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Retell the story of lesson two,never early Sundays last Sunday very late looked window dark outside raining just then telephone rang Aunt Lucy arrived train said coming see you but still breakfast said very surprised dear me one oclock,1,改写句子,用what来引导下列感叹句,This is a wonderful garden! They are wonderful actors! She is a hard-working woman! It is a tall building! You are a clever boy! She is a beautiful girl!,2,Lesson 3 Please send me a card!,3,Pictures of Rome,“All roads lead to Rome!”,Crazy for ancient culture?,4,Crazy for fashion?,Go to Milan!,5,Crazy for water and carnival?,Go to Venice,6,Crazy for sunshine and beaches?,Go to Sicilia!,7,Discussion,If you have enough money and time , which foreign country do you want to go? In foreign countries, visitors will send postcards to their friends when they travel. If you have only one, just only one postcard ,who will you send it to ? Why?,8,How many cards did the man buy?,How many cards did the writer send?,9,New words,send v. 寄,送 postcard n. 明信片 spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏 museum n. 博物馆 public adj. 公共的 friendly adj. 友好的 waiter n. 服务员,招待员 lend v. 借给 decision n. 决定 whole adj. 整个的 single adj. 唯一的,单一的,10,New words and expressions,send v. 寄, 送 send a letter 寄信 send sth. to sb. /send sb. sth. 给某人送(寄)什么东西 send/take children to school send是通过第三人去送 take强调某人亲自送 take flowers to his wife send flowers to his wife,11,postcard n. 明信片 name card /visiting card 名片 这是我的名片 Here is my name card. (口语常用, 同时伴随着递出的动作) ID card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 cash card 现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡(不能透支的那种),12,spoil(spoiled,spoilt) vt. 弄坏,损坏,糟蹋 这不幸的消息使我们没能过好周末。 The sad news spoiled our weekend. 这场雨把学校运动会弄得一团糟。 The rain spoiled the school sports meeting. This spoiled my day. What you said spoiled me. His arrival spoiled my holiday.,13,spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好; 生活中不顺心的事;宠坏, 溺爱 break: 打破; break the windows 打破玻璃 damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁 以上三个是指物理上的破坏, 而spoil主要指精神上的, vt. 宠坏,惯坏,溺爱,不能太惯孩子。,Dont spoil your children.,这个小男孩的父母很宠爱他。,His parents spoiled the boy.,14,public adj. 公共的 adj. 公共的,公众的,社会的 在这个镇里有个公共图书馆 There is a public library in this town. adj. 公开的,众人皆知的 他们的秘密会晤20年以后才被公开。 Their secret meeting was made public 20 years later. in public 公开的;in private 私下里的 Lets have a conversation in private. Why not have a conversation in public? n. 公众,群众,大众 The museum is open to the public on Sunday.,15,friendly adj. 友好的 friendly是形容词,单独使用时一般做定语 She gave me a friendly greeting. 她友好的向我问好。 He is not very friendly to John. in a friendly way作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好, 用短语 他总是友好的向我问好。 He always greets me in a friendly way. 以-ly结尾的形容词还有lovely,brotherly,fatherly,manly,motherly,16,waiter n. 服务员, 招待员 waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员), 只出现在餐馆里 chief waiter 领班 我要见你们的领班。 I want to see the chief waiter. shop assistant 商店里的店员 attendant n. (其他公共场所的)服务员 flight attendant 空中服务员,17,lend v. 借给 (借出) lend sth. to sb/lend sb. sth. 你能把你的自行车借给我吗? Can you lend me your bike? Can you lend me ¥20 please? Ill pay/give it back tomorrow. borrow (借进):borrow sth. from sb./borrow sth. (borrow不能用 borrow sb. sth.) 他昨天借了我的笔。 He borrowed my pen yesterday. I lent him my pen yesterday. = I lent my pen to him yesterday.,18,decision n. 决定 make /take a decision作出决定 对我来说作出这个决定是很困难的。 It was not easy for me to make/take this decision. 你作出决定了吗? Have you made/taken a decision? decide v. 决定 decide to do sth 决定做某事 你为什么决定要找一份新工作? Why did you decide to look for a new job?,19,whole adj. 整个的 一整瓶牛奶 a whole bottle of milk the whole 整天 the whole day 整整两星期 two whole weeks all the,all the day (the可省略) 整天 all of后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修饰词;一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the all of us;all of the students,20,single adj. 唯一的, 单一的 反义词 : double 双倍的 single room 单人间 double room双人间 单身狗 single dog eligible bachelor spinster,21,Please send me a card,Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!,22,Comprehensive questions,Do postcards always spoil the writers holiday or not? Where did he spend his holidays last summer? What did he think about everyday? Did he send any cards to his friends or not? What is the writers big decision? Where did he stay all day? Did he write any cards or not?,23,Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. last: adj. 上一个 last summer里的last表示 “上一个” 上周日你干什么了? What did you do last Sunday? adj. 最后一个,表示“最后一个”时要加冠词the the last day 最后一天(具体到一天及一天的早中晚都要用on) 我们坐最后一班公交车回的家。 We caught the last bus home.,24,I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 王老师上学期教我们语文 Miss Wang taught us Chinese last term. He teaches our English. (错) He teaches us English.(对) teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 他教导孩子们不要打架 He taught the children not to fight.,25,a few words of Italian. 语言不可数, 所以要用a little Italian或a few words of Italian I can speak a little English/a few words of English. a few可与复数可数名词连用,表示肯定,含有 some,a small number of(一些,少数几个)的意思。 The police would like to ask him a few questions. 警察要问他一些问题。,26,Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. think about/of 考虑, 思考 你觉得天气怎么样? What do you think of the weather today? = Whats the weather like today? think of还可指想到 你想到什么了? What do you think of? think over 仔细考虑,反复思考,27,grammar,双宾语(直接宾语与间接宾语) He sent me a card A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. He lent me a book This little girl gave her mother a candy. 谓语动词后面接两个宾语。在以上的三个例子中,“me”是间接宾语,“a card”, “a few words of Italian” 和 “a book”为直接宾语。一般物是直接宾语,人是间接宾语。,28,如果你想把直接宾语和间接宾语调换位置,那么change it like this. He sent a card to me A friendly waiter taught a few words of Italian to me. He lent a book to me. A man ordered me a bottle of beer = a man ordered a bottle of beer for me.,29,What is the difference between “to” and “for”?,可以翻译为 “给” 、 “替” 、 “为” 的, 就用for; 如果只能翻译为 “给” 的, 就用to 与for相连的 buy, order, make, find find sth. for sb. do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙 Do me a favor please./Do a favor for me.帮我一个忙 I do something for you.,Drills Write each of the following sentences in a different way,He paid the shop keeper some money. He sold all his books to me. She showed her husband her new hat. He gave his son some advice. She makes us some cakes. Bring me that book please. He bought his girl a cluster of flower. Nemo finds a pen for Slina.,31,My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. pass 1)经过 我们经过该镇而未停留 We passed the town without stopping. 2)经过,过去 自从他前往意大利, 已过了两年 Two years have passed since he left for Italy. 3)(用手) 递; 传递 请你把盐递给我好吗? Will you pass me the salt?.,32,On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! spend与表示时间的词或短语连和时,意思为“花(时间)”、“度过” spend+时间+地点 : 在什么地点我花费/度过了多少时间 我每天要在教室里呆3个小时 I spend three hours in the classroom everyday. spend还可以表示“花钱” 他花很多钱用于买书 He spends a lot of money on books.,33,Conclusion,给我送张明信片,Send me a card,让假日无趣,spoil ones holidays,去意大利,go to Italy,在公园里坐坐,sit in public gardens,几句意大利语,a few words of Italian,借给我一本书,lend a book to me,读了几行,read a few lines,想着,考虑,think about,作出重大的决定,make a big decision,花了一整天的时间,spend the whole day,过得很快,pass quickly,34,Retell the story with the following hints,6. Every day thought postcards 7. holidays quickly not cards friends 8. Last day decision 9. Early 37 cards 10. Whole day room- not single card,1. Postcards- spoil holidays 2. summer- Italy 3. museums- sat- gardens 4. Waiter few Italian 5. Lent book, but - understand,35,Multiple choice questions,Comprehension 1. The writer _ . a. doesnt like buying postcards b. doesnt like receiving postcards c. doesnt like writing postcards d. doesnt like postcards 2. What was the writers big decision? a. He decided to write postcards to his friends. b. He decided to spend the whole day in his room. c. He decided to buy a lot of postcards. d. He decided not to write a single card.,36,structure,3. Last summer he went to Italy. He was _ Italy last summer. a. at b. to c. in d. on 4. _ him a few words of Italian? The waiter. a. Who taught b. Who did teach c. What did he teach d. Whom did he teach 5. He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer _ . a. friend b. as friends c. like friends d. in a friendly way 6. The writer _ a few lines, but he didnt understand a word. a. reads b. read c. red d. reading 7. He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room _ day. a. the hole b. the all c. all d. all of,37,Vocabulary,8. A waiter usually works in a _ . a. public garden b. shop c. restaurant d. private house 9. The waiter lent him a book. He _ a book from the waiter. a. lent b. borrowed c. took d. stole 10. On the last day he made a big decision. It was _ day of his holiday. a. final b. end c. latest d. bottom 11. He made a big decision. He _ . a. thought about it b. made up his mind c. changed his mind d. made a wish 12. He didnt write a single card. So he _ . a. wrote only one b. didnt write ever one c. wrote just one d. wrote all the cards except one,38,


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