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礼仪/辩论赛 第十五届外研社杯英语辩论赛辩题 demo: the international olympic committee should remove any age requirements for children to compete in the olympics.表演赛:国际奥林匹克委员会应取消青少年参与奥林匹克竞技的年龄限制。adjudication test: china should designate zones in municipalities in which prostitution would be legal.评委考试:中国应在特定的地区开设红灯区。practice #1: all money currently spent on confucius institutes abroad should be spent instead on alleviating domestic poverty.练习赛第一场:中国应将其在海外建设孔子学院的所有资金用于国内的减贫。practice #2: china should explicitly support irans right to develop nuclear weapons.练习赛第二场:中国应明确立场,支持伊朗拥有发展核武器的权利。practice #3: china should hold the passengers of cars driven by drunk drivers criminally liable.练习赛第三场:中国应认定醉酒驾车司机的乘客负有刑责。round 0: china should use taxpayers money to compensate the entertainment industry for losses due to piracy.第0轮:中国应将纳税人的税款用于补偿娱乐产业因盗版而产生的损失。round 1: china should allow prisoners to donate their organs in exchange for lessened prison sentences.第1轮: 中国应允许服刑人员通过捐献器官来减刑。round 2: china should require students to learn red songs (hong ge) at all levels of education.第2轮:中国应要求处于各个教育阶段的学生学习唱“红歌”。round 3: china should establish military bases abroad.第3轮:中国应该设立海外军事基地。round 4: china should allow international adoption to homosexual couples whose union is legally recognized in their home jurisdiction.第4轮: 若外国同性恋夫妇的婚姻关系被其本国法律认可,则中国应允许他们领养中国的孩子。round 5: the arab league should take the lead in promoting regime change in libya第5轮:阿拉伯联盟应在利比亚政权更迭中起到主导作用。round 6: china should provide financial incentives to rural families who bear and raise daughters.第6轮:中国应为农村生养女孩的家庭提供经济资助。round 7: china should require all foreign direct investment projects in africa to hire least 50% of their workforce locally.第7轮:中国应要求所有在非洲的外国直接投资项目雇佣至少50%的当地劳动力。 round 8: contestants who have undergone cosmetic surgery should be prohibited from competing in beauty pageant.第8轮:应禁止做过整容手术的选手参加选美比赛。octofinals: the united states was justified in violating pakistans sovereignty to assassinate osama bin laden.八分之一决赛:美国在侵犯巴基斯坦主权的基础上刺杀奥萨马本拉登这一行动是合理的。quarterfinals: the chinese government should require corporations to provide compensation to families of employees who commit suicide.四分之一决赛:中国政府应要求公司为自杀员工的家庭提供补偿。semifinals #1: china should establish an inheritance tax on the rich intended to prevent the transference of wealth between generations.半决赛第一场:中国应对富人征收遗产税,以防止后代继承财富。semifinals #2: chinese local governments should abolish housing purchase restrictions that require local hukou for buyers.半决赛第二场:中国的各地政府应废除以当地户口为依据的买房限制。grand final: china should criminalize academic dishonesty.总决赛:中国应视所有的学术作假为犯罪行为。


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