Module 1《Small Talk》Introduction and Reading课件7(42张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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Module 1《Small Talk》Introduction and Reading课件7(42张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第1页
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Module 1《Small Talk》Introduction and Reading课件7(42张PPT)(外研版选修6)_第3页
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Reading and Introduction Book 6,Module OneSmall Talk,Famous Dictionaries,Macmillan English Dictionary Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary,Read the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions,Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing? Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place? Why is it a problem if someone has no small talk? What do you think is the Chinese for small talk?,Activity 2 Look at the conversation topics below and answer the questions.,careers sport travel weather food cars,examinations film stars music politics ideal,Vocabulary and reading Ex1,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. The singer was really good! She _ me a lot! He had an accident and _ his bicycle. Dont shout at the children. You should _ them to do better. Make sure you _ for your English examination. Do more homework! At the party, I _ a boy who used to attend my school.,damage encourage impress prepare recognise,damaged,encourage,impressed,prepare,recognised,Skimming the passage,Decide what kind of book it is from. It is from a book which tells you what to do at social events. We can guess from the title “How Good Are Your Social Skills” and subtitles “Lean how to do small talk”, “Develop your listening skills” and “Learn the rules”.,Scanning,The general idea: This passage is about social skills. It tells us how to have a conversation and how to do small talk and when we go to a social occasion, we should pay attention to social rules in different countries.,The main idea of each paragraph:,Part 1 (Paras.1-2) Introduction to the body of the passage by asking questions Part 2 (Para.3) How to do small talk Part 3 (Paras.4-6) Dos and donts while listening Part 4 (Paras. 7-8) The social rules,Fast reading Ex 2,Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from. Choose from. Choose from this list. 1 an English teaching book A business course A book which tells you what to do at social events A book to help you prepare for a speaking examination,Ex 3 Read the passage again and answer the questions.,According to the article, should people plan what theyre going to say at parties? What do people think about those who talk too much? Describe two things you shouldnt do in a conversation. Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking? What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraele tell you about people?,Answers to the questions above,Yes, they should prepare some topics to talk about. They are not impressive. Look at your watch; yawn ( sigh, look away, change the subject, finish other peoples sentences)? To show that your are listening. People like talking about themselves.,when I meet strangers, I dont like to talk about myself, so I _ answering personal questions. where are very few foreign visitors to my town, so we _ the opportunity to meet people from other countries. I said that we dont have enough opportunity to speak English and he _ his head in agreement. I think the man I spoke to was tired- he _ a lot. He looked very sad when I asked him about his home. He _ when he answered me. I felt very welcome when I arrived at the party. The host_ at me and shook my hand.,sigh yawn nod avoid lack smile,avoid,lack,nodded,yawned,smiled,sighed,Ex 5 Look at the phrases from the passage and answer the questions.,If you can talk confidently, does this mean that you are worried about talking to people? What kind of advance planning could you do before going to a party in a foreign country? Can you give an example of a low-risk conversation opener if you were talking to a friend of your parents, for example? What encouraging noises and gestures can you make when youre having a conversation in Chinese? What is an example of positive body language? Are social rules the same in every country?,No, it doesnt. You could find out what the social conventions are about arriving, leaving and bringing gifts. “Did you watch the Cup Final last Saturday?”/ “Have you seen the new James Bond film?” Smiling, nodding, saying “yes” and “Oh, really?” etc. Facing the person who is speaking and making eye contact. No, they arent.,Answers to the questions above,Ex 6 work in pairs. Discuss your opinion about the following.,Which of the ideas in the reading passage do you think are useful in your society? Are there any conversation techniques that you think you will use in the future? Which of the listening skills are you good at? Which of the social skills do you need to improve? What are some of the usual small talk topics in China?,1. I think advance planning is very useful. I never paid attention to it before. That is, I didnt do any advance planning before I went to a party. For example, I didnt buy proper presents in advance. In a hurry, the present bought was sometimes unsuitable for the host. I seldom tried to know about other guests. Without advance preparations, sometimes I would get embarrassed.,2. I will go to university abroad after graduation. I will meet people from different countries. In order to contact with them very well, I must know about their customs and social rules. So at the beginning I will think of “safe” or low-risk topics to talk about. I believe soon I will make friends with them.,3. I am good at keeping good eye contact with an attentive look. You know, eyes are windows of minds. From my eyes, the speaker knows that I am interested in what he is talking about. It is good manners, even in other countries.,4. Sometimes I dont know what proper topics to choose when I meet strangers. Most of the time I keep silent. The moment is a hard time to me. From this passage I know a little about how to do small talk. I believe later when I meet with the similar occasion. I can manage.,5. In everyday life, parents choose to talk about their children their childrens life, studies, hobbies. Teachers get together to talk about their students- good or bad at some subjects or the results of examinations.,Today we have learnt the passage about social skills which had much to do with our daily life. From the passage we know that social skills are very important when a person is in communication or having a conversation with others. We have also learnt some social rules and how to do small talk. It is necessary for us to learn something about social skills. As you know, we are now working hard to build a harmonious society if we dont know how to behave in communicating with others. Especially, in 2008 the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in our country. At that time how will we display our good manners to the whole world? So we must learn more about this inside or outside class.,1.lack (1) vt. He is good at his job , but he lacks confidence .,He lacks common sense.,他缺乏常识.,(2) n. 缺少 , 缺乏,There is a lack of water in this area.,for/through lack of 由于缺 由于缺水植物死了。,no lack of 不缺 很多,Theres no lack of volunteers.,The plants died for lack of water.,2.advance (1)adj.预先的,在前的 an advance plan (2) in advance= ahead of time Its unwise to spend your income in advance.,他们提前定了票。,They booked the tickets in advance., addition =besides/whats more,你需要时间和金钱,另外,你还需要努力.,You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence.,in addition to 除之外(还) = besides In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.,4.application n.申请;申请书,申请表,apply,( 1 ) 申请,请求 She applied to the government for financial help.,( 2 ) apply oneself to 勤奋工作,努力学习,You will pass the exam if you apply yourself to it.,5.favour (1) n.恩惠,赞成,好意 Will you do me a favour? = Will you do a fovour for me ? He nodded_(支持, 赞同 )the proposal.,in favour of,(2)Vt. 支持,赞同,有利于 The weather favoured our voyage.,6.reply,(1) make no reply/answer 未做回答 in reply/response to 作为对的回应,I asked her what her name was but she made no reply.,在回答她的请求时你说了什么?,What did you say in reply to her request?,(2)V. reply to/reply that回答说 回信 reply to the letter /answer the letter 她回答说她很高兴接受我们的邀请.,She replied that she was happy to accept our invitation.,answer the doorbell/telephone,7. absence,Darkness is the absence of light.,in the absence of 缺乏.时; 当.不在时,In the absence of Mr Zhang , Miss Ma is in charge of our class.,不在, 缺乏, 缺席,absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的, 缺少的,He was absent from the meeting.,Snow is absent in some countries.,8. apology n. 道歉, 认错, 谢罪,make an apology to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉,He made an apology to the teacher for being late.,He accepted my apology for breaking his cup.,apologize vi. 道歉,我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。,I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.,I must apologize for calling you so late.,实在抱歉, 这么晚给您打电话。,9. interrupt 打断(正在说话或动作的人), 中断, 插嘴 disturb 扰乱,干扰,妨碍, 搅乱,搞乱,Traffic in the city was by a snowstorm.,interrupted,break in,It is not polite to _ when someone is talking.,interrupt,The weather of high temperature _ my sleep all night long. I was almost mad.,disturbed,Dont _ the papers on my desk.,disturb,10. make a fool of sb./oneself Cant you see she is making a fool of you? I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone,11. imagine Can you imagine _ on the moon?,living,I cant imagine his/him telling a lie.,imagination n.,12. circumstance family /financial/personal circumstances,in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,Under the circumstances , we had better not tell him about the accident.,in/under no circumstances 决不 = on no condition =in no way =by no means/in no case /on no account,In no circumstances should you lend Bob any money.,Dont open the door, in any circumstances.,Revision:,他缺乏幽默感。 把收入提前花光是不明智的。 他因为打碎了我的咖啡杯向我道歉。,He lacks/is lacking in the sense of humor.,Its unwise to spend your income in advance.,He apologized/made an apology to me for breaking my coffee cup.,4.由于粗心,他漏掉了一个字母。 5.我不喜欢那家具的颜色,此外样式也过时了。 6.他们对第一次出国感到很紧张。,They are very nervous about their first trip abroad.,He left out a letter because of carelessness.,I dont like the color of the furniture, and in addition, the style is out of date.,7.我无法想象他单独一人住在那里。 8.他没有意识到自己的缺点。 9.他学习不努力,结果考试不及格。,He wasnt aware of his shortcoming.,I cant imagine his/him living there alone.,He didnt study hard, and as a consequence, he failed in the exam.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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