Module 2 Unit 1教案

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Module2 My home town and my countryUnit1 Its taller than many other buildings.教学目标【知识目标】1. 能够正确使用下列单词和词组:hill, wide, pretty, population, million, than等。2. 能够掌握句型:Its a newer city than Hong Kong. It will become as busy as Hong Kong. Its streets are much wider and cleaner.【能力目标】1. 能够听懂讨论家乡的对话。2. 能比较两个地方的不同,并与同学进行多轮对话。【情感态度目标】感受祖国的地域辽阔,培养爱国主义感情。同时学会与他人沟通和分工合作,搞好人际关系。教学重难点【教学重点】能比较两个地方的不同,并与同学进行多轮对话。【教学难点】形容词、副词比较级的变化规则以及比较级的基本结构教学过程Step 1 Lead-in Ss look at the pictures and talk about it by comparing two pictures to present the comparative degree.Step 2 Consolidate new wordsLook and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.Step 3 Look at the pictures and talk about themLook at the pictures and practice using the words from the box.Step 4 ListeningListen Activity 1 and fill in the blanks.Step 5 Listen and read1. Listen and answer the questions.(1)Is Shenzhen on the coast?(2)Is Shenzhen older than Hong Kong?2. Work in groups. Try to find out the most comparative degree sentences.1) So its a newer city than Hong Kong?2) Its getting bigger and busier.3) Thats larger than the population of many other cities in China.4) Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.5) Its taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.3. Complete the passage about Shenzhen.4. Everyday English.5. Point out the main points in the passage.Step 6 Complete the sentencesComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.You need to use some of the words more than once.Step 7 Listen and repeat Listen and notice the underlined words.1) Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing. No, it isnt. Its smaller.2) Hong Kong is newer than Shenzhen. No, it isnt. Its older.3) Shenzhen is as old as Hong Kong. No, it isnt. Its newer.4) Hong Kong is as busy as Shenzhen. No, it isnt. Its busier.Step 8 Now work in pairs. Listen again and repeat.1) Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing. No, it isnt. Its smaller.2) Hong Kong is newer than Shenzhen. No, it isnt. Its older.3) Shenzhen is as old as Hong Kong. No, it isnt. Its newer.4) Hong Kong is as busy as Shenzhen. No, it isnt. Its busier.Step 9 Compare Hong Kong with your home town. Make notes in the table.Hong KongYour home towna big cityStep 10 Work in pairs. Talk about the differences between Hong Kong and your home town. Use big, small, hot, cold, tall or new. Is your home town bigger than Shenzhen? No, it isnt. Its smaller than Shenzhen.Step 11 Learning to learn To learn about sentences stress.Step 12 Grammar 比较级课堂作业编写一个对话,介绍你的家乡和北京的不同。教学反思

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