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网络优化专业考试复习题 一、填空题 1、在MSC中与周期性位置更新时间T3212相对应的参数是 。 答案BTDM 2、通过指令 可以看到指定小区当前ICMBAND值从而判断小区可能受到上行干扰。 答案RLCRP 3、在缺省情况下与训练序列码TSC相等的代码是 。 答案BCC 4、使用LAPD信令压缩好处是减少了 和 间的物理链路从而优化传输方案节约传输资金投入。 答案BSC 、 BTS 5、在手机通话过程中用来传递切换命令消息的逻辑信道是 。 答案FACCH 6、全速率业务信道和半速率业务信道传送数据最快速度为 和 。 答案9.6kbit/s、4.8 kbit/s 7、使用GPS配合TEMS测试GPS选项设置为 时才能正常记录经纬度信息。 答案NMEA 8、在BSC终端上用指令 可以看到指定硬件是否有告警Fault Code Class xx以及可能更换的部件Replace Unit。 答案RXMFP 9、同一小区中每个Channel Group中最多可以容纳 个频率。 答案16 10、发生Intra-cell切换的可能原因为 。 答案服务小区信号质量差而信号强度较强 11、当一个小区参数BCCHTYPE=NCOMBSDCCH=2时该小区SDCCH的定义数为_ 答案16 12、在BSC终端上提取即时统计文件的指令是 。 答案SDTDP: rptid=xxx,int=1; 13、用来处理小区参数软件的是_ 答案IPOS 14、在BSC A中定义BSC B中的小区作为外部小区时该小区的LAC应与 相同。 答案BSC B 15、频率多重复用技术是增加网络容量的常用方法它的英文缩写是_ 答案MRP 16、交换机上记录的超过时间提前量TA掉话主要指测量到TA超过 参数指定的值时系统强制结束通话。 答案MAXTA 17、应用分集接收技术可以大大降低移动通信接收信号不稳定的概率分集技术主要包括_、_、_和_. 答案空间分集时间分集频率分集极化分集 18、对_ 和_参数进行修改可以缓解话音信道拥塞 答案KOFFSET、ACCMIN 19、_、_、_可降低移动系统中干扰的方法 答案动态功率控制、不连续发射、跳频 20、_、_、_和_可能产生随机接入失败 答案上下行功率不平衡、存在同BCCHNO同BSIC情况、覆盖不好、存在干扰 21、在_和_情况下可以推断小区上行信号可能受到干扰。 答案BSC监控终端上发现该小区各BPC的ICMBAND值不都为1 、 占用开启上下行动态功率控制的小区时手机从待机状态进入通话状态后RQxlev下降而手机发射功率没有下降 22、用来处理统计数据的常用软件包括_、_. 答案TURTLE、 SPOS 23、产生信令信道掉话的可能原因有_、_和_. 答案TCH拥塞上下行链路质量低于BSC交换属性定义的BADQUL、BADQDL 信令错误导致测量报告丢失 24、在TEMS Investigation测量中接收场强RxLev中出现黑色竖线表示发生1次切换这条黑线与第三层信息中的切换信息对应准确地说该竖线的对应信息为_ 答案Handover complete 25、在开启GPRS的小区中使用RLCRP指令查看专用PDCH的状态为 答案始终为Busy 26、当一个小区的参数T3212值设为25时表示周期性位置更新时长为 。 答案2.5小时 27、爱立信频率规划软件TCP是 _的英文缩写。 答案TEMS CellPlanner 28、无线链路超时参数RLINKT在指派专用信道后从设定值启动每个SACCH单元成功被解码后该值增加 如果解码没有成功则该值减小 。 答案21 29、整个切换过程由 、 、 、 共同完成。 答案MS、BTS、BSC、MSC 30、由于阴影效应引起的衰落称为 。 答案对数正态衰落 31、SDCCH上能承载_ _、_、_、_业务。 答案呼叫建立、短信息、位置更新、周期性登记、补充业务登记等业务 二、选择题 1、以下各项中对手机接收功率不产生影响的是 A、天馈线损耗 B、基站天线增益 C、分集接收增益 D、路径损耗 答案C 2、不属于无线覆盖预测模型是 A、Algorithm 9999 B、Okumura-Hata C、Printhana D、Walfish-Ikegami 答案C 3、手机从服务小区A重选到另一位置区中的小区BCRHA=4dBCRHB=6dB那么实际重选中小区重选的滞后值为 dB。 A、2 B、4 C、6 D、10 答案B 4、假设用户甲始终在小区A的覆盖区内T3212A=20甲开机后10分钟接听了1个3分钟的电话此后再没有进行呼叫那么甲的手机将在 分钟后进行第一次周期性位置登记。 A、7 B、120 C、113 D、107 答案B 5、与一个载波配置很多的小区相比采用蜂窝小区模式并进行频率复用的结果是 。 A、增加了信道利用率、投资和干扰 B、增加了容量和投资但是减少了干扰 C、增加了容量但是减少了投资和干扰 D、增加了容量、投资和干扰 答案D 6、在网络规划中考虑系统平衡system balance时必须假设 。 A、手机和BTS的灵敏度相同 B、手机和BTS的路径损耗相同 C、手机和BTS的天线损耗相同 D、手机和BTS的合路器损耗相同 答案B 7、TCP/IP协议通过 来区分不同的连接。 A. IP地址 B. 端口号 C. IP地址+端口号 D. MAC地址 答案C 8、E-GSM频段是指 A. 90 - 915MHz935 - 960MHz B. 900 - 915MHz921 - 960MHz C. 880 - 915MHz925 - 960MHz D. 824 - 849MHz869 - 894MHz 答案C 9、当进行1800M网络覆盖规划时应采用的传播模型为 A. Okumura-Hata B. Cost231-Hata C. Cost231 Walfish-Ikegami D. Keenan-Motley 答案B 10、根据GSM规范如果基站的接收灵敏度为-110dBm那么为了保证正常工作其载频的第一邻频干扰电平最大值为 A. 9dB; B. -9dB C. -101dBm D. -119dBm 答案C 11、基站 EIRP的计算公式为 A. BTS max. transmit power BTS combiner and jumper loss BTS feeder and connector loss + BTS antenna gain B. BTS max. transmit power BTS combiner and jumper loss C. BTS combiner and jumper loss BTS feeder and connector loss D. 以上都不对。 答案A 12、全向站和三小区定向站在小区覆盖半径相同的情况下定向站覆盖面积比全向基站覆盖面积 ( ) A. 小 B. 大 C. 相等 D. 都有可能 答案A 13、移动用户渗透率与下面那个因素无关。 A. 当地经济发展情况 B. 固定电话渗透率 C. 人口总数 D. 话费与移动资费竞争情况 答案C 14、某地频率规划中除主BCCH频点外为TCH分配6M频带采用13跳频为保证同基站内不出现同邻频碰撞最大站型配置为 A. S444 B. S555 C. S666 D. S777 答案C 15、路径损耗降低3dB时郊区环境下小区覆盖半径增加约 A. 5% B. 10% C. 22% D. 15% 答案C 16、当基站采用微波传输时需要保证采用微波的基站之间 A. 视通传播 B. 电离层传播 C. 衍射传播 D. 反射传播 答案A 17、手机在占用下列哪个信道时肯定是满功率发射 A. TCCH B. RACH C. CCBCCH D. SCDCCH 答案B 18、某小区的NCC为3BCC为4其BSIC为 a70 b340 c120 d28 答案D 19、可以同时接入GSM语音和GPRS业务的GPRS手机终端类型是 A. Type A B. Type E C. Type F D. Type G 答案A 20、一个GSM900天线的增益是15dBd, 在计算系统增益时数值应该是 A. 110dB; B. 120dB; C. 150dB; D. 17dB; 答案D 21.一个 Combined-BCCH/CCCH Multiframe 结构中 有多少 SDCCH , 一个 Non-combined SDCCH Multiframe 结构中 有多少 SDCCH? ( ) A. 9 and 8 B. 8 and 3 C. 3 and 12 D. 4 and 9 E. 4 and 8 答案E 22.手机在占用下列哪个信道时肯定是满功率发射 A. CTCH B. RACH C. CCBCH D. CSDCCH 答案B 23.网络中出现同频同BSIC时下列描述那一个是正确的 A有可能会出现切换成功率低话音接通率低信令接通率低 B一定会出现切换成功率低话音接通率低信令接通率低 C对信令接通率无影响 D对通话质量有影响 答案A 24.通过BCCH载频的TS0来传送的下行逻辑信道有( ) (A)CCCH、SCH、BCCH、RACH、PCH。 (B)FCCH、SCH、BCCH、AGCH、PCH。 (C)BCCH、SDCCH、SACCH、AGCH、PCH。 (D)BCCH、SDCCH、FACCH、AGCH、PCH。 答案B 25.BSC和MSC之间的接口为 AA接口 BAbis接口 CGb接口 DE接口 答案A 26.“CHANNEL REQUEST”这个消息是在哪个信道上发送的。 ARACH BAGCCH CPCCH DSCDCCH 答案A 27.由于阻挡而产生的类似阴影效果的无线信号衰落称为什么 A快衰落 B慢衰落。 C多径衰落 D短期衰落。 答案B 28.关于BSC的功能一下描述正确的是 A分配无线信道 B测量无线信号的强度 C本地交换 D存储移动台位置区信息 答案A 29.TDMA帧中51复帧的时间间隔为( ) A1200ms B2400ms C235ms D4800ms 答案C 30、以下关于Idle BA list的叙述正确的选项有 A、参与小区选择和小区重选过程 B、尽量把网中所有BCCHNO都定义进Idle BA list以加快小区选择的速度 C、手机通过系统信息5来接收Idle BQA list D、必须与Active BQA list完全一致 答案A、B 31、在同一BSC中各小区的 等无线参数设置应是一致的。 A、ATT B、CQRO C、T3212 D、LAC 答案A、C、D 32、小区负荷分担功能要求进行话务分担的目标小区必须具备以下条件 A、空闲信道大于CLSACC参数规定值。 B、HOCLSACC参数设为ON。 C、与服务小区属同一BSC。 D、与服务小区属同一层。 答案A、B、C、D 33、关于天线增益以下说法正确的是 A、是天线在其最大辐射方向的增益 B、是与基准天线比较得出的相对值 C、dQBi是天线增益相对于半波振子的参考值 D、dQBd=dBi+2.15 答案A、B 34、当一个小区的SDCCH参数设为2时该小区的SDCCH配置数可能为 A、16 B、190 C、20 D、220 答案A、C 35、下面各项中可能发生在手机被叫过程中的行为有 A、手机通过RACH发起接入请求 B、MSC向被叫手机所处位置区中所有BSC发出寻呼报文 C、BSC向被叫手机所处位置区中所有小区发出寻呼命令 D、小区收到寻呼命令后在相应寻呼组所属寻呼子信道上发出寻呼消息 答案A、B、C、D 36、不符合我省现行BSIC编码规范的选项有 A、14 B、68 C、530 D、49 答案A、B、D 37、 是新建基站时必须考虑的因素。 A、频率规划 B、天线隔离度 C、电源供应 D、与BSC间的传输连接 答案B、C、D 38、路测前应提前准备好的相关文件包括 A、小区TQCH配置信息 B、基站经纬度信息 C、小区BCCH、BSIC信息 D、小区CGI信息 答案B、C、D 39、以下关于载波干扰比C/I的说法正确的有 A、指接收到的希望信号电平与非希望信号电平的比值 B、手机占用非跳频小区中的TCH通话时C/I值保持不变 C、载波干扰比通常使用百分比形式 D、GSM规范中要求同频载波干扰比9dB 答案A、D 40、通过调整天线下倾角可以控制小区的覆盖范围关于天线倾角以下说法正确的有 A、天线的下倾方式可以分为机械下倾和电子下倾 B、天线的下倾角度过大时会导致天线波束严重变形 C、当天线的机械下倾角度增大到一定数值时应考虑天线前后辐射比 D、与没有下倾时相比天线采用电子下倾后各个波瓣的功率下降幅度是相同的 答案A、B 、C、D 41、目前我省使用的微蜂窝主要型号有 A、RBS200 B、RBS2302 C、BTSITE D、MAXITE 答案B、D 42、解决TCH拥塞的办法主要有 A、开启小区负荷分担功能 B、调整基站发射功率 C、增加TCH数量 D、调整切换边界 答案A、B、C、D 43、关于不同频段电磁波传播特性的描述正确的是 A、GSM1800的衰耗比GSM900多6dB B、1800MHz比900MHz的建筑物贯穿损耗小 C、低频段电磁波的绕射能力 D、1800MHz和900MHz频段的传播特征差别很大 答案A、B 44. Which cell plan is designed first and is the basis for future planning? A. Final B. PQreliminary C. Coverage D. Initial E. Nominal 答案E 45. What is the name of the type of fading which is due to shadowing? A. Atmospheric fading B. Multi-path fading C. Rayleigh fading D. Log Normal fading E. Path loss 答案D 46. Which unit is used for measuring traffic? A. Erlang B. Bit/second C. Hertz D. Subscribers/kHz E. Subscribers/minute 答案A 47. What type of interference is produced by other transmitters on the same frequency? A. Double interference B. Co-channel interference C. Adjacent channel interference D. Reflected interference E. Timing interference 答案B 48. What does Grade of Service (GoS) mean? A. Number of available subscriber services B. Number of unsuccessful call set-ups due to congestion C. Channel utilization D. Number of successful call set-ups E. Number of dropped calls 答案B 49. Which cell pattern is recommended for use with frequency hopping? A. 4/12 B. 3/9 C. 7/21 D. 7/7 E. None of these 答案B 50. Which of the following is not necessary to consider when surveying a potential site? A. Space for antennas B. Frequency allocation C. Electrical power availability D. Contract with owner E. Availability of transmission to the BSC 答案B 51. What is used to prevent “the ping-pong effect”, that is, rapid, consecutive handovers? A. Dynamic power control B. Frequency hopping C. Hysteresis D. Cell load sharing E. Discontinuous transmission 答案C 52. Which of the following will not increase system capacity? A. Increasing the number of available frequencies. B. Changing the modulation scheme. C. Implementing half rate vocoders D. Going from a 4/12 to a 3/9 reuse pattern. E. Splitting cells. 答案B 53. Which of the following is used for planning network dimensioning, frequency planning, and making coverage and interference predictions? A. Channel Event Recording (CER) B. TEMS cell planner C. TEst Mobile System (TEMS) D. Cellular Network Administration E. Cellular Network Analyzer (CeNA) 答案B 54. Which cell plan is designed first, and is the basis for future planning? A) Base Coverage B) Final C) Preliminary D) Nominal E) Ultimate 答案D 55. What is the difference between GSM and CME 20/CMS 40? A) CME 20/CMS 40 are GSM-systems with Ericssons mobile stations. B) CME 20/CMS 40 are Ericsson implementations of GSM. C) CME 20/CMS 40 are new revisions of GSM. D) GSM is the French version of CME 20/CMS 40. E) CME 20/CMS 40 are GSM systems with, at least, half of the equipment coming from Ericsson. 答案B 56. How many ARFCNs can an operator use if allocated 15 MHz uplink and 15 MHz downlink (minus one for guardband)? A) 14 ARFCNs B) 15 ARFCNs C) 29 ARFCNs D) 75 ARFCNs E) 74 ARFCNs 答案E 57. What is the name of the type of fading which is due to shadowing? A) Multipath B) Qtmospheric fading C) Rayleigh fading D) Log-normal fading E) Path loss 答案D 58. A cell has 3 TRUs with an SDCCH/8 configuration. What is the maximum number of telephone calls it can support simultaneously with a half-rate vocoder? A) 22 B) 44 C) 8 D) 3 E) 46 答案B 59. Which type of interference is produced by other transmitters on the same frequency? A) Double interference B) Co-channel interference C) Adjacent channel interference D) Reflected interference E) Timing interference 答案B 60. Which logical channel must be dimensioned for each cell when considering the call set-up frequency? A) SACCH B) SDCCH C) FCCH D) SCH E) BCCH 答案B 61. Which unit is used for measuring traffic? A) Erlang B) Bit/second C) Hertz D) Subscribers/kHz E) Subscribers/minute 答案A 62. What is the difference between 1 milliwatt and 1 watt? A) They cannot be compared B) 30 dB C) There is no difference D) 20 logdBm= dBW E) 10 dBmW 答案B 63. Which of the following problems exists in digital radio systems, but not in analog radio systems? A) Rayleigh fading B) Qtmospheric attenuation C) Congestion D) Log-normal fading E) Intersymbol interference 答案E 64. What cell property is limited by timing advance? A) Number of simultaneous calls B) Radius C) Frequency of call setups D) Antenna length E) Color 答案B 65. Which channel is used to send the mobiles measurement report? A) SDCCH B) FQACCH C) MRCH D) SACCH (Slow Associated Control CHannel) E) TCH 答案 D 66. What does GoS (Grade of Service) mean? A) Number of available subscriber services B) Percentage of successful call set-ups C) Channel utilization D) Percentage of unsuccessful call set-ups due to congestion E) Percentage of dropped calls 答案D 67. A particular cell is expected to support 6 Erlangs of traffic at 1% Grade of Service. How many traffic channels are required? A) 6 B) 13 C) 3 D) 15 E) 22 答案B 68. What is system balance? A) Each cell can handle the same amount of subscribers B) The network is dimensioned for all mobile classes C) All cells are of the same size E) Subscribers/minute 答案A 62. What is the difference between 1 milliwatt and 1 watt? A) They cannot be compared B) 30 dB C) There is no difference D) 20 logdBm= dBW E) 10 dBmW 答案B 63. Which of the following problems exists in digital radio systems, but not in analog radio systems? A) Rayleigh fading B) Qtmospheric attenuation C) Congestion D) Log-normal fading E) Intersymbol interference 答案E 64. What cell property is limited by timing advance? A) Number of simultaneous calls B) Radius C) Frequency of call setups D) Antenna length E) Color 答案B 65. Which channel is used to send the mobiles measurement report? A) SDCCH B) FQACCH C) MRCH D) SACCH (Slow Associated Control CHannel) E) TCH 答案 D 66. What does GoS (Grade of Service) mean? A) Number of available subscriber services B) Percentage of successful call set-ups C) Channel utilization D) Percentage of unsuccessful call set-ups due to congestion E) Percentage of dropped calls 答案D 67. A particular cell is expected to support 6 Erlangs of traffic at 1% Grade of Service. How many traffic channels are required? A) 6 B) 13 C) 3 D) 15 E) 22 答案B 68. What is system balance? A) Each cell can handle the same amount of subscribers B) The network is dimensioned for all mobile classes C) All cells are of the same size D) All BTSs use the same output power E) Uplink and downlink coverage is the same 答案E 69. Which of these assumptions is necessary to use in system balance? A) The sensitivity is the same for the MS and the BTS. B) The path loss is the same for the MS and the BTS. C) The feeder loss is the same for the MS and the BTS. D) The antenna gain is the same for the MS and the BTS. E) The combiner loss is the same for the MS and the BTS. 答案B 70. Which of these is not a prediction model for radio coverage? A) Algorithm 9999 B) Cost-231 C) Okumura-Hata D) Printhana E) Walfish-Ikegami 答案D 71. Which cell pattern is recommended to use when using frequency hopping? A) 4/12 B) 3/9 C) 7/21 D) 7/7 E) None of these 答案B 72. Reusing frequencies in a cellular pattern (compared to “one big cell”) A) Increases channel utilization, cost ,and interference. B) Increases capacity and cost, but decreases interference. C) Increases capacity, but decreases cost and interference. D) Increases capacity, cost, and interference. 答案D 73. A subscriber makes a two-minute call and a four-minute call during the busy hour. How much traffic does he generate for that hour? A) 33 millierlangs B) 66 millierlangs C) 100 millierlangs D) 10 millierlangs E) 25 millierlangs 答案C 73、所谓公共控制信道是指面向小区内所有手机的控制信道以下控制信道中不属于公共控制信道的有 A、AQGCH B、RQACH C、FACCH D、SDCCH 答案C、D 74、影响信道可用率的原因可能有 A、频点定义数与TRX硬件数不符 B、硬件故障 C、传输闪断 D、邻小区使用了相邻频点 答案A、B、C 75、手机能够正常进行小区选择并成功驻留于该小区的前提是 A、小区未被禁止接入 B、小区选择参数C1值大于0 C、不属于“国内漫游禁止位置区”列表中的位置区 D、小区属于允许的PLMN 答案A、B、C、D 76、控制不连续发射是否开启的参数为 A、DQTXFUL B、DTXU C、DTXD D、DQTXB 答案B、C 77、网络通过无线接口向手机广播系统消息这些系统消息通过 信道进行传送。 A、BCCH B、SQCH C、SQDCCH D、SACCH 答案A、D 78、下面可以真实反映网络运行质量的选项包括 A、用户投诉 B、STS话务统计 C、CQT拨打测试 D、DT拨打测试 答案A、B、C、D 79、无线信号受到建筑物或地形阻挡后通过直射、反射、散射等传播到达接收端这些信号相互迭加产生的矢量和就会开成一个严重的衰落谷点这就是我们常说的 。 A、阴影衰落 B、多径衰落 C、对数正态衰落 D、瑞利衰落 答案B、D 80、以下指定基站实际发射功率的参数是 A、BQSPWR B、BSPWRB C、BSPWRT D、BQSTXPWR 答案B、C 81、Locating算法为切换提供依据以 为输入输出是一个经过该算法判断可以切换上去的候选小区列表。 A、手机测量到的下行链路信号强度 B、手机测量到的下行链路信号质量 C、基站测量到的上行链路信号强度 D、基站测量到的上行链路信号质量 答案A、B、C、D 82、话音信道掉话的可能原因有 A、SQCHO参数设为ON B、漏定邻小区关系 C、邻小区与服务小区使用邻4频 D、测量到TA值超限 答案B、D 83、跳频参数HOP的可能取值包括 不同的设置决定了跳频功能是否开启以及参与跳频的逻辑信道。 A、ON B、SQDCCH C、TCH D、OFF 答案A、C、D 84、由交换机自动上传到OSS系统中特定目录下的话务统计文件SDMREL1-JU101000, 1034222533从文件名可以看出哪些信息 A、该文件产生日期为6月10日 B、该文件产生日期为8月10日 C、该文件统计时段为上午9:00-10:00 D、该文件统计时段为上午13:00-15:00 答案A、C 85、以下关于Idle BA list的叙述正确的选项有 A、参与小区选择和小区重选过程 B、尽量把网中所有BCCHNO都定义进Idle BA list以加快小区选择的速度 C、手机通过系统信息5来接收Idle BQA list D、必须与Active BQA list完全一致 答案A、B 86、在同一BSC中各小区的 等无线参数设置应是一致的。 A、ATT B、CQRO C、T3212 D、LAC 答案A、C、D 87、小区负荷分担功能要求进行话务分担的目标小区必须具备以下条件 A、空闲信道大于CLSACC参数规定值。 B、HOCLSACC参数设为ON。 C、与服务小区属同一BSC。 D、与服务小区属同一层。 答案A、B、C、D 88、关于天线增益以下说法正确的是 A、是天线在其最大辐射方向的增益 B、是与基准天线比较得出的相对值 C、dQBi是天线增益相对于半波振子的参考值 D、dQBd=dBi+2.15 答案A、B 89. The following events all require an SDCCH. Which event has normally the longest holding time? A) Normal updating B) IQMI attach/detach C) Registration D) Call set-up E) SMS point-to-point 答案E 90. Use the enclosed Erlang table1 to work out which is the optimum SDCCH configuration using four TRXs, if the SDCCH/TCH traffic ratio is 30% and the required GoS on the TCH is 2%. (Assume no cell broadcast, no immediate assignment on the TCH and a GOS on the SDCCH of 0,7%.) A) SDCCH/8 B) SQCCH/8 + SDCCH/4 C) 2*SDCCH/8 D) SDCCH/4 E) 10*SDCCH/8 答案C 91. How many paging requests can, at the most, fit into one paging block? A) 10 B) 20 C) 4 D) 60 E) 80 答案C 92. AGBLK must be set to a non-zero value (that is = 1 in Ericssons GSM system), if: A) Cell broadcast is used in a cell with a combined configuration. B) Cell broadcast is used in a cell with a non-combined configuration. C) System information, type 4, is sent on the BCCH. D) System information, type 5, is sent on the BCCH. E) MFRMS=2 or MFRMS=9 答案B 93. Which is the most important factor for determining the paging capacity in the BTS? A) MFRMS B) AQBLK C) Paging strategy D) Combined or non-combined mapping E) The use of cell broadcast 答案D 94. To reduce co-channel interference by means of antenna tilt, some prerequisites must be met. Which of the below is not a prerequisite? A) Short site-to-site distance B) Sector antennas C) High gain antennas D) High mounted antennas E) Narrow vertical beam 答案B 95. Null fill-in is obtained by: A) Slightly adjusting the phase of the power fed to the different antenna elements. B) Slightly adjusting the power fed to the different antenna elements. C) Slightly adjusting both the power and the phase fed to the different antenna elements. D) Slightly tilting the antenna elements with respect to each other. E) Continuously moving the antenna elements slightly with respect to each other. 答案B 96. If the duplex distance is 45 MHz and the bandwidth is 14 MHz, which order of intermodulation products is the first to become a problem? A) 7 B) 30 C) 35 D) 36 E) 37 答案A 97. A repeater can be used to: A) Increase the capacity locally (in a traffic hot spot). B) Increase the capacity along highways (Questions). C) Get better coverage on water. D) Get better coverage where the area to be covered is blocked by obstacles. E) For none of these purposes. 答案D 98. A Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA) can be beneficial in some configurations due to its ability to: A) Improve the downlink sensitivity and compensate for the downlink feeder loss. B) Improve the uplink sensitivity and compensate for


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