高二英语《Unit 22 Environmental Protection》练习案(北师大版选修模块8)

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111从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. He _the boy who kept making noises in the library and said, “Get out”.A. stared atB. glared atC. glanced atD. looked at 22. His wife left him, so he usually _his worries _drink.A. drawn; inB. dr owned; inC. drawn; withD. drowned; with 23. Although he is old enough to do his own business, he seems to be _on his parents.A. dependableB. dependentC. reliableD. independent 24. Wind power is an ancient source of energy, _we may return in the near future.A. on whichB. by whichC. to whichD. from which 25. _come out of the building, my first thought was to call the fire department.A. On seeing the smokeB. When I saw the smokeC. Having seen the smokeD. As soon as the smoke was seen 26. Last night, I dreamed of there _a beautiful garden in front of my house.A. to beB. isC. beingD. had 27. The minister said, “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but well never _with criminals.”A. negotiateB. quarrelC. argueD. consult 28. “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” Mother shouted with _.A. angerB. rudenessC. regretD. panic 29. During the National Day break, residents in Beijing chose to go to the country to relax for there was a travel _ downtown.A. agencyB. boomC. experienceD. plan 30. They are going to find a new approach _these complex problems.A. to solving B. to solveC. in solvingD. solves 31. When speaking in public, _.A. speech should be understood C. one should make himself understoodB. speech should be easy to understand D. one should make listeners understand 32. _from his family for over two years, he is now eager to go back home.A. Having been separatedB. Being separatedC. SeparatingD. Having separated 33. Be careful. The bomb could be _by the slightest touch.A. set outB. set offC. set downD. set up 34. Their efforts were in vain, because their plan wasnt _by the Committee.A. distinguishedB. negotiatedC. approved ofD. accused of 35. My God! I just missed the train.Thats too bad. You _it if you had hurried.A. could catchB. would catchC. could have caughtD. had caught 36. Last month, in one firm alone, three hundred people were _because of the drop in sales.A. took offB. laid offC. knocked offD. set off 37. _being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill for living. A. ExceptB. In addirionC. Rather thanD. Aside from 38. After some time, he finally _the local food.A. got accustomed toB. was accustoming toC. used to D. had access to 39. There was plenty of time, so she _.A. mustnt have hurriedB. neednt hurryC. couldnt have hurriedD. neednt have hurried 40. Would you like some more tea?_, please.A. No moreB. Just a littleC. Ive had enoughD. Yes, I would第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可My parents ran a small restaurant in Seattle. It was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and my first _41_job, when I was six years old, was _42_diners shoes. My father had done it when he was young, so he taught me _43_to do it right, telling me to offer to re-shine the shoes if the customer wasnt _44_.Working in the restaurant was a _45_of great pride because I was also working for the _46_of the whole family. But my father made it clear I had to _47_certain standards to be part of the team. I had to be punctual, hard-working and _48_to the customers.I was _49_paid for my work I did at the restaurant. One day I made the mistake of _50_Dad I thought he should give me $10 a week. He said, “OK, then how about you _51_me for the three meals a day you eat here? And for the times you bring in your buddies for free sodas?” He _52_ I owed him about $40 a week.I remember _53_home to Seattle after being away in the Army for about two years. I had just been _54_ to captain and was full of pride as I walked into my parents restaurant. The _55_thing Dad said was, “How about your cleaning up tonight?” “I cannot _56_this! Im an officer in the US Army! But it didnt matter. As far as Dad was _57_, I was just another member of the team. I _58_the mop. Working for Dad had taught me that loyalty _59_a team comes first. It doesnt matter _60_that team is involved in a family restaurant or Operation Desert Storm. 41. A. trueB. realC. naturalD. happy 42. A. cleaningB. clearingC. shiningD. sweeping 43. A. howB. whatC. whenD. where 44. A. happyB. puzzledC. pleasedD. satisfied 45. A. sourceB. reasonC. causeD. case 46. A. badB. goodC. rightD. wrong 47. A. requireB. haveC. meetD. fit 48. A. goodB. politeC. warmD. cruel 49. A. seldomB. everC. alwaysD. never 50. A. askingB. tellingC. persuadingD. advising 51. A. payingB. spendingC. costingD. taking 52. A. figuredB. wonderedC. workedD. thought 53. A. goingB. returningC. comingD. leaving 54. A. raisedB. risenC. askedD. promoted 55. A. rightB. justC. veryD. first 56. A. understandB. knowC. believeD. expect 57. A. thoughtB. consideredC. hopedD. concerned 58. A. reachedB. reached forC. fetchedD. brought 59. A. forB. inC. toD. of 60. A. whetherB. asC. untilD. as long as 111


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