英语外研版必修一《Module 2 My new teachers》语言点分类讲解

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英语外研版必修一《Module 2 My new teachers》语言点分类讲解_第1页
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英语外研版必修一《Module 2 My new teachers》语言点分类讲解_第3页
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111Words and phrasesAdmit/admission/allow/allowance/permit/permission/acknowledgeDiscipline/principal Energetic/energyFormal/informal/regular/irregular/common/uncommon/ordinary/extraordinary/general/specialImpress/impressive/impression Intelligent/intellectualLoudly/loud/aloudOrganized/ disorganized /organize/disorganize/organization/disorganizationPatient/impatient/patiently/impatiently/patience/impatienceSummary/ summarization/outlineRespect/respectful/admire/admirable/honorScientific/unscientific/science/scientistSerious/seriousness/sincere/sincerelySimilarly/similar/dissimilar/similarity/alike/like/sameMake sure that/of(确定,查明) he went over the paper again to make sure that he had not made mistake. Be sure that/of(确信,相信) I am sure that you can learn English well.So that(以便,为了),so/suchthat(如此。以致。) The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day. He was so young that he couldnt go to school. As a result(因此,结果,前面是一个表原因的句子)he fell down from the bike. As a result, he will be away from school. As a result of=because of(由于。,因为什么的缘故) A sit down campaign began as a result of the corruption. Result in=lead to 导致(后跟结果) result from 起因于,由。引起(后跟原因)The fire resulted from careless. Your careless resulted in the fire. Fall asleep熟睡(fall为系动词+形容词) fall ill病倒 fall behind落后 fall down倒塌,失败 Be patient with sb be patient of sth with patience be strict with sb be strict in sthNot a bit=not at all(一点也不) not a little=very much(很,非常) a bit of /a little + N 一点儿With Mr. Wang helping us, I do believe I can learn English well. With +宾语(object)+宾语补足语 (with复合结构)With +object+doing with +o+done with +o+ to do, with +o+adj/adv/介词现在分词做宾补强调动作正在进行;过去分词做宾补表示被动及动作也完成;不定式表示一个将要发生的动作。With all the things she needed_, she went home happily. A buying B bought C to buy He is used to sleeping with all the windows _ A closing B closed C to close D close With still so many things _, I cannot go on holiday with you A dealt with B to deal with C dealing with D deal withWould rather宁愿 would rather(not)do sth宁愿做(不做)某事 would rather than . =would rather than= prefer to rather than 宁愿. , 也不 阅读理解讲解一, 推断题。1。解推断题时候应注意:不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点;你解题推理的根据要源于上下文。2。推断题常见形式: It can be inferred from the text that _.1 From the text we know that_.2 The story implies that_3 The paragraph following the passage will most probably be_.4 The writers attitude towardis _.3.解推断题的方法:最主要的方法是根据词义关系推断具体细节。Example 1 One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches and two spiders.”“What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised.“Well,”replied the man,“Im moving out of my apartment and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”Q: the passage suggests that when the writer moved into the house, it was_A very clean B just cleaned by the landlord C tidy and comfortable D dirty and full of insects二事实题 在阅读理解文章中,有相当一部分属于事实或细节题,下面老师简要讲解一下1 直接事实题 在解答这类问题时同学们要抓住题干的文字信息,有针对性的进行阅读,因为这类题的答案一般在文中都可以直接找到。2 A giant dam was built many years ago to control the Colorado River in the U.S. This dam was built to protect the land and houses around the river. This huge dam is in the Black Canyon. It is possible to drive a car from one side of the river to the other on a road, which is on the top of the dam. This dam is so big that there is an elevator inside. The elevator goes down forty-four stories from the road to the bottom. There is enough concrete in this dam to build a highway from New York to San Francisco. Thousands of people worked on this dam for five years.This huge dam was called Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States. Hoover Dam, one of the highest dams in the world, is situated between the states of Arizona and Nevada.Q: Hoover Dam lies_ A. between Arizona and NevadaB. in the Black Canyon C. between New York and San Francisco D. both A and B2.间接事实题解此类题需要结合上下文提供的语境和信息进行简单的概括和判断。Invited by Mr. Ye Huixian, host of the wellreceived TV programme “Stars Tonight”, Miss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of 1991, appeared as the guest hostess on the Shanghai TV screen last Sunday.Born in Shanghai and taken to Hong Kong when she was only six years old, Luo Lin has never dreamed of being Miss Asia. Her childhood dream was to be an airhostess. Before she took part in the competition, she had been an airhostess in Cat hay Airline for seven years. However, it still took her three months to learn the art of walking on the stage, dancing, singing, making-up and other proper manners, designed by the Asia TV Station.“Its really a hard job for me. I wont enter for such competition any more. Anyhow, I am quite lucky. I am also glad to have had more chance to work for the social welfare since I won the title. This time, in Shanghai, Id love to make a deep impression on my TV audience, said Luo Lin with a sweet smile.Q: Which of the following is Not true? A Luo Lin is a native of Shanghai. B Luo lin moved to HK with her parents C Luo Lin won the title of Miss Asia in 1991 D Asia TV Station helped Luo Lin to become Miss Asia3.词义理解题 做此类题,同学们要尽可能利用生词所在的上下文来猜测词义,即利用自所熟悉的词或短语和上下文中已知部分进行逻辑上的推理,有时还要靠常识和经验。Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional practices handed down from father to son, or mother to daughter, of old country customs, of folklore . All this is very difficult for a college student to examine, for much knowledge and personal experience is needed here to separate good plants from wild grass. The college student should learn to realize and remember how much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness and how often scientific discoveries of what had existed in this area long age. Q: In the paragraph the phrase “this world, confused wilderness ”refers to _A personal experience B wild weeds among good plants C the information from the parents D the vast store of traditional practices 非谓语动词讲解:非谓语动词包括动词不定式、动名词和分词。动词不定式可在句中作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语;动名词可在句中作主语、表语、宾语和定语;分词可在句中作表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语,现将它们在用法上的区别总结如下:1动词不定式和动名词作主语比较 动名词作主语表示一般或抽象的多次性动作,不定式作主语表示具体的或一次性的动作,特别是将来的动作。例如:_ is a good form of exercise for both young and old(MET2003) AThe walk BWalking CTo walk DWalk(Key:B)2动词不定式、动名词、分词作表语比较 (1)不定式和动名词作表语的区别同作主语一样。 His job is building houses Our task now is to increase food production (2)动词不定式和动名词作表语说明主语的内容,现在分词作表语表示主语所具有的特征,过去分词作表语表示主语所处的状态。 The real problem is getting to know the needs of the customers The most important thing is to put theory into practice The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_ it more difficult(NMET 1999) Anot make Bnot to make Cnot making Ddo not make (Key:B) 3动词不定式和动名词作宾语比较 (1)有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语,如:want,wish,hope,manage,demand,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect等。 We agreed _ here,but so far she hasnt turned up yet(NMET2004) Ahaving met Bmeeting Cto meet Dto have met (Key:C) (2)有些动词后只跟动名词作宾语,如:admit,appreciate,avoid,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape, excuse,finish,forgive,imagine, keep,mind,miss,practise,resist, risk,suggest,deny等。 The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed_ (MET 2001) Acatching Bto be caught Cbeing caught Dto catch (Key:C) I would appreciate_ back this afternoon(MET2005) Ayou to call Byou call Cyou calling Dyoure calling(Key:C)(3)有些动词后既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词,意义上无多大区别,如:love, like,hate,prefer,intend,start, continue等。 I intend to finishfinish- ing the task this morning (4)有些动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟动名词,但意义上有区别,如:forget,remember, mean,regret,stop,try等。 The light in the office is still on Oh,I forgot _ (MET1999) Aturning it off Bturn it off Cto turn it off Dhaving turned it off(Key:C) You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting Well,now I regret _ that(NMET 2000) Ato do Bto be doing Cto have done Dhaving done(Key:D) 4、动词不定式、分词作宾语补足语和主语补足语比较 (1)有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语补足语或主语补足语,如:ask,tell,order,want,wish,warn, allow,advise,permit,forbid等。 The patientwas warned _ oily food after the operation(NMET 2006) Ato eat not Beating not Cnot to eat Dnot eating(Key:C) (2)有些动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟分词作宾语补足语或主语补足语,但意义不同,如:see,watch,notice,observe,hear,feel,have, make等,且不定式不带to,但在被动结构中必须带to。不定式指动作的全过程;现在分词指正在进行的动作的一部分,且表主动意义;过去分词指已经完成的动作,且表被动意义。 Paul doesnt have to be made He always works hard(NMET2004) Alearn Bto learn Clearned Dlearning(Key:B) The manager discussed the plan that they would like so see the next year(NMET 2000) Acarry out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto carry out(Key:C)5不定式、动名词、分词作定语比较 (1)不定式作定语表示“将要”,现在分词表示“正在”或主动,过去分词表示“已经”。 The Olympic Games,in 776 BC,did not include women players until1912(NMET 2004) Afirst playing Bto be first played Cfirst played Dto be first playing(Key:C) When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door“Sorry to miss you; will call later”(NMET2001) Aread Breads Cto read Dreading(Key:D) (2)动名词作定语表示被修饰名词的用途,现在分词作定语表示被修饰名词的动作。 a swimming pool动名词作定语,a swim- ming fish现在分词作定语。 111

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