英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit3《Life in the future》Section Ⅴ 本单元考纲词汇专练

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英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit3《Life in the future》Section Ⅴ 本单元考纲词汇专练_第1页
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英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit3《Life in the future》Section Ⅴ 本单元考纲词汇专练_第2页
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英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit3《Life in the future》Section Ⅴ 本单元考纲词汇专练_第3页
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Section 本单元考纲词汇专练,.考纲词汇一览表,.单词填空(从上表所列应掌握词汇中选出恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。每空一词。) 1Your writing _ are in the top drawer of your desk. 答案:materials 2Foxes started coming in from the _ countryside. 答案:surrounding 3Water is a _ of this region. 答案:lack,4I remember you mentioned the same thing on a _ occasion. 答案:previous 5The _ for airmail in that country is 50 cents. 答案:postage 6The guide _ a light into the cave. 答案:flashed 7Glass can be _ from old bottles. 答案:recycled,8He _ the pills with a cup of water. 答案:swallowed 9I have the _ that Ive seen that man before. 答案:impression 10The _ little boy ate all the food at the party. 答案:greedy,.完成句子(根据所给汉语提示,在空格中填入适当的词语完成句子。词数不限。) 1新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。 The new teacher _ on the students. 答案:made a good impression 2丹麦纸张的回收率达到85%。 Denmark _ its paper. 答案:recycles nearly 85% of,3她抑制自己的不快,强颜欢笑。 _ and smiled. 答案:She swallowed her displeasure 4她好像什么也不缺。 She doesnt _. 答案:seem to lack anything 5这一工作无需相关的经验。 _ for this job. 答案:No previous experience is necessary,.连词成段(根据下面的题目要求写出一个语段) 假如你是福建某中学高二学生李华,拟参加某英文报社组织的编故事大赛。请根据如下要求将参赛作品以附件形式发电子邮件到storymaking. 1所编故事中需含有guide, desert, button, carriage, mud, swallow, greedy这7个词; 2文长不少于90词,且仅能用7个句子表达,其中一个是表语从句,另一个句子含有过去分词作状语的用法; 3注意短文的连贯性、趣味性与可读性。,词语串串练 I took up a job in a company previously.However,for lack of experience,I couldnt tolerate the pressure;as a result,I lost the job.I was uncertain what I could do next.At that time a bad idea came into my mind to me constantly that I want to die.I realized I had slid into a hard time when I couldnt make an adjustment by myself.One day,a story on the Internet made a strong impression on me when I,was at first sight of it,which was about a disabled girl.She said,“Although I am disabled,I am still grateful to everything,as they give me the precious life.I believe I can always find the settlement to everything however difficult the trouble is.So I am optimistic.” Those words refreshed me in an instant.It guided me to a new life.,我先前在一家公司从事一份工作。然而由于缺乏经验,我无法忍受压力,结果我失业了。我不确定我下一步能做什么。在那时,一个想去死的糟糕念头不断地出现在我脑海里。我意识到我已经不知不觉地陷入到一个艰难的时期,我自己难以做出调整。一天,当我第一眼看到网上的一则关于一个残疾女孩的故事时,它就给我留下了深刻的印象。她说道:“虽然我残疾了,我仍然对一切充满感激,因为他们给予我珍贵的生命。我相信不管有多么困难,我总是能够找到一切事情的解决办法。所以我很乐观。”,这些话使我瞬间振作起来。它指引我走向新的人生。,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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