浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修2《Unit 1 Cultural relics》教案(课时2)

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浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修2《Unit 1 Cultural relics》教案(课时2)_第1页
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浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修2《Unit 1 Cultural relics》教案(课时2)_第2页
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浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高三英语人教版必修2《Unit 1 Cultural relics》教案(课时2)_第3页
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111Unit 1 Cultural relicsThe second periodThe analysis of teaching materials(教材分析):Basic sentence patterns and phrases are foundations in the whole English learning. If students can have a good command of sentence patterns and important phrases ,they can improve their English reading and writing ability efficiently . So a review of sentence patterns and phrases will definitely has a positive influence on their English learning . The analysis of students(学情分析): In our school, the students English foundation is in a relatively low level. They have learnt something about sentences and phrases before, but still a majority of them can not remember them clearly .So review this sentence patterns and phrases is a must for poor English learners.Teaching goals (教学目标):1. To get the students remember the following five sentences : (1) In fact,the Amber Room was not made to be a gift . (2) In 1770 the Amber Room was completed the way she wanted. (3)This was a time when the two countries were at war. (4)There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. (5)After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.2. To get the students remember the following phrases: in search of ; belong to ; in return ; take apart ; think highly of 3. To get the students master the usage of the phrases above.Teaching important and difficult points(教学重难点):To get the students master the usage of the following phrases from Unit Two : in search of ; belong to ; in return ; take apart ; think highly ofTeaching procedures(教学流程):Step One Review the following sentences:(1) In fact,the Amber Room was not made to be a gift . (2) In 1770 the Amber Room was completed the way she wanted. (3)This was a time when the two countries were at war. (4)There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. (5)After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.Step Two Review the following phrases and its usage:1in search of 寻找;寻求拓展:(1)in ones search for寻找;寻求 make a search of 搜查(2)search for sb./sth.寻找/搜寻某人/某物search.for sb./sth.为找到某人/物而搜查【即时应用】单句改错(C类)All the young people went out in the search of the missing child._【答案】去掉search前的the2belong to属于;是的一部分belongings所有物;财产注:belong to无被动式和进行时。 【即时应用】单句改错(C类)(1)Believe it or not,all of us are belonging to the same football club._(2)The expensive house in the downtown is belonged to a wealthy man from Taiwan._【答案】(1)are belongingbelong(2)is belongedbelongs3in return 作为回报;作为交换(1)in return for作为的回报;答谢return ticket/trip往返车票/返回行程/回程 in turn依次;轮流;相应地;反过来 by turns轮流(2)return to some place/life回到某地/复活【即时应用】(B类)Id like to do something for you _ the help you have offered me.Ainstead of Bin honour of Cin return for Din terms of【解析】根据句意应使用in return for,表示“作为的回报”;in terms of就而言。【答案】C4take apart拆开;拆卸(1)tell.apart分清;区别;辨别fall apart崩溃 live apart分开住(2)apart from. 除以外【即时应用】_one or two small shortcomings,she is a trustworthy teacher.(B类)ABecause of BApart from CAccording to DIn spite of【解析】根据句意“除了一两个小缺点”,使用apart from。【答案】B5think highly of看重;高度评价 (1)think well/much of sb./sth. 对某人/某物评价高think badly/little/ill/lightly of sb./sth. 对某人/某物评价低(印象不好)think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视 think nothing of 轻视;认为无所谓(2)speak highly of 高度赞扬speak well/ill of 说好/坏【温馨提示】当think highly/well/much of 用于被动结构时,副词置于thought之前,即构成 be highly/well/much thought of搭配。【即时应用】一句多译(A类)外国媒体高度评价“嫦娥2号”。_【答案】The foreign media think highly/much/well of Change ./The foreign media speak highly of Change .Step Three Language Points 1The king of Prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.(课本P1)【句式分析】could never have imagined为情态动词表推测的用法。can 和could可以用在否定和疑问句中,后接完成式have done,表示对已发生事情的惊讶、怀疑、猜测或不相信等,意为“不可能”;肯定的could have done则表示“本来可能”。e.g : He couldnt have gone to Beijing,because I met him just now. Can my father have known the result of the medical examination? I could have finished my homework,but there was a failure of power.【即时应用】(B类)Judging from his expression,your colleague _ about the news that his girlfriend has been killed in the accident.Amustnt have heard Bshouldnt have heardCcouldnt have heard Dneednt have heard【解析】此处表示否定猜测,即“你同事不可能听说女友遇难”,因而使用couldnt have done这一结构。【答案】C2. Sadly,although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing.(课本P2) 【句式分析】句中副词sadly(令人悲伤的是)放在句首作状语,具有修饰全句的功能。该类副词位于句首,多用逗号隔开。常见的有:luckily幸运的是;strangely奇怪的是;surely当然;surprisingly令人吃惊的是;actually实际上;happily高兴的是;fortunately幸运的是;personally就我个人而言;seriously问题严重的是;generally一般说来;undoubtedly毫无疑问的是;unexpectedly出乎意料的是;astonishingly令人惊讶的是;truly的确,确实。e.g : Surprisingly,the three soldiers came back alive.Truly,your son is a very brave young man.【即时应用】(B类)_,the victims of the mudslide in Zhouqu were helped by many kind people.ALuckily BFortunate CHopeful DDisappointedly 【解析】题干表达一种幸运之事,可以使用luckily或fortunately。【答案】A Step Four Practice.考题链接1(2010湖北高考)Mistakes dont just happen;they occur for a reason.Find out the reason,and then making the mistake becomes_. (B类)Afavourable Bprecious Cessential Dworthwhile【解析】favourable有利的;precious宝贵的;essential必要的,重要的;worthwhile值得的,根据句意只有D项合适。【答案】D2(2010江西高考)We give dogs time,space and_,dogs give us their all. (B类)Ain all Bin fact Cin short Din return【解析】in all总共;in fact实际上;in short简而言之;in return作为报答。根据句意“我们抽出时间、空间和爱给予狗,而狗回报给我们的是它们的全部。”可知选D项。【答案】D3(2009福建高考)It seems that living green is _ easy and affordable.A small step makes a big difference. (A类)Aexactly Bfortunately Csurprisingly Dhardly 【解析】由后一句“A small step makes a big difference.”看出答案,即使用surprisingly,表示“出人意料地,令人吃惊地”。【答案】C4(2009江苏高考)He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently. (A类)Acould express Bwould express Ccould have expressed Dmust have expressed【解析】根据句意,空格处表示对过去情况进行的一种假定,即表示“本来可以表达地不同”,因而使用could have done结构。【答案】C5(2010山东潍坊)The young man beat his neighbour on the back and _ his neighbour hit him in the face. (A类)Ain return Bin turn Cin order Din need【解析】in turn“反过来”;in return“作为回报”;in order“井然有序,正常,妥当”;in need“需要”;根据句意选B项。【答案】B.短文填空(A类)Today is National Day,which is also the first day of the Golden Week.My family decided to visit Qufu,a famous cultural city in China.Early in the morning we started to prepare for the trip.Putting on our 1._ clothes,we set off.About two hours later,we arrived at the entrance of the ancient city,where we met some artists from Beijing and several 2._ from the Navy.We were happy to visit the temple together with the help of a 3._ guide.The first place we visited is the Confucius Temple.As we went along,the guide told us a lot of 4._ and interesting stories about the temple.It is said that the temple has gone through over 10 different dynasties and even 5._ a lot of disasters.We were especially 6._ by the wonderful 7._ of the great temple.We were told that one of the buildings there is over 1,500 years,which is a completely 8._ building.It has a special building 9._.There is 10._ that even a strong earthquake in history didnt destroy it.Now a grand celebration is held in the temple every year in honor of Confucius.This attracts tens of thousands of visitors from home and abroad.【答案】1.informal2.sailors3.local4.valuable5.survived6.amazed7.design8.wooden9.style10.evidenceStep Five Summary and homework1. Learn the words and phrases by heart.2. Exercises III in Book 361板书设计(1) In fact,the Amber Room was not made to be a gift .(2) In 1770 the Amber Room was completed the way she wanted.(3) .1in search of (1)in ones search for(2)search for sb./sth.2belong tobelongings3 .单项填空1(2010本溪调研)In dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they_.(A类)Ahave survived Bare to survive Cwould survive Dwill survive2Why was Professor Smith depressed recently?Because the theory he stuck to _ wrong. (B类)Aproved Bproving Cbeing proved Dwas proving3Young as she is,our English teacher is very experienced and _ by all of us. (B类)Athinks highly of Bhighly thought of Cthought highly of Dis well thinking of4Though very young,he was able to take _ the machine skillfully and put it together without any difficulty. (C类)Aout Bdown Cup Dapart5(2011张家港统考)We are reminded of putting everything _ _ to us into the big plastic bag. (A类)Abelongs Bbelonged Cbelonging Dto belong6Frankly,I really doubt _ _ he will pass the driving test,for he missed much training. (C类)Athat Bwhether Cwhich Dwhat7When I greeted the foreign visitors with “hello”,they gave me a sweet smile_.(C类)Aby turns Bin turn Cin return for Din return8The TV says that a group of armed policemen have gone to the woods _ _ the missing pilot. (C类)Ain search of Bin search for Csearched of Dsearched for9Dont you think thats a good magazine _ _ of being bought to help with your English? (B类)Aworth Bworthy Cworthwhile Dvaluable10 _,the football team which has so many fans at home and abroad should have failed again! (B类)AFortunately BInterestingly CSurprisingly DActually【答案】1、B 2、A 3、B 4、D 5、C 6、B 7、D 8、A 9、B 10、C111

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