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Unit 3 Language in use,Module 9 Life history,1,young adj. 年轻的,New words,2,PPT模板: PPT素材: PPT背景: PPT图表: PPT下载: PPT教程: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件:,young 是形容词,意思是“年轻的”,反义词是 old “年老的”。即:,young old 年轻的 反义词 年老的,例如: He is very young but his grandfather is old. 他很年轻,但他的爷爷老了。,3,Language practice,He left school and began work at the age of twelve. But he took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. He wrote about thirty-eight plays. In 1599 the company built the Globe Theatre.,4,语法解析,5,一般过去时(3) 动词过去式规则的,在其后直接加-ed,不 规则的需要单独记忆。例如: We left at nine oclock in the morning. 我们是早上9点钟离开的。 They swam in the swimming pool and had a good time. 他们在游泳池里游泳,玩得很开心。 He wrote some postcards and sent some emails. 他写了一些明信片,还发了一些电子邮件。,6,7,不规则动词的一般过去时的否定形式: We didnt leave at nine oclock in the morning. 我们不是早上9点钟离开的。 They didnt swim in the swimming pool. They didnt have a good time. 他们没在游泳池里游泳。他们玩得不开心。 He didnt write any postcards and didnt send any emails. 他没有写一些明信片,也没发一 些电子邮件。(注意:some 要变成 any!),8,一般疑问形式及其肯、否定回答: Did you leave at nine oclock in the morning? 你们是早上9点钟离开的吗? Yes, we did. / No, we didnt. 是的,我们是。/不,我们不是。 Did they swim in the swimming pool? 他们在游泳池里游泳了吗? Yes, we did. / No, we didnt. 是的,他们游了。/不,他们没游。,9,一般疑问形式及其肯、否定回答: Did he have a good time? 他玩得开心吗? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. 是的,开心。/ 不,不开心。 Did he write any postcards and send any emails? 他写了一些明信片, 还发了一些电子邮件吗? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. 是的,他写了发了。 / 不,他没写没发。,10,Complete the sentences about Bettys life.,1. Betty _ (be born) in Quincy. 2. She _ (go) to John Adams Primary School. 3. She _ (be) happy in Quincy. 4. She _ (have) lots of friends there. 5. She _ (come) to China in 2008.,was born,went,was,had,didnt come,11,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words.,When my father was young, he (1) _ (not have) much money. He (2) _ (begin) work at eight oclock and(3)_ (leave) at five. When he (4)_ (get) home, he always (5) _ (read) a book. In the evening he (6) _ (go) to the park and (7) _ (have) a good time.,didnt have,began,left,got,read,went,had,12,Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words from the box. You can use the words twice.,Tony: What time did you (1) _school every day when you were a boy? Tonys dad: I (2) _ at about five oclock, I think. Tony: And what time did you (3) _ home? Tonys dad: Oh, I (4) _ home about half an hour after that, at half past five.,leave,left,get,got,13,Tony: Did you (5) _ a lot of homework? Tonys dad: Yes, I (6) _. Tony: Did you (7) _ to play football when you were at school? Tonys dad: No, I (8) _ after you were born.,do,did,begin,began,14,Complete the passage with correct form of the words from the box.,15,Deng Yaping was born in 1973 in Zhengzhou, China. She (1) _ playing table tennis at five. She was only fifteen when she won her first match for China. She (2) _ the National Team in 1988. Deng won Olympic gold four times and she (3)_ famous all over the world. At the age of twenty-four, Deng Yaping (4) _ the National Team and became a student. She (5) _ very hard. She then (6) _ to England and studied there.,joined,became,started,left,worked,went,16,Around the world,17,18,Read the passage, tick true (T) or false (F).,Stratford-upon-Avon is famous because it is the birthplace of Shakespeare. Stratford is a modern town. You can see Shakespeares plays at the Royal Shakespeare Company Theatre.,T,F,T,19,Writing about people in the past,Module task,20,Find out about your parents or grandparents lives when they were young.,1. Where did you live? 2. What did you often watch? 3. What games did you play? 4. When did you get married? 5. How did you travel?,21,Now make notes.,Write a timeline. Write notes on the timeline.,22,Write a paragraph about their lives.,Write the paragraph. Do some drawings.,23,Show your paragraph to the whole class.,1.把你的短文和同桌交换阅读并检查、改正错处。 2.读你的短文给全班同学听。,24,你都弄懂了吗?,你真聪明!,25,一、选择题。 1. Last week Sue _. will see a movie B. saw a movie C. see a movie 2. Yesterday Mary _. will wash the dishes B. wash the dishes C. washed the dishes,达标练习,26,3. Where _ you last night? I was at home. A. am B. were C. was 4. Did you visit a friend yesterday? Yes, _. A. I did B. I do C. I was,27,二、请用正确动词形式填空。 1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 2. _ she _ (practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _. 3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening?,had,Did,practice,didnt,did,do,28,4. They all _ (go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 5. She _ (not visit) her aunt last weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _ (do) some cleaning.,went,didnt visit,stayed,did,29,Review and recite the important points of Module 9. 复习并记忆模块9 的重点内容。,Homework,30,1、不要做刺猬,能不与人结仇就不与人结仇,谁也不跟谁一辈子,有些事情没必要记在心上。 2、相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久,总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。 3、其实每个人都很清楚自己想要什么,但并不是谁都有勇气表达出来。渐渐才知道,心口如一,是一种何等的强大! 4、有些路看起来很近,可是走下去却很远的,缺少耐心的人永远走不到头。人生,一半是现实,一半是梦想。 5、没什么好抱怨的,今天的每一步,都是在为之前的每一次选择买单。每做一件事,都要想一想,日后打脸的时候疼不疼。 6、过去的事情就让它过去,一定要放下。学会狠心,学会独立,学会微笑,学会丢弃不值得的感情。 7、成功不是让周围的人都羡慕你,称赞你,而是让周围的人都需要你,离不开你。 8、生活本来很不易,不必事事渴求别人的理解和认同,静静的过自己的生活。心若不动,风又奈何。你若不伤,岁月无恙。 9、与其等着别人来爱你,不如自己努力爱自己,对自己好点,因为一辈子不长,对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能够遇见。 10、你迷茫的原因往往只有一个,那就是在本该拼命去努力的年纪,想得太多,做得太少。 11、有一些人的出现,就是来给我们开眼的。所以,你一定要禁得起假话,受得住敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了承诺,放得下一切。 12、不要像个落难者,告诉别人你的不幸。逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。 13、人生的路,靠的是自己一步步去走,真正能保护你的,是你自己的选择。而真正能伤害你的,也是一样,自己的选择。 14、不要那么敏感,也不要那么心软,太敏感和太心软的人,肯定过得不快乐,别人随便的一句话,你都要胡思乱想一整天。 15、不要轻易去依赖一个人,它会成为你的习惯,当分别来临,你失去的不是某个人,而是你精神的支柱;无论何时何地,都要学会独立行走,它会让你走得更坦然些。 16、在不违背原则的情况下,对别人要宽容,能帮就帮,千万不要把人逼绝了,给人留条后路,懂得从内心欣赏别人,虽然这很多时候很难。 17、做不了决定的时候,让时间帮你决定。如果还是无法决定,做了再说。宁愿犯错,不留遗憾! 18、不要太高估自己在集体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起。 19、时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。很多时候,就是在跌跌拌拌中,我们学会了生活。 20、命运要你成长的时候,总会安排一些让你不顺心的人或事刺激你。 21、你的假装努力,欺骗的只有你自己,永远不要用战术上的勤奋,来掩饰战略上的懒惰。 22、成长是一场和自己的比赛,不要担心别人会做得比你好,你只需要每天都做得比前一天好就可以了。 23、你没那么多观众,别那么累。做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想,更不庸人自扰。 24、奋斗的路上,时间总是过得很快,目前的困难和麻烦是很多,但是只要不忘初心,脚踏实地一步一步的朝着目标前进,最后的结局交给时间来定夺。 25、你心里最崇拜谁,不必变成那个人,而是用那个人的精神和方法,去变成你自己。 26、运气是努力的附属品。没有经过实力的原始积累,给你运气你也抓不住。上天给予每个人的都一样,但每个人的准备却不一样。不要羡慕那些总能撞大运的人,你必须很努力,才能遇上好运气。 27、时间只是过客,自己才是主人,人生的路无需苛求,只要你迈步,路就在你的脚下延伸,只要你扬帆,便会有八面来风,启程了,人的生命才真正开始。 28、每个人身上都有惰性和消极情绪,成功的人都是懂得管理自己的情绪和克服自己的惰性,并像太阳一样照亮身边的人,激励身边的人。 29、最终你相信什么就能成为什么。因为世界上最可怕的二个词,一个叫执着,一个叫认真,认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。只要在路上,就没有到不了的地方。 30、人生,就要活得漂亮,走得铿锵。自己不奋斗,终归是摆设。无论你是谁,宁可做拼搏的失败者,也不要做安于现状的平凡人。 31、不管做什么都不要急于回报,因为播种和收获不在同一个季节,中间隔着的一段时间,我们叫它为坚持。 32、过自己喜欢的生活,成为自己喜欢的样子,其实很简单,就是把无数个“今天”过好,这就意味着不辜负不蹉跎时光,以饱满的热情迎接每一件事,让生命的每一天都有滋有味。,31,

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