高三外研版英语单元测试Book4 Module2《Traffic Jam》Word版含解析

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111山东外研版2014届一轮复习单元检测必修4 Module 2.单项填空1You must _ what the teacher explains in the class, or you will not be able to grasp the main points of the knowledge.Apay attention onBtake notice ofClearn from Dfocus on2Generous public funding of basic science would _ a good many benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security.Aresult from Blead to Clie in Dsettle down3Would you like him to paint your door with yellow stars?Id rather he _ it blue, and without any decorations.Apaint Bpainted Cpaints Dpainting4But even here in Paris _ signs of economic crisis have emerged.Adisturbed BdisturbingCencouraging Dencouraged5It was _ your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. Aas to Bthanks toCbut for Dought to6It is believed that universities are a place _ students _ skills and knowledge, not a factory to produce street vendors.Ato equip; with Bequipping; withCto equip; for Dequipping; for7Since then the number of people who were addicted to smoking _ 20%.Ahas reduced to Breduces byChas reduced by Dhave reduced by8Would you like to _ the performance of newlydeveloped energysaving device?Sorry, but I am not in the position to _.Amake a comment on; commentBhave a comment with; comment onCbuild up comments on; comment onDcome up with a comment; on9Robert is indeed a wise man.Oh, yes. How I have regretted _ his advice!Ato take BtakingCnot to take Dnot taking10With all his attention _ on his experiment, he has no time to spend with his family.Apaid Bfocused Cattracted Dsettled11As the final exam is coming, my pressure _, and Im afraid it will _ my failure.Abuilds up; lead to Bcomes up; cause toCturns up; bring about Dmakes up; stick to12They had to _ their lives against weather and wild animals.Astruggle for Blead toCtreat as Dcontribute to13Your education will _ you to earn a good living. Work hard from now on.Aassociate Bequip Crelate Dfeed14_ doesnt always happen as we expect.Really! So we mustnt take the impossible things as our aims in case that we might be disappointed in future.AAnything BEverything CNothing DSomething15At times the balance in nature is _, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.Atroubled Bconfused Cdisturbed Dpuzzled.阅读理解AChristmas was just a week away and I had five people left to shop for but only three dollars.“Lets set a price limit on our gifts this year,”I suggested to my best friend Joanie.“Thats a good idea,” Joanie agreed. “How about something over five dollars?”“How about sixty cents?” I felt like the biggest cheapskate in the world. “I guess this is where Im supposed to say its not the gift but the thought that counts,” Joanie smiled.It is almost impossible to buy anything under sixty cents, so it was really going to have to be very small gifts with very big thoughts.Finally, Christmas Day arrived. I gave my mother a candle with a note that said, “You are the brightest light in my life.” She almost cried when she read the note.Igave my brother a wooden ruler. On the back of it I had painted, “No brother in the world could measure up to you.” He gave me a bag of sugar and wrote on it, “Youre my sweet sister.”For Joanie, I painted a pair of shoes with a note that said, “No one could ever fill your shoes. ”She thanked me and said I always tickled (使高兴) her and made her laugh.To my other two friends, I gave Annie a paper fan and a note on it, “Im your biggest fan.” I gave Helen a calculator that cost one dollar and I painted a message on the back, “You can always count on me.”My mother knows she is the most important person in my life. My brother thinks Im sweet. Joanie thinks Im funny and make her laugh, which is important because her dad moved away last year and she misses him and is sad sometimes.16. When Christmas neared, the author worried that she_.A. had few friends to give her giftsB. had little money to buy gifts for othersC. didnt know what gifts her friends would likeD. didnt have enough time to go shopping17. The underlined word “cheapskate” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to a person who_.A. is the poorest in the worldB. buys the cheapest skateboardsC. spends as little money as possibleD. buys the cheapest things in the world 18. The girl gave her mother a candle because it stands for_.A. the girls own lifeB. her mothers lifeC. the girls role in her mothers lifeD. the mothers role in the girls life19. What can we learn from the passage?A. It is an art to choose gifts.B. It is the thought not the gift that matters.C. How to choose cheap gifts. D. Giving gifts improves friendships.B2010 Summer CampsSummer camps provide boys and girls with a great summer experience. Whether you are seeking a traditional camp or an adventurous camp, there is a summer camp for you! The 2010 Summer Camp Directory: 1. Camp Voyageur Adventure Camp: Canoeing, Wilderness Boys camp, operated since 1951 by the Erdmann family. Full incamp program of land and water sports but half of the campers 4 weeks or more will be spent paddling, hiking & camping in the nearby Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. One trip leader stays with four campers. Ages 1316. American Camping Association Accredited (认证). Camp Address PO Box 420 Ely, Minnesota 55731 USA (800) 9507291. 2. Rockbrook Camp for Girls Girls OnlyOvernight Camp Rockbrook is a traditional overnight summer camp for girls located in the mountains of North Carolina. Established in 1921, it offers a diverse program of horseback riding, outdoor adventure, whitewater rafting, crafts and more. Girls ages 616 attend for 2, 3or 4week sessions. Camp Address 4000 Greenville Highway Brevard, North Carolina 28712 USA (828) 8846151. 3. Glen Helen EcoCamps Coed (男女兼收的)Day and Overnight Camp Choose from a variety of five day long overnight and day camps in the midst of a 1,000 acre nature park with an onsite raptor(肉食) center. It features handson & fun educational programming with trained naturalists. Camp sizes kept under 12. Day camps $ 180, overnights $ 275. Ages 515. June 16July 25. Camp Address 1075 St. Rte. 343 Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 USA (800) 5384893. 4. Backyard History Day Camps Coed Day Camp Heritage House is featuring a series of 7 summer day camps, from July 8 until August 19. The camps are for children aged 612 years old and run from 9:30 am3:30 pm on Wednesdays. Camps cost $20 per child/day if you register & pay by June 8 and $ 25 per child/day after. Each day features a different theme! Camp Address: 11 Old Slys Road Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4T6 Canada (613 ) 2838560. 20. The text is probably written for_.A. teachers B. parentsC. children D. patients21. If David joins Adventure Camp for boys, how long can he stay there at most?A. Five days. B. Seven days. C. Two weeks. D. Four weeks.22. Susan dreams of becoming a Charles Darwin when she grows up, which camp might interest her?A. Camp Voyageur.B. Glen Helen EcoCamps.C. Rockbrook Camp for Girls.D. Backyard History Day Camps.23. How is Backyard History Day Camps different from other camps?A. It offers a discount.B. Younger children can join.C. It is for both boys and girls.D. It lasts the shortest.书面表达假设你是李华,因为英语成绩突出,已经被北京大学提前录取。请用英语给你的初中英语老师Mr.Wang写封信。内容包括:1好消息; 2感恩, 因为;3你在北大的学习计划或对未来的打算; 4对老师的关心和祝愿。要求:1.词数120左右; 2.适当发挥,使内容充实,上下文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Wang,We havent seen each other for ages. How is everything going on with you? _Yours, Li Hua范文: 答案与解析 1.D句意:你在课堂上必须集中精力听课,否则你就无法掌握知识要点。focus on“集中(注意力、精力等)于”,为固定搭配,相当于pay attention to,由此可知D项正确。take notice of “注意到”;learn from“向学习”。2.B句意:公众对基础科学的捐助将对国家的健康、繁荣和安全大有益处。lead to“导致,使产生”,后常接表示结果的名词,符合题意。result from“由导致”;lie in“位于;在于”;settle down“定居;安顿下来”。3.Bwould rather后接从句时,表示与现在事实相反,从句用一般过去时,故选B项。 4.B句意:甚至在巴黎都出现了令人担忧的经济危机迹象。v.ing形式一般修饰物;而v.ed形式一般修饰人,故排除A、D两项。disturbing“令人烦扰的”,符合题意。encouraging“令人感到鼓舞的”。5.B句意:幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。thanks to强调“多亏”,含有较重的感谢意味。as to“关于”和ought to“应该”不合题意;but for“要不是”,句子常用虚拟语气。6.A句意:人们相信大学是丰富学生知识和技能的地方,而不是一个制造街道小贩的工厂。a place后应接动词不定式作定语,排除B、D两项;equip. with意为“用装备”,故A项正确。7.C句意:从那时起,吸烟成瘾的人数下降了百分之二十。the number of意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,排除D项;by表示“下降了”,指程度;to表示“下降到”,指数量。再由本句的时态可知排除B项。故C正确。8.A句意:你愿意对最新改进的节能设备发表一下评论吗?对不起,我没有在那个位置,不能够发表评论。comment意为“评论”,既可作及物动词,也可作名词。作名词时,常用make a comment on“对作出评论”。故A项正确。9.D句意:Robert确实是一个聪明的人。噢,是的。我多么遗憾没有接受他的建议呀!regret to do sth.意为“遗憾要做某事”;regret doing sth.“遗憾做过某事”。故D项正确。10.B句意:由于把注意力全放在实验上,他没有时间陪家人。此处使用了with复合结构;attention和focus之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词,构成短语focus ones attention on.,意为“把注意力集中在上”。12.A句意:随着期末考试的临近,我的压力越来越大了。我害怕这会导致我的失败。选项中的build up意为“逐渐增强”,lead to意为“导致”,符合句子的意思。13.A句意:为了生存他们必须与天气和野兽作斗争。选项中的struggle for“为斗争”,符合语意。lead to“导致”;treat as“把作为”;contribute to“有助于”,均不符合句子的意思。13.B句意:你所受的教育会使你过上富裕的生活。从现在开始努力学习吧。associate“使联合(系)”;relate“适应,使相互关联”;feed“喂养,向提供”。equip“使有能力”,符合句意。14.B考查部分否定。根据答语中的“我们一定不能把不可能的事情作为我们的目标”可知,第一句应是:并不是每件事情都像我们希望的那样发生。everything与否定词连用,构成部分否定。15.Ctrouble“麻烦,添麻烦”;confuse“使困惑”;puzzle“迷惑”;disturb“打乱,扰乱”。句意:有时候,自然界的平衡被打乱了,导致了无法预料的后果。所以C项正确。16B根据第一段可知,作者担心在圣诞节来临之际没有太多钱为亲人和朋友购买礼物。17C根据第二、三、四段可知,作者建议最好的朋友Joanie限定礼物的价位,Joanie提议5美元以上,而作者则提出60美分,由此可以看出,作者感觉自己像世界上最吝啬的人。cheapskate意为“吝啬鬼,守财奴”。18D根据作者随蜡烛附上的小纸条上的话和最后一段第一句可知,作者送蜡烛给妈妈,是因为她在自己生活中的角色就像蜡烛一样。19B作者在圣诞节前用仅有的一点钱给亲人和朋友购买了特殊的礼物,该故事反映了礼物不在于贵重而在于它所体现的感情。文章第五段中的“its not the gift but the thought that counts”也点明了主题。20C根据第一段的内容再结合4个夏令营要求的参加人员的年龄可判断本文是为孩子们写的。21D根据Camp Voyageur一段中的half of the campers 4 weeks or more will be spent paddling可知,这个夏令营持续4周。22B根据Glen Helen EcoCamps一段中的内容可知,该夏令营活动的内容是让营员在自然公园中通过动手操作活动了解肉食鸟类的生活特点。想成为像达尔文那样的生物学家的Susan应该会对这个夏令营感兴趣。23A根据最后一个夏令营的介绍中的Camps cost$ 20 per child/day if you register & pay by June 8 and $ 25 per child/day after一句,可知在6月8日前报名并交费参加这个夏令营,可享受打折优惠,而其他三个夏令营没有这种优惠。范文:Dear Mr. Wang,We havent seen each other for ages. How is everything going on with you?I am writing to tell you the good news that I have already been admitted into Beijing University in advance. Actually speaking, you are the very person I should first say thanks to. It is you who helped develop my interest in English. Without your help, I would not be good at English.Beijing University is a place which I have been longing for. I am sure I will learn a lot there. Besides my major, I will take part in all kinds of activities, which will surely do good to my future career.I know you are always busy with your teaching work. Do take care of yourself. It is known to us all that health is the most important. Next time I come back I will visit you.Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 111


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