高中英语同步教学课件(人教版选修6) Unit3 period ⅱ learning about language

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Section Learning about Language,In spite of all his efforts he failed.尽管他努力了,他还是,失败了。,1in spite of 不顾;不管,解析 in spite of 为介词短语,相当于介词 despite。如:,He persisted in carrying on the experiment in spite of all kinds,of setbacks.,尽管遇到很多挫折, 他仍坚持做实验。 运用 完成句子,He continued with his plan to build a flying machine,_ (不管) the mockery (嘲笑) of his friends.,in spite of,He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of taking risks.他觉得自己必须每一步都要下定决心,而不是冒 险。 2make up ones mind 下定决心;打定主意,典例,If he once makes up his mind to do something, he will,never give up. 他一旦下了决心要干,他就不会放弃。 拓展 make up 补足;编造;组成 make up for 补偿 make up to 接近;巴结,运用 完成句子,They have _ ( 下定决心 ) to stay in,Britain.,Helen always _ ( 编造 ) fun stories to,make us laugh.,made up their mind,makes up,3take risks (a risk) 冒险,典例 You cant get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。,拓展 take/run risks in sth./of doing sth./to do sth. 冒险做某事,运用 完成句子,I couldnt _ (冒险留下) him alone.,take a risk/risks of leaving/to leave,Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to,get into the habit in the first place!当然,对付这些毒品最好的 方法就是一开始就不要染上坏习惯! 4get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯) 典例 We get into trouble sometime. 我们有时会遇到麻烦。,He gets into the habit of riding a bike to go to school. 他养成骑车去上学的习惯。,拓展 get/fall into the habit of 养成习惯,get into trouble 惹上麻烦 get into debt 负债累累,get into a temper 大发脾气,运用 完成句子,Its easy to _ ( 染上习惯) smoking,but difficult to quit.,Thomas seems to _ (惹上麻烦),get into the habit of,get into trouble,it 的用法 一、代词 it,1用作人称代词,指代前文提到的事物、动物、婴儿或性,别不明的人等。如:,I dropped my watch onto the floor and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。 Where is the dog? 狗在哪? Its in the bedroom.在卧室里。,Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩?,There is a knock on the door.It must be the postman. 有人在敲门,一定是邮递员。,2 用 作 代 替 指 示 代 词 this, that 以 及 复 合 不 定 代 词,something, anything, nothing 等。如:,Whose dictionary is that?那是谁的字典? Its Johns.是约翰的。,Nothing is wrong, is it? 没出什么问题,是吗?,3用作非人称代词作主语时,主要用于指时间、距离、价,值、天气、季节、气候及温度等自然现象。如: Its too late to go there now.现在去那儿已经太迟了。 It rained all day yesterday.昨天下了一天的雨。 It can get very hot here.这里有时会很热。,二、引导词 it,1it 作形式主语的用法,当不定式、动名词、从句等作主语时,为避免头重脚轻, 通常在句首用 it 作形式主语,而把真正的主语放在句末。,(1)代替动词不定式作形式主语。如: Its a pity to refuse.拒绝是令人遗憾的。,Its very important to remember this. 记住这一点很重要。,注意:此种情况常用于以下句型中: Itbeadj./n.(for/of sb.) to do sth. It takes sb.some time to do sth. It is up to sb.to do sth.,(2)代替动名词作形式主语。如:,Its no use saying any more about it. 再谈这事没有用。,Its hard work climbing mountains.爬山是费劲的事。 (3)代替从句作形式主语。如:,Its not known where she went. 她到哪里去了没人知道。,Its unknown when he will come. 他什么时候来还不知道。,注意:此种情况常用于以下句型中:,It is said/reported/believed/understood that.,It looks/seems/appears/happens/occurs that (as if).,2it 作形式宾语的用法,当不定式、动名词或从句等复杂成分作宾语时,通常会用,it 作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。,(1)不定式、动名词或从句作某些动词(如 make, think, find, consider, feel, suppose 等)的宾语且后跟宾语补足语时,常用 it 作形式宾语。其结构为“谓语it宾补不定式/动名词/从 句”。如:,I find it easy to get on with her.我发现跟她相处很容易。,I think it a great honour to be invited to the Olympic Games in,London.,我认为被邀请参加伦敦奥运会是一种荣幸。,(2)某些表示“喜、怒、哀、乐”的动词(如 like, enjoy, love, prefer, hate, appreciate 等)往往用 it 作形式宾语,后接 if/when 等 引导的从句。如:,I dislike it when you whistle.我不爱听你吹口哨。,Id prefer it if I didnt have to do so much work. 要是我不必做那么多工作就太好了。,(3)that 引导的宾语从句在某些短语( 如 ask for, depend on, answer for, insist on, see to 等)后作宾语时,常用 it 作形式宾语。 如:,See to it that youre not late again. 注意千万不要再迟到。,I cant answer for it that he will come. 我不能保证他会来。,(4)在由及物动词与介词构成的固定搭配中,宾语从句若作,该动词的宾语,需借用 it 作形式宾语。如:,I owe it to you that I am still alive. 多亏有你我才活着。,I took it for granted that he would help us. 我认为他会帮助我们的。,一、完成句子,1 I like this house with a beautiful garden, but I dont have,enough money to _ (买它),2We think _ (是我们的义务) to clean our,classroom every day.,3_ ( 这是) half an hours walk to the city,center.,4Who is making such a noise?,_ (一定是) children.,5She _ (讨厌) when you use her book.,buy it,it our duty,Its,It must be,hates it,二、把下列各句转换成 it 作形式主语的句子,1He was rude to say so.,_,2Trying again is of use.,_,3To say is easy, but to do is difficult.,_,4Some people say that more than 100 people died in the air,accident.,_,5When and where to hold the party hasnt been decided.,_,It was rude of him to say so.,It is of use trying again.,It is easy to say, but it is difficult to do.,It is said that more than 100 people died in the air accident.,It hasnt been decided when and where to hold the party.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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