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陕西省外研版英语九年级下册Module7-8模块测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Be careful! Dont break the bottles. Do you hear_ I said, David?AwhatBthatCwhyDif2 . She bought a digital camera online _ she could save a lot of time .Aso thatBas soon asCno matterDin order to3 . -Have you everan amusement park?-Yes,I have. IFun Times Amusement Park last year.Abeen to;went toBgone to;have been toCgone to;went toDbeen to;have gone to4 . Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.Awalk; tellingBentering; to speakCenter; to tellDwalking; talking5 . The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours he realized it.AbeforeBafterCuntilDsince6 . Yang Liwei was the first manin space in China.AtravelBto travelCtravelledDtravelling7 . (题文)There is a map _ China _ the wall.Aof; onBof; inCof; ofDfor; on8 . It_ to drive after drinking wine.Ais allowedBis not allowedCis madeDis welcomed9 . Your father s been to Guangzhou twice, _?Ahas heBhasnt heCdoesnt heDisnt he10 . Could you tell me_yesterday? Because the traffic was too heavy.Awhy you came lateBwhy did you come lateCwhy you come lateDwhy do you come late11 . I made the coat _ my own hands. It was made _ hand not with a machine.Ain; inBin; withCwith; byDwith; with12 . The man _ is making a speech is our new headmaster.AwhoBwhatCwhichDwhose13 . Mr. White rarely shares his opinions with his workmates, _?Adoes heBdoesnt heCis heDisnt he14 . Grandpa_newspapers every day in order to keep up with the changing situation.Alooks upBlooks backClooks onDlooks through15 . (2017年安徽)Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day.AandBorCbutDso16 . Jacks mother was so tired. She fell asleep she lay down on the bed.AuntilBas soon asCunlessDalthough17 . People under 18 should not be allowed _AdrivesBdrivingCdroveDto drive18 . There _a number of trees on both sides of the river ._them is about 200,000.Ais , A number ofBis, The number ofCare, A number ofDare, The number of二、完型填空Anna Koppelman is an American middle school girl. She visited a homeless shelter (收容所) in New York City with her classmates last year. She talked with her parents about _ the children lived there. “We started talking about birthday parties, and I said, Oh!Thats _ they really should have,” Anna says.Anna shared her _ with a teacher at school. The teacher helped the girl plan a race car-themed birthday party for _ at the homeless shelter. Anna made a cake with a racetrack on it. _ kids brought plates, toy cars, oil paints, and other presents. Anna says, “_, I didnt know how it was going to go. But I got there and saw the kids faces light up.”Since the first party, lots of people have _ many things to her charity.Now, Annas charity Birthday Fairies hold _ at five places in New York City. She also starts a website, where she _ party-planning tips and encourages others to start Birthday Fairies clubs at their schools.“There are so many children who never _ celebrate their birthdays,” Anna says. “I really want to change that.”19 . AwhereBhowCwhatDwhen20 . AanythingBnothingCeverythingDsomething21 . AinformationBmessageCideaDcontent22 . ApetsBchildrenCParentsDteachers23 . AAnotherBOtherCOthersDThe other24 . AAt lastBIn the endCIn the middleDAt the beginning25 . AdonatedBraisedCprovidedDcollected26 . AmeetingsBtripsCPartiesDshows27 . AsharesBreviewCavoidDsupports28 . Ahave toBexpect toCWant toDget to三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词29 . Its _(大约)six oclock.30 . The teacher is _(受欢迎的)in our school.31 . Two beautiful _(盒子)are on the table.32 . Are these _(词典)yours, Mary? One is mine, the other is Lilys.33 . There are many books in my _(书包). Its very heavy.34 . Miss Zhu is my English _(老师).35 . This book is _(给)you.36 . Are those little dogs _(你的)? Yes, they are.37 . Is this your ruler? Yes, it is _(我的).38 . These are my _(铅笔).39 . This ruler is his. What about this _(橡皮)?四、完成句子根据所给的中文意思写出下列句子。40 . 你能说出这两本书的一些不同之处吗?Can you say _between the two books?41 . 昨天花了他40分钟骑车到那儿。It took him forty minutes to_there yesterday.42 . 我们是否去徒步旅行,取决于天气。If we go hiking,it will _the weather.43 . 他在考虑周末开办一个英语俱乐部。He _starting an English club on weekends.44 . 每天多喝水是很有必要的。Its necessary _everyday.五、单词填空Mr. Kim couldnt stand it anymore. He needed peace and 45 . , but his two neighbors, Ms Abrams and Mr. Green were the noisiest people he ever knew! In the house on the left, Ms Abrams gave drum lesson. In the house on the right, Mr. Green 46 . on cuckoo clocks(布谷鸟自鸣钟)。 And in the 47 . was Mr. Kimsad, tired and crazy.Then he had an 48 . . He would pay his neighbors to move!“OK” said Ms Abrams when Mr. Kim 49 . her 200 to move away.“No problem!” said Mr. Green when Mr. Kim offered him the same dollars . The next day Mr. Kim saw Mr. Green 50 . his clock to Ms Abrams house 51 . Ms Abrams carrying her drum to Mr. Greens house.“I thought you were both moving.” said Mr. Kim.“We are,” said Mr. Green. “Ms Abrams is moving into my house and Im moving into52 . ” Mr. Kim nearly fainted (昏倒)。What would he do?The next day, Ms Abrams and Mr. Green 53 . Mr. Kim, “We know why you ask us to 54 . , ” said Mr. Green,” So we got you this” And they gave Mr. Kim a set of earmuffs(耳套).Finally, peace and quiet!第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、完成句子1、五、单词填空1、

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