湖北省汉川市第四中学2011-2012学年高一英语人教必修3 Unit 2《Healthy eating》Period 3(教案)

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湖北省汉川市第四中学2011-2012学年高一英语人教必修3 Unit 2《Healthy eating》Period 3(教案)_第1页
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湖北省汉川市第四中学2011-2012学年高一英语人教必修3 Unit 2《Healthy eating》Period 3(教案)_第2页
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湖北省汉川市第四中学2011-2012学年高一英语人教必修3 Unit 2《Healthy eating》Period 3(教案)_第3页
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111第一部分 教学设计Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language(COME AND EAT HERE)IntroductionLanguage is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in English, making use of the focused words, expressions, structures and topic ideas covered in this unit. Warming up by listening and reading aloud is to be followed by reading and underlining,doing exercises and guided speaking. After the guided writing the period will be ended by students reading more about eating.ObjectivesTo learn more about food and eating from the passage COME AND EAT HERE (2)To learn to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProcedures1. Warming up by listening and reading aloudWHY READ ALOUD?*develops a positive attitude toward books as a source of pleasure and information; *increases vocabulary; *expands the students knowledge base; *stimulates imagination; *sharpens observation skills; *enhances listening skills; *promotes self-confidence and self-esteem; *offers many new friends since book characters can become quite real; *contributes to the students problem-solving skills; *satisfies and heightens curiosity; *encourages positive social interaction.2. Reading and underliningYou are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them into your notebook after class as homework.3. Doing exercisesNow you are to do exercises following the text on page 15. 4. Guided speakingTalking with foreigners about Chinese foodSuppose you are showing some American visitors around your city. Tell them about Chinese food.5. Guided WritingIn pairs, discuss what makes an enjoyable Chinese meal. Then make two Chinese menu, the one from the south is given below. Make one from North China.An example:Fried eggs with tomatoes Ingredients: 4 eggs, 2 tomatoes, 50 gram peanut oil, proper amount of salt, gourmet powder and chopped scallions. Cooking methods: Firstly break the egg shells, put ale egg white and yolk into a bowl and stir them with salt, gourmet powder and the chopped scallions. Secondly wash the tomatoes carefully and cut them into dices of about 4 centimeters. Then put the tomato dices into the mixture of eggs. Finally when the ingredients are ready, put the frying oven on the gas-stove to heat the oil. When the oil is hot enough, pour the egg liquid together with the tomato dices into the oven. Turn over the egg liquid and tomato dices as quickly as you can until the tomato dices are done. This dish has three different colours: red, yellow and green. It is fragrant and delicious with a bit of sour flavour. It is rich in protein and vitamin C. 1116. Further applying Acting a text playTurn either one of the two articles into a text play. Rehearse it and play it in front of the class. The play shall last at least 10 minutes.7. Closing down by reading more about eating

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