《Unit3 Under the sea》课件六(15张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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Unit3 Under the sea,Please enjoy some pictures!,Warming Up,coral 珊瑚,sea star 海星,jellyfish 水母,海蜇,gull 海鸥,turtle 海龟,seal 海豹,shark 鲨鱼,penguin企鹅,dolphin 海豚,baleen whale 须鲸,killer whale虎鲸,Pre-reading,The baleen whales(11),c,The blue whales(蓝鲸) Finback(长须鲸) The humpback whales(驮背鲸) The right whales(脊美鲸),Whaling,whalers(捕鲸者) 1830s1920s every winter ,spring on the south-eastern coast of Australia (Eden 伊登) northern North Carolina,c,Feed on,small fish ,invertebrates (无脊椎动物),the killer whales,Cooperate with whalers to catch baleen whales that migrate along the coast,Old Tom whose skeleton is displayed in the Killer Whale Museum in Eden,(虎鲸),c,Reading,Task 1: listening and speaking,Describe the relationship between Old Tom and the whalers.,Old Tom had a strong relationship with the whalers. There was obviously a great deal of understanding and cooperation between them.,Fill in the blanks with the names mentioned in the reading passage 1._ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station. 2._ ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3._ was swimming by the boat, showing the whalers the way. 4._ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring the body of the whale. 5._ was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers. 6._ knew that Old Tom would protect James.,Scanning:,Clancy,George,Old Tom,Jack,James,Red,Task 2:skimming,George started beating the water with his oar. Clancy grabbed his boots and raced after George to the boat. Clancy arrived at the whaling station. The killers started racing between our boat and the whale. Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay. Clancy was sorting out his accommodation. Clancy ran down to the shore. The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,:Put the events in correct order,1. What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping out the whalers?,comprehending,2. What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with?,Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby; he showed them the way to the whale.,A pack of excited dogs.,4. How did Old Tom help James? Why do you think he did this?,Because he could see that some of the killers were throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole to stop it breathing while others were stopping it fleeing out to sea.,3. Why did George think that the killer whales worked as a team?,Old Tom prevented James from being eaten by a shark.,Please finish Ex.1 and Ex. 2, Page21-22.,Homework,1. The author mainly tells us in the text that _. A. the killer whales are easily trained B. the killer whales can help the whalers catch the huge whales C. the killer whales kill the whales for their food D. the killer whales drag the whales under the water,Teaching task 3: (Discussing),B,2. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to _. A. give the whalers the information about a whale B. tell the whalers it is hungry C. help the whalers catch the whale D. inform the whalers to run away,A,3. Why did the men start turning the boat around to go home after the whale died?,A. Because they didnt need a dead whale B. Because they couldnt find the whales body C. Because they knew that the dead whale wouldnt float up to the surface for around 24 hours. D. They had to do this because it was too late.,C,4. According to the text, the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by_. A. whales B. tigers C. enemies D. sharks,D,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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