高中英语(新人教版必修1):Unit 3 Travel journal SectionIII速效提能演练

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111.词汇知识1p(n.)a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put your head on when you are sleeping2w(n.)the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body3f(n.)hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire4c(n.)a large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hill,or under the ground5r(adj.)someone or something can be trusted or depended on6v(n.)what you think or believe about something答案:1.pillow2.wool3.flame4.cave5.reliable6.view.重点短语1相反,代替2 放弃;停止3 感觉像4 穿着5 照常6 醒着7 举起,张贴,悬挂8 在午夜9 留下10 向某人问好答案:1.instead of2.give up3.feel like4.be dressed in5as usual6.stay awake7.put up8.at midnight9leave behind10.say hello to sb.必背句型1A determined person always tries to finish the job,.不管困难有多大,一个有决心的人总是尽力完成工作。答案:no matter how hard it is2 was hard work but as we looked around us,we were surprised by the view.上山很艰难,但是当环顾四周,我们惊讶于眼前的景色。答案:To climb the mountains3At one point we were we found ourselves cycling through clouds.到了某一点我们的位置太高了,我们发现我们正在云里骑车。答案:so high that4There was almost no windonly the flames of our fire .(晚上)几乎没有风,只有篝火的火焰与我们做伴。答案:for company5We see them!我们迫不及待地想要见到他们。答案:can hardly wait to.品句填词1The mother put her baby on a soft p,and then the baby slept soundly.答案:pillow2From the top you can get a wonderful v of the city.答案:view3Do you like my new wcoat?答案:wool/woolen4They found the body buried b a pile of leaves.答案:beneath5Can you tell us something about the history of the(寺庙)?答案:temple6We are looking for someone who is(可信赖的)and hardworking.答案:reliable.完成句子1 (像往常一样),I slept late that Saturday morning.答案:As usual2Rose likes singing,but her sister Mary (喜欢)drawing.答案:is fond of3After supper he went to sleep quickly but I (清醒).答案:stayed awake4 (半夜里)the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter.答案:At midnight5A new theater will be (建造) where there used to be a temple.答案:put up6我迫不及待地想毕业,这样我就可以找份工作赚些钱了。I ,so I can get a job and earn some money.答案:can hardly wait to graduate7当他醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院的床上。When he woke up,he on the bed in hospital答案:found himself lying8早起是有益于我们的身体健康的。 is good for our health.答案:To get up early.单项填空1The weatherman hasthat it is going to rain tomorrow.AtoldBguessedCsaid Dforecast解析:选D。考查单词词义辨析。根据句意,应选forecast“预报”。2Mum,where is my coat?Oh,it may bethe quilt.Abeneath BbelowCunder Ddown解析:选A。答句句意:哦,可能在被子下面。衣服与被子之间有接触面,所以应用beneath。3Whos that man over there?Thats Mr.Black.He usually takes his dogcompany when walking in the morning.Afor BonCto Dwith答案:解析:选A。考查介词搭配。答语意为:Black先生早上散步时通常带着他的狗。for company作伴,一起。4Jack,your sister is so lovely.What does she want to do when she grows up?She dreamsa doctor like my mother.Abecoming Bto becomeCof becoming Dabout to become解析:选C。考查dream的用法。dream of/about doing sth.梦想做某事,符合题意:我妹妹梦想像我母亲一样成为一名医生。5Its time for us to change our attitudethe boy.Yes.He is no longer a lazy student.Awith BforCon Dto解析:选D。是该改变对那个男孩看法的时候了。attitude与介词to或towards连用,表示“对的态度”。6Although he wasnt feeling well that morning,he went to work after breakfast.Aas usual Bat midnightCas well Dat present解析:选A。虽然那天早上不舒服,但他吃完早饭后还是照常去工作了。as usual像往常一样。7Weeach other ever since we graduated from high school in the 1990s.Adidnt see Bwouldnt seeChavent seen Dhadnt seen解析:选C。我们自从90年代高中毕业后就再也没见过对方。ever since引导的时间状语从句常与现在完成时连用。8Do you often cook at home,Lucy?No.It is my husbanddoes most of the housework.Athat BwhomCwhat Dwhich解析:选A。本题考查强调句型It is.that.,被强调的是主语my husband。9Rather thancomputer games at home,I prefersome reading in the school library.Aplaying;to do Bplay;to doCplaying;doing Dplay;doing解析:选B。prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿,题中将rather than提前。10Doctorsthe old man not to smoke so much,but he just couldnt give it up.Apersuaded BpromisedCaccepted Dadvised解析:选D。医生们建议老人家不要再抽那么多烟了,但他就是戒不掉。advise sb.not to do sth.建议某人不要做某事。注意:persuade强调说服,不合语境。.完形填空Sometimes it is difficult to figure out how to relax and have a good time in summer.Going to a swimming pool is a good 1.In summer,especially on hot days,people2 to go to the pool.They think it is the best way to3 and spend their free time.When people enter the pool area,their faces are usually4 and they look really happy.Pools can sometimes be5,while sometimes they can have a lot of space for everyone.Pools can sometimes be very noisy,while sometimes they can be nice and6.When you are at the pool,it is important for you to try and7yourself relaxed,calm and happy.These are some8you can do this inside the pool.You can swim around in the water,swim back and forth to the walls,and swim9the water holding your breath.You can10dive into the deep end of the pool,shoot basketballs into the pool net,and11on the steps of the pool to relax.If you are12,you can just float on a boogie board(滑板)or a raft.Its great13to spend time swimming and having a good time in the pool.When you are hanging around on the 14 of the pool,there are lots of choices you can make too.Some15for relaxing are:You can sit on a chair in a cool place with your radio16,listening to music or stories,or you can buy some juice and17at the stand.18,every coin has two sides.Swimming in a pool can be19.So you should try your best to keep yourself safe.Remember20is the most important.【解题导语】在炎热的夏季,人们都喜欢去游泳池游泳,在那儿可以放松心情,玩得快乐。但同时也要注意安全。1A.chanceBhabitCadventure Dchoice解析:选D。根据后文语境,可知作者是说去游泳池游泳是个不错的“选择”。2A.need BlikeCbeg Dtry解析:选B。在夏天,尤其在天气炎热的时候,人们都“喜欢”去游泳池。3A.cool off Bshow offCtake off Dgo off解析:选A。在炎热的夏天去游泳池,是可以“凉快下来”的。4A.responding BexpressingCmoving Dsmiling解析:选D。进入游泳池,想着可以凉快凉快,人们应该都“面露微笑”。5A.popular BshallowCcrowded Dbright解析:选C。这里是在跟后面的have a lot of space for everyone对比,故选C。6A.exciting BquietCinteresting Dsurprising解析:选B。这里是在跟前面的very noisy对比,故选B。7A.keep BconsiderCfind Dbelieve解析:选A。这里是指在游泳池时,要使你自己“保持”放松、镇静和快乐。8A.movements BdifferencesCways Dtricks解析:选C。后面列举了一些在游泳池可以让你保持放松、镇静和快乐的“方法”。9A.with BonCabove Dunder解析:选D。根据holding your breath的语境,可知这里是指潜入水面下,故选D。10A.also BneverCfinally Dhardly解析:选A。这里所提到的方法是跟前面的并列的,表示你“还”可以做这些事情。11A.speak BsitCsing Ddance解析:选B。根据on the steps of the pool to relax的语境,可知是指“坐在”那里放松。12A.tired BcleverCfrightened Dbrave解析:选A。根据you can just float on a boogie board or a raft.可知这里是指你“累”了、不想动的时候。13A.danger BscareCemotion Dfun解析:选D。根据全篇语境,可知在游泳池里游泳是可以获得很多“乐趣”的。14A.inside BbackCoutside Dfront解析:选C。前面是指在游泳池里的活动,这里是指从游泳池里出来、在游泳池“外边”的活动。15A.topics BideasCwarnings Dwishes解析:选B。后面列举了一些能做的事情,故选B,表示作者提供的“主意”。16A.turned on Bput upCtaken over Dthrown away解析:选A。根据listening to music or stories可知是“开着”收音机。17A.imagine BwatchCeat Ddrink解析:选D。根据you can buy some juice的语境,可知这里是指“喝”饮料。18A.Otherwise BFinallyCHowever DTherefore解析:选C。前面都是在说去游泳池游泳的好处,而后面转折说到了游泳的危险性,故选C。19A.dangerous BimportantCdifferent Drelaxing解析:选A。根据语境可知,作者是说去游泳池游泳也有“危险”的一面。20A.happiness BsafetyCadvice Denjoyment解析:选B。作者让我们记住,安全才是最“重要的”。.阅读理解Canadians always complain about the weather.Its either too cold,too rainy,or too hot.There are a few days most of us consider perfect.But seriously it has been hot this week.We are not used to this heat and we are all suffering.My husband and I were on vacation this week and made the fourhour drive to the cottage.It was already very hot when we left,but when we arrived at the cottage,it was boiling hot.We left an airconditioned home for this.We were glad to see my motherinlaw and the surroundings were beautiful,but the overwhelming heat was the elephant in the room.We couldnt ignore(忽视)it.The lake was very pleasant,but the horse flies and deer flies were everywhere.We looked like one of those people on “funniest videos”trying to get back to the cottage without getting eaten.We could hardly fall asleep.My husband went to sleep in the car with the air conditioning.The poor dogs thought they had gone to hell.They were used to their airconditioned house and they panted (喘息) so hard and so fast that we became worried about them.Finally,we took them for a swim in the lake.At night we sat in the dark,drinking wine and telling stories.From time to time,I would get up and wet my head in the bath.It just goes to prove that when we are distracted (使分心)by physical discomfort,it is hard to enjoy activities.For the elderly,the heat can be dangerous rather than simply uncomfortable.On the fourth day we returned to our airconditioned home and I cant tell you how relieved I was.It was like what was said in a movietheres no place like home. 【解题导语】作者和丈夫冒着酷暑去度假,结果感觉很不好。1What is this passage mainly about?AHow to avoid the heat during hot days in Canada.BWhy Canadians always complain about the weather.CThe writer and her familys pleasant trip to Canada.DThe writer and her familys experience of several very hot days.解析:选D。主旨大意题。通读全文,可知作者主要讲了她跟家人冒着酷暑前去度假的经历。2The underlined word“elephant” in Paragraph 2 here refers to something.Athat is interestingBthat cant be ignoredCthat can be avoided Dthat is popular解析:选B。推理判断题。根据We couldnt ignore it.的语境,可推断elephant在这里指代的是一些不能忽视的东西。3From Paragraph 3 we learn that.Aonly the dogs got used to the extreme heatBthe writer and her family got no sleep at all at nightCthe heat was not the only factor affecting their vacationDmany other people were spending their vacation at the lake解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段的but the horse flies and deer flies were everywhere可知除了气温高之外,还有蚊蝇的骚扰。4We can infer from the passage that.Athe writer felt happy to be home at lastBthe writer had expected it would be very hotCthe writer would never go back to the lake againDCanadians enjoy good weather most of the year解析:选A。推理判断题。根据末段的I cant tell you how relieved I was.It was like what was said in a movietheres no place like home.可推断作者很高兴回到了家里。111


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