。5.We _see them!我们迫不及待地想要见到他们。练习吧:Part OneI. 1.disadvantages;prefer2.graduating3.cycling;schedule4.determined;stubborn5.persuaded;organizing;trip6.bent7.attitude8.insistedII. 1.transport2.disadvantage;advantage3.persuade4.graduate;graduation5.finally;final6.fond 7.stubborn8.organize;organization;organizer9.determine;determined;determination10.paceIII. 1.of2.since3.of/about4.to do5.from 6.mind7.about8.up9.at10.inIV.1.since;about2.at;in3.up4.along;from;to 5.for6.of7.at;of;about8.before9.with;of 10.throughV. 1. Ever since we met at school,we have been good friends.2. I get them ready for supper.3. They insisted that I(should) be present at the meeting.4. When I told him the boss was hard to get along with,he said it would be a challenge.5. I was surprised to have received such a letter.Part III. 1.are leaving2.is dying3.are going4.is coming5.is arriving6.am flying7.raining8.am meeting;is taking9.is;starting10.are going outII.1.is returning2.are;arriving3.are leaving for 4.am just helping out5.takes offIII.1.is;coming2.Are;coming3.are;walking 4.am;returning5.are;leavingPart IIII. 1.pillow2.wool3.flame4.cave5.reliableII. 1.instead of2.give up3.feel like4.be dressed in 5.as usualIII. 1. no matter how hard it is 2. To climb the mountains 3. so high that 4. for company 5. can hardly wait to 111

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