2013届高考英语一轮复习北师大版课件:选修八 Unit24《Society》

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抓基础,第一部分选修八,析考点,提能力,Unit24,第一板块,第二板块,第三板块,第四板块,1 v 积累 2 n. 重担,负担 3 adj. 未住人的,空置的 4 adj. 各种各样的 5 vt.& vi. 辞职 6 vt. 删除 7 vi. (使)收缩,缩小 8 n. 优点,长处,accumulate,burden,vacant,diverse,resign,delete,shrink,virtue,9 n. 相撞 10 vt. 跳过 11 vt. 投下 12 vt. 着手做,从事 13 n. 罚款 14 n. 判决 15 vt. 废除 16 adv. 再者,此外,collision,skip,cast,undertake,fine,sentence,abolish,moreover,17 adv. 而且,此外 18 adj.自愿的 v自愿n.自愿者 19 adj.大量的 n大量 20 n签名 v签名;打手势 n招牌;迹 象;符号 21 vt.统治,管理 n政府 22 n调整,调节 vt.调整,调节,使 适应,furthermore,voluntary,volunteer,abundant,abundance,signature,sign,govern,government,adjustment,adjust,23 vt.选举,推选 n选举 24 adj.宽大的,仁慈的 n宽容,仁慈 25 vt.& vi.腐烂 adj.腐烂的 26 n口渴 adj.口渴的 27 n容器 vt.包含;装有 28 adv.所以,因此 adj.作为结果 的 n结果,后果,elect,election,merciful,mercy,rotten,rot,thirst,thirsty,container,contain,consequently,consequent,consequence,1 形成,存在 2 故意惹恼某人 3 炫耀,夸耀 4 撞上某人 5 闯入 6 原则上 7 判某人死刑 8 在增长/下降,come into being,wind sb.up,show off,knock into sb.,break into,on principle,sentence sb.to death,on the increase/decrease,9 过得好/过得更好 10 认真对待 11 最重要的是;首先 12 废除;取消 13 冒险 14 首先,be well off/better off,take .seriously,above all,do away with,at risk,to start with,15 在中起重要作 用;在中扮演重要角色 16 照看,留心瞧;注意 17 促进,有助于 18 考虑,注意,体谅,play an important role in .,keep an eye on,contribute to,take . Into account,1As a society, its high time that we took these issues more seriously. 作为一个社会,我们早该认真对待这些问题了。 解读:its high time that sb.did sth.“到某人做某事的时间了” 仿写:该是我们为改善环境而出力的时候了。 _ we _ something to improve the environment.,答案: Its high time that; did,2Id rather you didnt mention that. 我宁愿你不要提那件事。 解读:would rather 后接从句时,从句应该用虚拟语气 仿写:我真希望你那天没有把消息告诉他。 I would rather you _him the news that day.,答案:hadnt told,3The only time that life sentences should be given is when a person is so dangerous that the community is at risk if he or she is let out of prison. 判无期徒刑(或终身监禁)的唯一条件是:罪犯十分危险,一旦被释放出狱,周围的人们就要遭殃。 解读:that引导的定语从句 仿写:你还记得我们在海南岛度过的日子吗? Do you still remember the days _ we spent on Hainan Island?,答案: that,4What if some married people have affairs? 要是一些已婚的人有了婚外恋会怎么样? 解读:what if是连词词组,意为“要是怎么办”,位于句首,引导条件状语从句 仿写:要是王仕鹏缺席这场篮球赛会怎么样呢? _Wang Shipeng is absent from the basketball game?,答案:What,1. abundant adj.大量的;丰盛的;充裕的,That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.(摘自2011广东高考阅读理解D) 这项任务并不轻松,但它为可持续发展工业提供了充足的机会。 China natural resources. 中国自然资源丰富。,is abundant in,There is a great abundance of sunshine here. 这里阳光充足。 Wild flowers grow on the hillsides. 山坡上长满了野花。,in abundance,2. burden n负担,重担 vt.(使)担负(沉重或艰难的 任务、职责等),教材P34原句 Instead, they feel like a burden be-cause every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them. 相反,它们就像一种负担,因为我们每月都要将挣来的大部分的钱拿出来支付还款。 The burden of students has been a hot topic for years.(摘自2011江苏高考书面表达) 近些年,学生的负担已成为一个热门话题。,I dont want to you my worries. 我不想让你为我的烦恼操心。 They a high mortgage. 他们负担一笔很高的按揭贷款。,burden,with,are burdened with,3vacant adj.未占用的,空置的;(职位)空缺的;(目光、表 情等)茫然的,教材P34原句 Surely were still better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant build-ings . 当然我们仍旧比那些穿着破烂衣衫,睡在街道上或者空置的大楼里的人的生活要好得多,The number of has largely increased compared to the same period of last year. 空缺职位的数量与去年同期相比大幅增加。 He stared into space with . 他茫然地凝视着天空。,vacant posts,a vacant expression,4resign vt. & vi.辞职,辞去;使顺从,教材P35原句 His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he resigned. 他的老板坚持要他更长时间的工作,所以他辞职了。 He as chairman. 他辞去了主席的职务。,resigned his position,The Minister office. 那部长辞职了。 We should never resign ourselves to being defeated. 我们将永远不甘心于失败。,resigned from,5. elect vt.选举,推选;选择,教材P36原句 There is a leader in each area of the town and each town has an elected leader. 这个城镇的每个地区都有一个领导人,而且每个城镇都有一个选出来的领导人。 She was elected to Parliament in 1978. 她于1978年入选议会。,They Tom their representative. 他们选举汤姆作为他们的代表。 She a lawyer. 她选择了当律师。,elected,as,elected to become,6. undertake vt.着手做,从事,承担;允诺,答应,教材P38原句 Conditions improved a great deal and the government undertook the preservation of many of the oldest hutongs. 胡同的条件得到了很大的改善,政府对很多早期的胡同进行了修缮和保护。,He the job by Wednesday. 他答应在星期三以前完成这项工作。 I cant you will make a profit. 我不能担保你会获利。,undertook to finish,undertake that,7sentence n. & vt.判决;宣判;判刑,教材P40原句 In the USA in the last 100 years,23 men have been wrongly sentenced to death and there are doubts about 400 other cases. 在美国,在过去的100年里,23人已被错误地判处死刑,有另外400案例遭质疑。 The prisoner has and will be released tomorrow. 犯人已服刑期满,明天将获释。,served his sentence,The judge passed sentence on him. 法官宣布了对他的判决。 Sanchez for his part in the crime. 桑切兹因参与犯罪被判处3年徒刑。,was sentenced to three years in prison,.选词填空(其中有一项是多余的) abundant, abolish, govern, consequently, undertake, vacant, elect, burden, moreover 1.Its brave for her to _ the great task.,答案: undertake,2The bank refused to help the company; _, it went out of business.,答案: consequently,3I dont want to become a_ to my children when Im old.,答案: burden,4At last Mr. Brown was _ chairman of the committee.,答案: elected,5Are there any _ positions in your company?,答案: vacant,6Rainfall is _ in the region.,答案: abundant,7The girl was so excited that she couldnt _ her temper.,答案: govern,8Do _ this kind of bad custom.,答案: abolish,.单项填空 1They are trying to discover a land abundant _ minerals, that is, a land having minerals _ abundance. Ain; in Bto; in Cin; to Dto; to,解析:考查介词。abundant常与in连用,be abundant in sth.表示某物在某处或某方面很丰盛;in abundance是固定搭配,表示“大量,丰盛,充裕”。,答案: A,2Is there a _ seat in the smoking area? I need to have a smoke to relieve my temptation. Aempty Bvacant Cblank Dhollow,解析:句意:在吸烟区有空座位吗?我需要抽一口缓解一下烟瘾。empty表示“空的,没有什么东西的”;blank 表示“空白的,没有填写内容的”;hollow表示“中间空的,没有实质内容的”;而vacant表示“未被占用的”,所以答案为B。,答案: B,3It was the _ of the family that made Jim look thin and serious. Asupport Bburden Cemphasis Dconvention,解析:句意:是养家糊口的重担使吉姆变得消瘦而严肃。support“支持”;emphasis“强调”;convention“传统”;burden“重担”,只有B项符合句意。,答案: B,4Since he graduated from the college, he has been _ experiments and calculations. Ashrinking Baccumulating Cundergoing Dundertaking,解析:undertake意为“从事”。句意:自从大学毕业后,他一直在从事实验和计算工作。,答案: D,5After the trial,the judge passed judgement _ her and she was sentenced _ 6 years in prison. Ato; to Bon; on Con; to Dto; on,解析:句意:经过审判,法官对她宣判,她被判处六年有期徒刑。pass judgement on“对宣判”;sentence sb.to .“判某人徒刑”。,答案: C,6The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to _. Adischarge Bdismiss Cresign Dresume,解析:句意:首相拒绝就他计划辞职的谣言作出任何评论。resign“辞职”,符合句意。discharge“释放,解雇”;dismiss“解散,让离开”;resume“重新开始,再继续”。,答案: C,7The chairman asked the members to _ their votes for or against the proposal. Abid Boffer Ccast Dthrow,解析:句意:主席要成员们投票表决是同意还是反对这个提议。bid“出价,投标,命令,吩咐”;offer“提供”;cast a vote“投票”,为固定搭配;throw“投,掷”。,答案: C,8It is said that the chairman of the meeting was _ by them. Achosen Belected Cselected Dpicked,解析:句意:据说他们已经选举出了大会主席。elect“选举,推选”,符合句意。choose“选择”;select“挑选,选拔”;pick“挑选,采,摘”。,答案: B,1come into being形成,存在;出现,产生 教材P34原句 If laws such as these came into being,a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions. 如果像这样的法律能够形成的话,社会将需要作巨大的调整,而人们的反应也一定会各有不同。,The new tax rates from April. 新的税率从4月起生效。 How long is it since the electric computer ? 电子计算机从开始应用到现在已有多久了? The new president came into power last month. 新总统上个月开始执政。,come into effect,came into use,2show off炫耀,夸耀;卖弄;显示 Its bad manners to show off your wealth before others. 在别人面前炫耀你的财富是不好的。 He likes to how well he sings. 他喜欢向人显示他歌唱得有多好。,show off,We by an elderly guide. 我们由一位年长的向导带着四处参观。 His showoff only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的卖弄只不过暴露了他自己的无知。,were shown around,3knock into sb.撞上某人 教材P36原句 There is a car accident there at least once a week and today I nearly knocked into somebody crossing the road. 那里每周至少有一起车祸发生,我今天差点撞上一个正在过马路的人。,These old houses are going to . 这些旧房子要拆了。 He spent a few years Europe.他花了几年时间漫游欧洲。 What time do you knock off work? 你什么时候下班?,be knocked down,knocking around/ about,.选词填空(其中有一项是多余的) to start with, knock into, break into, on principle, better off, come into being 1When did the world _ ?,答案: come into being,2Did a burglar _ your house last night?,答案: break into,3The boy _ his mother.,答案: knocked into,4People in my hometown are much _ than before.,答案: better off,5_, I need some soup.,答案: To start with,.单项填空 1Dinosaurs lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans _. Acame into being Bcame into contact Ccame into force Dcame into sight,解析:语境“在人类产生之前”,come into being “形成,产生”;come into contact“联系,接触”;come into force“开始生效”;come into sight“出现”。,答案: A,2Whenever possible, John_ how well he speaks Japanese. Ashows up Bshows around Cshows off Dshows out,解析:句意:只要有可能约翰就炫耀他日语说得多么好。show up “暴露,显露,露面”;show around “带领参观”;show off “炫耀,显摆”;show out“带出门,领出去”。,答案: C,3He was in such a hurry that he almost_the old man. Aknocked at Bknocked into Cknocked off Dknocked on,解析:knock into sb.“撞到某人身上”。knock on/at 意为“轻轻敲击”;knock off 意为“敲落”。,答案: B,4Only by continuously increasing social accumulation can a country be prosperous and the people _. Awell up Bwell off Cwell away Dwell out,解析:well off为固定短语,意为“经济上富裕的,处境好的”。句意:只有不断增加社会积累,一个国家才能兴旺,人民才能富裕。,答案: B,As a society, these issues more seriously. 作为整个社会来讲,我们早该更认真地考虑这些问题了。 It is high time that .到做的时候了。从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用过去时或“should动词原形”,that可以省略。 Its high time that you started/should start working. 你早该开始工作了。,its high time that we took,Its time for you lunch. 该是你吃午饭的时候了。 class.Please be seated. 该上课了,请坐好。 It will be the second time Ive met him. 这将是我第二次遇见他。 It was the first time this year he the class meeting. 这是他今年第一次缺席班会。,to have,Its time for,hadnt attended,.完成句子 1Its high time that _(你该起 床了),答案:you got up/should get up,2I would rather that _(你上 次采纳了医生的建议),答案:you had taken the doctors advice last time,3要是他们不来会怎么样呢? _ they dont show up?,答案:What if,.单项填空 4Would you mind if we set out earlier tomorrow morning? Well, Id rather you _. Adont Bwont Cdidnt Dwouldnt,解析:would rather后跟从句时,从句若表示现在或将来,从句中谓语要用一般过去时;若从句表示过去,其谓语用过去完成时。根据语境可知,此处是表示“我希望你们(明早)不要早出发”。故选C。,答案: C,5This is the first time I _ my first picture with my own hands. It is time that you _ a picture for me. Atook; took Bhave taken; took Ctook; will take Dwill take; have taken,解析:在“This/It is the first time从句”中,从句谓语动词用现在完成时;在“It is (high) time从句”中,从句谓语动词用一般过去时或shoulddo形式。,答案: B,说服 1(2012青岛质检)The leader, _ the rule unfair for women, suggested it _. Afinding; banned Bto find; banned Cfound; to be banned Dfinding; be banned,解析:考查非谓语动词和suggest后接从句时使用虚拟语气的用法。finding the rule unfair for women在句中充当定语,suggested it后省略了should。,答案: D,2(2012潍坊质检)The captain urged that the mission _ before dark. Amust be finished Bbe finished Cought to be finished Dwas finished,解析:考查虚拟语气。urge“极力主张、强烈要求”,后接that从句,用虚拟语气,即shoulddo, should可以省略。,答案: B,3Mum, Ive got a bad cold. Oh. Tom, _ go to see the doctor. Aso you have Byoud better Cso have you DI would rather you,解析:考查youd better do sth.的用法。句意:“妈妈,我得了重感冒。”“噢,汤姆,你最好去看医生。”根据上下文,应用youd better do sth.,意为“你最好做”。,答案: B,4Its time for supper. I _ to go home. Aought Bshould Cwill be Dhave gone,解析:考查ought to do的用法。句意:到了吃晚饭的时候了,我应该回家了。只有ought后加to do 构成ought to do表示“应该做”。,答案: A,5The workers demanded that their wages _ by 10 percent. Abe raised Braised Cto raise Draising,解析:考查动词demand的用法。句意:工人们要求增加百分之十的工资。demand后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should动词原形,should可省略。,答案: A,6The workers requested that their working conditions _. Amust be improved Bbe improved Cwould be improved Dwere improved,解析:句意:工人们要求改善工作条件。request后面宾语从句中的动词要用虚拟语气,即should动词原形,should可省略,且根据句意,应用被动结构,故be improved为正确选项。,答案: B,点击此图片进入“提能力”,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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