英语外研版必修2 Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》教案the 1st Period)

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英语外研版必修2 Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》教案the 1st Period)_第1页
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111Module 1Our Body and Healthy HabitsPeriod 1Introduction; Speaking 1; Speaking 2; Everyday English整体设计教材分析This period is made up of four parts, that is, Introduction, Speaking 1, Speaking 2 and Everyday English. As the topic is healthy habits, the teacher can lead the lesson in by asking them what they understand by “healthy habits” and elicit what they do in their lives which they consider to be “healthy”. Then they may compare their own healthy habits with the sentences listed in activity 2, Introduction, in which the last two activities are designed to learn more about the English and Chinese proverbs about healthy habits. Focused on healthy habits, the two speaking tasks aim at developing students speaking ability. To achieve this goal, the teacher may organize all kinds of activities, including pair work, group work and individual work. In Everyday English the students will learn some daily expressions concerning healthy habits. At the same time, they are also offered a chance to learn how these daily expressions are used in our daily life. Through the study of this module, not only will the students speaking skills be fostered, but also they will learn to reflect on their habits often so that they will form healthy habits. 三维目标1. 知识与技能1)Make students master some words about healthy habits.2)Encourage students to participate in class actively.3)Know more about some proverbs in relation to healthy habits.2. 过程与方法1)Train students speaking ability through individual and pair work.2)Learn some daily expressions concerning healthy habits.3. 情感与价值Through the study of this period, not only will the students speaking ability be improved, but also they can reflect very often on their own living habits so as to form healthy habits in life. 教学重点1. Encourage students to talk about healthy habits.2. Train students speaking ability.3. Teach students some new words: dentist, diet, fat, fit, flu(influenza), get/catch a cold, health, rare, toothache, unhealthy, wealthy. . .4. Learn some daily expressions about healthy habits. 教学难点1. Lead students to talk in class actively.2. Help students to sum up the symptoms of some diseases. 教学过程Step 1 IntroductionVocabulary and Speaking 1. Activities 1 & 2There are three options for the teacher to choose from.Option 11)The teacher asks students a few questions related to the vocabulary given orally and quickly, while students give their complete answers. The questions you may use: (1)Do you often eat fish? (2)Are you fond of vegetables? (3)Which do you prefer, meat or vegetables? (4)You eat a lot of sweet things, dont you? (5)How much exercise do you take a week? (6)Do you often get colds? 2)Read through the words in the box while students listen and follow.3)Students asking and answering questions concerning diets and health in pairs, using the words listed.4)Time permitting, you may ask a pair to present each others information to the whole class. For example: She/He likes chocolate, but she/he gets toothache. She/He does exercise very often, so she/he doesnt get flu very often.Option 21)Activity 1(1)Read through the words in the box while the students listen and follow. Pay particular attention to the stress on the third syllable of influenza and the second syllable of unhealthy. Make sure that they understand what all the words mean, either by eliciting the meaning in a whole class or by asking them to use their dictionaries to look up unknown words. (2)Ask them to complete Activity 1 individually, and then check with a partner.(3)Collect the answers from the whole class, and list their responses on the blackboard.2)Activity 2(1)Read through the sentences while students listen and follow.(2)Check that they understand them all. You may need to elicit/gloss “portions” and “fit” for them.(3)Pair them to ask and answer. Elicit model questions (Do you sometimes get colds or flu? )and short answers (Yes, I do. /No, I dont. ).(4)You may then wish to have some general whole-class feedback. You might do this by asking “ Who sometimes get colds and flu? ” and having the students raise their hands. You may wish to elicit which statements they think represent healthy and which unhealthy living.(5)Finally ask students to write two more sentences about their own diet or healthy habits. Individually and share the sentences with the whole class. If necessary, you can collect some of the sentences and write them on the blackboard.Option 3(Suitable for a class of high level)1)Allow students a few minutes for activity 1. You may ask them to read the words and ask them to memorize the words in the box. If they cant memorize all the words, it doesnt matter.2)Students work in pairs and introduce their own information to each other. For example: I sometimes get colds and flu. I dont get much fat. I eat an apple almost every day. I often take exercise. As I eat a lot of sweets, I sometimes get toothache. . .3)The teacher shows some sketches to students expressing different diets, exercise and physical conditions of different students. For example, it may be a fat boy who is eating chocolates, or it may be a patient who is being examined by the dentist. Students are required to work in groups to describe the sketches to the whole class. In order to arouse the students interest, you may carry out a competition to decide which group does the best and award them accordingly.Suggested answers to activity 1: flu (influenza), get/catch a cold, toothache, unhealthy2. Option 1 Activity 3Before Activity 3, encourage students to think of the Chinese old proverbs related to health. 1)Read through the four proverbs while the students listen and follow.2)If you wish, you may have them repeat the proverbs after you. And then put them into groups of four to discuss what the proverbs mean.3)Elicit the meanings of the proverbs from the whole class.Suggested answers: 1. You are what you eat means that your body and even mental state is affected by the type of food you eat. If you eat lots of sweets and cakes, you may be soft in character as well as fat; if you eat lots of meat, you may be aggressive and tough.2. Healthy mind in a healthy body means that if you are clear about eating healthily and follow a sensible diet, you are likely to be clear thinking in other areas of life. 3. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise means that late nights and sleeping in the morning are not good for the body, the mind or for business.4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away means that it is important to eat good fresh fruit every day in order to stay healthy. Additional proverbs(1)病从口入。 A close mouth catches no flies.(2)健康胜于财富。 Health is over wealth.(3)饭后百步走,延年又益寿。 After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.(4)冬吃萝卜夏吃姜, 不用医生开药方。 Carrots in winter and gingers in summer keep the doctor away.(5)冬天动一动,少闹一场病。Exercise in winter makes a man healthier.(6)不吸烟,不饮酒,病魔见了绕道走。No smoking and none alcoholic keeps the doctor away.Activity 41)You may ask students to work in groups of four and answer the following two questions: (1)Can you think of any Chinese proverbs connected with health? (2)Can you translate them into English? 2)Circulate and help with translations if they are having problems.3)Elicit answers from the groups in a whole class setting.Option 2 To use activity 4 as a lead-in, and then carry on with Activity 3 is also practical, for the students may be familiar with the Chinese old proverbs. Step 2 Speaking 11. Activity 1Students are encouraged to work in pairs and talk about their answers to Vocabulary and Speaking Activity 2 in Introduction. 1)Pair the students with a different partner and ask them to refer back to activity 2 on page 1. They should ask and answer as before. ( Do you sometimes get colds and flu? Yes, I do. /No. I dont. )2)Collect answers in a whole class situation, asking individuals to say what their partner answered. For example: My deskmate sometimes gets colds but never gets flu.2. Activity 2Have students work in groups of three or four and decide on the five most important things they should or shouldnt do in order to stay healthy. Then put them in order of importance.1)First, group students to make their lists. Tell them to appoint one member as a secretary to write down their suggestions.2)Encourage students to brainstorm ideas first, note what the members say, finally select the five most important ideas and put them in order.3)Collect suggestions from the groups in a whole class setting.4)If you wish, list them on the blackboard, and try to make a whole-class list. Or you may divide the class into two groups and make them debate each other on the following topic: A lot of exercise is the most important thing for staying healthy. Step 3 Speaking 2 Encourage students to work in pairs. Student A chooses a health problem and describes the symptoms. Student B asks about it and offers help.1. The teacher asks students some questions concerning some diseases and their symptoms, while the students try to make answers. This step is a preparation for the students making dialogues. The following is a sample conversation between the teacher and the student: T: Whats the matter with you? S: I think Ive got a bad cold.T: Do you cough? S: Yes, I do.T: Any other symptoms? S: Ive got a temperature of 38.2. Ask students to work in pairs and produce their own dialogue. The teacher may give them a sample dialogue first.(Show the following dialogue on the screen. )Student B: Whats the matter?Student A: I think Ive got pneumonia.Student B: Why? What are your symptoms?Student A: Ive got a high temperature and my chest hurts when I breathe.Student B: Oh, dear. What are you going to do with it then?Student A: Im going to stay in bed and ask the doctor to visit me.Student B: Ill ring the doctor for you. If you wish, ask some pairs to perform their dialogues for the rest of the class. Step 4 Everyday English1. Ask students to do the following activity individually.(Show the following on the blackboard. )Choose the right answer.1 Terrific means_ . (a)wonderful (b)quite good2 To be off work means _. (a)not to go to work (b)to stay longer at work3 Oh dear! means _. (a)Thats bad news (b)My good friend4 That couldnt be better means _. (a)Thats excellent news (b)Well done5 Ive a sweet tooth means _. (a)I like sweet things (b)Ive toothache6 Im crazy about football means_ . (a)I love football (b)Football is crazy2. Collect the answers in a whole-class setting, asking students to say the whole correct sentence.Suggested answers: 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 aStep 5 Summary and HomeworkThis period is actually an oral class, through which students speaking skills will be developed. In the course of study, all kinds of activities are organized, including pair work, group work and individual work, so that their interest will be aroused. Besides, they will learn some proverbs concerning health and they also learn some vocabulary about health and diseases. Altogether, through the study of this period, not only will their speaking skills be improved, but also their vision may be broadened. 板书设计Module 1Our Body and Healthy HabitsPeriod 1Words and expressions:dentistdietfatfitflu(influenza)get/catch a coldhealthraretoothacheunhealthywealthyEnglish proverbs:You are what you eat.Healthy mind in a healthy body.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 活动与探究1. Show the following picture through the multimedia to the class and elicit what they can see. ( There are five men running a marathon through the streets of a city. A marathon is a race which is 42. 195 kilometers long, and is often run in big citiesLondon, New Yorkand is also part of the Olympic Games and other major athletic meetings. ) 2. Ask students what kind of health and fitness they need to run a marathon. 备课资料Related Language Points: 1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富有、聪明。make sb. +adj. 是make 的复合结构,表示“使某人处于什么状态”。make 的复合结构的常见的形式: make +宾语+n. /pron.make +宾语+adj.make +宾语+动词原形make +宾语+v. -edmake +宾语+介词结构make it +n. /adj. +从句/to do sth. 例句: Who would like to make yourself known first? 谁愿意第一个作一下自我介绍? Mother makes Tom clean his room every day. 母亲让汤姆每天自己打扫房间。Too much food made him ill. 没有节制的饮食使他病倒了。We made him monitor. 我们选他做班长。拓展: make 的相关短语如下: make up 组成,构成; 虚拟,捏造make sure 确保make use of 利用make fun of 取笑make for 朝进行; 对有好处make the most of 充分利用make sense 讲得通; 合理; 有意义make out 辨认出; 理解及时反馈: 1)What the speaker said at the meeting _.A. doesnt have senseB. doesnt make senseC. doesnt make meaningD. doesnt mean2)I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldnt_ what color it is.A. make outB. look toC. look outD. take in答案: 1)Bmake sense“有意义; 有道理”相当于have meaning/be meaningful.2)A句意为“我只能看到远处有一辆汽车,但我分辨不出汽车的颜色”。make out “辨认出; 理解”,符合句意。2. Not many people are fit enough to do this. 并不是很多人能足以健康到做这样的运动。fit 1)adj. 合适的; 健康的; 称职的Your car isnt fit to be on the road. 你的车子不适合上路。The children seem to think Im only fit for cooking and washing.孩子们似乎认为我只配做饭洗衣服。2)v. 适合; 合身; 安置; 一致; 相称I tried the dress on but it didnt fit (me). 我试穿了那件连衣裙,但不合身。The facts certainly fit your theory. 这些事实和你的说法丝毫不差。比较:fit/suit/match这三个词都有“合适”之意,但含义有所不同。1)指衣着、鞋帽“合适”时,fit 强调大小、形状、宽松舒适度的合适,而suit 则强调颜色、款式、色调方面的合适。例如:The suit fitted him nicely. 这身衣服他穿正合适。The color doesnt suit her. 那种颜色不适合她的肤色。2)如果衣着使某人看上去有吸引力,不能用fit, 而用suit。用于比喻意义也多用suit。例如: I love you in that dress; it really suits you. 我很喜欢你穿的这件衣服,它使你看上去很有吸引力。3)match 着重颜色、式样的搭配,也可指“相一致”。例如:The doors were painted blue to match the walls. 门被漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。As a couple they were not very well matched. 作为夫妻,他们并不十分般配。及时反馈: Will Saturday or Sunday _you? Either will _.A. suit; doB. fit; beC. fit. OKD. suit; all right答案: Asuit 除了表示服装颜色,款式等合适,还有“对方便”的意思。后句中要用OK或all right,前面需用be。do 用来代替前面的suit。3. Can you think of any Chinese proverbs connected with health? 你能想起一些与健康有关的中国谚语吗? 1)connect v. 连接; 联想; 认为有关; 接电源I was connected to the wrong person. 我的电话接错人了。2)be connected with与有联系/关系She was connected with the crime. 她被认为与犯罪事件有关。3)connection n. 连接; 联系; 连接物in connection with 关于In connection with your request of March 18th, we are sorry to tell you . . . 关于你3月18号的询问,我们只能抱歉的告诉您及时反馈: After you have_the wires up, the machine will begin to work smoothly.A. unitedB. connectC. joinedD. added答案: Cjoin . . . up 表示“把某物连起来”,其他选项无此用法。备课资料Proverbs about life and healthHealth is not valued till sickness comes. 有病方知无病福。Business is the salt of life. 事业是生命之盐。Business makes a man as well as tries him. 事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious. 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。An idle brain is the devils workshop. 懒汉的头脑是魔鬼的工厂。An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。A work ill done must be twice done. 首次做不好,必须重新搞。Better master one than engage with ten. 会十事,不如精一事。Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. 慢慢酌量,快快行动。Dexterity comes by experience. 熟练来自经验。Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奋是成功之母。Diligence is the mother of good fortune. 勤勉是好运之母。Do business, but be not a slave to it. 要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 万物皆有时,时来不可失。Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的教师。Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。Finished labours are pleasant. 完成工作是一乐。It is not work that kills, but worry. 工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。Living without an aim is liking sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标等于航行没有指南针。Make hay while the sun shines. 晒草要趁太阳好。Ones life is limited, but learning is endless. 生命有限,学海无涯。Opportunity seldom knocks twice. 好运不重来。Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。111


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