2020年秋七年级上(人教版)英语单元检测卷:Unit 9

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2020年秋七年级上(人教版)英语单元检测卷:Unit 9_第1页
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2020年秋七年级上(人教版)英语单元检测卷:Unit 9姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Hello,are you Li Lei?_ .AThank youBYes,I amCFine, thanksDNice to meet you2 . _ do you have an English lesson?Four times a month.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow much3 . When is Lee MinHos concert?Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon of May 10th.Aat; inBon; inCin; onDat; on4 . -Is Henry cleaning his room? - _ .AYes, she is. BYes, he isnt. CNo, it isnt. DYes, he is.5 . - Is Mr Wang your English teacher, Li Lei- _.AYes, she isBYes, shes.CNo, he isnt.DNo, she isnt.6 . The forty-first Expo was heldMay 1st 2010 in Shanghai.AinBonCat7 . If you have the“ofo”app on your phone, you can get to some places_.Aby boatBby subwayCby bike8 . My family went to summer camp _ vacation.AatBonCinDto9 . (易错)Whats _ favorite subject?AKen and BobsBKens and BobsCKens and BobDKen and Bob二、完型填空We have a big library in our school. We all like to _ books _ after school. Its Friday. We have only two classes_ the afternoon. When school is_,a lot of student go to the library. There are many _books in it. And _of the books are very new. We cant speak loudly or _something in it . I often borrow books_ it. I can learn a lot from books. It is _from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Welcome to_library. It is a really good place.10 . AtalkBspeakCreadDlisten11 . AthereBin thereCat thereDon there12 . AonBinCatDover13 . AbeginningBlongCallDover14 . Akinds ofBkind ofCkindsDkind of15 . Alot ofBa lots o fCmanyDmuch16 . AeatBdrinkCplayDmake17 . AfromBinConDat18 . AOKBgoodCopenDclose19 . AusBourCyouDI三、阅读单选News One: The first quantum communications satellite (量子通讯卫星)developed by China is expected to launch(发射) in July of this year. It means that a quantum communications network will be formed, and quantum communication between the satellite and the ground will be achieved for the first time anywhere in the world.News Two: Shanghai Disney Resort(度假胜地) opened in a trial run(试营业) last week to prepare for its official opening on June 16. A one-day visit to the resort for a family of three will cost at least 2,600 yuan, which covers entrance ticket and three meals as well as shopping, while a two-day trip will cost no less than 6,000 yuan in total, which is too expensive for most visitors.News Three: More and more people get interested in running. The number of runners is increasing, and the economics(经济) of running is growing with it. Runners are always going to need shoes and they are always going to be looking for races. Both of these markets have just developed during the past 30 years or more.News Four: Overweight students at Nanjing Agricultural University are having a special sports course. The more weight they lose, the higher marks they will get. The course is not for everyone, but just for the students who needs to lose weight to keep healthy. There are 3 or 4 specially designed sports classes every week and each class lasts 90 minutes.20 . When will the quantum communications network be formed? _.ABefore July of this yearBAfter July of this yearCIn July of next yearDIn July of last year21 . How much will it cost a family of three for a day in Shanghai Disney Resort? _.ALess than 2,600BMore than 2,600 CLess than 6,000DMore than 6,00022 . From the passage we can learn that _.Athere are fewer and fewer people interested in runningBthe economics of running develops fast, because of the growing number of runnersCevery one at Nanjing Agricultural University can enter the special sports courseDthe students having the special sports course will get higher marks if they study harder四、阅读判断任务型阅读To: Rose hotmail. comFrom: Mary yahoo. comSubject: My best friendDear Rose,Thank you for your last e-mail. You told me about your best friend. Now let me tell you about my best friend, Jane.Jane is as old as me, but she is shorter than me. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She is always happy. We are in the same class, and we often help each other with our schoolwork. I think she is smarter than me. We both enjoy playing table tennis, and we practice together every day. Sometimes, we play computer games. Jane usually wins. What do you and your best friend usually do in your free time? Write soon.Love,Mary根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。23 . Rose and Jane are good friends.24 . Jane is older than Mary.25 . Mary is taller than Jane.26 . Both Jane and Mary like playing tennis.27 . Jane usually beats Mary in computer games.五、完成句子八、翻译句子(共6小题,每小题1.5分,满分9分)28 . 他可曾梦想过把这个真人秀变成国际化的电视节目?_he_ the reality show_?29 . 这个法国作家已经习惯了使大脑保持高速运转。_the brain _.30 . 政府最好在情况更糟之前设法防止污染。The government _ before _.31 . 探讨如何寻求出国留学方面的建议是今天会议的目的所在。_is the purpose of todays meeting.32 . 为什么自几年前以来他就从未离开过家乡?Why hasnt he _?33 . 澳大利亚的季节和我们中国的相反。The seasons_ in China.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。have birthday three because time in love month she friendIts Monday morning. Mary, Lucy, Tina and Judy are 34 . the classroom.Mary says she 35 . December because she loves Christmas. She can 36 . a good time with her family. But she doesnt like June.Lucy likes July 37 . she likes the summer holiday. In July, her parents take38 . to travel (旅行). Its really great.Tina thinks the 39 . month is good. People can go out with40 . and families. They can have a great41 . together.Judy likes October because her birthday is on the tenth day in this 42 . . She usually has a party on her 43 . .七、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。W: Hey , Tony , you look very happy today . 44 . ?M: We have a new comer in our class . His name is Jimmy.W: 45 . ?M: Hes very funny . Hes tall and thin.W: 3:46 . ?M: He certainly is . He is much funnier than me.W:47 . ?M: Yes . His is very wild and noisy. He has long hair and very cool clothes .W: 48 . ?M: Yes, he does . He is very athletic. He is even better at basketball than me.八、回答问题任务型阅读My name is Li Feng. Im in Beijing and Im from No. 2 Middle School. I am in the music club. 4. Im good at playing the guitar. Our school has an art festival on September 12th. Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time then? 5. Please join our music club. We need you. You can call me at 633-4688. You can also e-mail me at lifeng2017163.com.(一)根据短文内容,回答下列各题。49 . What club is Li Feng in?_50 . When is the school art festival?_51 . Whats Li Fengs phone number?_(二)将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。52 . _53 . _九、材料作文54 . 书面表达假如你是Grace的好朋友,根据下面的提示,写一篇文章介绍Grace. 要求:书写整洁、规范、清晰;开头已给出,不计字数。词数60左右。注意不要出现真实的姓名和学校。1. 今年10岁,生日是5月21日;2. 喜欢运动,有5个篮球,经常下课后和同学打篮球;3. 有好的饮食习惯,她早餐吃面包,喝牛奶,晚餐喜欢吃蔬菜和水果;4. 她最喜欢英语,她认为英语很有趣。Hello,boys and girls ! My name is Maria. I have a good friend. Her name is Grace.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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