英语 新人教版必修2 Unit1 《Cultural relics》重点词汇解析

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英语 新人教版必修2 Unit1 《Cultural relics》重点词汇解析_第1页
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111Unit 1 Cultural relics重点词汇一、 Survive (1) vt.经历;比活的长 The old man survived his sons. (2)vi.幸存,活下来; He didnt survive long after the accident.要点提示 当survive 做及物动词时,本身已表示在中幸存,因而不能再加介词in或from;当survive意为比活的长时,表时间的名词前要用介词by。 The man survived his younger brother by three years.二、 imagine 想象,设想 【常用搭配】imagine doing sth Imagine sb( to be)+adj./n. 想象某人是 Imagine sb as想象某人是 We can hardly imagine him_ the hard work alone. A. to finish B. finishes C. is finishing D. finishing三、 fancy (1)adj. 奇特的,异样的。 Shes good at fancy skating. (2)vt. 想象(=imagine)Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.【常用搭配】fancy (ones)doing sth 想象某人做某事 Have a fancy for 喜欢 He _ a good writer,as his books usually sell well. Which is wrong? A. is regarded as B. fancies himself as C. is considered as D. thinks四、 belong to 属于,成为中的一员 All the honour belong to the people. 【特别提示】(1)beong to 不用于被动语态、进行时和完成时。 (2)belong 表示不同含义时,后接不同的介词。可意为应归入(范畴、领域、类别)等。 These books belong on the shelf.五、 light(lit,lit;lighted, lighted) (1)v.点燃,照亮(常与up连用) (2)n.光,灯。 (3)adj.浅色的(反义dark);轻的(反义heavy) Its too light here; my eyes are not comfortable.【短语拓展】come to light 显露,为人所知 bringto light 将曝光六、 wonder (1)n.惊奇,奇迹 The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world. (2)v.想知道,对感到奇怪。 (3)Its no wonder(that), 什么事情不足为奇 七、remain (1)vi.剩下,剩余;A few apples remain on the tree. (2)link-v.(继续)保持;仍处于(某种状态) Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.辨析 remain , stay 两者通常可以互换,但remain强调继续停留于一处或保持原状态、性质等不变。八、 doubt vt.怀疑,不相信;doubt if/whether 怀疑(肯定句中) dont doubt that 不怀疑(否定句或疑问句中) doubt的常见句型: Theres no doubt+that, 毫无疑问 have no doubt+that,确信九、 consider(1)考虑,后接动名词、代词。She is considering changing her job. (2)认为,把看作(as/to be) 【思维迁移】regard/treat/think of/accept/imagine/look on+sb/sth+as+n. 把看作十、 辨析remove, move remove:搬开,拿开;除掉;脱掉 Three children were removed from school. move 搬家;移动;重点词组一 be worth doing 值得做相关拓展 be worth+钱数,值钱 be worthy to be dong/of being done,值得做 Mount Tai is well worth visiting. Mount Tai is worthy of being visited/to be visited.二、辨析 agree to, agree on, agree withagree to赞同,同意,后接建议、计划等。They agree to our plansat once.agree on达成一致,其主语应对于或多于两者的人或单位。We agree on a date to meet our headmaster.agree with同意,赞成;与一致;适合I agree with what you said.课堂小练1. He usually appears to be honest.Who can fancy_ such a thing? A. him as B.him doing C. him to do D. doing2. Every year ,thousands of college graduates go to big cities_ jobs. A. in search of B. in search C. to look on D. for search of 3. Leave the phone as it is.It belongs to_ . A. Toms B. its owner C. its owners D. mine 4. When I went into the room, I saw_ beautiful_ in it. A.so many;furnitures B. so much; furniture C.so many;furniture D. so much; furnitures 5. What do you advise for_ ink from my clothes? A.removing B. moving C. getting D. bringing 6. Can you imagine a boy of six_ that kind of difficult problem? A. work out B. working out C. to work out D.worked out. 7. Its a wonder that the old house_ the flood.A. survived B. was surviving C. was survived D. had survived 8. His classmate Mike became a lawyer but he_ a worker.A. kept B. stayed C. remained D. is9. The leader_ the players who won gold medals in the Olympic Games. A. thought high of B. sang highly praise for C. thought highly of D. high praised10. Dont worry.Tom is quite used to_ in such busy streets as this. A. drive B. be driving C. have driven D. drive11. He _ all his pockets but failed to find his passport. A. searched B. searched for C. in search of D. looked for12.I am glad he agreed _ my advice. Finally he and I agreed_ the time of the birthday. A. taking,to B./, on C. to take, on D. to take with13. Have you decided when_ ?A. will you leave B. are you leaving C. to leave D. be leaving 14.The house_ last year was sold.A.belonged to Jim B. belonging to Jim C. was belonged to Jims D. belongs to Jim111

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