Unit 3《Looking good,geeling good》课件2(48张PPT)(译林版必修1)

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Unit 3《Looking good,geeling good》课件2(48张PPT)(译林版必修1)_第3页
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Module 1 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good,重点单词,1ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的 【用法拓展】 (1)feel ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧 feel/be ashamed of(doing)sth.对(做)某事感到羞耻 be ashamed to do sth.因为羞耻或惭愧而勉强做某事 be ashamed that 感到羞耻或惭愧,(2)shame n. 羞愧或遗憾之事 in shame 羞愧地 to ones shame 使某人惭愧的是 Its a shame that 令人遗憾的是 What a shame! 真糟糕!真可惜! (3)shameful adj. 可耻的,不道德的 You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. 你应该为说这些谎话而羞耻。 Im ashamed to be seen with you when you behave so badly! 你表现那么恶劣,让别人看到我跟你在一起我都觉得丢人!剑桥高阶 I was ashamed that Id made so little effort.我付出的努力太少,真是汗颜。剑桥高阶,即学即用,单项选择 To our great surprise,the thief wasnt _ of his _ conduct at all. Ashameful;shameful Bashamed;ashamed Cshameful;ashamed Dashamed;shameful 答案:D 用动词正确形式填空 I was ashamed _(tell)him that I had failed. 答案:to tell You should be ashamed of yourself for _(cheat)in the exam. 答案:having cheated,2recover vi.痊愈,恢复健康 vt.重新获得,恢复 【用法拓展】 (1)recover from 从中恢复 recover sth.from 从中找回 recover oneself 清醒过来 recover ones health 恢复健康 recover ones senses 恢复知觉 (2)recovery n恢复,复原 Mira made a full/speedy recovery from(became well again after)the operation. 米拉手术后完全/很快康复了。剑桥高阶 She recovered her lost wallet.她找回了丢失的钱包。 At last the economy is showing signs of recovery(is starting to improve) 经济最终出现了复苏迹象。剑桥高阶,【易混辨析】 pick up/get over pick up vi.改进,改善 get over vt.自(疾病、损害、惊恐等)恢复,痊愈;淡忘 Mary has been ill,but she is picking up now. 玛丽一直有病,但现在她有所好转。 She is still trying to get over the flu she had. 她还在努力从流感中恢复。 Some people never really get over the early death of a parent. 有些人永远无法真正摆脱父亲或母亲早逝的伤痛。 【特别提醒】 当表示“从恢复”时,recover为不及物动词,与from连用。get over为及物动词,后接名词或代词。,即学即用,单项选择 As soon as he had _ a little from his surprise,his first thought was to get away. Areturned Bget over Ccome over Drecovered 答案:D Shirleys strong love for her hometown is _ in her new songs.(2009江苏盐城中学模拟) Arelieved Breflected Cresponded Drecovered 答案:B 完成句子 Keep the patient still and quiet until she has _ _ _(彻底痊愈)the attack. 答案:fully recovered from,3. contain 包含,容纳 【用法拓展】 contain oneself 克制自己 contain ones excitement 抑制自己的兴奋 a parcel containing dictionaries装有字典的包裹 【易混辨析】 contain/include/hold (1)contain表示“包含,含有,内装”侧重“整体内有”,指 在某一范围或容器内能容纳某物。不用进行时态。 (2)include表示“包括”,侧重包含者只是整体中的一部分。 在句中常构成分词短语sth.included或including sth.。 (3)hold指有容纳能力,常与can,could等情态动词连用。 The document contains important information. 这个文件包含重要信息。美国传统 I was so furious I couldnt contain myself. 我气极了,无法克制自己。 The pill contains vitamin.这药丸中含有维生素。,即学即用,单项选择 Thousands of works of art,the most famous paintings _,were missing during the war. Aincluding Bincluded Ccontaining Dcontained 答案:B The whole book _ 16 units,_ four mainly revisions,which are quite popular with the students. Acontains;including Bincludes;containing Ccontains;included Dcontaining;including 答案:A 翻译句子 三名航天员2008年9月28日安全着陆,包括翟志刚。 _ 答案:Three astronauts landed safely on September 28,2008,including Zhai Zhigang/Zhai Zhigang included.,4match vt.& vi.匹配,相称,比得上 n相配的人或 物;比赛,竞争对手;火柴 【用法拓展】 (1)have/hold a match 举行比赛 find/meet ones match 棋逢对手 be no match for 不是对手 strike a match 擦火柴 (2)match.against.让同较量 match sb.in sth.在某方面与某人匹敌 match up 相一致,相等,【易混辨析】 match/suit/fit (1)match多指色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配。 (2)suit多指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,地位等,也可以指颜色,款式等适合。 (3)fit多指大小,形状适合,引申为“吻合”,“协调”。 The curtains and the carpets match perfectly.窗帘和地毯十分协调。 The runners were a good match and ran a very close race. 赛跑选手们棋逢对手,比赛非常激烈。美国传统 New information is matched against existing data in the computer. 新的资料和电脑中已存的数据做了比较。,即学即用,单项选择 What surprised us was that he _ his shooting skill against the experts. Amatched Bfitted Cshowed Dmade 答案:A I have stayed in many hotels,but none can _ this one. Asuit Bfit Cmatch Dcompare 答案:C 用match/suit/fit的正确形式填空 If you want to go by bus,that _ me. 答案:suits The color of the shirt doesnt _ that of the tie. 答案:match This jacket _ me well. 答案:fits,5damage vt.& n损害,损伤,伤害 【用法拓展】 (1)damage ones career/health 损害某人的事业/健康 damage the relations between two countries损害两国的关系 (2)do/cause damage to 对造成损失 serious damage 重大的破坏 permanent damage 永久的伤害 【易混辨析】 damage/destroy/ruin (1)damage指人的威信,名声,物品的价值、用途等受到损 失,失去或降低使用价值。指部分性的损害、破坏。,(2)destroy表示在肉体或精神上彻底摧毁,也可表示对物体的完全破坏。一般情况下不可修复。 (3)ruin强调毁灭的彻底性,是一次性的行为。即人或物毁坏到不复存在、面目全非的地步。既可以指具体东西的毁坏,也可指抽象事物(机会,前途)的毁坏。 The Wenchuan Earthquake caused damage to a lot of buildings.汶川地震对大量建筑物造成毁坏。 They have destroyed all the evidence. 他们销毁了一切证据。 The bad weather ruined our trip. 天气恶劣,破坏了我们的旅游。,即学即用,单项选择 With more forests _,huge quantities of good earth _ each year. Abeing destroyed;is washing away Bdestroying;is being washed away Cdestroyed;are washing away Dbeing destroyed;are being washed away 答案:D 用damage/destroy/ruin的正确形式填空 Dont you realize _ _(破坏)these chemicals are doing to our environment? 答案:the damage He failed in the test again,which completely _(毁 灭)his parentshope. 答案:ruined That the hurricane _(毁坏)the whole village made many people homeless. 答案:destroyed,6consider vt.考虑;认为 【用法拓展】 (1)consider sth./doing sth.考虑(做)某事 consider sb./sth.(to be)n./adj.认为某人(物)是 consider sb./sth.(as)n.把某人(物)当作 It is considered that 人们认为 consider sb.to have done sth.认为某人做了某事 (2)consideration n考虑 take sth.into consideration 把考虑在内 under consideration 正在考虑中,(3)considerate adj.体贴的,考虑周到的 be considerate to/of/towards sb.对某人体贴 considerable adj.相当大的 considering prep.& conj.就而言,考虑到 Track star Liu Xiang considered competing in the 2012 London Olympic Games. 田径明星刘翔考虑参加2012年伦敦奥运会。 Experts considered the launch of Shenzhou to be perfect. 专家们认为神州七号的发射是完美的。 She never considers anyone but herselfshes totally selfish! 她从来只考虑自己不顾别人太自私了!剑桥高阶 Do you consider him a friend of yours? 你把他当作朋友吗?剑桥高阶,即学即用,完成句子 _ _ _(你考虑过)what he suggested? 答案:Have you considered _(考虑到)he did not study,he did well on the test. 答案:Considering,7effect n效果;作用;影响 【用法拓展】 (1)have an effect on 对有作用,影响 go/come into effect 开始生效 put/bring sth.into effect使生效 be of no effect 无效 take effect 开始实施,起作用 cause and effect 因果 (2)effective adj.有效的 【易混辨析】 effect/affect/influence (1)effect通常用作名词,常用于“have an effect on”结构中。 (2)affect为动词,意为“影响”,通常指对身体,思想或情绪 带来不良影响。affect还有“感动,触动”之意,相当于move。 (3)influence表示“影响”,主要指对性格、行为、观点等产生间 接或潜移默化的影响。,This is a movie worth seeing for its effects alone. 这部电影仅凭其特技效果就值得一看。剑桥高阶 The milk powder with melamine has a bad effect on the babieshealth. 含有三聚氰胺的奶粉对婴儿的健康不利。 The new salary increases will take effect(begin)from January onwards. 新的加薪标准将从1月份起正式实行。剑桥高阶 Effective measures have been taken to stop pollution. 已经采取了有效措施防止污染。 To affect a policy is to have an effect on it. 影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。,即学即用,单项选择 The doctor thought the medicine was perfect,but it didnt _ the disease at all. Awork out Bsolve Cdo Dhave an effect on 答案:D 用effect/affect/influence的正确形式填空 She was deeply _ by the news of her fathers death. 答案:affected The aspirins soon took _. 答案:effect Her parents no longer have any real _ over her. 答案:influence,21,22,23,24,8. risk n冒险,风险,危险 vt.冒险,使面临危 险,冒风险 【用法拓展】 (1)at the risk of(doing)sth.冒着危险 run/take the risk of 冒着危险 at risk 处于危险之中 at ones own risk 自担风险 (2)risk doing sth.冒险做某事 risk ones life 冒生命危险 risk ones life to do sth.冒生命危险做某事,Theres no risk of her failing.Theres no risk that shell fail. 她不会有失败的危险。 Shes at risk of failing in two subjects. 她面临两门课程不及格的危险。美国传统 She risked her neck climbing Mt.Qomolangma. 她冒着生命危险攀登珠穆朗玛峰。美国传统 The PLA men risked their lives to save the villagers in the earthquake. 人民解放军战士冒着生命危险去救地震中的村民。,即学即用,It is better to ask someone for advice rather than _ something. Arisk doing Brisk to do Cto risk doing Dto risk to do 答案:C,25,重点短语,1be dying to be thin.非常想瘦 【用法拓展】 be dying to do/for sth.渴望(做)某事 die away 逐渐停止,逐 渐消失 die down 逐渐减弱,渐渐模糊 die out 灭绝 die off 相继死去 die of 因(患)而死 die from 死于 There was a time when many young people were dying to go abroad. 曾经有一段时间年轻人都渴望出国。 She is dying for a chance to be back on the stage.她渴望有机 会重返舞台。 Many rare animals may die out if people continue to destroy the habitat where they live. 许多稀有动物可能会灭绝如果人们继续破坏他们的栖息地。,即学即用,完成句子 Im _ _(很想喝)a cup of coffee at the moment. 答案:dying for He has realized the dangers of smoking and is _ _ _ _ _(很想戒掉它)now. 答案:dying to give it up,26,27,2work out计算出;解出(难题);锻炼;(事情)顺利进行;拟定(计 划,方案) 【用法拓展】 work at 从事于,致力于 work on 继续,从事 work as 从事的工作 at work 在工作 out of work 失业 The safe load for a truck of this size works out at nearly twenty tonnes. 这种大小的卡车的安全载重量算出来是将近20吨。剑桥高阶 Can you work out what these squiggles mean? 你能辨认出这些潦草的字迹是什么意思吗? The general worked out a new plan of attack. 将军制定出了新的进攻方案。 Huw works out in the gym two or three times a week. 休每周在健身房锻炼两三次。剑桥高阶 The plan didnt work out well.这项计划没有顺利进行。,即学即用, How can you keep slim as a mother of two? I have been _ in the gym for years. Aworking out Bworking on Ctaking up Dtaking on 答案:A We didnt plan our art exhibition like that,but it _ very well. Atried out Bworked out Cwent on Dcarried out 答案:B,28,29,3.fall out闹翻;(头发或牙齿)脱落;(事情)发生;(在军队)离队 【用法拓展】 fall into 养成,染上 fall behind 落后 fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with 爱上 fall down 倒塌 fall over 被绊倒 fall on/upon sb.突然降临 They fell out with each other just before their marriage. 他们就在举行婚礼之前闹翻了。 The house looked as if it was about to fall down. 房子看起来好像就要倒塌似的。 I rushed for the door and fell over the cat in the hallway. 我冲向门口,在过道踢到一只猫而摔了一跤。 My dads hair fell out when he was in his fifties. 我爸爸五十多岁时开始掉头发。 The soldiers fell on the villagers and seized all their weapons. 士兵们袭击了村民,并缴获了所有武器。剑桥高阶,即学即用,He has _ with his parents for playing games online. Afallen down Bfallen off Cfallen back Dfallen out 答案:D,30,4in no time立刻,马上 【用法拓展】 at times 不时 at one time 曾经,一度 at a time 每次,逐一 from time to time 有时,偶尔 for the time being 暂时 in time(for sth./to do sth.)来得及 all the time 一直,始终,At one time I used to go skiing every winter. 我有一度每到冬季就去滑雪。 She has to work at weekends from time to time. 她偶尔周末还得工作。 We had to go and see the principal one at a time. 我们得逐一去见校长。,即学即用,_,I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on working,and youll succeed _.” AAt a time;in time BAt a time;on time CAt one time;in time DAt one time;on time 答案:C,31,重点句子,1I think you look great as you are.我觉得你目前这个样 子就很棒。 【句子分析】 as you are照你的现状,照你的原样,as引导方式状语 从句,意为“如同,随”。 as it is用于句尾,表示“照原样”。 as it was是as it is的过去式,表示“实际上,事实 上”,多用于句首。 as it were意为“好像是,几乎是”,是“as if it were so”的省略式。,We were hoping to have a holiday next weekas it is,we may not be able to get away. 我们原来盼望着下星期放假看样子走不了了。 Please leave the cup as it is.请把杯子照原样摆放。 He is my best friend,my second self,as it were. 他是我最要好的朋友,几乎可以说是另一个我。,即学即用,Wed better leave things _ they are until the police arrive. Aas if Bas Cwhen Dif 答案:B,32,2Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school sports.走路和骑自行车就算,在学校进行的体育活动也算. 【句子分析】 “so助动词/系动词/情态动词主语”表示前面所讲的肯 定的情况也适合于后者,前后两个主语不一致。 “neither/nor助动词/系动词/情态动词主语” 表示前 面所讲的否定的情况也适合于后者。 “its the same withn./pron.或so it is withn./pron.” 表 示前面的混合情况(肯定和否定的混合或没有统一的助动词) 同样适用于后者。 “so主语助动词”表示对前面提到的事情予以肯定,意 为“某人/事的确是这样”,前后主语一致。,Zhai Zhigang was an astronaut of Shenzhou ,so were Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng. 翟志刚是神七的航天员,刘伯明和景海鹏也是。 If you dont go to the museum,neither will I 如果你不去博物馆,我也不去。 She does well in English,but is poor in math.So it is with Lucy. 她英语学得好,但数学很差。露西也如此。,即学即用,Mike is recovering from the disease,and will be able to go back to school before long.What about you? _. ASo it is with I BSo am I CI,too DIt is the same with me 答案:D,33,语法精讲,非限定性定语从句/反意疑问句 一、非限制性定语从句 1非限制性定语从句只对所修饰的词作进一步的说明,去 掉之后并不影响整个句子的含义。在形式上,非限制性 定语从句与主句之间必须有逗号隔开。 This novel,which I have read three times,is very touching. Mr.Wang,who is our head teacher,is very strict with us. 2非限制性定语从句的which可以指代前面的先行词,也可 以指代前面的整个句子。 The old man has a son and two daughters,none of them treating him well,which makes the man sad.,3非限制性定语从句修饰整个主句或是主句中的一个部分 时,还可以用as来引导。as引导的从句可以放在主句之前 或之后,还可以插在主句之中。as指代的是作为一般人都 知道的常识性的东西,因此常译成“就像那样”。 As was expected,we won the game at last. The Beatles,as many of you old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. The earth turns around the sun,as is known to us all. 4除which,as之外,还可以用when,where,who,whom 等关系副词或关系代词引导非限制性定语从句。 Great changes have taken place in his hometown,where he spent his childhood happily. My sister,whom I often turn to for help,is kind and patient.,5在非限制性定语从句中,有时把some,any,none,all, both,many,most,neither,either等词,分数或百分比 与of whom或of which连用。 There are more than 40 students in my class,of whom 23 are girls. 【特别提醒】 1)非限制性定语从句通常不用that引导。 2)非限制性定语从句不用why引导,要用for which代替why。 3)非限制性定语从句位于句首时,不用which引导。 4)在非限制性定语从句中,指人的关系代词作宾语时,只能 用宾格whom,不能用who替换,也不能省略。,二、反意疑问句 1. 一般遵循“前肯定,后否定”或“前否定,后肯定”的 构成方式。 2陈述部分含有little,few,nothing,hardly,seldom, none,never,nobody等否定或半否定词时,视为否定 句,后面用肯定式。如果句中有利用词缀构成有否定意 义的词,该句仍视为肯定句。 Seldom does she tell a lie,does she? Many girl students dislike this kind of film,dont they? 3祈使句的反意疑问句常用:will you? Lets go for a walk,shall we? Let us do it together,will you? Dont leave me alone,will you?,4宾语从句的主句主语为第一人称时,谓语为think, believe,suppose,guess等,该句的反意疑问句和从 句中的主谓结构相对应(注意否定前移)。主语为第 二、第三人称时,该句的反意疑问句和主句中的主谓 结构相对应。 I dont think she will be here on time,will she? He guesses there will be a test tomorrow,doesnt he? 5there be句型的疑问部分要用there的相应形式。 There has been a lot of rain here,hasnt there?,6陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody,anyone, somebody,nobody,no one等,疑问部分常用复数 they,有时也用单数he。 Everyone knows the truth,dont they? 7情态动词must在表“推测”时,根据其推测的情况, 来确定反意疑问句。看句子是对现在情况推测,还是 对过去的情况推测。 He must be at home now,isnt he? They must have finished the work,havent they? It must have rained last night,didnt it?,语法专练,1The Science Museum,_ we visited during a recent trip to Britain,is one of Londons tourist attractions.(2008江苏) Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhere 解析: the science museum在从句中作visited的宾语, 加上本题为非限制性定语从句,所以由which引导从句。 答案:A 2The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors,_ are beyond our control.(2008湖南) Amost of them Bmost of which Cmost of what Dmost of that 解析:本题为非限制性定语从句,用which引导。这里 most of which也可以用of which most。 答案:B,3Bolt has won three Olympic gold medals in Beijing,and _ made himself very happy. Ait Bthat Cwhich Dthis 解析:本题由and连接两个句子。it是第二个句子中的主 语。若没有连词and,则用which。 答案:A 4_ is reported in the newspaper,the pestaffected oranges in Guangyuan,Sichuan province have been destroyed. AIt BAs CThat DWhat 解析:本题as引导非限制性定语从句,表示正如。 答案:B,5. _ is wellknown that Antarctica is difficult to reach. AIt BWhat CAs DWhich 解析:本题it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。 答案:A 6There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,_? Awasnt there Bwas there Cdidnt it Ddid it 答案:A,7If you want helpmoney or anything,let me know, _ you? Adont Bwill Cshall Ddo 解析:let me know是祈使句,反意疑问句用will you。 答案:B 8You and I could hardly work together,_? (2009湖南) Acould you Bcouldnt I Ccouldnt we Dcould we 解析:考查反意疑问句。主语是“你和我”,因此,疑问 部分应该用we;句子中含有hardly,为否定意义,疑问部 分用肯定形式。 答案:D,9He must be helping the old man to water the flowers, _?(2009陕西) Ais he Bisnt he Cmust he Dmustnt he 解析:考查反意疑问句。must在此表猜测,“一定”之 意,此时反意疑问以must之后的动词为准。 答案:B 10Its the first time that he has been to Australia, _?(2009辽宁) Aisnt he Bhasnt he Cisnt it Dhasnt it 解析:考查反意疑问句。在“Its the first time that从 句”这个句型中,反意疑问句的主语与助动词应与主句 一致。 答案:C,Her shoes _ her dress;they look very well together.(2008天津,13) Asuit Bfit Ccompare Dmatch 解析:match为及物动词,多指性质,颜色,色调等相配。fit指大小,尺寸合适。suit指符合需要、口味、性格、身份等。本题的意思是:她的鞋和礼服很相配。 答案:D,例1,教材原文对照,Then the doctor found that someone in your country, whose name is Li Dong, was an exact match for me (P42),Little Johnny felt the bag,curious to know what it _.(2008全国,18) Acollected Bcontained Cloaded Dsaved 解析:本题考查动词辨析。contain可以表示:(1)容器中装有某物;(2)含有某种成分;(3)含有全部。本题考查了其第一种用法。 答案:B,例2,教材原文对照,They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. (P42),I reminded you not to forget the appointment. _.(江西,31) ASo you did BSo I do not CSo did you DSo do I 解析:so与前句相同的主语助动词,表示赞同,意为“确实如此,的确这样”。 答案:A,例2,教材原文对照,Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports. (P58),Surely it doesnt matter where the student associations get their money from;what _ is what they do with it.(2007,湖北,29) Acounts Bapplies Cstresses Dfunctions 解析:count在句中的含义为“有价值,有意义”。本题句意为:毫无疑问,学生会从哪儿弄到钱这不重要,真正重要的是他们用这些钱来做什么。 答案:A,例4,教材原文对照,Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports. (P58),同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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