江西省信丰二中高中英语必修二《Unit One—The Olympic Games》学案(3)

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江西省信丰二中高中英语必修二《Unit One—The Olympic Games》学案(3)_第1页
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江西省信丰二中高中英语必修二《Unit One—The Olympic Games》学案(3)_第3页
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111学习内容:1、 了解被动语态的基本内容。2、 了解将来时和含有情态动词的被动语态形式。3、 了解被动语态中需要注意的几个问题学习方法:观察分析,合作交流,自我总结。学习时间:被动语态的使用场合1 当动作的执行者不易指出或不须明确说出时:-The shoes are made in China2 当动作执行者不言自明时:-I was asked several questions in the oral exam3 当动作的承受者比动作的执行者更有必要强调时(这时动作的执行者用by 引出来)4为了委婉、礼貌而不愿或不宜说出动作的执行者 The pupils are required to keep silent5 由于句子结构或前后行文的需要The foreign guests came into the hall and were given a warm welcome by the children一般将来时的被动语态的构成will /shall + be + 过去分词done , 表示某事将要被干,各种句式有(肯定句)The room will be cleaned tomorrow(否定句)The room will not be cleaned tomorrow(疑问句)When will the room be cleaned?一般将来时的被动语态还可以are/is going to+be+过去分词done 构成,表示按计划或安排,某事将要被干A sports meeting is going to be held in our school next week含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+ be + 动词的过去分ci -Can it be finished in two weeks? -That may be done a little later使用被动语态要注意的几个问题1 被动语态中的by sb 和with sth被动句中,执行者一般不表示,如需表示,则用短语by sb, 而with sth 表示“用某种材料This picture was painted by Tom The picture was painted with oil colorTranslate He was killed by a stone He was killed with a stoneThe ground was covered _ snow2系动词不用被动语态(happen, take place) This dish smells delicious3 Have 无论表示“有”,还是表示其它意思时,都不用被动语态The house has three bedrooms Hell have the gardener plant some trees4 表示状态的动词:equal, fit, hold, join, mean, last, cost, wish, belong等,不用被动语态-The meeting lasted two hours -This dictionary cost me 80 yuan5当及物动词leave, enter, reach的宾语是地点、处所或组织时,不用被动语态-He will reach Beijing tomorrow6 当动词和宾语已组成不可分割的成语时,不用被动语态, 如:keep ones word, make up ones mind, speak ones mind(说出心里话),do ones best, take ones seat, lose heart , shake hands, keep watch(守望),make a face I will keep my word7 Let 后跟单音节动词作宾补,在被动语态中不定式仍不带to-The farmers let the grass grow -The grass was let grow -The prisoners were let go如果let后有较长词组,在被动语态中用allow, permit 代替let-We were not allowed/ permitted to take any photos8有些动词意思上是被动,形式上却要用主动,其主语通常是物。 这些动词是wash, write, sell, read, wear, shut, lock, blame, let等-This kind of cloth washes very well.(耐洗 -Your pen writes quite smoothly-Each duck sells five yuan -The sign reads “Stop”The book reads well-This raincoat will wear well -The drawer shuts easily-The door locks automatically -You are to blame-This room lets for 1000 yuan a month -This house will let easily9将来进行时和完成进行时没有被动语态He will be doing his exercises at eight this eveningThe workers have been running the machines for three weeks10被动语态与系表结构, 两者形式相似,但含义不同-The book was written by Lu Xun.(被动语态The book is well written.(系表结构,标主语的特点和所处的状态)有些系动词(get, become) +过去分词结构,在意思上接近被动语态get wounded, get lost, get dressed, get hurt, get paid, get separated11 make, see, watch, hear等动词接不带to 的不定式作宾补。 但在被动语态中,不定式的符号to须补上-They made him go. He was made to go12短语动词的被动语态, 不要丢掉后面的介词或副词They laughed at him. He was laughed at They make use of electricity every day Electricity is made use of every day.For this reason he was often made fun of自我检测:1 The leader said that good use must be _the oilA . make B. made C. made of D. made use of2 Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits. requestingA will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested3 All the preparations for the task _, and were ready to start.A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been complted4 Books of this kind well A sell B sells C are sold D is sold5_ the sports meet might be put off. Yes, it all depends on the weather.A. Ive been told B. Ive told C. Im told D. I told6. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour A pay B paying C paid D to pay7. The Olympic Games _ every four yearsA is going to hold B. will hold C. is going to be held D. are to be held答案:1-7cddaacc111

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