2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1《Friendship》完形填空全方位训练6 新人教版必修1

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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1《Friendship》完形填空全方位训练6 新人教版必修1_第1页
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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1《Friendship》完形填空全方位训练6 新人教版必修1_第2页
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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit1《Friendship》完形填空全方位训练6 新人教版必修1_第3页
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1112014届高考英语一轮复习全方位配套训练人教版必修一Unit 1 Friendship完形填空6He must have been completely lost in something he was reading because I had to tap on the windscreen to get his attention.“Is your taxi 1 ?” I asked when he finally looked 2 at me.He nodded,then said 3 as I settled into the back seat,“Im sorry,but I was reading a 4 .” He sounded as if he had a 5 .“I am not in a hurry,” I told him.“Go ahead and finish your letter.” He 6 his head.“Ive read it several times already.I guess I 7 know it by heart.”“Letters from home always mean a lot,” I said.“From a child?”“This isnt 8 ,” he replied.“Although it 9 just as well have been family.Old Ed was my oldest friend.In fact,we used to call each other Old Friend when wed meet.Im not much good at 10 .”“I dont think any of us keep 11 our letters too well,” I said.“I know I dont.But I 12 it hes someone youve known quite a while?”“All my life.We were kids together,went to school together and all the 13 through high school.”“There are not too many people whove had such a long friendship,” I said.“ 14 ,” the driver went on,“I hadnt seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I 15 away from the old neighbourhood and you slightly lose touch 16 you never forget.He was a great guy.”“You said was.Does that mean.?”He nodded.“ 17 a couple of weeks ago.”“Im sorry,” I said.“Its no fun to lose any friend and losing a real old one is 18 tougher.”He didnt 19 to that,and we rode on in silence for a few minutes.But I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again,almost more to himself than to me:“I should have kept in touch.”“Well,” I agreed,“we should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do.But things 20 and we just dont seem to find the time.”.When I got to my hotel room I didnt unpack right away.First I had to write a letter and mail it.1.A.availableB.acceptableC.beneficialD.occupied2.A.downB.upC.toD.off3.A.unexpectedlyB.curiouslyC.apologeticallyD.definitely4.A.bookletB.novelC.bookD.letter5.A.coldB.feverC.secretD.story6.A.hungB.noddedC.shookD.kept7.A.anyhowB.hardlyC.almostD.really8.A.friendshipB.familyC.leadershipD.colleague9.A.couldB.mightC.maybeD.would10.A.writingB.readingC.talkingD.learning11.A.upB.withC.onD.in12.A.clarifyB.makeC.takeD.assume13.A.curriculumB.coincidenceC.lifeD.way14.A.EventuallyB.ActuallyC.AdditionallyD.Besides15.A.removedB.leftC.headedD.moved16.A.even thoughB.as thoughC.whenD.whereas17.A.DiedB.SufferedC.ChokedD.Survived18.A.everB.evenC.fairlyD.quite19.A.answerB.replyC.questionD.talk20.A.take upB.pick upC.come upD.break up【语篇解读】本文讲述了搭乘出租车时,“我”碰到了一位全神贯注读信的司机。一聊才知道,那封信竟是他的已故的好友的。他们虽然没有忘记彼此却很少联络,这让司机很后悔。“我”从中知道:多与老朋友联系,不然会后悔终生。1.A available “可用的,在手边的;可利用的”;acceptable “可接受的”;beneficial“有利的,有益的”;occupied “已被占的,已居住的”。此处指“我”问司机他的车是否“可以用”。2.B look up “仰望”;由语境知,司机仰头看“我”。3.C apologetically “辩解地, 道歉地”;unexpectedly“意外地,出乎意料地”;curiously “好奇地”;definitely “明确地,明显地,清楚地,肯定地”。此处指司机因为“我”敲窗他才听到而感到抱歉。4.D 由第6空前有letter可知选D。5.A have a cold “感冒”;由后文知,司机读的是已故老朋友的信,心里悲伤,所以他的话听起来好像“感冒”了。6.C shake ones head “摇头”;由司机的话语可知,“我”让他把信读完,他拒绝了,所以摇头。7.C 此处指司机已经读了好几遍,所以他“几乎”能记住信的内容了。8.B 由上文“Letters from home always mean a lot.”可知,司机否认这是“家信”。9.B may/might just as well “不妨,还是得好”。10.A 由常识及文章最后一句话可知,此处指这位司机不善于“写”信。11.A keep up保持;保护,维护。12.C I take it “我认为”。assume后接that从句,而不是it。13.D all the way “一路上,自始至终”,此处指司机和他朋友一起上完高中。14.B actually “事实上”;此处指“事实上”在过去的25到30年里司机和他朋友每年见不了几次面。15.D move搬家;remove去掉,移动,搬开;leave离开;head前往。16.A even though “虽然,即使”。此处指“即使你没忘记彼此,但是慢慢失去了联系”。17.A die死亡。该空前后都有暗示。18.B 四个选项只有even可以修饰比较级tougher。19.B reply to “回答,回应”;此处指司机没有“回应”“我”的问题。注意:answer后不接to。20.C come up在此意思是“出现,发生”,相当于happen。111

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