Unit 3《Travel Journal》教案5(人教版必修1)

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111Unit3 Travel Journal 备课稿1. 教材分析本单元的中心话题是“旅游”,通过旅游日记的方法描述旅游见闻。课标内容:语言技能:学习用英语表达祝愿和告别以及交通方式;学会在准备出行之前与同学用英语讨论、制定旅游计划,通过上网查阅相关资料以及写信向朋友或知情人作一些必要的咨询,以了解旅游常识以及旅游必备的手段和必备的费用等;学会在旅游期间或旅游结束后用英语写游记供自己欣赏和他人参考,养成用英语写游记或日记、学会思考和倾诉的良好习惯,从而提升用英语与人沟通、思考问题和解决问题的能力以及写作能力。听:准确掌握听力材料中的升调和降调,迅速获取文章中的旅行方式、旅行路线以及时间、地点、人物等重要信息。说:用地道、规范的句子向别人告别或表达祝愿;能够熟练使用现在进行时表述自己对未来的打算。 读:阅读本单元课文及相关旅游文章,能够从文章中获取主要信息,克服像地点名、民族名,民族特点的节日名称的障碍。写:能够写一篇游记,要求做到:思路清晰,语言简练,并能正确表达自己所做之事、所到之处以及自己的感受。 语言知识:学习本单元22个新单词、2个新短语以及用现在进行时表示将来含义的用法。话题:Travelling; describing a journey词汇:见教材词汇表功能:1.祝愿和告别(Good wishes and farewells) 1).Have a good day/ time/journey/rip!Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you!Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday! 2). Thank you. You, too. The same to you. 2.交通方式 (Means of transportation) walking, cycling, horse riding, taking buses/trains/boats/plane语法:现在进行时表示将来 When are you leaving? How are you going there? Where are you staying? How long are you staying there? When are you coming back?情感态度和价值观:通过课文的学习,要求同学们能够积极参与关于旅行准备、旅游见闻、旅游感受等方面的交流活动,用准确的英语描述国内外的重要景观、名胜古迹以及一些当地的旅游文化节日。 学习策略:、资源和交际策略。通过多种渠道获取更多的与旅游相关的语言信息,从而扩大语言输入量,形成语言运用能力。、借助联想,建立相关知识间的联系。 文化意识:体会“读万卷书,行万里路”的旅游文化效益。教材结构:1.1 “热身”(Warming up)部分让学生想象自己住在青海,要去东南亚旅游。要求他们选择三个不同的地方并查出不同交通方式及所需费用。然后与同学讨论六个问题,使学生了解旅游的必要手段和必备的费用。1.2 “读前”(Pre-reading)部分的两个问题主要是引导学生向阅读部分过渡。 “阅读”(Reading)部分“湄公河旅行游记”(JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG)的第一部分讲述了王坤和王薇梦想沿湄公河做自行车旅行,并为之做准备的过程;文章的第二部分A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINS 放在“语言运用部分”中,主要讲述了他们在西藏山中度过的一宿,爬山路的艰苦及乐趣。 “理解”(Comprehending)部分通过回答问题、让学生填写表格在课文中找到王坤和王薇对旅行的相同和不同看法,加强学生对课文细节的进一步理解。1.3 “语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分讲述了主要词汇极其运用主要语法项目(用现在进行时表示将来)。1.4 “语言运用”(Using Language)部分含四个方面综合训练部分。Reading and speaking 是“湄公河旅行游记”的第二部分。“Listening “围绕中心话题,讲述王薇和王坤在去往大理与表兄弟会面的路上与一个老挝女孩的对话。Reading and writing 先让学生了解diary 和journal 的区别,通过找出课文中的“real”和“unreal” things, 加深对可课文的理解,然后要求学生围绕话题写一封短信。练习册第三单元Listening, Listening task 和Reading task 中的语篇分别是“湄公河旅行游记”的第四、五、六部分。1.5 “小结”(Summing Up) 学生采用归纳、调整和补救等方法对本单元的学习进行反思和总结,以得到及时反馈和强化巩固。这是运用反思学习和调控策略,学会学习的重要过程。1.6 “学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分鼓励学生外出旅行时写旅游日志(travel journal)2. 教材重组2.1 根据input-based instruction的教学理念, 和从话题内容上分析, 将Reading 和Talking整合在一起比较恰当。2.2 Learning about Language重点分析课文中重要的短语、语言点和句子极其运用主要语法项目(用现在进行时表示将来)。2.3 Using Language根据本单元的特点Reading、Listening 是旅游日志的片段构成这一特点,将JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG中 Part2和 Part 3的listening整合成一堂课。 2.4 Listening & Speaking将Workbook中的听力和Speaking整合在一起上一堂听说课 。2.5 Reading & Writing 在读的基础上,主要完成写的任务。本课时内教师可以根据本单元的话题和语言知识,指导学生就旅游日志进行写作尝试。2.6 Summing Up有了足够的input,才能有的放矢地output。在课本话题的基础上,教师根据学生实际,针对旅游前、旅途中和旅游后设计话题讨论。3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用7课时教完。)1st Period Reading & Talking 2nd Period Learning about Language3rd Period Using Language 4th Period Listening & Speaking5th Period Reading & Writing6th Period Summing Up7th Period Revision & Exercises4. 教学方法:任务型教学法;小组合作学习;演绎法;反思性学习等。5分课时教案Period1 Reading & TalkingTeaching goals: 1. To have a better understanding of the main idea of the passage.2. To conclude Wang Weis and Wang Kuns attitudes toward the trip3. To talk about how to prepare for the travel journal both on physical and material aspects.Language focus (here are some language items and structures):New words: persuade; stubborn; properly; determined;change her mind; give in.Teaching aids: Computer, recorder and projectorTeaching procedures:Step 1. I. Pre-reading1. The world has many great rivers. Ask the students if they could travel down only one of them, which one would they choose? Why?通过多媒体向学生提供一些风景名胜的图片引导其进行热烈地讨论。T: Ask the students to guess the names of the rivers. S: Try to name the rivers. (A map of China and some pictures of the rivers are shown on the screen.) (通过地图以及河流的图片来增长学生的地理知识,从而引发学生的兴趣,从而引出课题。) 引出the Lancang River and ask: What about the Mekong River? - Part of it is in China, too!2. We are going to take a trip to the Mekong River and take off.Ask: Do you know what counties the Mekong River flows through? (Look at the map of Mekong River and point out the countries it flows through.)(Key: China, Burma, Laos, Thailand. Cambodia & Vietnam) Show pictures of the countriesAsk: Can you tell the differences between the Mekong River and the Lancang River ? (Look at the map carefully.)Answer: The Chinese part of the river is called the Lancang River and after flowing in other countries the river is called the Mekong River.Step 2. Reading 1. Listening Say: After reaching the Mekong, an old man told us a story about the journey in the Mekong of a boy and a girl .T: Ask the students to listen to the tape about the story. (Before listening, show some new words and expressions: persuade stubborn properly determined change her mind give in)Listen to the text with 4 questions:1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?2. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?3. Where it the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter?4. What can you see when you travel along the Mekong?1)让学生听录音带,边听边找出问题的答案,从而锻炼他们的听力以及他们提取信息的能力。2)丰富学生的地理知识,对邻国有更好的理解。3)充分发挥学生学习的主动性,让学生学会从地图中提取和综合信息的能力。2. Detail readingRead the text aloud.1). Complete the formTheir dreamTaking a great bike tripTheir journeyFinding the source. Along the Mekong River from the source .Their preparation1.They bought expensive mountain bikes.2.Wang Wei got their cousins interested in cycling.3.They turned to the atlas in the library.The Mekong River1.begin/glacier on a Tibetan mountain/ small/clean/cold.2.move quickly/pass through deep valleys3.half/in China/Lancang River.4.wide brown and warm/enter2). Fill in the blankSimilar attitudes about the tripDifference attitudes about the tripBoth Wang Wei and Wang Kun think1. taking this trip is a dream that comes true.2. that they will enjoy this trip a lot.3. that most of the Mekong will be found in Southeast Asia.Wang Wei believes1. that they must start in Qinghai where the river begins/see all of the Mekong.2. that they dont need to prepare much.Wang Kun believes.1. it is too cold and high to start in Qinghai.2. that using an atlas is very important.Students work in pairs to discuss the following open question:1. Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong? Why?Step 3. Talking1. Fun timeImagine that you are helping the cyclists to prepare for their trip down the Mekong. You need to choose what you will take with you.The following I will give you something to choose and write down their names as many as possible. (Show pictures)2. Talking Ask the students to write down as many words as possible.This activity requires students to think critically and learn to be resourceful. Step 5. Summary In the last minutes, the students are asked to translate some difficult sentences in the passage.Homework: 1. Read the text again and find out the useful words and expressions.2. Ex 1, 2, 3 on P20.Period 2 Learning about LanguageTeaching goals: 1. To discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions 2. To learn about the Present Continuous TenseTeaching procedures:Step 1. Discovering useful words and expressions Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions. dream about, take a great bike trip, graduate from, got the chance to do sth., cycle along the river, go for long bike rides, mountain bike, persuade sb. to do sth., grow up, get sb. interested in sth., be stubborn, know the best way of getting to places, the source of the river, care about, give sb. a determined look, change ones mind, at an altitude of, seem to do, the air be hard to breathe, an interesting experience, make up ones mind, give in, a large atlas with good maps, keep doing sth., at first, pass through, be surprised to do sth., half of, at last, the South China Sea Say: Hello everyone. After reading the passage, we have got to know the usage of the words and expressions, but we should do more practice. Now turn to page 20 to find the correct words and expressions from the passage to finish the sentences. Give students some time to finish exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 20. Five minutes later, check in pairs and then check with the whole class.Step 2. Reading and findingAsk students turn to page 17 and look at the questions in Warming up 4. Underline the verbs in the questions, and pay attention to the verb forms.Divide the students into groups and discuss the structure of the sentences in Warming up 4.Give some explanations to the students.Step 3. Discussing useful structures The verbs are all used in the “-ing” form. They are “the Present Continuous Tense”, but they express future actions or plans. Not all verbs can be used in the “-ing” form to express future actions. Such verbs as come, go, leave, fly, walk, ride, drive, stay, meet, die, see, arrive, etc. are mainly used in the “-ing” form to express future tense.Step 4. ConsolidationSay: Please turn to page 21 and finish exercises 2 and 3.Check the answers with the whole class.Step 5. Practicean interview 1. Interview Wang Wei about her plans for the trip along the Mekong River. 2. Plan a trip based on the map.(P58 work book) Make a travel plan for National DayWhere are you going?When are you leaving?How are you going there? When are you arriving there? Where are you staying ?How long are you staying there?How much money do you think you will need to pay for the journey?Step 6. Summary Sum up the structure of “ the Present Continuous Tense” expresses the future actions.Homework: 1. Ex 1 on P56. 2. Ex 2 on P57. Period 3 Using LanguageTeaching goals: 1. To read the passages A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINS 2. To learn to use the language by reading, listening and speaking Teaching procedures:Step 1. Led-inShow some beautiful pictures of Tibet and warm up by talking about Tibet: Have you ever been to Tibet? Do you want to travel in Tibet? Can you tell me something about Tibet?(Background information about Tibet: Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Tibet is known as “Roof of the World”. The highest peak of Tibet, also the highest in Himalayas and in the whole world, is Everest Peak, which is as high as 8,846.27 meters above sea level. Although a part of China, Tibet has a unique culture of all its own. It is mainly inhabited by Tibetans, a minority nationality of old and mysterious people. Tourist attractions include the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Jokhang Temple, and a number of Buddhist sacred places. Tibet (Xi Zang in Chinese) is to the south of Xin Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qing Hai Province, to the west of Sichuan, to the northwest of Yunnan and to the north of India and Nepal. Its population of 2.3 million people come from a variety of ethnic groups including Tibetan, Han, Monba and Lhota. Its capital city is Lhasa. Northwest Tibet, mainly Qing Hai plateau, is home to a variety of unusual and unique animals. Across the northern expanse of Tibet, you can see vast grasslands where horses, yak and sheep roam freely. The worlds lowest valley, the Grand Yarlun-tzanpo River Valley lies in east Tibet. It is freezing cold in most time of the year. Most tourists come to visit Tibet only in the warmest seasons, June, July, August and early September.)Step 2. Reading 1. Pre-reading question: What kind of difficulties do you think Wang Wei and Wang Kun will meet in the mountains?2. Reading and underliningCollocations from JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG (II) although, ride bicycles, in front of, as usual, need to do sth., to climb the mountain road was hard , be great fun, reach a valley, much warmer, change into, T-shirts, shorts, in the early evening, stop to do sth., make camp, put up, after supper, go to sleep, stay awake, at midnight, become clear, so that, the sound of the fire, travel so far, join sb., hardly wait to see, change ones attitude.3. Speaking Read the passage again and find the answers to the questions: 1) How does Wang Kun feel about the trip? (He is starting to like the trip.) 2) What do you think has changed his attitude? (seeing the beautiful land) 3) Is it natural for Wang Kun not to feel lonely? (Yes. Because the scene Wang Kun saw is beautiful. The sky was clear and the stars were bright. Also their cousins are waiting for him.) 4) Would you feel the same way in this situation? Why or why not? (You may have different opinions about this. Just speak it out and let us share your idea, will you?) Imagine that the dialogue happens the next morning before Wang Kun and Wang Wei leave their camp. Write a short dialogue between them with your partner. Wei: You look so tired Kun: Yes, I stayed up late last night. Wei: Really? What did you do? Kun: I watched the clear sky and the bright stars. Wei: Thats nice. They must be pretty. Kun: Yes, they were.4. Consolidation Using the key words to retell the passage: ride bicycle; in front of; as usual; need to do sth.; be great fun; reach a valley; change into; in the early evening; stop to do sth.; make a camp; put up; after supper; go to sleep; stay awake; at midnight; become clear; join sb.; can hardly wait to see; change ones attitude.Step 3. Listening Lets go on with Journey Down The Mekong River (part 3) with Wang Wei. Turn to page 23 and do the listening text. Before listening to the tape, please read the words fast, then tick the words you hear on the tape. After that Ill play the tape for the second time and then finish the chart. You should look through the chart and find out the listening points. The following questions can help you understand the listening text. Where is the girl from? What do people in Laos use the river for? Why do people in Laos call the river “the sea of Laos”? What is the river called in Tibet and Vietnam? What other beautiful sights along the Mekong River in Laos? Fill in the chart:TopicSouthwest ChinaLaosLocal name of the riveThe water of the rocksThe sea of LaosUses of the riverWashing, fishing and transportWhat to seeMany different animals,plant and bird speciesSmall villages and so onSceneryWaterfalls and rapidsMountains, forests, temples, caves and a waterfallHomework: 1. Follow the tape to read the passages (Part 2 & 3 of “Journey Down The Mekong River”) again and pay attention to the rising and falling tone of each sense group and sentence. 2. Try to memorize the useful words and expressions.Period 4 Listening & SpeakingTeaching goals: 1. To listen to Part 4 and 5 of “ JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG” on Workbook. 2. Enable the listening ability of the students.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Led-in Ask students to discuss with partners the following questions:1). Do you like the dressing way of Tibet?2). Can you describe the way of life in Tibet?Step 2. Pre-listening Ask students to read the words of Part 1 on page 55.Step 3. Listening1. Ask students to listen to the tape for P55, Exercise 1.2. Listen to the tape again and then answer the questions. (把原文中的重点句子挑出来,采取挖空式的方式,用幻灯片的形式给学生展现)Step 4. Listening on P582. Pre-listening Ask students to read the questions in Exercise 1, Page 58.1. Listening1). Ask students to listen to the tape for P58, Exercise 1.2). Listen to the tape again and find out the information to fill in the chart.(把原文中的重点句子挑出来, 采取挖空式的方式,用片的形式给学生展现)Step 5. Consolidation Try to retell the part of the story according to the chart.Step 6. Speaking1. Led-in Say: A river can influence the people living along the river. How? (Students discussion)2. Activities: Group DiscussionA dam is a huge wall built on a river that can produce electricity for millions of people. A dam can also stop floods in places that get lots of rain. For those reasons , the Lancang Mekong River now has some dams. In our country, a lot of dams have been or are being built on the Changjiang and Yellow Rivers. Requirements are as follows:Work in pairs and discuss this question: 1. What do you think a dam does to a river and the people who lives on it?2. Make a list of at least two good and two bad things a dam does.3. Represent your report to your classmatesHomework: 1. Go over Part 4 & 5 of “Journey Down The Mekong River”. 2. Get preparation for Reading & Writing next period, and underline the useful words and expressions.Period 5 Reading & WritingTeaching goals: 1. To deal with the Reading and Writing part. 2. To teach students how to write a short letter.Step 1. Led-inQuestions: 1. Do you often keep a diary? 2. Have you ever written a travel journal? 3. Can you tell the differences between a diary and a travel journal?Step 2. Listening and readingListen to the tape and try to catch the words to fill in the blanks and then read the whole paragraph by themselves. Reading and underlining Collocations from Reading and Writing put ones thoughts into a diary, travel journey, the difference between, for on thing for another, record ones experiences, soon after, be familiar to, make a list of, comparewith, agree to. Read the passage quickly and then fill in the information on the chart. Step 3. Preparations for writingFrom the paragraph above, we have known the differences between a diary and a travel journal. Fill in the chart (the differences between a diary and a travel). Design a chart for the students to fill in.A diary1). Personal; 2).To try to record how the writer feels very soon after things happenA travel journal1). For a lot of reader;2).To record their experience, ideas and afterthoughts;3). Its topics include people, things and events less familiar to readers.Step 4. Writing a letterImagine that you are a friend of Wang Wei. Write a short letter to her and ask her to describe: how she feels, what she is doing, and some places you want to know about. Then wish her well on her journey by using at least two of these expressions:Have a nice/good time. Have a nice/good trip. Take care. Good luck on your journey. Say “Hello” to .Write to me. Give my best wishes/love to . Have fun.Step 5. CorrectionGive a sample of writing.My dear brave little Wei, How I worry about you and Wang Kun! Are you enjoying your trip? I hope so. What are you doing now? Are you in Cambodia yet? When you get to Phnom Penh, tell me about the Buddist temples there. Please send some photos with your next letter! Well, have fun and dont forget to write to me! Say “Hello” to Wang Kun for me. Good luck with your journey. Take care! Your friend forever, Ju LinStep 6. Group workSay: We have learnt so much about travel. Now imagine that you will run a travel business that gives tours of famous places in or near your hometown. You want to make an advertisement that both foreigners and Chinese can read so that your travel agency can get more business. (Page 60) What are some of the key factors in an advertisement?-where to visit -where to stay for the night-when to leave -when to return -how to get there -how much to pay -what to see -what to eat -what to pay att


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