2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》 Section Ⅲ

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2013优化方案外研版英语必修5 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》 Section Ⅲ_第3页
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Section Listening, Everyday English and Function & Cultural Corner,Step One:Words and Phrases .词汇知识 1. _(n.) 外形; 轮廓 2. _(n.) 虚构或幻想出来的事 3._ (n.) (影视、音乐)评论 4. _(vt.) 强迫; 迫使,outline,fiction,review,force,5. _(adj.) (描述)生动的; 逼真的 6. _(n.) 名誉; 名望; 声望 7. _(vt.) 与相似 8. create (vt.)_ 9. exception (n.)_ 10. determined (adj.)_,vivid,reputation,resemble,塑造; 创作,例外,坚决的,.重点短语 1. play a trick _sb. 捉弄某人, 对某人恶作剧 2. make _编造(说法、解释等) 3. be/feel in_ mood (for sth./to do sth.) 有意(做某事); 有(做某事的)心情 4. set._. 设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景 5. make ones_ 发财,on,up,the,in,fortune,6. set _出发; 启程 7. out of _上气不接下气 8. hang_ 稍等; 坚持一会 9. get a move _赶快 10. grab a _to eat 随便吃点东西 Step Two:Fast Reading 阅读The Life of Mark Twain, 完成下列各题.,off,breath,on,on,bite,1. From the first paragraph, we can know that _. A. Mark Twains life was full of adventure B. Mark Twain was just Huckleberry Finn C. Mark Twain was not a real man, but an invention D. Mark Twain was the real name of the author,A,2. From the text, we can know that _. A. Mark Twain was a college student B. Mark Twain was born in a rich family and his father left him a lot of fortune C. Mark Twain left school early and he went to make his own fortune D. Mark Twain started writing early and made his fortune in California,C,3. Mark Twain decided to take a boat to the Amazon _. A. because he could write the book “the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” there B. because he wanted to meet Huckleberry Finn there C. and he arrived in the South America as he wished,D,D. but he found no boat there at all and so he had to change his plan 4. From the last passage, we know that _. A. Mark Twain started writing when he was still young B. what Mark Twain started writing about was the life on the river,B,C. the author of this text has no interest in Mark Twains stories D. the author believes Mark Twain is still alive 5. From the passage we can see that _. A. as many writers, Mark Twain wrote his stories on the basis of his own life experiences,A,B. Mark Twain was famous for his stories only in the last century C. Mark Twain was famous as an American writer but he grew up in Canada D. Mark Twain used to be a traveler to collect materials for his writing,1. play a trick on 捉弄某人, 对某人恶作剧 (教材原句)He particularly enjoyed playing a trick on the three men. 他特别喜欢和那三个人开玩笑.,归纳拓展 (1)trick vt.欺诈; 欺骗 n. 把戏 trick sb.into (doing) sth.设计欺骗某人做某事 trick sb.out of sth.骗走某人某物 (2)play a joke/jokes on sb.取笑某人; 跟某人开玩笑 make fun of sb.取笑某人 make a fool of sb.愚弄某人,It is bad manners to play a trick on the disabled.捉弄残疾人是不礼貌的. They tricked the old man into signing the contract. 他们欺骗那位老人在合同上签了字. They made fun of her because she wore such strange clothes. 他们取笑她穿着如此怪异的衣服.,巧学活用 11完成句子 (1)On April 1st people try to _ (捉弄) others in some countries. (2)In some formal occasions, youd better not _ (和开玩笑) someone.,play a trick on,play a joke on,12翻译句子 I suddenly realized that I was being made a fool of. _ 2. make up 编造(说法、解释等); 讲和; 弥 补, 偿还; 补足, 凑足; 化妆, 打扮; 配制; 铺床, 整理; 组成, 构成,我突然意识到我正在被人愚弄.,(教材原句)I decided to go to the next village and make up a story about the steamboat. 我决定去下一个村子, 并且编造一个关于这艘汽船的故事.,归纳拓展,He made up some excuses about his daughter being sick. 他编造了一些借口, 说他的女儿病倒了. The quarrel was only about a trivial matter, but it was years before they made it up.争吵只是为了一件小事, 但是过了多年他们才言归于好.,Vitamin pills make up what you lack in your diet. 维生素丸可补充你饮食中所缺乏的营养. It didnt take her long to make up.她很快就化好妆了.,巧学活用 21完成句子 (1)Their father is good at _ bed time stories. (2)Nothing can _ what they have suffered. (3)Our class _ 16 girls and 18 boys.,making up,make up for,is made up of,22单项填空 (2012舟山高二检测)The driver started to speed up to _ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam. A. keep up B. take up C. make up D. catch up,解析:选C. 考查词组辨析. make up for意思是“补偿, 弥补”. 句意:司机开始加速来弥补交通堵塞所耽搁的时间. keep up“保持, 维持, 跟上”; take up“拿起, 占用, 接受”; catch up“赶上, 追上”, 均不合题意.,3. disturb vt.打扰; 搅乱, 弄乱; 使焦虑 (教材原句)“Who is it disturbing me at this time of night?” said the captain. “深更半夜的是谁在打扰我?”船长问.,归纳拓展,Sorry to disturb you, but I have an important message for you. 对不起, 打搅了. 但我有重要信息要告诉你. Dont disturb the papers on my desk.不要把桌上的文件弄乱了. 易混辨析 disturb, bother, trouble,Dont disturb him; he is sleeping.不要打搅他, 他在睡觉. His phoning me all the time bothers me a lot.他老是打电话给我, 使我厌烦得很. Dont interrupt me while Im busy.不要打扰我, 我正忙着呢.,巧学活用 31语境填空 她打断我的话说:“我打扰你们一会儿行吗?我无意偷听你们的谈话, 但是你们刚才所说的真的令我很不安. ” “May I _ you for a moment?” She _ me.“I didnt mean to listen to your conversation,disturb,interrupted,but what you two talked just now really _ me so much.” 32单项填空 It is not polite to _ when someone is talking to you. A. disturb B. interrupt C. correct D. prevent,bother,解析:选B. disturb“打扰, 扰乱”; interrupt“打断”; correct“改正, 纠正”; prevent“防止, 阻止”. 句意:有人和你说话时打断别人是不礼貌的.,4. be/feel in the mood (for sth./to do sth.) 有意(做某事); 有(做某事的)心情 (教材原句)Which film doesnt Billy feel in the mood for? 比利没有心情看哪部电影?,归纳拓展 be in a good/bad mood情绪好/不好 be in no mood for (doing) sth./to do sth. 没有做某事的心思或兴致 moody adj.发怒的, 情绪不好的,He is worried about his test, so he is in no mood for telling jokes. 他在担心他的考试, 所以没有心情开玩笑. Hi!You are in a good mood this morning! 你好!今天早晨心情不错啊! Wed better not disturb her; she has been moody all day. 我们最好不要去打扰她; 她一整天都情绪不好.,巧学活用 41单句改错 (1)She has been in the mood all day._ (2)She was in a mood for a romantic walk in the woods._ 42完成句子 天气好的时候, 我很乐意打扫卫生. Im _ on a sunny day.,thea,第一个athe,in the mood to do some cleaning,5. resemble vt.与相似; 像 (教材原句)Often the lives of writers resemble the lives of the characters they create.作家的生活往往和他们创造的人物的生活很相似.,归纳拓展,She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks. 她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈. They resemble each other in shape but not in color.它们形状相似, 但颜色不同.,易混辨析 resemble, similar, alike,The plant resembles grass in appearance.这种植物的外形像草. My house is similar to his in size.我的房子与他的大小差不多. They tried to treat all their children alike.他们尽量对自己的孩子一视同仁.,巧学活用 51用resemble, similar或alike的适当形式 填空 (1)The keyboards of a typewriter and a computer are much _. (2)My teaching style is _to that of most other teachers.,alike,similar,(3)No animals in other parts of the world _ kangaroos. 名师微博 resemble不用于进行时态和被动语态; 且resemble是及物动词, 本身已含有“与”的意思, 故不必再加with.,resemble,6. warn vt.警告 (教材原句)“Mark Twain”, which means “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. “马克吐温”意为“水深2英尺”, 是密西西比河上的水手们用来警告同伴即将进入浅水区的一种称呼.,归纳拓展,Mother warned her daughter against staying with/to stay away from the dog. 母亲提醒她女儿要离狗远点. His staff warned him the possible consequence.他的职员提醒他可能出现的后果.,I gave him a warning that he would be punished if he didnt obey the rules. 我警告过他, 如果他不遵守规则, 他会受到惩罚的.,巧学活用 61完成句子 (1)气象台警告人们说要有暴风雨了. The weather station _ a storm was coming. (2)我告诫孩子们不要在薄冰上行走. I _ the children _ on the thin ice.,Warned people that,warned,not to walk,(3)那座桥在没有任何先兆的情况下坍塌了. The bridge collapsed without _. 62单项填空 (4)I _ him of the opposite ideas he would meet. A. Warned B. threatened C. Treated D. threaded,any warning,解析:选A. 考查动词辨析. 句意:我提醒 他会遇到反对意见. threaten恐吓; treat对待; thread穿针; warn sb.of sth.警告某人提防, 故选A.,7.determined adj.坚决的, 有决心的; 果断的 (教材原句)He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans. 他很早就离开了学校, 还是青少年时就下决心要去南美洲碰运气了, 于是他离开家乡密苏里州的汉尼拔, 动身去了新奥尔良.,(1)determined 归纳拓展,He determined to realize his dream.他决心实现自己的梦想. After three hours persuasion, his parents determined him to finish this hard task.经过三个小时的劝说, 他的父母使他下定决心去完成这项艰难的任务. , He is a man of great determination.他是一个意志坚强的人.,易混辨析 determine to do, be determined to do,(2)set off出发, 启程; 使开始; 使爆炸,归纳拓展,Ill set off early to avoid the traffic.我要早些出发以避开交通拥堵. We set off for London just after ten.刚过十点, 我们就动身去伦敦了. The senators statement set off a heated debate at once. 参议员的声明立刻引起了激烈的辩论.,巧学活用 71完成句子 (1)我们决心在周五前完成这项工作. We _ get the work done before Friday. (2)我们已决定在周五前完成这项工作. We _to get the work done before Friday.,are determined to,have determined,72单项填空 _ to give his mother a surprise, Tom arrived home ahead of time. A. Determined B. Determining C. Having determined D. To determine,解析:选A. 考查非谓语动词. 句意:决定给他母亲一个惊喜, 汤姆提前回了家. determined to do sth.形容词短语作目的状语. 故选A. 73语境填空 如果你真的想着手寻找一个解决这个棘手问题的办法, 那你就非常有必要在我们启程去欧洲之前着手采取些行动.,If you really want to _ a solution to this tough matter, it is necessary for you to _ some actions before we _ Europe. 74翻译句子 People often set off fireworks on festivals. _,set about finding,set out to take,set off for,过节的时候人们常放鞭炮.,8. force v. 强迫, 迫使 (教材原句)Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico.,迫不得已他只好改变了计划, 在一艘汽船上 当了好几年的领航员, 在密西西比河上运送 乘客, 这条大河从靠近加拿大边境的美国北 部一直向南流向墨西哥湾.,归纳拓展 (1)force sb.to do sth.force sb.into doing sth. 强迫某人做某事 force sth.on sb.把强加于某人 (2)force n. 力; 力量; 武力, 暴力, 军队 come into force开始生效; 开始实施 bring sth.into force开始生效; 开始实施 by force用武力,The financial crisis forced many companies to close down. 经济危机迫使很多公司倒闭. You cant force others into accepting your ideas.你不能强迫别人接受你的观点. When do the new regulations come into force?新规章什么时候开始执行?,易混辨析 energy, force, power, strength,Youll need to apply all your energy to this job. 你需要把全部精力投入到这项工作中去. Generally speaking, we shouldnt treat these naughty boys by force. 一般来说, 我们不应该用武力对待这些淘气的孩子.,Congress has the power to declare war. 国会有权宣战. A washing machine is a saver of time and strength.洗衣机省时又省力.,巧学活用 81选词填空(用force, strength, power, energy填空) (1)She was killed by the _ of a blow. (2)Knowledge is _. (3)The boy is so full of _ that he cant keep still. (4)I havent the _to lift the heavy stone.,force,power,energy,strength,82单项填空 Fewer violent cases have happened here since the special new law _. A. went into power B. came into force C. brought into practice D. put into effect,解析: 选B. 根据“很少有暴力案件发生”可知, 从句部分应表示“自从新的特别法律生效以 来”. come into force意为“生效, 起作用”. C项 和D项语态错误.,1. (教材原句)He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America. 他身无分文地来到新奥尔良, 结果却发现没有开往南美洲的船了.,句法分析 在本句中only to find that是不定式作句子的结果状语, 含有“出人意料的结果”之意, 前面常有only或never之类的词语. He went to school without breakfast, only to find that the gate was locked. 他没吃早饭就去上学了, 结果发现大门还锁 着,归纳拓展 v. ing形式与不定式作结果状语: (1)v.ing形式作结果状语时表示句子主干中的动作与状语中的动作之间具有必然的因果关系, 通常放在句末. 使用v.ing形式作结果状语时, 其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持 一致,(2)不定式作结果状语通常表示一种出乎意料的结果, 且可在不定式前加only或never, 用来强调惊讶和失望的意思.,The old man went back home late, only to find the door open. 老人回家很晚, 结果却发现门开着. European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular game in the world.80多个国家都踢欧式足球, 使得它成为世界上最流行的运动.,巧学活用 11完成句子 (1)2010上海世博会的成功召开, 带来了世界各地的新的思想和新的科学技术. The 2010 Shanghai Expo has been successful, _ new thoughts and new technologies all over the world.,bringing,(2)他醒来发现自己在医院里. He woke up _ himself in hospital. 12单项填空 The girl came _ to the cinema only _ the tickets had been sold out. A. to run; telling B. running; to be told,only to find,C. and ran; being told D. running; to tell 解析:选B. 考查非谓语动词. 第一个空为came的伴随状语, 第二个空为不定式作结果状语, 表意外, 且与主语the girl之间存在动宾关系, 故应用不定式的被动式.,2. (教材原句)Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico.,迫不得已他只好改变了计划, 在一艘汽船上当了好几年领航员, 在密西西比河上运送乘客, 这条大河从美国北部的加拿大边界附近流向墨西哥湾.,句法分析 本句较长, 结构较为复杂. 其中forced to change his plans作原因状语, 而taking passengers up and down the Mississippi作伴随状语, forced和taking的逻辑主语均为he; the great river which flows.是the Mississippi的同位语, 其中包含which引导的定语从句.,Faced with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. 由于面对的困难太多, 我们没能够按时完成任务.,归纳拓展 分词作状语时, 分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致; 过去分词和主语含有逻辑上的动宾关系. 分词短语作状语时, 可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等.,The teacher came into the lab, followed by some students. 老师走进实验室, 后面跟着一些学生. (表伴随) Told many times, he still repeated the same mistake. 尽管被告知多次, 他仍犯同样的错误. (表让步),Hearing the news, they immediately set off for Shanghai. 听到这个消息, 他们立即出发到上海去了. (表时间),巧学活用 21完成句子 (1)从远处看, 这条山脉像一头狮子. _a distance, the mountain looked like a lion. (2)打扫完房间, 我们开始在花园里除草. _ the rooms we began to weed the garden.,Seen from,Having cleaned,(3)他坐在那里听见她正在上楼. He sat there _her climbing the stairs.,listening to,温馨提示 请做课时作业 Module 3 Section ,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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