高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit1 《School life》巩固练习

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111牛津英语Module1 Unit1巩固练习 一、Teaching objectives:l To learn the new words and expressions by heart and use them correctly.重要动词:1.attend vt. 出席,参加 2.earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 3.achieve vt.赢得,取得;实现,成就 4.e-mail vt. 给.发电子邮件5.prepare vt.&vi. 准备 6.drop vt.放弃7.miss vt. 思念,想念 8.experience vt. 经历,体验 9.introduce vt.介绍 10.develop vt. 培养,养成 11.donate vt. 捐赠,捐献;赠于 12.display vt.陈列,展览13.please vt. 使满意,取悦 14.regret vt.&vi. 遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜 15.inform vt.通知,告知 16.run vt. 管理,经营 17.approve vt.&vi. 批准,通过;赞成 18.broadcast vt. 广播;播放19.continue vi.&vt.继续,持续 20.select vt. 选择,挑选 21.require vt. 要求;需要重要短语:1. 感到轻松feel at ease2. 一次令人愉快,激动的经历 an enjoyable and exciting experience 3.对.感到满意 be happy with 4. 意味着mean doing 5. 打算做 mean to do 6.参加晨会attend assembly 7.在旁边next to 8. 做的方法/途径the way to do/ of doing9.赢得某人的尊重earn respect(from) 尊重某人show respect to /for10.获得高分achieve high grades 11. 听起来像sound like12.在过去的一年 in the past year 13.正常规模 the average size14.平均on average 15.起初 at first16.首先first of all 17.进步很快improve a lot18在午餐时间at lunchtime 19. 每星期二晚上on Tuesday evenings20.免费的for free 免费的free of charge21. 放弃一些科目drop some subjects 22. 在.开始at the beginning of23.一个具有挑战的任务a challenging task 某事对某人有挑战be challenging for sb24.体验不同的生活方式experience a different way of life25 .准备食物prepare food 为做准备prepare for / make preparations for26. 向做自我介绍introduce oneself to 27. 对感兴趣be interested in 28. 在学校人口处at the school entrance 29. 一直往前走go straight 30. 走过 go past 31. 从和之间走过go betweenand 32. 在校园里on campus 33. 对有用be available (for) 34. 全年all year round 35. 网络接口Internet access36.网上冲浪surf the Internet 37. 大量的设备lots of pieces of equipment 38. 前者后者 the formerthe latter 39. 从毕业graduatefrom40.有很多机会了解have many chances to learn about41.一位有经验的护士an experienced nurse 42.一.就upon/on doing 43.培养对的兴趣develop an interest in 44.把捐赠给donate.to.45.向展示display sth to 46.因感谢某人thank sb for sth47.劳驾thank sb to do 48客座演讲者a guest speaker49.发表演讲 make a speech 50.错过机会 miss the chance to do51.提到/提及 refer to 52.不仅仅,超过more than53.难以取悦be hard to please 54. 把和.作比较comparewith55.注意pay attention to 吸引某人的注意 attract ones attention / catch ones eyes56.订购一册order a copy 57.在封底on the book cover58.遗憾做regret to do 59.通知某人某事inform sb of sth60.创办学校俱乐部start a school club 61.允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth62.赞同某人的想法approve ones idea 63.时事新闻recent news64.亲密的朋友close friends 65朗读给听read out to 66.挑选诗歌select poems 67.要求某人做某事require sb to do sth68.生态平衡keep a balance of nature 69.对负责be responsible for70.由组成consist of / be made up of 71.以为基础be based on72.一代又一代from generation to generation 73.过去常常used to do74.在开放日at the open day 75.在学校的操场上 on the school field76.被取代be replaced by 77.代替instead of78.做一个决定make a decision 79.提出,想出come up with80.轮流做. take turns to do 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something _, like mountain climbing ,cycling and so on .( challenge )2. While I was busy _( prepare ) for the final examination ,I spent some time doing exercises every day . 3. Listening to some music is one of the best way to _( relaxation ) when you feel nervous. 4.The bad weather meant _( delay 延迟、耽搁)the rocket for 48 hours .5. According to a recent Us survey ,children spent up to 25 hours a week _( watch ) TV.6. He used to _( play ) cards,but now he is used to _( take ) a walk after supper.7.Students in class 8 _( make ) great progress in the past few months .8.The manager hope _( inform ) of how our business was going on .填空1. challenging 2 preparing 3. relax 4. delaying 5. watching 6. play,taking 7. have made 8. to be informed 111


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