英语新课标(人教版)教学案 必修一Unit3《Travel journal》Period 6 Speaking and Writing

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英语新课标(人教版)教学案 必修一Unit3《Travel journal》Period 6 Speaking and Writing_第1页
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111Unit 3Travel journal Period 6Speaking and Writing整体设计从容说课This is the sixth teaching period of this unit. The teacher can first check the homework and review what they learned in the last lesson.The emphasis of this period is laid on developing the students speaking and writing ability. First show the students the pictures of the Aswan Sam, the Hoover Dam and the Three Gorges Dam. Discuss and talk about the question:What do you think a dam does to a river and the people who live on it? Then go through the part Writing on Page 23 and let the students know what to do. Later on, get them to begin to write a short email to Wang Kun as a friend of his asking about Laos. This email is a type of writing that students will be very familiar with. Tell the students they can follow the steps:1. In pairs choose the details about Laos that are most interesting. Think of what else you would like to know about Laos. Write these ideas down as questions. 2. Now choose two or three of the best questions for your email. Each question should have another sentence explaining why you want to know this information. 3. Put them in an order that makes sense. 4. Begin your email as shown on Page 24 in the textbook and add your questions for Wang Kun. Your writing should not be more than one paragraph. 5. Finish your email.As for Writing task on Page 60 in the workbook, it gives students practice in persuasive writing. They must persuade or convince their classmates to use their travel agency because it offers the best services for the price. This task involves teamwork and group planning of the kind students will need to do after they finish their education and enter the workforce. To make the poster more attractive to readers, the teacher should encourage students to choose their words carefully and use sensory detail when possible. The prices they list should be realistic for the services tourists are offered. Encourage the students to consider their audience. In other words, ask them:For whom are you making this poster? or what kind of tourist do you hope to attract? Ask the students to make a poster after the model on Page 60. If time doesnt permit, this task can be homework. Make sure students work in groups to finish it.教学重点 1. Develop the students speaking ability.2. Get the students to learn to write an email and a travel poster.教学难点 Get the students to make an advertisement or a brochure.教学方法 Discussing and cooperative-learning教具准备 The multimedia and other normal teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn some useful new words and expressions.2. Get the students to know about what a dam does to a river and the people who live on it.3. Get the students to learn the form of an email and the ways to express good wishes.Ability aims:1. Develop the students speaking ability.2. Get the students to learn how to write an email and how to express good wishes in it.3. Get the students to learn how to make a travel poster.Emotional aims:Enable the students to master writing skills and write excellent emails and make wonderful posters.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some students to summarize JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG.Step 2 Speaking1. Show students the pictures of the Aswan Dam, the Hoover Dam and the Three Gorges Dam and talk about them.2. Work in pairs and discuss the question:What do you think a dam does to a river and the people who live on it?3. Make a list of good and bad things a dam does.Good things:1)control floods2)make electricity3)The raised water level makes it possible for heavy-loaded ships to pass.4)bring new sceneryBad things:1)force the people to move from their land and homes2)The Three Gorges Dam has forever changed some of the most historically celebrated scenery in the area.3)Refugees are economically, culturally and psychologically devastated.4)People in the Mekong Delta suffer from diseases dams and large irrigation projects in the tropics bring.5)The construction of dams in Southeast Asia has brought some of the countries into heavy debts.4. Discuss your report with your classmates.Step 3 Writing1. Pre-writing1)Talk about what is the difference between a diary and a travel journey.Show the two passages on the screen.Passage 1:It is the most beautiful spot I have visited in the world to date. It has delicious air, sparkling lakes, and stunning scooped-out vistas from a bygone age. I have heard others speak effusively about its jaw-dropping beauty. But after seeing Glacier for myself, I can honestly say that prior descriptions did not do it justice. It exceeded my expectations. Its spectacular.Passage 2:At 6:00 am, my classmates and I met at the school gate. Then we went to the Xihu Park by bus. In the morning, we went to the zoo, where we saw many different animals. Of all the animals, I like monkeys best. At noon we had a picnic lunch on the grassland. After a short rest, we went boating on the Yingshan Lake. We held a boat race and our team won. At about 4:00 in the afternoon, we went home.Ask the students to decide which a diary is and which a travel journal is. (Passage 1 is a travel journal while Passage 2 is a diary. )2)Make a list of details from the travel journal that you believe are real and you dont believe are real.Real detailsUnreal details1.2.3. 1.2.2. While-writing1)Write a short email to Wang Kun as a friend of his and ask him something about Laos.2)Read your writing and check the mistakes by yourselves.3)Exchange your writing and correct the mistakes.4)Rewrite the email again.3. After-writing1)Choose some samples and show them in class.2)Tips on writing:Pay attention to the form of an email.Pay attention to the tense while writing.Pay attention to the structures of the sentences.Step 4 Language Points1. record1) vt. 记录,记载;录音,录制This volume records the history of the city.这部书记录了该城市的历史。The songs were recorded by the radio company.这些歌曲是由广播公司录制的。2)vi. 进行录音;被录音Her voice records well. 她的声音录下来很好听。3)n. 记录,记载;唱片The doctor keeps a record of all the serious illnesses in the village.医生保存了这个村庄所有严重疾病的记录。The young singer is very popular and has made a lot of records by far.这位年轻的歌手很受欢迎,目前已录制了很多唱片。make a record录制唱片set a record创记录break a record 打破记录keep a record保持记录keep a record of 把记录下来for the record正式记录在案off the record非正式的on record记录下来的2. familiar adj. 熟悉的This song sounds familiar.这首歌听起来很熟悉。I could hear Mary playing a familiar tune.我能听到玛丽正在弹奏一首熟悉的曲子。be familiar to & be familiar with:1)be familiar to sb. 意思是“为某人所熟悉”,主语可以是sb. 或sth. 。The city is familiar to me.这座城市对我来说很熟悉。He was familiar to me but I couldnt think of his name at once.他对我很熟悉,但我一时想不起他的名字。2)be familiar with sth. 意思是“对某事熟悉”,主语通常是sb. 。Are you familiar with the rules of baseball?你熟悉棒球规则吗?He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.他通晓中国古代史。be familiar to和be familiar with的转换That man is not familiar to me. I am not familiar with that man.我对那个人不熟悉。3. For one thing. . . (for another. . . )一方面,另一方面;一则,再则For one thing, a journal isnt as personal as a diary. For another, a travel journal has a different purpose.一方面,旅行日志不像日记那样涉及私事;另一方面,它也有不同的目的。For one thing, I havent any money; for another, I dont like the style.一则,我没有钱;再则,我也不喜欢那款式。Step 5 ConsolidationTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 在这次运动会上,没有人打破记录。2. 这是有记录以来最冷的冬天。3. 你熟悉棒球规则吗?4. 这首歌听起来我很熟悉。5. 她一来很漂亮,二来又聪明。Suggested answers:1. During this sports meet no one broke any record.2. This was the coldest winter on record.3. Are you familiar with the rules of baseball?4. This song sounds familiar to me.5. For one thing, she is pretty; for another, she is clever.Step 6 WorkbookWork in groups of four and make a poster on Page 60 or finish the project on Page 61.Step 7 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Write down the letter to Wang Wei in the exercise book.板书设计Unit 3Travel journalSpeaking and writingReal detailsUnreal detailsTips on writing1. anything about the geography of China and Southeast Asia2. the people who live there3. the places the bikers visit1. anything about the four bikers2. their personal experiences1. the form of writing a letter2. the tense while writing3. the structures of the sentences活动与探究Imagine you are planning a bike trip with your partner. Hold a discussion to talk about what you should do before traveling and what is the most useful and least useful object you need to take.Sample dialogue:A:What do you think we should do before traveling?B:In my opinion, we should make good preparations, that is, to make a plan, decide the place to visit and get enough information about the place. With full preparations well have a good time during the trip.A:Well, Im not sure about what are the most useful objects we need to take, but I know a can/tin opener is not very useful.B:Why not?A:Think about it:cans/tins are heavy to carry on a bike. So no cans/tins means no can/tin openers.B:Yes, youre right. And Im not sure about the need for an umbrella.A:But certainly it will rain on their trip. So it is useful.B:I disagree. How can you hold an umbrella and ride a bike?A:Oh, yeah, I see what you mean. So they should have raincoats.B:Yes, and raincoats are not as heavy.A:How about the radio? I mean, can we really use it?B:Maybe in China to get the weather.A:Yes, sure, but most of the trip is not in China. We dont know the languages.B:Right. OK, so we agree that a can/tin opener, umbrellas and a radio are useless.A:Yes. So which is the most useless?. . .111


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