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上海高口口试真题集锦(09-12年)上海英语高级口译证书第二阶段考试试题集锦(201209)口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is”, “My registration number is”News report:On June 2, Beijing Normal University announced the founding of the National Lottery Development Institute (NLDI), a scientific research institution on lottery studies, which offers masters degrees in the subject. The institute aims at nurturing senior public management personnel suitable for all kinds of lottery organizations and providing an array of training courses on lotteries. Some people doubt the necessity of the subject, saying the nature of lottery is gambling; while others argue that the lottery industry currently faces a severe talent shortage, hiding its long-term development. They say that lottery has generated billions of yuan in public welfare funds.Topic: Is it necessary to cultivate lottery masters?Questions for Reference:1. What are the advantages of developing lottery industry in China?2. What are the possible disadvantages of lottery to the general public?3. Do you support the establishment of the academic program of lottery masters? Give your reasons. 口译题Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signaland stop it at the signalYou may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1Half a century ago, few people ever expected the world to gave undergone such a big change. Long ago, Napoleon was said to have pointed to China on a map and said, “There lies a sleeping giant. When she awake, she will shake the world.” Those prophetic words have proven to be true. Today, China is truly awake, and set to help shape the future of the entire world! Recent years gave witnessed the spread of economic power and human prosperity from West to East./In the past, Canadas economy was built largely on trans-Atlantic trade. But it is clear that in the 21st century, trans-Pacific trade will increasingly fuel our economy growth. As the centre of gravity of the world economy swings toward the Pacific, Pacific nations like Canada and China have much to gain by increased cooperation. Now is the time to enhance and expand our relationship and to build our mutual successes./无人预测到世界半个世纪后所发生的巨大变化。很久以前,(据说)拿破仑曾经指着地图上的中国说,“这是一个沉睡着的巨人。他一旦醒来,将震撼整个世界。”这预言现已被证实了。今天,中国真的醒了,并毅然开始帮助塑造整个世界的未来!近年来,我们目睹了自西向东扩展的世界经济实力和人类繁荣。/过去,加拿大的经济很大程度上依赖于跨大西洋贸易。而在21世纪的今天,很显然,跨太平洋贸易对我们经济增长的推动力在不断地加大。随着世界经济的重心移向亚太地区,加拿大、中国等太平洋国家可以通过加强合作而从中获其益。现在是进一步加强和扩大我们之间关系的时候,是在我们共同成功的基础上进一步发展的时候。/Passage 2Good morning, I want to thank the Secretary General for organizing this summit, and all the leaders who are participating. That so many of us are here today is a recognition that the threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing. Our generations response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it, we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe. No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change./Rising sea levels threaten every coastline. More powerful storms and floods threaten every continent. More frequent droughts and crop failures breed hunger and conflict in places where hunger and conflict already thrive. Families are being forced to flee their homes as climate refugees. The security and stability of each nation and all people are in jeopardy. And the time we have to reverse this tide is running out. And yet, we can reverse it. John F. Kennedy once observed that “Our problems are man-made; therefore they may be solved by man.”/早上好,我要感谢组织本峰会的秘书长和参加的所有的领导人。今天我们这么多人出席表明:气候变化的威胁是严重、紧迫的,并且不断加剧的。我们这代人应对这一挑战将受到历史的检验,如果我们不能解决,就将冒风险,留给子孙后代不可逆转的灾难。国家不论大小、贫富,都无法摆脱气候变化的影响。/海平面上升威胁着海岸线。更强大的风暴和洪水威胁着各大洲。更频繁的旱灾,农作物歉收给饥饿和冲突滋生的地方带来饥饿和冲突。许多家庭成为气候难民,被迫逃离家园。国家和人民的安全与稳定处于危险之中。我们必须扭转这一局面,但时间已所剩无几。然而,我们可以扭转这局面。约翰肯尼迪曾说过,“我们的问题是人为的,因此应由人类自己去解决。”Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signaland stop it at the signalYou may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now lets begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1中国是一个古老而文明的国家。早在50万年以前,中国大陆就有了古人类的足迹。约公元前21世纪,中国第一个朝代夏出现了。自此,中国有了文字记载的历史。公元前221年秦始皇建立了中国历史上第一个中央集权的统一的多民族国家秦。/此后至20世纪初的二千多年间,历时嬗变,朝代更迭,历史长河在这块古老的土地上,遗存了极为丰富的名胜古迹,恢宏的古代建筑群,浩如烟海的古文物,为后人考察和研究中国古代的文化与历史,提供了真实的依据。/China is a country with an age-old history. As early as some 500,000 years ago, primitive humans lived in what is now mainland China. Chinas recorded history began in the 21st century B.C., with the establishment of the first Chinese dynasty, the Xia Dynasty. In 221 B.C., Shi Huang Di, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, founded the Qin Dynasty, the first centralized, autocratic feudal empire of different ethnic groups in Chinese history./During the 2,000-odd years, as a result of vicissitudes in its history, beautiful scenic spots and historical sites were created and many still remain in this ancient land. They include magnificent ancient architectural complexes and innumerable historical relics, providing a solid basis for the study of Chinas ancient culture and history./Passage 2时值世纪之交,由各国科学家共同参与的国际人类基因组计划启动,我国也积极加入这一研究计划,负责测定人类基因组全部序列的1%,中国是参与这一研究计划的唯一发展中国家。随着工作的进一步深入,生命科学和生物技术进入了一个新的纪元。/生命科学和生物技术是中国科技计划的发展重点之一,中国将进一步加强对这一领域的支持。中国政府鼓励科技届、企业界和金融界进一步加强合作,力争使中国的生命科学和生物技术在未来10年内进入世界先进国家之列。/At the turn of the century, the world witnessed the official launch of the International Human Genome Project, jointly attended by the scientists from countries around the world. Our country joined the research project responsible for sequencing 1 percent of the whole human genome. China was the only developing country participating in the research project. With further development of the research, life science and biotechnology has entered a new era./Life science and biotechnology constitute a key sector in Chinas scientific and technological progress. The Chinese government reinforces its support to the sector. The government encourages scientific and technological, industrial and financial circles to tighten up cooperation and move China into the leading rank of advanced countries in life science and biotechnology research in the next decade./(201203)口语题Topic: Should virtue be a standard for recruiting civil servants?Questions for Reference: 1. It is reported that the 2012 nationwide civil servants recruitment exam will put more emphasis on evaluating the virtue of the exam-takers. Virtue, not proficiency in work, should be the first and foremost standard in recruiting civil servants. What do you think of this new practice?2. But some opponents argue that this practice will easily cause inequality or even under-the table deals in recruitment, because moral principles, such as ones virtue, are difficult to measure or test. What do you think of this argument?3. Some other opponents further argue that ones virtue can change with time or environment. A newly recruited civil servant might become corrupted without proper supervision and management. Comment on this argument.口译题 Part APassage 1I hereby announce that the U.S. National Institute of Health has endorsed acupuncture for treating certain types of sickness or ill condition. These include the nausea, the sort of sickness that a patient suffers when treated with chemotherapy, or the vomiting or nausea that accompanies pregnancy, or post-operative dental pain. We have come to the very clear-cut sort of decision that treatment under these circumstances really works, especially with the effects of stroke, the acupuncture treatment is very successful./Besides, 40% of the drug courts in the United States will use acupuncture as an important supplement to their usual therapy. Studies show that one of the key benefits of acupuncture that seems to be emerging from various studies is that it has few, if any, side effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment-in anesthesia, for example-it allows physicians to cut back on medication, delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects./我在此宣布,美国国家卫生学院已同意可用(中国的)针刺疗法来治疗某些类型疾病或症状,例如在化疗后的恶心不适、怀孕引起的呕吐或恶心、牙科手术后的疼痛等。我们已明确知悉,针刺疗法对这类症状确有疗效,尤其是在治疗中风病人方面,针刺疗法的疗效更为显著。/此外,美国40%的戒毒所也将针刺疗法用作治疗的重要组成部分。研究表明,针刺疗法最主要的好处之一在于它几乎没有什么副作用。研究还表明,当针刺疗法同使用麻醉药这类标准药物的治疗方法结合起来使用时,病人可以减少药物的摄入,即可收到同样的疗效,又可减少副作用。/Passage 2I believe that the central challenge we face today is to ensure that globalization becomes a positive force for all people across the globe, instead of leaving billions of them behind in squalor. Inclusive globalization must be built on the great enabling force of the market, but market forces alone will not achieve it. It requires a broader effort, based upon our common humanity in all its diversity, to create a shared future./Inclusive globalization requires that we think afresh about how we manage our joint activities and our shared interests, for many challenges that we confront today are beyond the reach of any state to meet on its own. We need international institutions to govern together. We must also adapt international institutions to the realities of the new era. Globalization must be no less than inclusive, allowing everyone to share its opportunities./我认为,我们今天面临的主要挑战就是确保全球化成为全世界人民的积极力量,而不是任由几十亿人继续陷于贫困。实现造福于所有人的全球化,必须借助市场这个强大的推动力量,但是,仅靠市场力量是无法实现的。必须以具有广泛多样性的人类为本,为创造共同的未来,做出更广泛的努力。/包容性的全球化要求我们重新考虑如何管理我们的共同活动和共同利益,我们今天面临的许多挑战,任何国家都无法独自面对。我们需要通过国际机构实施共同治理。我们还必须使国际机构适应新时代的现实。全球化应该具有包容性,能让每个人都分享它带来的机遇。/Part BPassage 1上海博物馆是一座大型中国古代艺术博物馆,共有3个展厅和11个专馆,总面积38000平方,由地下两层、地上五层构成,建筑高度29.5米。馆藏珍贵文物15万件,以青铜器、陶瓷器和书画为馆藏三大特色。/上海博物馆拥有一批古文物研究、鉴定和考古高级专家,近年来推出了105种学术出版物。馆内还藏有20多万册艺术类和历史类图书。博物馆的文物保护技术科学实验室、书画装裱研究室、青铜陶瓷修复研究室曾获得多项国家科技成果奖。/The Shanghai Museum is a large museum of ancient Chinese art, with three exhibition halls and eleven galleries in a total space of 380,000 square meters. It has a height of 29.5 meters with two floors underground and five floors above the ground. The Shanghai Museum boasts 150,000 pieces of rate and precious cultural relics, including bronze ware, ceramics, calligraphy, paintings, sculpture, and lacquer ware. Bronze ware, ceramics, and paintings and calligraphy are its distinctive collections./The Museum has a team of senior experts specializing in research and authentication of cultural relics, as well as in field archaeology. The research team has published 105 academic books over the years. Meanwhile, the museum (features a modern library with) over 200,000 books in art and history. Its Laboratory of Scientific Conservation of Cultural Relics, Painting and Calligraphy Restoring and Mounting Studio and Bronze and Ceramics Repairing and Restoring Studio have won a number of Prizes for National Science and Technology Achievement./Passage 2我国银行业对的外开放与经济改革开放同步推进,经历了从特区、沿海城市、中心城市到所有地区以及从外币到本币不断向前推进的开放历程。外资金融机构已成为我国金融体系的重要组成部分,向我们展示了现代银行的运作机制和先进管理方式。/作为深化金融改革的一个重要方面,我们欢迎合格的境外战略投资者参与我国银行业金融机购的重组和改造。经国务院同意,我们决定提高外资机构入股的比例,改善中资金融机构的资本结构,引进先进管理模式和经营理念,促进经营方式与国际接轨。/The reform and opening up of Chinas banking sector have been carried out in pace with the overall economic reform and opening up, starting in special economic zones and then rolling out to coastal areas, inland provincial capitals and finally the whole country, as well as extending from foreign currency businesses to local currency business. Foreign financial institutions have become an integral part of Chinas financial sector, (and made tremendous contributions to the Chinese banking industry by) introducing into China advanced operating mechanisms and management expertise./We welcome the qualified strategic investors from abroad to participate in the reform and restructuring of Chinese financial institutions, and consider this move an important step in furthering the financial reform. In this respect, we are authorized by the State Council to increase the equity share of foreign investors, improve the equity structure of Chinese financial institutions, and introduce advanced banking operational and management expertise, and upgrade banking activities in line with international advanced practices./(201109)口语题Topic: Should the National Museum hold trademark shows?Questions for Reference: 1. What do you think should be the major mission of the National Museum of China?2. Do you agree with the view that showing a commercial brand in our national museum is a humiliation to Chinese culture? Why or why not?3. Some people hold that the showing of a luxury brand can be a perfect combination of art and business, and it will make the museum more lively, modern and inclusive. What is your comment?口译题 Part APassage 1Many people who do yoga are looking not inward but outward for a good shape. This provokes a cultural clash of the East and the West. The Indian tradition develops ways of describing the body as it is experienced, from the inside out. The Western tradition looks at the body from the outside in, and peels it back one layer at a time, and it believes only what it can see. The East treats the person; the West treats the disease. Yoga relaxes you and, by relaxing, heals./When you do yoga-the deep breathing, the stretching, the movements that release muscle tension, and so on-you initiate a process that turns the fight system off and turns the relaxation response on, that has a dramatic effect on the body. The heartbeat slows, respiration decreases, blood pressure decreases. The body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms. Yoga offers modern men and women a moment of relaxation when noise and agitation are everywhere./许多瑜伽练习者并不在意瑜伽的内涵,而更关注它给自己身体带来的外在变化。这会导致东西文化冲突。在印度,人们对身体的认知是由里及外的。而西方的传统是由外及里地逐层认识人的身体,西方人只相信他们能看到的东西。东方人讲究治人,而西方人关注治病。瑜伽使身体放松,通过放松达到治愈。/做瑜伽时,深呼吸和伸展运动使肌肉等得到放松,瑜伽使人消除紧张,身体得到放松,它对人体的作用是很神奇的。在做瑜伽时,人的心跳开始放慢,呼吸平缓,血压下降。人体机体利用这个机会得到修复。瑜伽让现代人在嘈杂、喧闹的环境中得到片刻安宁。/Passage 2Asias success was the result of hard work and economic policies that encouraged business investment. It tells that domestic economic policies must continue to be geared toward building resilient and competitive economies. This requires, in particular, strengthening domestic sources of growth, including vigorously tackling incomplete reforms in the financial and corporate sectors. It also requires pursuing policies that makes economics more flexible and capable of absorbing economic shocks more easily./Next, regional cooperation must complement national policies. Growing regional and global interdependence requires that policy makers pay increasing attention to the international context of their decisions. Asia is going in the right direction. East Asian countries will surely pay an increasingly important role in promoting regional integration. A regional focus that remains open to the rest of the world holds the greatest promise for Asias long-term growth./亚洲的成功是辛勤努力和奉行鼓励商业投资的经济政策的结果。亚洲的成功告诉我们,国内的经济政策必须继续朝着有利于建立弹性的有竞争力的经济这一方向发展,尤其是要加强国内发展,包括大力完善金融和公司部门的改革,以及奉行更灵活更容易消融震荡的经济政策。其次,亚洲地区间的合作必须配合国家政策。地区和全球之间相互依存度越来越高,这要求决策者必须更多地考虑决策的国际背景。亚洲正在朝着正确的方向发展,东亚各国必定会在促进地区间的合作方面发挥日益重要的作用,一个面向世界聚焦本地区的亚洲展示了其长期发展的美好前景。/Part B Passage 1这个月,中美两国的学生开展了为期半个月的“美中城市学生看中国”的活动。两国学生在河北八卦岭走访农家,参加农村社区服务活动,互相教授英语和汉语;在北京参观长城、故宫等景点,并就校园生活、升学就业等主题进行交流。/活动中,两国学生克服语言和文化障碍,超越习俗和偏见,通过沟通和互动,结下了深厚的友谊。依依惜别之时,两国学生彼此承诺:努力学习,健康成长,未来再相会。从两国学生的身上,我看到了中美人民之间的深厚友谊,看到了中美关系的光明前景。/This month, American students joined Chinese students in a 15-day program entitled “U.S. and Chinese City Students View China.” The youngsters visited farmers in Bagualing of Hebei, did volunteer work in rural communities and taught each other English and Chinese. They visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other attractions, and conducted discussions on campus life, going to college or getting a job./During the program, the students overcame language and cultural barriers, rose above perhaps one-sided views, and forged deep friendship through communication and interaction. When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future. I see in these lovely students the profound friendship between the Chinese and U.S. peoples and the bright prospects of Sino-U.S. relations./Passage 2很高兴与各位共聚一堂,欣赏中国上海国际艺术节的闭幕音乐会。今晚的压轴表演为艺术节划上完美的句号。筹办这个为期四周的艺术文化盛宴,实在不是一件容易的事。我衷心感谢多年来一直大力支持艺术节的赞助机构和赞助人。/中国上海国际艺术节已连续举办了十一年,而且表演节目一年比一年精彩。在金融风暴肆虐下,艺术节带来欢乐,振奋人心,让我们深深感受到艺术之美,人生之美。另一方面,艺术节亦展现上海作为亚洲国际文化中心的魅力,以及所具有的软实力。/It is a pleasure to join you for the finale concert of this years China Shanghai International Arts Festival. The performance tonight concludes the Festival with a high note. Preparing programs for an arts festival that runs for four weeks is a daunting challenge. I thank all the sponsors and patrons of the Festival for your generous support over the years./China Shanghai International Arts Festival has risen to that challenge for 11 years in a row. Not only that, but the performances have become more engaging. During the current economic turmoil, the Festival has certainly entertained us and lifted our spirits, reminding us of the beauty of art and the finesse of life. Whats more, the Festival enhances Shanghais vibrancy and soft power as a cultural hub in Asia./ (201103)口语题News reportThe Department of Education of Shandong Province recently issued a document, requiring middle and primary schools to “screen and filter” traditional classics carefully. The document says some content of traditional masterpieces, such as Students Rules(子弟规) or The Three-Character Classic(三字经), does not conform to todays social value and should be deleted before being presented to students. This document has triggered heated debates.Topic: Should traditional masterpiece be cut?Questions for Reference: 1. Supporters say they believe, in providing education on traditional culture, the good should be retained and the bad discarded. Make your comment on this view.2. Opponents say cutting sections from traditional masterpiece damages their integrity and deprives students of the chance of developing the ability of making independent judgments. What is your opinion?3. What is the significance of learning traditional Chinese masterpiece today? What is the correct attitude towards traditional classics? 口译题 Part APassage 1Feeling tired? Under too much stress? Well, you may want to try yoga. Its what more and more people have been turning to to ease the troubles of modern life. Practically unheard of in the West until 50 yeas ago, yoga has become one of the most popular health trends around. Yoga schools are having difficulty keeping up with the demand. Most of the so-called yogis seem to focus on figure correction, not true awareness. They make statements about yoga being for the body, mind and soul. But this is just semantics./If one practices yoga just for health, hed better take up walking. If one needs to cure a disease, see a doctor. Yoga is not a therapy. Nor is it a philosophy. Yoga is about inside awareness. It is the process of union of the self with the whole. Some scientists research mainly external phenomena. Yoga practitioners focus on the inside. They know that the external world is illusionary and everything inside is true. It is essentially to train our bodies to find th

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