2012届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit22《Environmental Protection》(2)

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2012届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit22《Environmental Protection》(2)_第1页
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2012届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit22《Environmental Protection》(2)_第2页
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2012届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module8 Unit22《Environmental Protection》(2)_第3页
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Unit 22 Environmental Protection,Module 8,Part 2 Of 2,9. turn on 袭击,攻击 His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg. 他那条狗平日很温顺, 这次突然攻击他并咬 了他的腿。,Why are you all turning on (criticizing / blaming) me? 你们为什么都突然冲我来了(批评或责备我)? 打开,拧开 He forgot to turn on the radio and thus missed the program. 他忘了打开收音机, 因此错过了那个节目。,10. rate n. 速度;比率;费用;等级 The rate of interest is 5 percent. 利率是5%。 That book is only second rate. 那本书只是二流作品。 at the rate of 以的比率/速度 The train was going at the rate of 95 kilometres an hour. 火车正以每小时95公里的速度前进。,vt. 对作评估/评价 My daughter is rated very high in her class. 我的女儿在班上的评价很高。,at the price of 以的价格 at the speed of 以的速度 at the temperature of 以的温度,1.护士们正在要求提高工资。 _ 2.他激动起来说话特快。 _ 3.她被公认为是最杰出的现代诗人之一。 _ _,Nurses are demanding higher rates of pay.,When he is excited he talks at a great rate.,She is generally rated as one of the best modern poets.,11. construct vt. 建造, 修建 This factory was constructed by our company. 这家工厂是由我们公司建造的。 编写,构思 It is quite a long wonderful play, and is constructed rather like a Greek play. 它是一部相当精美的长剧,构思很像希腊剧。 It is a cleverly constructed story. 这是个构思很巧妙的故事。,construction n. 建造,建设(不可数名词);建 筑物;(句子、短语等的)结构 under construction (正在)修建 The new skyscraper is still under construction. The new skyscraper is still being constructed. 新的摩天大楼还在建造中。 constructor n. 建筑者;建造者 constructive adj. 建设性的,12. range n. (气温、价格等的)幅度;范围、区域 beyond / out of ones range 超出某人的范围 within the range of 在范围之内 Several cars are available within this price range. 在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。 The price of the house is well beyond our range. 这栋房子的价格远远超出我们能承受的范围。,vi. (范围)涉及、扩展 range fromto范围从到 Our conversation ranged over many topics. 我们的谈话涉及很多话题。 The temperature ranges from ten to thirty degrees. 气温在10至30度之间。 The childrens ages range from 8 to 15. 孩子们的年龄在8岁到15岁之间。,1. 那个退休老师的兴趣非常广泛。 _ _ 2. 这些问题都在他们的调查范围之内。 _ _,The retired teacher has a very wide range of interests.,These issues fall within the range of the enquiry.,13. arm n. 手臂;手臂状的东西;武器(均用复数形 式);狭长地带 He turned and walked down the arm of the hall. 他转身朝着从门厅通往房间的过道走去。 His armed forces are equipped mostly with American arms. 他的武装力量大部分是美国武器装备。,vt. 武装 He said both sides are arming themselves. 他说双方都在武装自己。 War is certain; we should arm without delay. 战争必定要发生,我们应该刻不容缓地备战。,猜猜下列句子中黑体部分的意思 1. The boys ran down the road arm in arm. 2. The country kept 50,000 men under arms at all times. 3. The majority of their soldiers simply laid down their arms. 4. The people were quick to take up arms to defend their freedom.,手挽手地,服兵役的,放下武器,投降,拿起武器, 准备战斗,14. with的复合结构 with复合结构的构成形式是:with+宾语(由 名词或代词充当)+宾语补足语(由现在分词、 过去分词、不定式、形容词、副词或介词短 语等充当)。 宾语与宾补之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 在句中作伴随状语、条件状语、原因状语, 也可以作定语。,用法 A. with+n. / pron.+adv. He went out with the lights on. 他走的时候灯还亮着。 B. with+n. / pron.+prep. Soon he came to a river with a wooden bridge over it. 不久,他来到了架有木头桥的河边。,She came in angrily with a knife in her hand. 她气愤地冲进来,手里拿着一把刀。 C. with+n. / pron.+adj. He went away with his face black. 他很生气地走了。 D. with+n. / pron.+to do With a lot of housework to do, I wont go to the cinema tonight. 有那么多家务要做,我今晚不去看电影了。,E. with+n. / pron.+done With his project finished, he went on a holiday to China. 工程完成后他去了中国旅游。 F. with+n. / pron.+doing He stood there with his eyes looking at the beautiful girl in blue. 他站在那里,眼睛看着穿蓝色衣服的那个漂 亮女孩。,1. The child likes to sleep _ (开着窗). 2. _(由于 有这位老人带路), we had no trouble in finding the place. 3. All the afternoon he worked _ _(锁着门).,with the window open,With the old man leading the road,with the door locked,4. The woman _(抱着 孩子) is my aunt from Shanghai. 5. _(要是体 温降下来), the patient can take the medicine.,with a baby in her arms,With the temperature falling down,15. considerate与considerable 这两个词都是形容词,他们之间的区别主要 表现在意义上,在用法上也有一些区别,具体如下: considerate具有“考虑周到的,体贴的”的意 思(常与of/to/towards连用)。 It was considerate of you to bring me so much food and clothes. 你考虑得真周到,给我带这么多吃的和穿的。,We young generation should be considerate towards the happiness of the old. 我们年青一代应该考虑到老人们的幸福。 considerable则表示“值得考虑的,重要的, 可观的,相当的”,该词往往作定语。,There was a considerable growth of education in China in the 1990s. 在20世纪90年代,中国的教育有了相当大的 发展。 Mr. Smith was a considerable figure in local politics. 史密斯先生是当地政界一名响当当的人物。,用considerate, considerable填空 1. I have given _ thought to the matter. 2. It is _ of you to call on your relatives from time to time. 3. He is no more _ of others than his brother is. 4. The losses are _.,considerable,considerate,considerate,considerable,1. Without these naturally occurring gases, the suns rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on. 如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳的热量 将会被反射回太空中去,地球将处于寒冷之 中,不适合生命的存在。,without these naturally occurring gases在句 中充当条件状语,其中without的含义为ifnot。 without短语在此引出与现在事实相反的假设, 所以主句the suns rays would bounce back into space用虚拟语气。其中,leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on在句中充当结果状语。,2. Over the last 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by 1 and many experts insist that the blame for this global warming can mostly be pinned on human activities. 在过去的100年里,全球的平均温度增加了 1华氏度,许多专家坚持认为,在很大程度 上,人类的活动要对全球变暖负责。,in / over the last / pastyears, 意为“在过 去的年中”,在句中作时间状语,主句通 常会用现在完成时。 介词by常用来表示变化的幅度及大小差距 等,在句中作状语。 After a heavy rain, the water in the river has risen by 30cm. 大雨过后,河里的水涨了30厘米。,insist引导的that the blame for this global warming can mostly be pinned on human activities为宾语从句。insist在此意为“坚持 说”,宾语从句中的谓语动词使用陈述语气。 当insist意为“坚持要求”时,宾语从句中的 谓语动词用虚拟语气。,He insisted that he didnt steal the wallet. 他坚持说他没有偷钱包。 He insisted that we should set out early. 他坚持要求我们早点出发。,3. Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence. 鉴于这些数据,可见人类活动和全球温度升 高的联系不仅仅是一个偶然。 given在这里不是过去分词,而是介词,它在此 的意思为“考虑到,鉴于”,介词短语given this data在句中作状语。,Given his age, we should give him more help. 考虑到他的年龄,我们应该给予他更多的帮助。 that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence 在句中作宾语。It seems that为固定句型用 来婉转地陈述意见、看法、主张或得出结论。,It seems that no one will be fit for the position. 似乎没人能胜任这个职位。 It seems that we have to send for a doctor. 似乎我们必须得请医生了。,文化(读写任务) 2010年6月,随着“端午节起源”事件所引发的讨论,文化这个话题又大热起来。文化是一个非常广泛的概念,所涉及的比较热点的问题如:传统文化的流失;如何保护传统文化;文化的重要意义;文化冲击;中西方文化的差异等。,实用表达: traditional culture 传统文化 the importance of culture protection 保护文化的重要性 treasure traditional culture 珍惜传统文化 a culture exchange 文化交流 culture shock 文化冲击 raise the awareness of 增强的意识,culture difference 文化差异 treat sth. in a fair way 公平对待某事 different cultures and histories 不同的文化和历史 have impacts on 对有影响 It is undeniable that 毫无疑问 Misunderstanding between races is reduced. 不同国家间的误解减少了。 Protecting traditional cultures is protecting ourselves. 保护传统文化就是保护我们自己。,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Australia is not an old country. Many years past, the people in Australia become a nation. Then in 1901, the Commonwealth of Australia was found. Australia became a country. But before the white came to this land, Aboriginals have lived there more than 42,000 years. When the white,came to Australia, Aboriginals painful memory began. In early Australia, Aboriginals were very misery. Their life was changed when the white came. The white brought death, illness. The Aboriginal were ruled by the white, having no right. And the white want to break the Aboriginals own life. The white want to cut the Aboriginals culture and let them become white. Then Aboriginal will become white, and they will lose their culture. Aboriginal will disappear from the earth. We,can know this from the film named “Rabbit Proof Fence”. Now the plan is stopped, Aboriginals can live their life. Until 1967, Australia people voted to pass a law, which protects Aboriginal. From that time on, Aboriginal have their right.,【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的要点。 2然后用约120个词就“怎么看待不同的历史、文化”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括下面要点: (1)不同的历史文化的存在是非常必要的。 (2)对不同历史文化的保护,是对人类社会历史的承认; (3)作为学生,我们应该做些什么?,【写作要求】 1作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2标题自定。,该篇读写任务所给文章介绍了澳大利亚政府对本国土著居民先后不同的态度。在概括时要包含以下要点:In early Australia, Aboriginals were very misery. Their life is changed when the white came. / Now the plan is stopped, Aboriginals can live their life. Until 1967, Australia people voted pass the law, which protects Aboriginals. From that time on, Aboriginals have their right.,写作要点要讨论“怎么看待不同的历史、文化”问题,属于评论性文字和结论性的观点,故用一般现在时或一般将来时态。对于要点(1)“不同的历史文化的存在是非常必要的”和要点(2)“对不同历史文化的保护,是对人类社会历史的承认”,都属于说明性的问题,我们除了要陈述这两层意思之外,还要用一定篇幅来谈不同的历史文化存在的必要性,比如不同的文化让我们的生活丰富多彩等,这样才不会让,我们的论点抽象、空洞,内容干瘪。要点(3)“作为学生,我们应该做些什么?”是对“保护历史文化”而言,在这个要求层面下,我们可以从增强保护历史文化的意识以及积极响应一些保护历史文化的措施进行阐述。,We Should Treat the History in a Fair Way In the passage, we know that the white destroyed the history of the Aboriginals, which caused a serious result. And later the Australian does their best to protect this oldest human culture. I agree with the view that the Australian people have taken action to protect the history of the Aboriginals. All the cultures are the wealth which our ancestors left to us. Different cultures and histories make a wonderful world,which can lead us to a happy life. So it is necessary for them to exist in our world. Every one of us has the responsibilities to protect them,for to protect them is to take humans history seriously. As students, we should have the awareness of protecting the cultures of our nation. And we should do everything to help the government with the protection of the culture.,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 China is a multiethnic nation, with 5,000 years of history and a splendid ancient civilization. This has endowed the country with extremely rich cultural heritage. But, with changes in peoples work habits and lifestyles, many traditional and folk cultures are on the verge of extinction.,To protect such intangible cultural heritage, so that communities and groups have a sense of identity and continuity, the country has made a lot of efforts in recent years, including making laws in this regard. At the ongoing annual session of the National Peoples Congress, some deputies are discussing ways to better protect the treasures of our nation.,【写作内容】 某中学生英文报就“保护中国传统文化”为主题举行英语征文活动。你阅读了上述文章后,准备给该报投稿,稿件内容包括: 1以约30个词概括以上短文内容。 2然后以约120个词谈谈你的观点,并包括以下要点: (1)保护中国传统文化的重要性; (2)列举12个你所知道的国家或当地政府文化保,护的事例; (3)谈谈你对文化保护的建议。 【写作要求】 1作文中可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2标题自定。 _,One possible version: Protect Traditional Chinese Culture The passage tells us traditional Chinese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and changing lifestyle. But to our delight, China is nationwide sparing no effort to protect it. The protection of national and folk culture is of,great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. It is reported that the Guangdong government pays special attention to protecting Chaoju(潮剧), a local drama born in Chaozhou in the eastern Guangdong province. In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture effectively. To start with, we should make a law to regulate the societys performance.,Besides, we should draw more peoples attention to it, for the more they know about the importance of culture protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public. In a word, it is high time for us to treasure and develop our own valuable culture.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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