广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The seventh Period Writing》教案新人教(必修一)

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广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The seventh Period Writing》教案新人教(必修一)_第1页
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广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The seventh Period Writing》教案新人教(必修一)_第2页
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广东省陆河外国语学校高一英语《Unit1 Friend-The seventh Period Writing》教案新人教(必修一)_第3页
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111Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 disagree with, flatter, shine, make an effort to, editor, communicate, situation, gratefulb. 重点句子Although I really try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them.I do want to change this situation, but I dont know how I would be grateful if you could2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Enable the Ss how to write a letter as an editor to give advice on how to communicate with people.b. To write an essay to give your opinions about how to make good friends.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss to learn how to write a letter as an editor to give advice on how to communicate with people.Enable the Ss to write an essay to give your opinions about how to make good friends.Teaching important& difficult points教学重点和难点a. Teach the Ss how to write a letter as an editor to give advice on how to communicate with people. b. Teach the Ss how to write an essay to give your opinions about how to make good friends.Teaching methods教学方法Task-based learning.Discussion.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a computer.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework, asking them to read out their ideas for the class. T: Lets check the homework. Id like some of you to read out their ideas. For the class. Volunteer!Possible versions:S1: Everyone needs friends. We can live without a brother, but not without a friend. I think friendship is more important that anything else in my life. So Id like to spend most of my time with my friends. We think its cool to spend most of our time with friends. Arranging some recreational time with friends is necessary in a well-rounded life. As part of a large group of friends, or as one half of “just the two of us,” the time you spend with friends is an essential part of a satisfying life. We can enjoy ourselves in all kinds of ways, such as traveling, having sports, having dinner, gossiping, drinking coffee, going to the movies. I think the best way to spend time with friends is to go hiking and camping with them. Because when were camping we are not in any rush to go somewhere and there are fewer choices, just enjoying what were doing.Step II Warming up T: Have you ever read The 21st Century?S: Yes, I have. Its a popular paper among teenagers in China.T: If you have any problem, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. Here is a letter from a student.Step III WritingThis part asks the Ss to write their advice to Xiaodong as an editor. First, let the Ss to discuss how to write a letter to offer some advice with their partners. Second, teacher shows the instructions on how to write a proposal letter on the screen. Third, ask the Ss to read the letter on Page 7. Ask them to discuss what Xiaodongs problem is and what is the solution they can offer in groups of 4, with the help of the points given on the books. Fourth, give them ten minutes to write the letter. At last, ask some of the Ss to read their letters for the class while the teacher gives some comments.T: Today were going to write your advice to Xiaodong as an editor. Do you know how to write a proposal letter? Now, lets have a discussion on it with your partners.Ss are talking about how to write a proposal letter.T: Whod like to answer this question?S1: The problem should be presented first. Then we must analyze the reasons to cause the problem. Proposing the solution must be the main, which should be well explained.T: Exactly. The discussion of the solution itself, based on the analysis of the problem, is the core of a proposal. Ill give you some instructions about how to write the body part of a proposal letter as follows.StepWhat should be writtenHow do we writePart IPresenting the problemIntroducing the topic and analyzing the problemPart IIProposing the solutionExplaining the proposal in great detailPart IIIConclusionConcluding by reconfirming the proposed solutionT: All right. Lets read the letter on Page 7.And try to find out what Xiao Dongs problem is and what is the solution they can offer in groups of 4, with the help of the points given on the books.The Ss are discussing Xiao Dongs letter.T: OK, who can tell me what Xiao Dongs problem is?S: He is not very good at communicating with people. He wants to know how to make friends with others.T: Quite right. Now please write your advice to Xiao Dong as an editor with the help of the points given on the books. Ill ask some of the Ss to read their letters for the class in ten minutes.The Ss are writing the letters. T: Are you finished? Ill ask some of the Ss to read their letters for the class.Possible version:Dear Xiao Dong, I am sorry to hear about your problem and thank you for your trust. Youre feeling quite lonely and find it hard to make friends with your classmates, because you have some problems in communicating with people.You are asking how to make good friends with others. Id like to give you some advice on it. First of all, I think you should make an effort to change the situation. Because friends and friendship are important to you. You can try your best to start talking to people about what you both like. Youd better find the chance to join in peoples discussion in order to understand and communicate with each other. You may show your interest in their talk. You should try to make friends with one or two classmates. If you want to develop a friendship with others, you should first have self-confidence. If you want others to treat you as friends, you should first treat them as friends. Being a good listener is also important. When listening to a friend, you can show that you are concentrated by looking into his or her eyes and asking questions.I hope my advice is helpful and I wish you make some good friends successfully as soon as possible.Best wishes, Yours truly LihuaStep IV Writing TaskFirst ask the Ss to read the proverbs and choose some you agree or disagree with to write a passage. Second teach them how to an argumentative essay by showing the instructions. Third, give them 10 minutes to write down the passage. Finally ask some Ss to read their passage for the class and the teacher gives some comments.T: Read the proverbs and choose some you agree or disagree with to write a passage. And then Ill show you the instructions how to an argumentative essay.How to write an argumentative essay TitleChoose a proverb and make a good titleIntroductionExplain for what reasons you agree or disagreeSecond ParagraphThink out three arguments to support your ideasConclusionWrite what you should do and whyNotes: 1. The subject is well-presented.2. The evaluation is credible and well-supported.3. It has a clear and effective style.T: I think youve chosen the proverb you are to discuss. Which view do you agree or disagree? Now Ill give you 10 minutes to write down the passages.T: Time is up. Id like some Ss to read your passages for the class.Possible versions: A friend in need is a friend indeed.“A friend in need is a friend indeed.” The popular saying means the best friend is the one who helps you when you are really in need of help. I agree with the proverb. Friendship means having people who you know will help you if you are ever in trouble. He should be ready to help you especially when you have difficulty. If he doesnt try his best to help you, hell be too selfish to others. If so, you can draw a conclusion that he is not a true friend.As we all know, friendship plays a very important role in our life. However, the problem is that many people misunderstand the meaning of friendship and overlook the significance of real friends. Real friendship is of great necessity for many people who suffer the pains of modern society and do not have a solution. Much to the disappointment of us, it is a fact that friends are no longer that available like before. We must notice that friends can provide much needed comfort and service. They are people one can turn to at times of difficulty. In this case, to have real friendship is the right way out of the trouble. It would be responsibility of friends to help each other out of their trouble.From my point of view, real friendship has really functioned in helping people out of problems and into happiness. The principle in making friends is to be honest and faithful to each other. It is highly necessary for us to start to be honest and faithful to people in order to maintain really healthy friendship. We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future, everyone could be happy with true friends around us. Only in this way, can we pull friendship back to the right track.When you meet your friend, does your face shine you have found gold?“When you meet your friend, your face shine you have found gold.” This proverb means when you meet your friend, youll feel very happy as if you had found some gold. I dont agree with the view. We cant mention friendship and money in the same breath. We cant measure friendship with money. We also cant compare friendship to money.Money isnt everything. As we know, money is quite different from friendship, which is a kind of valueless treasure in the inner world, while money just stand for a necessary which has no relation with friendship. Even though some people believe that money will provide everything, it cannot buy or guarantee friendship and happiness. Money makes a man welcomed everywhere, but he cant make true friends. One has many friends when he is prosperous; but as soon as he is in need, most will desert him. When rich, a man has many relatives, most of whom are but flatterers. In my experience, being on the opposite side of a business deal from a friend or relative can ruin a good relationship and damage their friendship.The idea that friendship can only be measured by money is dangerous. It may mislead people to make friends just for getting as much material benefits as he wants from you. That will corrupt people and produce a money-oriented society. True friends should be honest and faithful to each other. Therefore, its high time that we educated people, especially the young, to develop a positive attitude towards money and friendship.Step V HomeworkFinish off the WB Exx and sum up the whole unit.Collect the materials about friends and friendship to prepare an English party.T: Most of our friends are human beings, but sometimeswe make friends with animals or even things. Write a passage about one of your unusual friends. It can be a pet or one of your favorite objects. Your writing should include the following points:1. Description of your unusual friend.2. How do you become friends?3. How do you get along with each other?4. What do you learn from your unusual friend?Read the famous book Annes diary after class in order to make the Ss understand the text much deeply and improve their extensive reading ability.附件 AppendixesI. 课文注释Notes to the text1. Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or just cant understand what you are going through? 你是害怕你的朋友会嘲笑你呢?还是只是担心你的朋友不理解你与他/她讨论的事情呢?or 是对等连接词, 在此表示选择关系,作“还是”解,其用法如下:1)表示选择关系“或,或者”,“还是”Which do you like better, oranges or apples?, 你更喜欢哪样,是橘子还是苹果?I dont mind whether you go to Tianjin today or tomorrow.你今天去天津还是明天去,我都不介意。其中若or 连接两个主语时,其动词与最接近的主语一致。你或你的兄弟一定要去。You or your brother has to go.Your brother or you have to go.2)用于否定词之后“也不”They never dance or sing. 他们从不跳舞,也不唱歌。 3)否则, 要不然 Hurry up, or you will be late for school.赶快,否则你上学要迟到了。4)Or 连接的双方为两个相对的意思时,表让步。Money or no money, he made up his mind to carry out his plan.无论有没有钱,他下决心来实行他的计划。or还有如下词组:either.or.或者.或者., 不论还是or else 否则, 要不然or rather 说得更确切些或加以更正or so大约,左右whether(.)or not 是不是,是否, 无论不go through 在此句中意为“详细讨论”,其用法如下:被正式通过或接受The bill went throught.该法案已正式通过。顺利完成The deal did not go through.这笔交易未谈成。go through sth.磨穿某物 Ive gone through the elbows of my sweater. 我的毛衣的肘部都磨破了。仔细检查,系统研究I always start the day by going through my mail. 我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的邮件。详细研讨审核Lets go through the arguments again.我信再研究一下这些论据吧。经历,遭受Shes gone through a bad patch recently.她最近经历了一段困难时期。2. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我清楚地记得有一段时间,湛蓝的天空,鸟儿的歌声,月光和鲜花从来未能使我处于痴迷状态。其中when (at or on which)是关系副词,用在time, day, month等词之后,意为“在那时,其时”。它引导定语从句在that 引导的宾语从句中充当定语,修饰其前面的先行词a time,并在定语从句中做时间状语。如: Sunday is the day when very few people go to work. 星期日是没什么人上班的日子。There are times when I wonder why I do this job. 有时候我也不明白我为什么要做这个工作。其中keep sb. / sth. 在此作“使某人/ 事保持某状态或某地位”解。如:He is in a coma and is being kept alive by a life-support machine.他处于昏迷状态,靠生命维持器活着。Im sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。Extra work kept him at the office.他因有额外的工作,仍留在办公室里。3. Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place for over a year. 现在让我们来读一篇日记,体会一下她在躲藏处逗留一年多之后的感受。某些介词后可跟-ing 形式,充当介词的宾语,其后可带-ing 形式的介词有如:about, after, by, for, instead of, to, without等。I have learnt a lot about gardening from my father.我从我父亲那里学到了很多有关园艺的知识。After changing some money, I went sight-seeing.我换了一些钱后,就去游览。The teacher punished Jimmy for talking in class.老师惩罚了吉米, 因为他上课时说话。The hiding place 中的-ing形式做定语,修饰其后的名词place 表用途。相当于 the place for hiding,再如:A walking stick 手仗a dressing room 更衣室 building materials建筑材料a waiting room 候车/机室drinking water 饮用水a swimming pool游泳池II. 文化背景知识Seven ways to be a better friendBeing a friend isnt just something that we do. Its a skill that we can learn and improve upon. Here, seven ways to be a better friend.Number 1 Like yourselfThe first step in having a food relationship with a friend is to have a good relationship with yourself. When we genuinely like ourselves, we become more attractive to other people. We have more to offer others because we are not constantly focused on our own image and reputation.We become better friends because we dont cling. We are secure enough to spend time with a friend because we want to, not because we need to. Number 2 Choose wiselyRelationships among true friends take plenty of time and energy - two resources in limited supply for all of us. Identify the friends with whom you wish to create a closer bond. Its perfectly okay if not all the people you know make the list. The closeness of your connections is far more important than the length of your guest lists.Number 3 Make the first moveThis is where I have trouble, and I know Im not alone. If you want to improve your relationships, put your fear of rejection aside and start taking more risks. Invite your friends to lunch. Organize a new playgroup. Invite them over for dinner.Too often, we fail to follow up with our friends. Dont miss out - just make the first phone call. Your friends are just as anxious to get together as you are.Number 4 The Golden RuleTreat your friends as you wish to be treated. Stated another way: “To have a friend, be a friend.”Focus more on being interested than on being interesting. Be enthusiastic and energetic. Avoid complaining, gossiping, and criticizing.Number 5 Sweat the small stuffMake your friends feel significant by remembering small kindness. Notice her new haircut. Remember to ask about her mother-in-laws surgery. Send flowers or a simple email when you know she needs it most.Number 6 ListenGood listeners are hard to find, here are a few tips. Slow down. Try not to finish your friends sentences. If you catch yourself planning your response while your friend is still talking, gently remind yourself to focus on the speaker. Show her you are listening. Maintain eye contact. Offer nods and murmurs that indicate you understand her point of view. Minimize distractions. Ask questions. Be careful with advice. Assume your friend wants to just vent her frustrations, not ask you for a plan of action. Avoid the phrase, “what you ought to do is.” Offer your opinion only if your friend specifically asks for it (and you believe she will benefit).Number 7 Be loyalWe all need someone in our corner. If your friend isnt there to defend herself against gossip or criticism, speak up, and know she would do the same for you.111

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