高中英语外研版必修二学案Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》

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111Book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsPeriod 1【学习目标】识记本模块所学单词短语,掌握重点词短语的用法【学习重点难点】本模块重点词语用法【学习策略指导】利用多媒体或录音机让学生自主学习,小组合作探究解决当堂所学主要内容【预习自学】words and phrases【教学环节设计】Step1 自主学习下列重点词语用法,标出你认为的重点和疑难部分1. diet n. 饮食;日常食物 v. 照医生规定饮食,节食 (be) on a diet 节食 put sb. on a diet 给某人限制饮食 start diet 开始节食 A balanced diet is necessary for good health. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet.The doctor put her on a diet. Im not too heavy, so I never have to diet.2. fit adj. 健康的,强壮的;适当的,适合的 keep fit (= keep healthy) 保持健康be fit to do sth 适合做某事 be fit for sb/sth 适合于He keeps (himself) fit by running 5 miles every day. Not many people are fit enough to run 42 kilometres.The food was not fit to eat. The man is not fit for the position.【拓展】:fit v. 多指大小尺寸合适; suit v.多指服装的色彩、款式合乎需要、以及品味、性格、时间、场合等对某人合适;match 着重指颜色,式样等相匹配。 The coat _ me well in size.It is difficult to find a time that _ everybody. The doors were painted blue to _ the walls.3. rare adj.稀少的,罕见的 The panda is now a rare animal. It is very rare for her to arrive late. rarely adv. 很少; seldom 很少; hardly 几乎不 这三个都是否定副词,它们置于句首时主句要倒装。 *Rarely does he study hard. = He rarely studies hard.?I rarely get flu in winter. = Rarely _.*Peter is rarely/seldom late, _? *He rarely/hardly eats meat, _?4. wealthy adj. 富有的;有钱的 wealth n. 财富【U】 He is a man of wealth. (He is wealthy.)? He cared nothing for wealth. 译:_ He grew up in a wealthy family.5. anxious adj.焦虑的 ,不安的 ; 渴望的 anxiety n. 焦虑,担心;渴望 be anxious about/for 为担忧 (= be worried about) be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事 He is anxious for/about his safety/ her non-arrival.He was anxious to meet you.? The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge._【拓展】eager和anxious 都有“渴望”之意。eager 带有更多的热切,兴奋的情绪;而anxious带有更多的焦虑的心情。He is _ for success. / He is _ to know the result.6. injure vt.伤害injury n. 伤害,损害,受伤处 Come and help! I think she must be injured. He was badly injured in the traffic accident.? The driver of the car suffered serious injuries to the legs and arms. _ 【拓展】:injure vt.常指在事故中的意外受伤; injury n.平时的大小创伤或事故中的伤害 wound vt. 多指在战争中受伤;wound n. 指战斗中因刀枪而受到的创伤,伤口。 hurt vt. 对身体,尤指对精神所造成的伤害; hurt vi. 疼痛;hurt n. 肉体或精神上的创伤 She _ herself in the accident. He got _ in the war and became disabled. My stomach _ because I have eaten too many apples. My feelings were _ when he didnt invite me to the party. ?I dont like my new shoes because they hurt. _.7. pain n. 疼痛;pains (pl) 辛苦;努力painful adj. 疼痛的 He cried with pain. He has a pain in the shoulders.? No pains, no gains. 译:_The injury was quite painful and I couldnt move my arm for a month I hated that.8. normal (反:abnormal ) adj. 正常的,一般的;正规的,标准的 n.常态;通常水平 above / below normal 高于 / 低于正常标准 return to normal 恢复正常 Take it easy. You have a normal body temperature. Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip. Her temperature has returned to normal. We know who helped to get things back to normal after the earthquake?【联想】:ordinary common usual normal average 的区别 The test is specially designed for the _ students, so its not difficult.He is an _looking man . As _, there werent many people at the meeting. Rabbits and foxes are _ in Britain. He received four years of _ education (正规教育) at college.9. head vi., 向 前进(常和for/towards连用); vt. 领导;在前部或顶部; n. 头部;头脑, 才智;领导地位 ? They are heading for/ towards success. 译:_ He headed straight for the bar. They headed southwest in search of a new land. ? His name headed the list. 译:_10. breathe v. 呼吸( breathed, breathing) breath n. 呼吸,气息 She is not moving but shes still breathing. The doctor told him to breathe deeply. When we breathed (in) the air, it smelt sweet. The air is too dirty for us to breathe.【搭配】:hold ones breath 屏息 out of breath 上气不接下气lose ones breath 上气不接下气Step 2小组合作讨论解决疑难问题【检测反馈】I. Word spelling 1. Youve put on too much weight, so you have to d_. 2. If you take exercise and eat well, then youll be probably very h_. 3. PICC is short for the Peoples I_ Company of China. 4. My medicine is almost finished. Ill ask my doctor to write another p_. 5. I hurt my left leg while playing football. I had to miss school for a month because of this i_. 6. The doctor examined me and asked me questions about my _(症状). 7. He speaks English at a _(正常的) speed. 8. He hasnt come. I am a _ about his safety. 9. He became ill after b_ coal dust for many years.10. Im going to the dentist because Ive got a t_.II. Multiple choice1. Rarely _ I _ such a beautiful sunset in all my life.A. ; seeB. have; seenC. see; D. did; see2. Long hair doesnt _ a school boy.A. fitB. suitC. goD. match3. Youre _ trouble if you drive after drinking.A. headingB. heading forC. heading offD. headed4. A persons _ body temperature is about 37.5C. A. ordinaryB. normalC. commonD. usual5. Letter boxes are much more _ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. A. commonB. normalC. ordinaryD. usual6. -I wonder if she will show up at the concert. -She will. She is only too _ to watch the famous conductor. A. anxiousB. proudC. interestedD. satisfied7. -Would you like some chocolate? -Id like some, but Im _. A. on dietB. in a dietC. on a dietD. in diet8. They _ see a horse carriage now because most people use cars, do they? A. rarelyB. oftenC. usuallyD. mostly9. A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel yesterday, _ at least 12 people. A. injuringB. having injuredC. having been injuredD. injured10. He gained his _ by printing _ of famous writers. A. wealth; workB. wealths; workC. wealths; worksD. wealth; works11. If he wants to win in the contest, he must take great _ with it. A. painB. painsC. effortD. troubles12. - How was the televised debate last night? - Super! Rarely _ so much media attention. A. a debate attractedB. did a debate attractC. a debate did attractD. attracted a debate13. When he dashed back, he was already _. A. out from breathB. holding his breathC. caught his breathD. out of breath14. He _ his way through the crowd and rushed into the burning house. A. armedB. shoulderedC. handedD. eyed15. It may have seemed unusually cold but experts say its _ for this time of year. A. normalB. formalC. ordinaryD. usual【课外作业】预习Listening, writing, Everyday English和Cultural Corner部分,并完成相关练习【学后反思】_Book 2 Module 1 - Period 1 Step 1: 2. fits; suits; match 3. do I get flu in winter; is he; does he 4.他视财富如粪土。5. 老师赞赏他的求知欲。 eager; anxious 6. 司机的腿和胳臂都受了重伤。; injured; wounded ; hurts; hurt; 我不喜欢我那双新鞋,他们夹脚。7. 不劳无获。8. average; ordinary; usual; common; normal 9. 他们即将成功。 他的名字是名单上的第一个。Step 2: I. 1. diet; 2.healthy; 3. Insurance; 4. prescription; 5. injury; 6. symptom(s); 7. normal; 8. anxious; 9. breathing; 10. toothache II. 1-5) BBBBA 6-10) ACAAD 11-15)BBDBABook 2 Module 1 - Period 1 Step 1: 2. fits; suits; match 3. do I get flu in winter; is he; does he 4.他视财富如粪土。5. 老师赞赏他的求知欲。; eager; anxious 6. 司机的腿和胳臂都受了重伤。; injured; wounded ; hurts; hurt; 我不喜欢我那双新鞋,他们夹脚。7. 不劳无获。8. average; ordinary; usual; common; normal 9. 他们即将成功。 他的名字是名单上的第一个。Step 2: I. 1. diet; 2.healthy; 3. Insurance; 4. prescription; 5. injury; 6. symptom(s); 7. normal; 8. anxious; 9. breathing; 10. toothache II. 1-5) BBBBA 6-10) ACAAD 11-15)BBDBABook 2 Module 1 - Period 1 Step 1: 2. fits; suits; match 3. do I get flu in winter; is he; does he 4.他视财富如粪土。5. 老师赞赏他的求知欲。; eager; anxious 6. 司机的腿和胳臂都受了重伤。; injured; wounded ; hurts; hurt; 我不喜欢我那双新鞋,他们夹脚。7. 不劳无获。8. average; ordinary; usual; common; normal 9. 他们即将成功。 他的名字是名单上的第一个。Step 2: I. 1. diet; 2.healthy; 3. Insurance; 4. prescription; 5. injury; 6. symptom(s); 7. normal; 8. anxious; 9. breathing; 10. toothache II. 1-5) BBBBA 6-10) ACAAD 11-15)BBDBABook 2 Module 1 - Period 1 Step 1: 2. fits; suits; match 3. do I get flu in winter; is he; does he 4.他视财富如粪土。5. 老师赞赏他的求知欲。; eager; anxious 6. 司机的腿和胳臂都受了重伤。; injured; wounded ; hurts; hurt; 我不喜欢我那双新鞋,他们夹脚。7. 不劳无获。8. average; ordinary; usual; common; normal 9. 他们即将成功。 他的名字是名单上的第一个。Step 2: I. 1. diet; 2.healthy; 3. Insurance; 4. prescription; 5. injury; 6. symptom(s); 7. normal; 8. anxious; 9. breathing; 10. toothache II. 1-5) BBBBA 6-10) ACAAD 11-15)BBDBA111


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