Unit 1《Festivals around the World》Period4 Using language Listening and speaking教案18(人教版必修3)

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Unit 1《Festivals around the World》Period4 Using language Listening and speaking教案18(人教版必修3)_第1页
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Unit 1《Festivals around the World》Period4 Using language Listening and speaking教案18(人教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit 1Festivals around the world Period 4Using language: Listening and speaking整体设计教材分析This is the fourth teaching period of this unit. As usual, the teacher will first get students to review what they learned in the last period, and then lead in the new lesson.We will mainly deal with listening and speaking in this period. At the beginning, students listen to a conversation among young people. Carla and Hari are students in Trinidad. Their Chinese friends Li Mei and Wu Ping, are visiting for the Carnival holiday in February. They are joining in a parade for Carnival in Trinidad. This listening activity is not only to offer students knowledge about how to celebrate Carnival in Trinidad but to encourage students to listen and then use what they have heard to help them answer questions. It is an important exercise because it links skills together and uses them to produce a useful phone call. Make sure students read the questions before they listen to the tape. This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the listening text. The teaching procedures may be as follows: First, let students go through the directions, pictures and the questions and guess the listening text may be about. Play the tape for students to listen to and decide whether their guessing is right. Second, ask them to listen again for them to answer the questions. Third, let them listen a third time to check their answers. While they are listening, the teacher should pause and repeat the key sentences to help students understand. When checking the answers, explain some difficult listening points if necessary. In the end, show them the listening text and let them read and retell it. This step can help students understand and grasp the listening material far further. Perhaps some students will find it hard to listen to and understand listening materials. Encourage them not to give up. The more they listen to English, the easier it becomes.The speaking exercise is intended to give students the opportunity to practice a phone conversation using the functional items. So they should learn some expressions on how to make phone calls and invitations and express and thanks first. Then they are required to create such a phone conversation. During the course, let them know the polite forms of English are important and should be practiced in a variety of situations. Also encourage them to use vocabulary from the reading and listening passages.This period places emphasis on developing students listening and speaking ability. We should try our best to encourage students to say something. Dont always correct the mistakes they have made while they are speaking. Otherwise, they would feel reluctant and not say anything more.教学重点1. Develop students listening and speaking abilities.2. Enable students to master different listening skills.3. Let students learn how to make phone calls and invitations and express thanks.教学难点1. Get students to listen to and understand listening materials with various English accents.2. Let students make a phone conversation using the functional items requests and thanks.三维目标知识目标1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in the listening passage.2. Let students learn the following expressions:1)Making phone callsMay I speak to. . . ?Can I ring/call back later?Hold/Hang on, please.Ill ring him/her up again.Just a moment, please.Sorry, he/she isnt here right now.2)InvitationsI wonder if you are interested in. . .Id like to invite you to. . .Would you like. . . ?Could/Would you please. . . ?Im looking forward to. . .Id love to, but. . .3)ThanksThank you so much.Thanks a lot.Thats very kind of you.Youre most welcome.Dont mention it.Its a pleasure.能力目标1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.2. Develop students ability to get special information and take notes while listening.3. Get students to learn and use the expressions of making phone calls, invitations and thanks.情感目标1. Enable students to know more about festivals and love their life.2. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.教学过程设计方案(一)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some students to translate some sentences using modal verbs.1)我们中有些人现在会用电脑, 但我们10年前不会用。2)我能借用你的自行车吗?3)他可能是加拿大人。4)机器一定出了故障。5)你应该信守诺言。Suggested answers:1)Some of us can use the computer now, but we couldnt ten years ago.2)Can/Could/May/Might I borrow your bike?3)He may/might be from Canada.4)There must be something wrong with the machine.5)You should keep your promise.Step 2 Warming up1. Tell students to turn to Page 6 and we are going to the part Listening and speaking.2. Ask them to look at the pictures of the Trinidad Carnival and discuss in pairs what kind of activities the Carnival might have.3. Let them find Trinidad on the map and describe it.4. Have them to predict what kind of problems someone might have when going to such a carnival.Step 3 Listening1. Go through the directions and questions to make sure students know what to do. Let them guess what the listening material they will hear may be about.Show the questions on the screen.Part 1:1)What is wrong with Li Meis clothing and shoes?2)What advice does Carla give Li Mei?Part 2:3)Why is it important for them to have water?4)Why is it difficult for them to hear each other?5)Why do they plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 oclock?2. Play the tape for them to listen to it and decide whether their guessing is right or not.3. Play the tape again. When listening, they work in pairs: one student writes down the answers to Part 1; the other writes down the answers to Part 2.4. They exchange the information and listen to the tape again for checking. Let them have the correct answers.5. Give 2 or 3 minutes to students to ask questions if they have any.6. Show students the listening text and let them read it aloud.Listening text: (Omitted)Step 4 Speaking1. Show the following form on the screen. Let students read the expressions aloud, and make sure they understand their Chinese meanings.MAKING PHONE CALLSMay I speak to. . . ?Can I ring/call back later?Hold/Hang on, please.Ill ring him/her up again.Just a moment, please.Sorry, he/she isnt here right now.INVITATIONSI wonder if you are interested in. . . .Id like to invite you to. . . .Would you like. . . ?Could/Would you please. . . ?Im looking forward to. . . .Id love to, but. . .THANKSThank you so much.Thanks a lot.Thats very kind of you.Youre most welcome.Dont mention it.Its a pleasure.2. Suppose the situation: Imagine you have just visited your friends in Trinidad and seen the Carnival. Make a phone call to invite your friends to a Chinese festival.3. Give several minutes for students to prepare for their phone conversations in pairs.4. Ask as many pairs as possible to present their conversations to the class.Step 5 Listening on Page 41Turn to Page 41.1. Ask students to look at the 4 pictures, and in pairs tell as many things as they can from each picture. Then ask them to say what festivals they think these pictures are about.2. Tell students they will listen to a conversation between Chen Bin and his American friend, Joey. What is the main topic of their conversation?3. Play the tape for students to listen to and find out the main topic of their conversation.4. Ask students to look at the chart before they listen to the tape again.Show the chart on the screen.EASTERIn which season?Who celebrates?The reason for the festival?On which day of the week?What things represent Easter?5. Play the tape again, and let students listen to it and then fill in the chart.6. Let students share their information in pairs.7. Play the tape a third time for students to check and have the correct answers.8. Give 2 or 3 minutes for students to ask questions if they have any.9. Show students the listening text and let them read it.Listening text: (Omitted)Step 6 Listening task on Pages 45-461. Talk with students about festivals such as Mothers Day, Valentines Day, Easter, the Cherry Blossom Festival, and so on.2. Turn to Page 45. Ask them to look at the pictures and then discuss what festival for each picture is.3. Have them listen to the tape. Then write the festival name for each picture.4. Turn to Page 46. Ask them to go through the questions and make sure they know what to do.5. Play the tape again for them to listen to and get their answers.6. Two or three minutes for them to discuss and share their answers.7. Play the tape a third time for them to check and have the correct answers.8. Show them the listening text and let them read it.Listening text: (Omitted)Step 7 SummaryIn this period, we mainly focus on the listening and speaking abilities. They are very important. If your listening or speaking is poor, youd better practice more. The more you listen to or speak English, the better your listening or speaking is. Remember: Practice makes perfect.Step 8 Homework1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.2. Preview the passages A Sad Love Story and Winter Carnival in Quebec.设计方案(二)Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask some pairs of students to make up short dialogues to review modal verbs.Situations:1)You want to invite your friend to come to a party on Sunday.2)You want to ask your mum for permission to go fishing with your friends.Step 2 Listening1. Talk about Carnival and Trinidad with students.2. Ask some of students to describe the pictures of the Trinidad Carnival.3. Discuss with students what kind of activities the Trinidad Carnival might have.4. Turn to Page 6. Ask students to read through the directions and questions in Exercise 2, predict the main idea of the listening text and then listen to the tape and give their answers.Step 3 Speaking1. Turn to Page 6. Ask students to read the expressions of making phone calls, invitations and thanks in the box. Try to learn them by heart.2. Suppose the situation and make a phone conversation in pairs using the expressions.3. Ask as many pairs of students as possible to present their conversations to the class.Step 4 Workbook exercises1. Listening1)Ask students to discuss what festival these 4 pictures are about.2)Have them listen to this conversation and find out the main topic.3)Let them listen again and take notes to fill in the chart.2. TalkingAsk students to read the directions and questions. Then let them make their role-play dialogues.3. Listening task1)Ask students to dictate some festival names to see if they are familiar with them.2)Let them listen to the tape and write the festival for each picture on Page 45.3)Have them go through the questions and then listen again to find the answers.Step 5 Homework1. Finish off the related Workbook exercises.2. Make up a phone conversation using the expressions of invitations and thanks.板书设计Unit 1Festivals around the worldListening and speakingMAKING PHONE CALLSMay I speak to. . . ?Can I ring/call back later?Hold/Hang on, please.Ill ring him/her up again.Just a moment, please.Sorry, he/she isnt here right now.INVITATIONSI wonder if you are interested in. . . .Id like to invite you to. . . .Would you like. . . ?Could/Would you please. . . ?Im looking forward to. . . .Id love to, but. . .THANKSThank you so much.Thanks a lot.Thats very kind of you.Youre most welcome.Dont mention it.Its a pleasure.活动与探究Imagine you want to invite a foreign friend to join your familys celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival. In pairs, one as the Chinese student and the other as the foreign friend, make up a phone conversation to give your invitation, ask and answer questions about the holiday. The foreign friend should express his or her thanks for your invitation. Be ready to act out your conversation to the class.111


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