Unit 2《Robots》课件40(21张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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Listening and speaking,Unit 2,(Page 15),Using language,satisfaction guaranteed,Claires feelings towards Tony changed as the story developed.,dislike,alarmed,embarrassed,admire / be proud of,love,sad,Listening,Molly and Kate are discussing the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed“. Read the questions and then listen to finish the following tasks.,1. Listen to the conversation and tick the correct boxes.,1. Who really likes the story? 2. Who thinks that Claire loved Tony? 3. Who thinks that Tony loved Claire?,Molly Kate,4.Who thinks that the purpose of Tonys actions was to make Claire feel good about herself? 5.Who thinks taking Tony away must have hurt Claire? 6.Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?,Molly Kate,1.She doesnt believe robots can,feel emotion of any kind,lack of confidence,2.Claire was hurting herself by her,3.She likes a robot like Tony because she imagine a handsome man whose only purpose is to,please her,4.They made the robot look so much like,a real man,3. Write down the expressions of supposition and belief.,I think,I suppose ,I believe,Maybe,It must have hurt,I guess,Watch the video and try to retell the story. ( using the expression of supposition to describe peoples feelings),Martin( a real boy) and David( a robot boy) are both the sons of a woman.,New word: pee 撒尿,Role Play,In groups, design a robot and make up a story between you and your robot then put it on the stage.,. Learn and use words to show different supposition and belief: . Learn something about human-like robots, esp. the relationship between robots and humans beings.,Summary: What we have learnt today?,Using Language,A Biography of Isaac Asimov,Leading in,艾萨克阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov ( 1920-1992) 美籍犹太人,为20世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖。以他的名字为号召的艾西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。,作品:,I, Robot,作品100,最新科学指南,Scanning,Listen to the MP3 and mark all the phrases of time in Paragraph Two,Three, Four and Six.,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,1920: Born in Russia 1922: Sister born 1923: Moved with family to_. Parents bought a candy store. 1929: Started working _in the candy store. Mother had her third child.,New York,part-time,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,_: Started to take himself seriously as a writer. 1939: Begun having stories published in _magazines. _: Gained masters degree in chemistry. 1942: Finished working in the candy store. Married his _wife.,1931,science fiction,1941,first,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,1942-1945: Worked as a(n) _ _ , Philadelphia Navy Yard. _: Got PhD in chemistry. _: Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine. 1950: Published his first novel. Published_. Developed three laws for robots.,chemist,junior,1948,1949,I, Robot,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life,1951-1953: Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it. _: Published first science book. _: Became a full-time writer. 1973: Divorced his first wife. Married for a _time. _: Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV. 1992: Died in_.,1953,1958,second,1983,New York,Finish writing and polish the story between you and your robot, then hand it in tomorrow.,Homework,Thank you,bye!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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