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礼仪/辩论赛 辩论赛流程英文版 a, shall be borne by the chairman of the debate1, the debate began2, announced the motion3, introduce the participating team and its position4, introduce team member5, introduce rules, judges and staff6, debate competition7, the judges review8, for audience questions, the judges score (simultaneous)9, announced the result of the matchthe debate over 10second, the process of the debate1, the theoretical stage defense:(1) positive and argue against a speech made by positive and negative sides zhubian stated his own first main point. must be completed within the specified time.(2) positive and opposite two apology speech square 2, against two contend with concise text focuses theoretically demonstrated their own point of view,(3) positive and opposite three speech by square three, against three respectively with concise text carries on the empirical analysis, provide arguments to support his own views.phase 2, free debate by tetragonal speak first, then the opposition spokesman, sides took turns to speak. (in a relatively concentrated period of time)3, summarize four contend for final statement by both parties, summarizes has side view, refute each other subjective point:(1) argue against four summation(2) square four summation4. audience member: the audience to questions of both players, players must give the answer patiently. stage performance is not recorded in the results of the competition between the two sides to ask a question.5, the judges scoring stage6, the judges review the process of both views and debate.7, the announcementthree, the rules of the debate1, each member must be finished within the prescribed period of time, over time, in accordance with abstained processing, and lose from team total score 5 points.2, free debate rules free debate speech must alternates between the teams, the first to speak with a member of tetragonal, then one by opposition players, the two sides take turns, until you run out of time. (each a free debate in the concentration of two hours to complete, what time each other, each stick words between 60-800 words, can only ask a question at a time.)fourth, criteria(a) will be hired to review all the five judges of the game.(2) criteria1, point clear, argument is sufficient, citing appropriate, analyzed thoroughly.2, grabbed the other views and error, precedents and precise, and to the point.3, reflect agile, strong ability to deal with.4, articulate, level clear, tight logic.(3) the scoring method (group and individual scores respectively, out of 100)(1) the topic: can the logic, theory, from the position held by the fact that such as multi-level and multi-angle, argument is sufficient, reasoning is clear, whether for his own difficulties with effective treatment methods.(2) the argument: if there is a convincing argument, argument is sufficient, whether logical reasoning process, the fact whether the reference is proper, true.(3) dispute: to ask whether to grab the key, the problem simple. no questions or questions within the time required, should be appropriate. the question of whether or not to answer each other, can you give a person the sense with justified. dont answer or not answer should be penalised accordingly.(4) : whether to have team spirit, mutual support, debate cohesion is closely. whether qa form an organic whole, to a powerful blow to the other party.(5) argue the wind: the language and debate style exquisite civility. personal attacks will be made to argue each other friends and netizens.(4) points: every topic, argument, dispute, cooperate, argue the wind project, do not conform to the requirements of the evaluation and in violation of the rules, are appropriate. due to the fault causes of incidents affect the game, is decided by the jury, in a 5-10% reduction of its cumulative total score.(5) score project group and individual points per game comparison table is as follows:(6) score project group and individual points per game of appraisal form(7) good debater respectively by the outcome of each race scores are the highest return. the game of best debater tired integral calculation by the individual scores the highest gain, formula is: the total integral/attend the session.(8) the outcome of judgment1, the outcome of the game, on the basis of a few judges play group points, remove the a and a minimum points, calculating the remaining points scored an average of judgement.2, debater individual scoring points calculation method, calculation method with groups only as an individual award review basis, has nothing to do with judging each outcome.five, awards and incentives1, every game are selected each a good debater each team, will decide after the game one of the best debater.一、由辩论会主席承担1、辩论赛开始2、宣布辩题3、介绍参赛代表队及所持立场4、介绍参赛队员5、介绍规则、评委及工作人员6、辩论比赛7、评委点评8、观众自由提问,评委评分(同时进行)9、宣布比赛结果10 辩论赛结束二、辩论过程1、辩方陈词立论阶段:(1)正、反方一辩发言先由正反双方主辩发出陈述本方主要观点贴。必须在指定的时间内完成。(2)正、反方二辩发言正方二辩、反方二辩以简洁文字重点从理论上论证己方观点;(3)正、反方三辩发言由正方三辩、反方三辩分别以简洁文字进行实证分析,为本方观点提供论据支持。2、自由辩论阶段由正方首先发言,然后反方发言,正反方依次轮流发言。(在相对集中的时间内进行)3、总结阶段由双方四辩进行最后陈述,总结已方观点,反驳对方主观点:(1)反方四辩总结陈词(2)正方四辩总结陈词4、观众提问:观众对双方队员进行提问,队员必须给予耐心解答。提问阶段双方的表现不记入比赛成绩。5、评委评分阶段6、由评委对双方观点及辩论过程进行点评。7、结果宣布三、辩论规则1、每位队员必须在规定的时间内完成,超过时间按照弃权处理,并从所在团队总分中减掉5分。2、自由辩论规则自由辩论发言必须在两队之间交替进行,首先由正方一名队员发言,然后由反方一名队员发言,双方轮流,直到时间用完为止。(每一场的自由辩论在集中的两个小时内完成,每场的具体时间另定,每贴的文字在60-800字之间,每次只能提一个问题。)四、评判标准(一) 将聘请五位评委对本次比赛进行全程评议。(二) 评分标准1、论点明晰,论据充足,引证恰当,分析透彻。2、迅速抓住对方观点及失误,驳论精到,切中要害。3、反映敏捷,应对能力强。4、表达清晰、层次清楚,逻辑严密。(三)评分办法(团体和个人分别记分,满分均为100分)(1)审题:对所持立场能否从逻辑、理论、事实等多层次、多角度理解,论据是否充足,推理关系是否明晰,对本方的难点是否具有有效的处理方法。(2)论证:论证是否有说服力,论据是否充分,推理过程是否合乎逻辑,事实引用是否得当、真实。(3)辩驳:提问能否抓住对方要害,问题简单明了。在规定时间内没有提出问题或提问不清,应适当扣分。是否正面回答对方的问题,能否给人以有理有据的感觉。不回答或不正面回答应相应扣分。(4)配合:是否有团队精神,是否相互支持,论辩衔接是否紧密。问答是否形成一个有机整体,给对方一个有力打击。(5)辩风:所用语言和辩论风格讲究文明礼貌。不得对对方辩友和网友进行人身攻击。(四)扣分:凡审题、论证、辩驳、配合、辩风项目中,不符合评判要求和违反规则的,均酌情扣分。由于参赛队自身原因造成的突发事件影响比赛的,由评判团决定,在其累计总分中扣5-10%。(五)评分项目每场比赛的团体分和个人分的评比表格如下:(六)评分项目每场比赛的团体分和个人分的评比表格(七)每场比赛的优秀辩手分别由胜负双方得分最高者获得;本次比赛的“最佳辩手”由个人累积分计算分数最高者获得,公式为:总积分/参加的场次。(八)胜负判断1、每场比赛的胜负,依据几位评委所打团体分,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分,计算剩余分数的平均分判定。2、辩手个人得分计算方法同团体分计算方法,只作为个人奖项的评审依据,与判断每场胜负无关。五、奖项与奖励1、每一场比赛均评选出优秀辩手每队各一名,整个比赛后将决出一位最佳辩手。

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