Unit 5《Nelson Mandela---a modern hero》教案29(人教版必修1)

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Unit 5《Nelson Mandela---a modern hero》教案29(人教版必修1)_第1页
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Unit 5《Nelson Mandela---a modern hero》教案29(人教版必修1)_第2页
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111Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero ReadingPART 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material(I)STATUS AND FUNCTION1,This text is a reading one. It can develop the students reading skills and abilities.2,This lesson is the main part of Unit 5.So if the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.3, This lesson is about Nelson Mandela. It can help the students know what qualities a great man should have? It can also help to develop their correct attitude towards life.(II)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDSKnowledge objects1, To make the students know what qualities a great man should have. 2. To give the students a practice in the use of some important words and expressions.Ability objects 3. To improve students reading and listening ability by reading and listening to the text.4. To develop students communicative ability by discussion.Moral objectTo make the students know how to be a useful person and enable them to love others and equality.(III)TEACHING KEY POINTS:1,Understand the real meaning of the hero / heroine 2,Who is your hero / heroine ?3,Why do you like him / her so much ?(IV)TEACHING DIFFICULTIES:1,The Attributive Clause ( 2 ) - where, when, why.Use the Attributive Clause with prep. Or the Relative Adverbs: Where, when, and why2,Learn to write a passage about a great person.(V)TEACHING AIDS:Tape-recorder, computerPART 2 Teaching Methods 1Five Steps Approach. 2Communicative Approach.PART 3 Studying Ways 1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners. 2. Teach the students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others. PART 4 Teaching Procedure Step 1 Warming upT: Please look at the pictures on the screen. Do you know who and what they are?Give the students some minutes to discuss the questions. (Show some pictures on the screen: Picture1William Tyndale, Picture2Norman Bethune, Picture3Sun Yat-sen, Picture4Mohandals Gandhi, Picture5Neil Armstrong,Picture6Nelson Mandela.)Then ask the students: Do you think they are famous people? Are they great people? Why do you think so? Help the students to draw a conclusion: A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to help others. Step 2 ReadingGet the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, andmeanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading.Fast reading Read the text through in 3 minutes, and then try to find the main idea of the text:When did the story happen?Where did the story happen?Who is this story about?What event does it tell us?Extensive ReadingRead the text again and summarize the main idea of each part . Ask the Ss to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.How many parts can this text be divided into? (2 parts )Give the main idea of each paragraphPart 1: (Para. 1 and 2 ) The life of Elias life before he met Nelson Mandela. Part 2: ( Para. 3 - 5) The change of Elias life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did. Ask the students to read Part1 and use the information in this part to fill the blanks:Information of Mandela: He was a black _. He offered _to poor black people on their _ problems. He was _ with his time.Information of Elias : He was a _ worker Who worked in a _. He had little _ ,so he could not _ or_ well. He needed to get a _ because he wanted to continue doing his work. Ask the students to read Part2 and answer the following questions1.How did Mandela help Elias?2.What unfair situation did black people face in South Africa?3.How did Elias support Mandela?4. Why did Elias support violence when he did not agree with it?Step3 Listening: Listen to the tape and decide True of False.1.Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble. ( )2.Elias left school because the school was too far from his home. ( )3.Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job. ( )4.Elias trusted Mandela and he joined the ANC Youth League. ( )5.Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. ( )6.Elias was willing to blow up government buildings. ( ) Step 4 DiscussionAsk the students to discuss the questions: What qualities does Mandela have? And why do you think so?Homework 1. Memorize the new words and phrases .2.Prepare for retelling the story.3. Do exercise 1,2,3 on page 36.111

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